Priscilla Shirer: Motivation to See God’s Promises in Your Life and Know His Will | Praise on TBN

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Expect God’s presence in every area of your life. Believe that your marriage is never beyond His power to heal, that His voice is within reach, and that your parenting can be infused with divine guidance. These blessings are not reserved for others—they are available to you as well. Practicing the presence of God is not about following rigid routines or fitting into a prescribed mold. It’s about embracing His presence throughout your day in a way that reflects your individuality and unique expression.

Be proud of who God created you to be. Don’t conform or assimilate—embrace your uniqueness, and allow others the same freedom. Unity does not mean sameness; it means oneness of purpose. As my father often said, “Unity does not mean sameness; it means working together with one goal.”

Recognize and Resist Division
Division is one of the enemy’s most effective strategies to rob us of the victory we have as God’s children. Whether in your home, your church, or your relationships, division seeks to undermine the peace and purpose God has for you.

If you are married or raising children, fight against the schemes of the enemy to sow discord under your own roof. If your church or denomination is experiencing fractures, recognize that your battle is not with people. As Scripture reminds us, “We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against the powers, principalities, and spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12).

Your coworker, your family member, or that person who tests your patience—they are not the real enemy. The enemy is invisible, but his fingerprints are evident in division, contention, and lack of peace. Recognize his schemes and stand firm. Whether it’s your marriage, your relationship with your teenager, or conflicts within your church or denomination, resolve to resist the enemy’s tactics.

Celebrate the Redemption of Christ
Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price for our unity and peace. He redeemed us lavishly and poured out His grace upon us abundantly. He is the First and the Last, the Keeper of Creation, the Creator of all things, the Architect of the universe, and the Manager of time. He is unmoved, unchanged, undefeated, and eternal.

As we reflect on His sacrifice, let us examine our hearts for any offenses we may be holding—whether toward individuals or groups. Offenses, whether from a single event or rooted in historical grievances, only widen the gap between us.

Take a moment to ask God to soften your heart. Seek His guidance in stepping forward with forgiveness and healing. What can you do to bridge divides and bring peace where there is hurt? The redemption of Christ calls us to live in the light of His peace, free from the cages of resentment and anger.

Embrace Forgiveness and Unity
While celebrating our differences and unique perspectives, let us work toward unity by addressing the barriers of offense. Ask the Lord to guide your heart, your words, and your actions to be a balm for wounds and a bridge over divides.

In Christ, we find the strength to reconcile, the courage to forgive, and the power to unite. Let us honor His sacrifice by striving for the oneness He envisioned for His children.

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