Jonathan Cahn: America’s CHILLING Biblical Parallels & WAKE UP Call To Revival

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America’s CHILLING Biblical Parallels & WAKE UP Call To Revival

Jonathan Cahn joins Eric Metaxas to reveal parallels found within the Old Testament of the Bible with today’s current political landscape. Could the story of Israel’s kings Jehu and Josiah offer a glimpse into America’s future? Cahn also shares insight from his new book, “The Josiah Manifesto: The Ancient Mystery & Guide for the End Times.” Don’t miss this powerful interview from Eric Metaxas on TBN!

These are revolutionary times. These are radical times. And that’s what that’s what Josiah is saying.
We have to become a radical people. We have to become a evolutionary people for god.
This is why we were born. And you know what, Eric?
One last thing is that when people look at, I mean, look at a movie, what’s most exciting part of a movie the last 15 minutes.
So, uh, listen, praise God, we’re in the last 15 minutes.
These are the exciting times, and this could be the greatest time for those who rise.
It says the eyes of the lord are searching the earth looking for the 1. You be that 1.
Let me know everybody listening. You be that 1. God will lift you up.
In the book, you reveal, some discoveries about the coming of
This plague. Yeah. By the way, what what plague COVID was basically like a 3 day flu for most people.
It it’s just one of the most confused wicked things that have ever happened in this country.
We don’t have time to get into it.
But what do you touch on in the book concerning what god revealed to you about the coming of COVID?
Yeah. Yeah. There’s a lot of stuff surrounding it yet yet. Here’s the thing.
There there is a thing that, you know, Jeremiah, when he’s speaking to when he’s looking over the valley of Hinnom, where the where the nation had offered up its children.
Uh, he says, basically, you know, you cannot you do this.
And what you did to the children, it’s gonna come back to you in one form or another.
One of the forms he said, one of the forms that’s actually in Hincher, Maya, is it’s it talks about a, which means a a literally a a disease, a pandemic, something, you know, that way.
Now I’m not getting into all things surrounding it.
However, There was nevertheless a disease that came upon and a lockdown and all things that, for whatever reason, changed our life.
Now the thing is the interesting thing. Here’s the thing when you look at I talked about the Jubilee.
When you look at when did America start killing its children on demand? It wasn’t 73. It was seventy.
That’s when abortion on demand began in America. Began, and New York was crucial in that.
And the thing is that if you take if you go to the 30th year.
It takes you to 20, what what year? 2020. 2020. This we we have this shaking of America.
I mean, in a matter of how we think it was a shaking of America. Yeah.
It comes in that year. Now the thing is the exact date when abortion on demand began made its entrance in America was actually in New York when it it appeared in the legislature as the bill that was gonna really begin it all.
It was January 20th. 19 70.
Hold on a second.
We’re we’re
gonna go to a break. January 20 1970.
We also know Rovi Wade was January 20th a couple of years later. We’ll be right back.
Folks, we’re talking to Jonathan Khan. The new book is the Josiah manifesto. We’ll be right Hey there, folks.
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God bless you. You’re talking about, uh, dates. So you just said Yes.
Abortion on demand was introduced in New York Legislature, January 20 1970. 50 years later is January 20th 2020.
So go ahead.
Yes. Anything happened on that day.
That is the day on that day is the identification of patient 0.
That is the official day that COVID official day enters America 50 years to the exact date. Okay.
Now here’s another thing, Eric. Remember when everything closed down. Of course, remember, in it was in March.
Everything shuts down. Trump gets on the on the on the on the on the airwaves says we are being we are quarantined.
That was the day of the warranty, day of the lockdowns, all that.
Um, it was the the stock market crash. They call it the media called it the day that changed everything.
Now I think so that’s when everything stop. Our lives were disrupted gigantically. Well, that was March 11th.
That’s the that’s what they they then on March 11, uh, 2020. Go back 50 years.
Anything happened on March 11 1970.
March 11 1970 is the exact day that abortion on demand began in America.
We began killing our babies. Let me let me give another one.
When when this all came, you know, what was key in abortion coming to America was New York.
New York more than any other place coming to the continent.
Um, are you New York actually became the the abortion capital of America to this day.
And it actually spread through New York.
Well, the thing was so when when this when COVID came, where did it focus when it came?
It came it focused on New York.
In fact, one out of every two cases was in New York for that time.
And the thing is that it reached its peak with with the New York uh, April 11th, it was a milestone because there were more cases in New York than there were in any other nation.
