Jesus Christ – The All In One – Part 5 (Hebrews 3:1-6)
You can remain seated. You’ve you’ve stood enough on Wednesday nights for this passage.
It’s Hebrews chapter three verse one says, therefore, holy brethren, partake Ear’s of the heavenly calling, consider the apostle and high priest of our confession, Christ Jesus who was faithful to him, who appointed him as Moses also was faithful in his house.
For this one has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses.
And as much as he who built the house has more honor than the house for every house is built by someone, But he who built all things is God.
I love that verse five. And moses indeed was faithful in all his house as a servant.
Remember this, this is important, Moses served God as a servant for a testimony of those things which would be spoken afterward.
But Christ as a son over his own house, whose house we are, if we hold fast, the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm to the end.
So father bless our time together now in Jesus name and all God’s people said amen.
So church family, we’ve been in this for a while, but this is what we wanna do uh, we want to look at where we’ve come from, but dive into what I hope is a great blessing to your heart.
In fact, in light of all that’s going on in the world tonight, uh, this is exactly quite possibly what we need.
And first of all, we saw that Jesus Christ is the, all in one. He’s everything. He is.
What Moses was, could only take the people of Israel so far and what the judges were of Israel, they could only take the people so far and what the prophets could proclaim, they could only go so far and all of those categories and all of those ministries that God sent to His people into the world.
Everything culminates Not surprisingly in the person of Jesus Christ.
And we saw in verses 1-2 that God’s plan for us is a love relationship that God loves us.
And we saw that and we spent a lot of time in that.
And the second thing we saw is in verses 3-5 and that is his ministry towards us as superior.
That is we talked about the benefits that Jesus brings rather than Moses.
Moses was an awesome servant in the house of God to be faithful to God.
And he was to a great degree, not fully remember.
It’s Hebrews chapter three verse one says, therefore, holy brethren, partake Ear’s of the heavenly calling, consider the apostle and high priest of our confession, Christ Jesus who was faithful to him, who appointed him as Moses also was faithful in his house.
For this one has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses.
And as much as he who built the house has more honor than the house for every house is built by someone, But he who built all things is God.
I love that verse five. And moses indeed was faithful in all his house as a servant.
Remember this, this is important, Moses served God as a servant for a testimony of those things which would be spoken afterward.
But Christ as a son over his own house, whose house we are, if we hold fast, the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm to the end.
So father bless our time together now in Jesus name and all God’s people said amen.
So church family, we’ve been in this for a while, but this is what we wanna do uh, we want to look at where we’ve come from, but dive into what I hope is a great blessing to your heart.
In fact, in light of all that’s going on in the world tonight, uh, this is exactly quite possibly what we need.
And first of all, we saw that Jesus Christ is the, all in one. He’s everything. He is.
What Moses was, could only take the people of Israel so far and what the judges were of Israel, they could only take the people so far and what the prophets could proclaim, they could only go so far and all of those categories and all of those ministries that God sent to His people into the world.
Everything culminates Not surprisingly in the person of Jesus Christ.
And we saw in verses 1-2 that God’s plan for us is a love relationship that God loves us.
And we saw that and we spent a lot of time in that.
And the second thing we saw is in verses 3-5 and that is his ministry towards us as superior.
That is we talked about the benefits that Jesus brings rather than Moses.
Moses was an awesome servant in the house of God to be faithful to God.
And he was to a great degree, not fully remember.

We pointed out last time that Moses failed, right at the end, he failed and he was not allowed into the promised land.
He misrepresented God but the fact that Jesus is far superior by benefits and all that he accomplished for us at the cross.
And then we looked at this and this is where we were at.
That is his relationship with us is reality, reality. And I put that word in their transformational.
The fact that God, how do you know that God is at work in your life?
Well, it’s easy to know. You don’t have to guess. Friends listen up everybody.
This is gonna be a silver shot.
Uh, but when God’s at work in your life, uh, you know, it, I’d love to see even God at work in the lives of nonbelievers.
He’s working in their lives to get them closer and they don’t know what’s going on.
They just know that they’re out of control.
They don’t know what to do and everything that they seek to find comfort.
They could go to pot, they could go to drink, they could go to sex, drugs and rock and roll.
Nothing will comfort them. And by the way, here’s what’s cool about all that when, when God is pursuing them and they try to do what they’ve always done and seek shelter and comfort in those, uh, external fleshly things that they’ve become accustomed to.
They wind up being completely miserable in those things quite possibly right in the midst of those things trying to get high, to check out from the pressures of the world and they can’t get high.
