Thankful Friday Blessings August 02, 2024

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Prayer of the Day: 

God, help me choose to forgive everyone who has hurt or wronged me, even when I don’t feel like forgiving them.

“Father, thank You that You restore broken relationships and soften people’s hearts that have been offended. Thank You that I can stop running away or staying away from people with whom I need to make peace. I believe that You are going before me with Your grace and straightening the crooked places. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Friday Morning Prayers

O’ Lord, thank you for this beautiful Friday morning. Today is a new day and I ask for your hand to guide me. Give me the wisdom needed today to make decisions that are part of Your will for my life. Bless those I interact with at work and home. In Jesus name, amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Here I am, Lord, in your presence on this new day, full of confidence and bathed in the outpouring of your Holy Spirit. I place myself in your presence and in your hands to guide me through the tribulations I may face today. Arm me with all I need to confront my problems and grant me the courage and strength to emerge victorious. You, who are the God of all, help me to be ready to live with the steadfastness of your love.

I ask that you fill me with peace and serenity, make me strong, and do not let fear defeat me. Give me your strength to fight the battle, no matter how great the adversity. Blessed be this morning of blessing because you are the best part of my story, the joy of my being. I love you and trust my life to you; I place all my needs and dreams in your hands.

I want you to impart your blessed wisdom to me so that all the decisions in my life lead me on the path of love. Fill me with the strength and courage of your Holy Spirit so that I can face everything that holds me back and prevents me from moving forward. My Lord, I want to be solely yours; I want my whole life to be for you. Therefore, I ask that you give me the determination to be faithful to you and never stray from you through sin.

Throughout this day, may I give you my heart so that you may live and reign in it and make me completely yours. I know you will fill me with blessings so that I can be a witness to your presence. Good Lord, how great you are in the midst of everything, how good it is to know that nothing bad can happen to me because you are the guardian of my life.


I pray for my family, asking that you protect us from any problems and do not allow the power of evil to enter our home. May only you, Lord, be the stronghold of our existence and may we walk in your path of holiness forever through your Holy Spirit. Blessed are you, my Lord, for everything you have made is good, and today I want to reclaim the goodness with which I was created.

Thank you for giving me the freedom to choose in every moment and step I take what I believe is right. I pray, my God, that you infuse the light of your Holy Spirit into my soul to illuminate me when I have to make a decision. May your Spirit give me strength when I have to face a problem, give me wisdom when giving advice, grant me comfort when I am in pain, but above all, give me love so that I can share it with all those who hope in you.

With confidence, I open my heart to you so that you may work in it and make me feel your renewing strength, making me truly happy. My Lord, your words and commands guide my steps through green pastures, making this dawn the best of all. Amen.

I will share a meal with someone in need today, offering not only food but also companionship and hope. Lord, I am calling to you, come quickly, let my prayer rise before you like incense, the lifting of my hands like the evening offering. Psalm 140.

May the Lord bless us on this day. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

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