I mean, that no. So and that was April 11th. Go back 50 years. Anything happened, April 11 1970.
That was the date that New York legalized abortion. 50 years to the exact date again.
Let me let me throw in.
I’m gonna throw in 2 things, you know, and this is actually gonna lead to Trump in in a moment.
But but two things. One is that when you look at the the where abortion came in to America, there were 2 gates to the continent.
1 I said was New York. The other was Washington State, 1970. That was the other gateway.
Well, when 50 years later, where does this where did what about COVID? Where does it come at?
Well, When they did genetic studies on the virus, they found out there were 2 markers.
The majority of all cases came from the gate of New York where we began killing our children.
And the other gate was Washington State. That was the exact same ones.
And now now I’ll put one last thing in here.
And if this is I’m going right now just by the CDC whether we whatever we think of it or not.
But CDC, I when they identified and also other studies, uh, the excess death rate over those well, let me before I say that, how many babies were killed in those 1st 3 years?
From 1970 to Roe versus Way, that that 3 year window.
1,300,000 is what they is what is what the CDC has.
When you go 50 years later and regards what they what has come out is the excess death However, whatever we view how it costs, caused by lockdowns.
The excess death is 1,300,000, the exact same number as the children.
I mean, folks, you can’t make it up. You can’t make it up.
Uh, and this is this is astonishing Now, you know, uh, now’s not the time for me to get into it.
But just to say, what caused a lot of those COVID deaths?
They were, in many cases, in most cases, preventable.
Uh, we know that people were prevented from tay taking Ivermectin.
There’s all kinds of wickedness just as there was wickedness, uh, in the taking of the lives of the unborn.
So we’re gonna put that to the side. But Yeah.
Jonathan, the fact that you ferret out this information For me, the big takeaway is to say god is in control.
God Yes. Is a god of history.
Uh, and he gives us these things to encourage us that he he really is there.
Uh, and so keep going with this. What you said eventually it leads to, uh, to trump or whatever.
I go ahead. Go ahead.
Yeah. One of the things I I spoke with you, I think in my Uh, it might have been the first time we spoke together on the air.
But one of the things in the past, uh, one of the folks is called the paradigm, and that and that is there are biblical templates.
God gives templates. And he can it’s not and I’m not ever saying that the Bible is forced is predicting or prophesying specific things here.
What I am saying is that god is the god of everything.
And god make god weaves everything together and makes paradigms or make he gives templates in the Bible.
Now the amazing thing is that, and we can actually get things from it.
The leaders of our day and the paradigm showing that the leaders of our day are actually following these templates from the Bible.
Donald Trump to America in in this is is that there’s a template of a man called jehu.
Jehu was wild you know, he was unpredictable. No.
You we didn’t even know where he was at with the lord, but he was used by god.
And it was used by god, when the nation was falling away from god, he was used like a a trump card, basically, and he just kinda disrupted where it was going.
And he actually went against bail worship.
And the thing is, and he and he went against the house of Ahab.
Now now he starts this this race to the throne on this chariot.
It’s the Bible says he drives like a madman.
Well, Trump makes his race to the to the white house, and he does.
When Jay who is heading to the to the throne, he makes an alliance with the religious conservatives of the land.
Actually makes a partnership with one of them. They ride on the chariot together.
Trump makes a the his alliance with the religious conservatives. Without that, he would not have been president.
On top of that, he he comes to Jay who comes to the capital with a with a, um, with a, uh, an agenda, which is to drain the swamp.
Well, you know, so did Trump.
Now when Jay who comes to to the final moment of taking power, he comes face to face with the nation’s former first lady.
And so whose name is Jezebel. Trump comes face to face with a former first lady whose name is Hillary.
Now now interesting because Jezebel was for Bellworship, which meant she was for the offering up of children.
So Hillary Clinton was the the number one champion of abortion.
And even though everybody was saying, you know, it was saying in the polls, you know, Hillary Clinton was gonna trump was gonna beat him.
You know, the the paradigm said that the modern day Jay who was gonna win.
The idea that this Jay who has all these parallels the Trump. It’s almost funny in some ways. Yeah.
He comes face to face with Jezebel.
Um, and you are linking uh, Hillary Clinton to Jezebel. Sorry, folks.
Uh, but, Jonathan, keep making this case because it’s about bail worship and it’s about killing born.
Please go.
Absol absolutely. And, yeah, I’ll just I’ll throw this in.
