Sarah Jakes Roberts: Don’t Settle for Safe in 2025 – Step Into Your Purpose! | Women of Faith on TBN

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God has a powerful message for you today: He came for those who feel unseen, overlooked, and left behind. He came for the underdogs. If you can embrace this truth deep within your spirit, you will realize that God isn’t looking for the ones who always come out on top. He delights in those who rise from the shadows, who don’t mind starting from behind. Our God is a God of second chances, a God who sees value in those whom the world often ignores.

Even if life has left you broken or hurt, God still sees the treasure He placed inside you. He can look beyond your pain and imperfections. So, the real question is: Why can’t you? God can see the potential in you, and it’s time you start believing in it too.

Today, I’ll be sharing from Luke 8:43-48. Let’s dive into this profound story of faith and transformation.

The text tells us about a woman who had been suffering from a flow of blood for twelve years. She had spent all her money on doctors but found no cure. Yet, with unwavering faith, she approached Jesus from behind and touched the hem of His garment. Immediately, her bleeding stopped.

Jesus, sensing power leaving Him, asked, “Who touched me?” Peter and the disciples were confused because the crowd was pressing around Jesus. But Jesus knew someone had reached out to Him in faith. The woman, realizing she couldn’t stay hidden, came forward trembling and admitted why she had touched Him and how she was instantly healed.

Jesus responded with love and grace: “Daughter, be of good cheer; your faith has made you well. Go in peace.”

A Divine Appointment for Transformation

I’m honored to stand before you today and share this message. When I was growing up, I never imagined God would give me the opportunity to speak to so many people, especially women seeking spiritual encouragement. But I know that it’s by His grace that I’m here. I believe God has brought you here today for a divine appointment. He sees you, knows your name, and has a purpose for your life.

We often gather in places that look ordinary, but I believe this room is more than just a meeting space. This is a spiritual womb—a place where something new can be birthed in our lives. Today, I hope to act as a midwife, helping bring forth the transformation God has planned for you.

Lessons from the Woman with the Issue of Blood

The story in Luke 8 is familiar to many of us. It’s a narrative of persistence, faith, and divine intervention. The woman didn’t allow her prolonged suffering or the societal stigma to deter her. Instead, she pressed forward, determined to reach Jesus.

Her story reminds us that God honors faith. It also shows us that healing and restoration are possible, no matter how long we’ve been struggling. She came from behind and touched Jesus, and her life changed instantly. God is looking for those who have the courage to reach out to Him, even from a place of brokenness.

A Superpower Rooted in Faith

Let’s talk about superpowers. When I was younger, my friends and I would often ask each other, “If you could have any superpower, what would it be?” Living in Los Angeles now, I think I’d choose the ability to fly—imagine avoiding all that traffic! But as a mother and a wife, I’ve reconsidered. Maybe my superpower would be the ability to put everyone to sleep instantly, giving me a moment of peace.

However, in reflecting on the story of the woman with the issue of blood, I’ve come to realize that faith itself is a superpower. It’s a divine force that moves mountains, opens doors, and changes lives. The woman’s faith allowed her to tap into Jesus’ power, and it transformed her situation.

God’s Presence and Our Response

Spirit of the Living God, we invite Your presence into this room. We surrender our hearts and minds to Your anointing. Under Your power, generational curses are broken, captives are set free, and lives are transformed. We ask You to reveal who You are in our lives and show us who we need to become to access Your glory.

God has predestined this moment in heaven. Now, we ask Him to bring it into reality on earth. We trust Him to breathe life into this gathering, to heal the brokenhearted, and to set us on a path of peace and purpose.

Final Encouragement

As you reflect on today’s message, remember that God sees you, loves you, and treasures you. No matter what life has thrown your way, your faith can make you whole. Embrace the superpower of faith, and trust that God has a divine plan for your life. Go forth in peace, knowing that you are seen, valued, and deeply loved by the Creator of the universe.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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