I love it. That’s the hand of God moving man.
I’ve actually heard of people who are having marital relationships, of breaking them up, I should say, by committing adultery and wind up being, becoming sick in the physical act of their adulterous affair in the moment.
Man. That’s awesome. That’s God. That’s God dealing. Why?
Because he’s putting someone closer to him and for the unbeliever they become believers and for the believer, we experience greater meaning and reality.
And so we looked at a church we saw in verse six that he has made reality, personal, personal, but Christ as a son, beautiful personal statement over his own house whose house we are the believer, the follower of Jesus Christ.
The Bible says right here friends that we are the house of the living God that the, that the, that the God of salvation who saves Messiah.
That’s see the word Christ, the word in Hebrew is Messiah.
That the Messiah as a son over his own house whose house we are.
And I really want to dial down on this because this ought to bring us great comfort tonight.
So listen, take notes or write them down the references carefully. I think I counted 81 versus tonight. 81.
That’s not the most we’ve ever done but it’s close. Write this down if you would.
The of course, the issue is the transformational power of God.
The reality that you and I experience with God is personal and it shouldn’t surprise us.
First Corinthians chapter three verse 16. Do you not know that you are the temple of God?
And that the spirit of God dwells in you?
Listen Christian, the Bible says God dwells within you by the Holy Spirit.
If anyone defiles the temple of God, that is your body, listen to this.
God will destroy him for the temple of God is holy. Which temple you are? Man? That’s a heavy statement.
Is it not that? I mean, that’s a big one. That’s a big one.
It’s so big that when Paul the Apostle of being Saul of Tarsus was attacking the church, what did Jesus say to Saul on the road to Damascus?
Saul? Saul, why are you persecuting me?
Jesus Christ told Saul because Saul was out killing Christians and beating them up.
Jesus took it personally and by the way, Jesus takes it personally tonight, people who attacked Christians even to the point of martyrdom, just know this.
Jesus takes that as a personal attack, which is, it’s I love that. I, I’d like that.
Everybody likes everybody who needs a defender likes what I just said a moment ago.
He takes it personal.
First Corinthians chapter 12 verse 12 says for as the body we talked about it last week, think of your temple.
The body is the temple of God’s dwelling is one and as many members.
But all the members of that body being many are one, meaning the church is made up of a lot of people, but we’re one body.
So also is Christ. For by one spirit, we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks.
Do you guys see the in verse 13 in your Bibles on the screen? Uh Spirit, the word capitalist spirit.
That’s the Holy Spirit. I love this. Listen up everybody forget about water baptism. We made the announcement on Sunday.
Did you see that about the Catholic baptism that went wrong? That got fumbled and it’s all messed up.
Thank God. We don’t have to even talk about that stuff. That’s insane. Here’s the deal.
Note this for by one spirit, we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks.
Listen, we’re not talking about getting wet underwater that comes after salvation.
You give your heart to Christ, then you go down to the beach or you go to a pool and you get baptized.
It’s an outward display that you made an internal commitment that that’s done.
You do that once that’s done, it’s an outwards and from that by the way, from that moment on you live your life as a public testimony for Christ.
I’m talking about what this verse is talking about that in the moment of conversion, you were baptized into the body of Jesus Christ.
Now, when I say body, I’m not talking about his body, body.
The Bible is talking about the body of Jesus Christ is the church.
Listen L Jesus Christ is Jesus Christ and the body is the church.
But in the moment of belief, the believer is baptized into the body of Christ.
So that the church according to God’s theology is that the church is in Christ.
How many times have you read your Bible? Where the Bible says that we are in Christ? It’s very important.
By the way, I’m trying to get that to be the new thing that we all talk to one another about.
I’m tired of people asking are you Christian? Are you Christian? Are you Christian? Yeah, sure. I’m a Christian. Yeah.
And, and I’ve been pushing believer because that’s more, that’s cryptic, right? But even that’s kind of getting out there.
So I think the biggest code word is, are you in Christ?
Only a Bible reading Christians gonna know what that means? That should be our thing.
Are you in or are you out uh in and out? It’s biblical, in and out.
Are you in Christ?
And according to the Bible and this is key because the whole theme of tonight will go as far as we can.
I cannot abuse you because we have such a late start.
But church, when the moment you put your faith in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit takes you and insert you into the body member of the church.
Okay? And the church is in Christ, Ma Triska dolls.
Some of the, some people call them nesting dolls. You know, Matryoshka seeing how Russia is invading Ukraine tonight.