You know, you know, Hillary Clinton was on the the national stage with her husband for 22 years when he became governor until the end of his presidency.
Then she went in public office for, for 12 more years. And then she had 2 more years.
She was running for president, public lot. She was on the stage.
So so 22 years with her husband, 14 years on her own.
Jezabelle was on the national stage of Israel for 22 years with her husband, with her on her own 14 years.
Same exact thing. Now now now I’m just throwing that in. Now the thing is now Trump wins. Okay?
And one of one of the things was now one of the things that when Jay Hu, Jay who becomes the 1, who pulls down the house of bail or the temple of bail where they’re killing their baby, the killing babies.
Interesting thing, Eric, when Trump announced his his candidacy, when he began his rise, when when Jay who rises, the temple of bail actually falls.
He actually destroyed it. Well, Trump rises into in the summer of 2018.
That same summer, it turns out there was an ancient temple of bail that existed for almost 2000 years.
It comes crashing down to the to the earth right as Trump begins.
Now where where was that temple of bail that came crashing down when Trump
That was that was Palmyra, Syria.
Okay. And
and when you say keep
crashing down, what what do we mean?
Right? Actually, the ones who crashed it down, interesting was was Isis.
You know, yet it still happened according to the to the to the template. Right.
And the other thing was But here’s the thing.
You know, also, what it’s saying is and I don’t you know, this isn’t the paradigm, but I didn’t realize all this when I wrote it, but it came true after.
One thing is that if Jay who was the one who comes against the the the the worship of bail, which is killing child sacrifice, Well, then Trump is gonna end up more than any other president, regardless what you think of him, ends up being the one more than anyone who’s actually gonna pull down a child sacrifice in the form of Roe versus Wade.
If it was not for what Trump did in appointing those Supreme Court justices, it would never have been overturned.
So even in that, he was used. Well, I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna switch to something very quickly.
I’m gonna say one of the mysteries in there is that, you know, god gave, say, calendar of Holy days in the Bible ofitic is 23.
Interesting thing because when we talk about the Jubilee, that when you look at the year when all these shakings came, you know, on it, It it everything followed this calendar, not only the nature of the shakings, but the exact the timing.
I’ll just go I’ll just mention it really quick. The first appointed day of god is Passover.
What is that about? It’s unique because it’s the one holy day.
It’s about a concerns a plague, and it concerns a actually, it’s the first lockdown in human history.
They had to go on their houses because of a plague.
Well, the amazing thing is when Passover came in 2020, It came with an exact time when we were all locked down because of a plague.
Jewish people are actually recounting the story of when we were locked down because of a plague, and it’s actually happening around.
There’s much more, but let me go to the next one.
The next one is the next holy days called shavuot or Pentecost. It’s the time of fire.
Fire also linked to breath. I won’t get into the breath part, but when Chavuo comes, that’s in the spring.
That’s a late spring. In that year, next shaking comes on America. Our cities are lit on fire.
The summer of rage, George Floyd, all that.
We are shaken It actually be you know, the the very day that it began was when they the Jewish people are lighting candles on May 28th that night.
It that’s the night that the fires explode. It is the it is the days of fire.
Now I’m going real quick. Next one. Is the feast of trumpets.
Now just to say the feast of trumpets, the Jewish people call it the day of judgment because they believe that’s the time when god passes a judgment on the year and it and it’s the high court of god.
They say he he in the heavenly court, the great judge determines everything, even who’s gonna live and die.
Well, on the exact day of the feast of trumpets, god touches the Supreme Court.
That on that day, the Supreme Court justice who is, uh, uh, Ruth Ginsburg passes from the earth on the feast of trumpets.
That is the very act that opens the door for the overturning. Of Roe versus Wade.
It happens on the day, and that day is also given to begin the time of turning away from your evil.
That for a nation to turn away on that day the exact time. Wow.
This is, you know, again, uh, if it weren’t for you, I don’t see anybody else tracking on this stuff.
God has really created you for this, uh, Jonathan and anointed you for this, And I I guess we’re gonna, uh, pull you into the next hour.
Uh, I
wanna talk about the future. What you believe god is is saying about the future because everyone, uh, not everyone, but most people uh, are wondering what is god doing?
What is god allowing? What is going to happen in this land?
We’ve been living through a time of revelation where we’ve seen things that we never dreamt.
