Prayer of the Day: Sunday May 26, 2024 💌🙏

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Prayer of the Day:

Lord, thank You for my relationship with You. I need Your strength to overcome every obstacle in my way as I walk in Your will for my life. I trust You to guide me, knowing You are with me every step of the way, on the pathway to victory. I give You all the glory, amen.

Father God, as I start out my day this Sunday. I ask for the precious blood of Jesus to cover my family and me. That no scheme or plan of the enemy would come near us and that you O’ Lord would place a hedge of protection around about us. Give us the wisdom we need for this day and bless all those to whom we see and speak too. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, amen!

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Morning Prayer for Sunday, May 26, 2024

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My good and powerful God, on this beautiful morning you have given me, I prepare to begin my tasks. First, I kneel before you to offer endless thanks for the many blessings you bestow upon me, despite my unworthiness. Thank you for allowing me to feel the strength of your love in my heart. Even amid difficulties, I sense your power helping me move forward. Pour out your grace so that I feel protected and know that no harm can come to me because you shield me from evil.

Today, I ask that you help me stay focused on your loving presence, not distracted by the superficial things along my path. Help me to achieve the goals and plans I have for today. May your Holy Spirit never leave me and always stay by my side, being my shield and strength. Grant me all the gifts I need to face any evils that may try to make me fall today. Strengthen me to overcome temptations so that nothing can keep me from your side. Enter my heart and remove everything that does not serve me in living this new day with joy and determination.

Make me strong and courageous to respond wisely to every situation that arises without getting discouraged. Pour all good things into my life. Flood me with the Holy Spirit. I want your constant help. Therefore, today I ask you to fill me with your presence and love. Fill my being with your presence and make me happy today and always. I am convinced that today will be a day to walk in your company and regain the peace needed to move forward. I dedicate this day to your will because I firmly believe it is full of love and mercy for my life. Thank you for guiding me on the right path and giving me the strength to continue, even amidst my weaknesses.

How great you are in everything! How wonderful it is to know that at this new dawn, you fill me with abundant gifts. How reassuring it is to know that nothing bad will happen to me because you are the guardian of my life and my family. I beg you to bless everyone I will meet today and let me feel your love and mercy. I praise and bless you because you are great and powerful. Every day, you forgive my sins and give me the strength to keep fighting.

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Guide me, my Lord, so that everything I undertake today is done with love and humility. Help me guide and love the people I live with and immerse myself in your infinite love, which is all I need to be happy. Keep me healthy and calm so I can enjoy this moment you have given me. Give me your light to understand how to respond to every situation. Give me your strength not to give up. Give me your joy to enjoy each moment.

Take my day. I ask you to make me aware that you are by my side, guiding me. Hold me with your powerful hand so I can always do your will. Your commands are my shield, and your will is my sword. With this assurance, I go out to conquer the battles of this day in your Name. Amen.

Today, I will take the Holy Bible and diligently read one of its passages to gain new learning from the Lord for my life. Turn back, Lord. How long will it be? Have compassion on your servants. Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. Psalm 90.

May the Lord bless us on this day, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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