Let’s, let’s use a Russian analogy. You know what the nesting dolls are? Met bruscas.
Um And you open up one and there’s another one you open up, there’s another one, there’s another one and the smaller they get, the more expensive they are.
By the way, if you have Matryoshka dolls with a little teeny weeny Ma Truscott, the end, do you have an expensive one?
You just need to know that one inside the other.
The body of Christ is in, in Christ and you as a believer, the moment you accept Christ, you’re placed in the body.
So you’ve got, think about it.
You’ve got Jesus, you’ve got the church inside Jesus and you are inside the church.
You got that, that’s who you are in Christ.
First Corinthians chapter six verse 18 says, flee sexual immorality. This gets amazing. Watch this.
Now, look, if you’re sitting here right now and you’re involved in sexual immorality, don’t leave right now.
First of all, we’ll all know what you’re doing. But the main thing is listen to this.
It could really save your life.
Listen to how, listen to what the Bible is saying here is, is, it’s amazing.
Think of what I just said.
Now, believers in the body and the body, the church is placed in Christ. Flee sexual immorality.
Every sin that a man does is outside the body. Remember your body is like the temple, right?
But he who commits sexual immorality, sins against his own body.
Some translations are like better sins against his own soul.
Or do you not know that your body think of the temple?
Now is the temple of the Holy Spirit who’s in you?
So watch if you’re a Christian and you are dabbling in sexual immorality, that means you’ve got the Holy Spirit dabbling in sexual immorality.
You’re taking him with you. Imagine that for a moment, watch this whom you have from God and you are not your own for you were bought at a price.
Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.
Think about that for a moment, we’re gonna continue on.
The issue is as a believer how incredibly saved you are and how incredibly owned you are by the Lord Jesus Christ.
And I love that in such unstable times.
I predict tomorrow the stock market will have Hit the bottom.
All the nickels and dimes you have right now.
If you have any stock, it, it would be gone by the morning, your 401, all that stuff and we are now here they come, get ready for it.
You’re gonna hear nothing but commercials and radio about buy gold, buy silver, buy gold, buy silver.
They’re the most trusted, they’re the oldest. Everybody. You hear what I’m saying.
It’s amazing why, why would they do that because of insecurity? Okay.
Guess what In Christ, Jesus, no matter what goes on in the world.
Tomorrow morning, we wake up in the stock markets. 900 points down.
Look at the TV and say my life is hidden in Christ.
You’re secured in Christ. Thank God. Your salvation is not on the stock market.
First Peter chapter two verse four, coming to him as a living as living stones or living stone rejected indeed by men but chosen by God and precious.
You also as living stones are being built up a spiritual house.
But you are listen, a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, his own special people watch this that you may proclaim the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
That’s probably gonna be our ministry tomorrow. Church to our neighbors.
The next thing is this in verse six and that he has made reality practical is found in verse six.
In this way. He says, if we hold fast, watch this, there’s four definite article statements.
If we hold fast, the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope and firm into the end.
Very powerful statements. See pastor, wait a minute if it says, if there, what does that mean?
This if we hold fast, this is where I really wanted to get tonight. Church.
Check this out the Holy Spirit in you as a believer is going to make sure in your life that the if we hold fast happens.
It is not your strength that causes you to hold fast to your faith and to God, listen, are you to obey Him?
Yes. Are you to do everything in your life to acquire more and more of Jesus leading and guidance in the word of God?
And yes, but listen, it is the Holy Spirit’s job since the moment you were saved to get you into heaven, when this thing’s all over, that is what he’s doing right now.
Jesus is enthroned in heaven above seated at the right hand of God, the Father right now, the Holy Spirit is in you at work in this world, in your life.
The Holy Spirit is in you. So don’t get worried about the if look at it this way.
Thank God. He’s gonna do it.
Now, every believer has that security when I come across and if I don’t have to worry about it, I say things like this.
Lord, when I read this passage of scripture, I just want to make sure that I’m pouring my heart in my life into submission to your will.
So you can do what you want with me because if that happens, I know four things, I’m gonna be confident.
I’m gonna be rejoicing. I’m gonna have hope and I’m gonna have that all the way through to the end because he’s faithful.
He’s gonna do that. Romans, listen, this is still in the Bible last time I checked Romans 8 28.
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.
That’s a fact, write this down.
In fact, a couple of these verses you’re going to be reminded of, of our service last Sunday because they fit right here.
Jeremiah 31 31. Behold, the days are coming.
Says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in that day, that I took them by the hand and lead them out of the land of Egypt.