We would see, uh, corruption, uh, election interference tremend things that we never dreamt, we would see, uh, in America, where we have, uh, a big pharma colluding with social media, to to force people to get vaccines.
The kind of thing that makes even people that aren’t already tuned in, it gets them tuned in.
And they say, what what is happening in this country? Uh, something is happening.
Um, so we just got 30 seconds say whatever you want, and then we’ll finish it in the next hour.
Yeah. We’ll, yeah, we’ll definitely get into that because that’s where the that’s what it’s all about.
That’s where all this heading. Where are we where are we heading, and what do we do about it?
That, you know, because because god has never finished.
No matter what’s happening in the world, we’ve got a we’ve got a role to play.
We have to we have to do something here. Because we’re not on earth to sit around.
We’re here to be god’s agents, uh, on earth. And that’s what that’s what they’re designed manifest.
So that’s why it’s called manifesting.
People are wondering what is going to happen in America. What is happening in America?
We are in a spiritual war like we have never seen before.
The forces of globalist communist, Marxism, atheism are at war, uh, with god’s people, with liberty, It’s just an astonishing moment, uh, and you’ve been a guide for many people to to to help them see what is god saying.
So what do you see happening next year? Do you see Trump getting back in office?
Because I think that, uh, I believe revival is coming. Uh, I believe shaking is coming.
Um, I am hopeful because I looked to god in the middle of all this stuff, but what do what do you see?
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. God is never finished, and that’s that’s what encourages matter what’s happening around us.
Um, I the reason I wrote the book was be really, because I felt there there has there’s an people need an answer where we go.
And, also, I believe that god was pointing this all together.
And the thing is that I will I will say everything we just spoke about, all these things lead up to one thing.
And they lead up to the overturning for the first time in our history, anything like this, the overturning of Roe versus Wade.
Now here’s the thing. You know, in the Bible, that, you know, first of all, Roe versus Wade is the the abortion is the the biggest massive brazen altar that we have in America where we’ve killed over 60,000,000 children talk about an altar.
And what happened with Roe versus Wade? We know it’s not the end of the story.
It’s just the beginning, but it was a cracking open of that all alter.
It’s a breaking open of the altar.
If you look at the the cover, the it has a broken altar on it.
That that’s what that that’s what that is. That’s a broken altar.
And the re and that’s so that this is crucial be called to where we are because in the Bible when the sign of the broken altar appears, it means something very significant.
It happens when there’s the the chance for a civilizational change when when when uh Israel came into the land, they broke the altars of the gods.
When there was revival, the sign of revival wasn’t a tent meeting.
I mean, that’s great, but it was the broken altar. They broke the altars of the gods.
And so all these things are pointing as one person in the Bible who is more linked to the broken altar than anyone else, and that is Josiah.
That is why it’s called Josiah manifesto.
This guy Josiah lives in a time when a nation that has known god has turned away from god is in apostasy is approaching judgment.
Um, it it’s a time of sexual immorality, killing children, gender confusion.
And this guy goes against the entire flow. One man.
And the thing is that so the the sign, it’s really I call it the Josiah moment because this is what that alters all about.
And that is it’s a double edged sword, and you alluded to it.
And the first thing is that it is, on one hand, it’s a it’s a time that it’s late.
The nation is racing away from god is in danger of judgment, and that is America right now.
That’s number 1. But number 2, god is also saying, listen, that was the hand of god.
That that Roeverse Wade was overturned. That was god’s hand.
And the thing is that that what it’s saying is god is opening a door. There can be revival.
Josiah came at a very late moment.
And judgment was coming, but one man, you know, one radical revolutionary man actually changed the history of his nation, actually delayed judgment for an entire generation because of one man.
And so what so what this is leading to, and this is where it led me is that I believe god is pointing to this with all these signs is pointing to this that Josiah and Josiah are the keys real about how we need to be right now.
There it is judgment or revival. And if there’s not revival, America is lost.
And so the thing is that we have to rise to this moment.
So what the the manifesto, which is the part, which is the last part, or what are the keys of that?
What are the secrets of Josiah? What did he do? How can he go against the entire system?
How could he be, uh, basically, deal with darkness and not be by?
How could he actually overcome an entire system? Not only not only spiritually, but entire corrupt systems, institutions.
That’s the broken altar. He broke the altars of his culture, and we are called to do the same thing.
All the altars of our life too, but the altars of our culture.
So Josiah really opens up the whole thing and that is, thus, the name.
That is why because that’s where we are.
Well, it’s it’s unbelievable stuff.
