Jonathan Cahn Prophetic Message: The Harbinger Of The Children
Jonathan Cahn Prophetic Message: The Harbinger Of The Children
“The good must bring evil to an end, or else it would cease to be good. And yet His mercy is still greater than judgment. His heart always wills for redemption. And therein lies the hope”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
Disney, Satan bail the gods, the sign of the Children. And the end times what is happening to our Children.
They’re the most confused, spiritually empty damaged generation.
In modern times, they suffer from more mental illness than any other generation.
They’re more likely to harm themselves to be addicted to commit suicide.
They’re the most confused generation as to what they even are male or female and they’re the most separated generation from the ways of God.
What’s happening? This is Jonathan Cahn, one of the signs of a nation under the judgment of God has to do with its Children.
Israel offered up its own Children as sacrifices and was judged for it was destroyed for it.
What’s happening to the Children of America is because what we did to them, a nation or civilization that turns away from God is going to end up hurting, harming its young, its most innocent.
What is now happening to the Walt Disney Corporation is a sign of all these things here.
The foremost provider of children’s entertainment has been noticeably darkening and what’s happening to them is accelerating.
I’m going to show you the latest steps that they’ve just descended to something unthinkable.
Even a few years ago, one of the common features of pagan civilization concerns Children from much of human history.
Living in a pagan culture wasn’t safe for a child without God. Children become endangered.
They were killed in the womb, they were killed at birth.
They were offered up as sacrifices to the gods.
They were used by adults as sex objects, sex slaves, they were mutilated and it’s all happening again in the return of the gods.
I opened up the mystery in which the gods of the pagan world, the spirits of ancient times have returned to the modern world and to America.
Because when a nation or civilization that has known God turns away from God, it opens itself up to the spirits and to repossession.
They’re the most confused, spiritually empty damaged generation.
In modern times, they suffer from more mental illness than any other generation.
They’re more likely to harm themselves to be addicted to commit suicide.
They’re the most confused generation as to what they even are male or female and they’re the most separated generation from the ways of God.
What’s happening? This is Jonathan Cahn, one of the signs of a nation under the judgment of God has to do with its Children.
Israel offered up its own Children as sacrifices and was judged for it was destroyed for it.
What’s happening to the Children of America is because what we did to them, a nation or civilization that turns away from God is going to end up hurting, harming its young, its most innocent.
What is now happening to the Walt Disney Corporation is a sign of all these things here.
The foremost provider of children’s entertainment has been noticeably darkening and what’s happening to them is accelerating.
I’m going to show you the latest steps that they’ve just descended to something unthinkable.
Even a few years ago, one of the common features of pagan civilization concerns Children from much of human history.
Living in a pagan culture wasn’t safe for a child without God. Children become endangered.
They were killed in the womb, they were killed at birth.
They were offered up as sacrifices to the gods.
They were used by adults as sex objects, sex slaves, they were mutilated and it’s all happening again in the return of the gods.
I opened up the mystery in which the gods of the pagan world, the spirits of ancient times have returned to the modern world and to America.
Because when a nation or civilization that has known God turns away from God, it opens itself up to the spirits and to repossession.

In the case of America, it opens itself up to the process of pagan ization in which a Christian culture is morphed into a pagan one in the book, I reveal the dark trinity, three specific gods or spirits, all of which are mentioned in the Bible and all of which were instrumental in Israel’s destruction when it turned away from God in the book there called the possessor, the enchantress and the destroyer.
Each one of them waged war against Children, the possessor had them sacrificed the enchantress, sexualized them, confused them, altered their genders and the destroyer caused them to be burned.
In the book. I show how each of these entities of the dark Trinity have returned to America and the Western world.
It’s no accident that as we turned away from God, we returned to the practice of child sacrifice.
Not thousands of Children as in the case of ancient Israel, but tens of millions of Children were waging war against them.
The most innocent, not only against the dead, but the living were confusing them were indoctrinating them.
We’re sexualizing them, we’re altering them were even physically damaging them. And now we’re moving to the next taboo.
And the next practice of paganism, pedophilia adults having sex with Children. It was said we never go there.
But once you turn away from God, there are no more guard reels.
It’s only a matter of time before the car goes off the cliff.
And so it’s no accident that we’re now hearing.
The first voices calling for the normalization of pedophilia adults with Children.
And now the luxury fashion House of Balenciaga posted ads of little Children holding teddy bears dressed in sado masochistic gear, bondage gear and some of them, the Children are posed on beds and one there’s a childlike drawing of the devil.
Notice also the dragons on the walls in another is a book that just happens to be left out there.
It’s the book of a quote artist with pictures inside of Children linked to blood and dismembered limbs and fire and Satan.
It’s no accident and note in one of the pictures next to the name Balenciaga is a roll of letters A L E N as in balance Balenciaga, except the photo highlights and added a two A’s which would make it bail and she aga or al bail.
That’s one of the ancient Principalities that required the sacrifice of Children in which I reveal in the book has returned to the world and to America which brings us to Disney once hailed as the producer of family friendly, child friendly content.
Something dark has come upon that company, something has possessed it.
Recently, Disney was caught privately confessing that their goal was to queer American Children and they’ve been seeking to do so in its last few quote, child oriented motion pictures animated, it pushed homosexuality on Children and they have bombed at the box office, but that’s not stopped.
Disney. Disney has also produced a children’s cartoon series, The Owl House about a girl learning how to be a witch and darker.
Another children’s show by Disney called Are You Ready? Little Demon.
It’s about Satan impregnating a woman and her antichrist daughter.
It is said that the show normalizes satanism and pedophilia.
You don’t think our culture can in time embrace things like pedophilia and incest think again, it wasn’t long ago that if you told somebody that one day American children’s comic books would feature Superman in sexual relations with another man.
They never would have believed you.
This is how it starts with suggestions, hints, seeds of darkness and then they blossom.
This is a sign of a sick civilization, a depraved culture and one that is under judgment.
I’ve warned about this since the harbinger.
And now as if to take off the mask, completely Disney has produced a holiday special this year in which the Children are to hold up signs saying we love you Santa.
But instead they have the Children holding up signs that say we love you Satan.
And it’s supposed to be funny, not funny but revealing Merry Christmas from Disney.
The Bible says that in the last days, there will be a departing from the faith with people giving heed to seducing spirits.
The spirits are here, the gods are back and they’re after your Children.
Because if they can get the Children, they’ve got the nation and the future and the end times in the days ahead, I’m going to open up more of the mystery of what’s happening all around us and why and the ancient entities that have returned, you’re going to understand what’s happening with a new and crystal clarity.
If you’re a parent guard and protect your child, it’s your responsibility before the Lord.
If you don’t, you become guilty and if you’re one who is into any of these darkness is get out of them before they destroy you, God’s arms are open and will receive you.
And for you, child of God pray as never before, for the Children, for the young, for the future of America.
And the nation’s pray for revival. For the spirit of God is more powerful than the spirits of this world.
And the only hope America has is revival. I’ll see you soon to make sure you don’t miss.
The next message, press subscribe. This is Jonathan Cahn saying stay strong in the Lord even stronger.
Till next time, Shalom.