What we’re dealing with right now in America, you know, for people who are tracking, we’ve never seen this.
In in America. The emergence of globalist, Marxist, atheist, tyrannists, people, uh, and systems that don’t respect the foundational principles of this nation, of self government, and liberty, which ultimately look back to Israel and their covenant relationship with god.
So it it is a war between these two things that we’ve never seen it in the open in the way that we have.
And when you talk about breaking the altars, you know, uh, people talk about draining the swamp.
In other words, we have these institutions in America. That are given over to wickedness.
They are at war with we, the people, uh, their taxpayer money, our taxpayer money pays for these institutions.
And so we we have an option to either stand and fight against this wickedness and see revival sweep through America, which, as you said, is the only hope for this nation.
Um, or the judgment that’s coming is is gruesome. It’s gruesome. So say say more about it.
Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. You know, you know, one of the things about Josiah is he was radical.
He had there was absolutely no compromise. He had to separate.
First of all, he had to separate from those systems. He had to separate from the darkness.
And then he had to act upon it as an agent upon it.
But in order to do that, there has to be no compromise.
I I know this is one of your burdens. Eric is one of my burdens.
And that is that the church, you know, if if if it does not make a stand and does not say, listen, let the chips fall where they may.
As for me and my house, we’re serving the lord, It’s lost. This is what happened in Germany.
This is what we’re seeing as well. Well,
I mean, I think that I wanna I wanna say, uh, just interrupt my book letter to the American I I point the finger, as you know, squarely at the church.
It is the silence of the church on these kinds of issues that led to the satanic evil of the Holocaust and the Nazis taking over it was the silence of good Christians who thought we have a reason to be silent.
This is not our thing. Uh, in my book, led to the American church, which is gonna be a documentary film.
I’ll talk about that on my own time, but It says that if the church does not rise up, folks, if you’re going to a church that’s not dealing with this stuff, get out of that church.
That fig tree has been cursed. Get out of that church because we need all hands on deck.
If you have a or or or a man or woman of faith, you need to be involved in what god is doing, but, Jonathan, please continue.
Yeah. Yeah. And and that is exactly what Josiah was. He was not that. He was not compromising.
Anyway, he came. His father was corrupt. His grandfather was corrupt. It didn’t matter. He broke out of that.
And said as and basically, I am doing what god called me to do, and I’m not gonna live on the defense.
So I’m gonna live on the offense because god did not call to live on the defense.
He called us to be agents of him.
So this is where we have to, you know, the end you know, people look at the end times and they think, okay.
It’s only bad. It is not only bad. It’s bad and good. It is dark and light.
And if the dark is getting darker, we have to get brighter.
One of the mysteries, Eric, about the end, I call it the mystery of the return.
Is that everything at the end of the age is returning to where it was at the beginning.
At the beginning of the age, you had an Israel in the world. You got it back. You had Jerusalem.
You have it back. You had Jesus. You’re gonna get we’re gonna get them back.
The thing is that, but you also had a culture that was pagan.
And so now what we’re watching is we’re watching a Western Christian, Jodeo Christian civilization to revert to its pagan, its pagan state.
But if that’s happening, It is time for the church to go back to where we were at the beginning of the age, which was not cultural.
It was counter cultural. It was not status quo, it was revolutionary. It was the book of acts.
It was the spirit of god. These are revolutionary times.
These are radical times, and that’s what that’s what Josiah is saying. We have to become a radical people.
We have to become a revolutionary people for god. This is why we were born. And you know what, Eric?
One last thing is that when people look at, when we look at a movie, what’s the most exciting part of a movie?
The last 15 minutes. So, listen, praise god. We’re in the last 15 minutes. These are the exciting times.
And this could be the greatest time for those who arise.
It says the eyes of the lord are searching the earth looking for the 1. You be that 1.
I mean, everybody listening. You be that 1. God will lift you up.
I gotta say, uh, Jonathan, I’m in awe of of everything you just said because it’s exactly what the Holy Spirit is speaking to me.
Exactly everything you just said what I’m saying wherever I go.
Uh, I’m working on a new book letter to the American church. It’s a it’s a sequel.
Um, and I’m I’m saying exactly a lot of what you just said. So I believe God is speaking.
Uh, congratulations on the book. We have to have you back preferably in studio.
The book is the Josiah manifesto by Jonathan Khan. Jonathan, my friend. Thank you so much.
Thank you, Eric. God bless you.

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