My covenant which they broke though I was a husband to them, says the Lord, but this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days says the Lord, wow, when the, when the first covenant is gone, listen to me, listen to the Bible, listen to this.
There’s gonna be a day according to Jeremiah that the first covenant that God made in stone is going to be gone.
Yeah, I mean, you can go to the museum and see dinosaurs, right?
Or you can be stuck and trying to make it to heaven in God’s old covenant which he is done with.
This sounds shocking to people. But let’s keep reading.
He says, but this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days says the Lord, I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts.
I will be their God. They shall be my people. Not on stone.
That old covenant is gonna go be gone. What replaces it? A new covenant?
What’s, what’s the characteristics of the new covenant? It operates inside your heart and mind.
It’s not outside in stone, it’s not written in books, it’s not in parchments, it’s not in the club, it’s not in membership, by the way, that’s one of the fundamental reasons why you’re sitting in this church right now.
Did you know right now in here right now there’s Assembly of God, there’s Lutherans, there’s Catholics, there’s Methodist, there’s Presbyterians, there’s Baptist, there’s you name it.
Did you know that, that why is that the case? Number one?
We assume that’s true because we have no membership here. Why do, why do we have no membership?
Because when you’re given your life to Christ, you were baptized by the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ.
You are members of the body of Christ. Well, where do I sign up for that? Accept Christ? Yeah.
But where do I put my pay? What do I give you my bank statement?
No, there we do not see anywhere in the Bible earthly membership and records of earthly membership.
There’s one membership. Are you a believer? And do you trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord?
And savior. You remember? We don’t want your address. We don’t want your phone number.
We don’t want your money. You belong to God do do follow his word.
Ezekiel 36 26.
I will give you a new heart and I will put a new spirit in you.
I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
I will put my spirit within you, listen to that and cause you to walk in my statutes and you will keep my judgments and do them.
As I mentioned on Sunday, God’s commandments. God’s leadership, God’s guidance.
God’s word, you’ll read it and you’ll get all excited about it. You won’t say right here. Oh no.
Wait, God wants me to love people. Oh no.
And then he wants me to go visit those who are sick. Oh No. Really?
When God puts his spirit in you and he writes his will on your heart.
When you read His word, you get excited about it.
That’s another way that you can tell if you’re a believer or not. Do you have to read the Bible?
It’s like read the Bible. Okay. I’m reading it. Look, we’re all for daily Bible reading routines.
We’re all doing it together every day and that’s, that’s great. But listen, be careful that you don’t listen.
You know, you’re in trouble when you read your daily bible reading and then you put it down and then your wife or your friend goes?
What did you just read? Um, was it chronicles or Corinthians?
Something about, do you hear what I’m saying? You didn’t read it?
You honestly actually didn’t read it while your eyes were scanning the words.
You were thinking about pot roast, getting your car tuned up. Really?
Look, hey, I’m just like you, I read, I’ll read and I’ll be reading for 20 minutes and then I realized, where have I been?
No, I’m serious. I gotta start over. Yeah.
Jeremiah 29 11.
God says I know the thoughts that I think toward you.
Hey, listen, if you’re under the age of 30, listen to this.
I know the thoughts that I think towards you says the Lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you a future and a hope that means get up and get going start living life radically, man.
Just go for it. Well, we’re kind of waiting for this to happen. First stop it.
Get up and live. You know, people I’m talking to now, I have a degree from Stanford and I’m unemployed and I’m getting fat and I’m laying around and now I’m lazy and I don’t know what to do.
And now my health is. How old are you? I’m 23.
And I said, you know, you can go down right now right there to in and out burger across the street and not only look, to be honest with you, they’ll pay you but with what they’ll teach you there, you should pay them.
I’m serious. You wanna work ethic?
You wanna learn how to play well with others.
You want to deal with people who are, who said I didn’t order fries.
I ordered, ordered the other thing and you take it with a smile.
That is great training, ladies and gentlemen.
So you make sure that you pay in and out burger as you work for them.
You learn a lot. No, but I’m serious. Get a job. Why?
Because God’s got great thoughts for you. He’s got a hope for you. He’s not gonna come in the mail.
He’s got, he’s got, he’s got something for you.
And he says, then you will uh call upon me, go and pray to me and I will listen to you verse 13 and you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all of your heart.
Verse 14 says, and I will be found by you. That’s a promise says the Lord, that’s awesome.
Staple that onto your teenager tonight while they’re sleeping. Tattoo that right on the right on your teenager’s chest.
Romans 8 26. Remember we’re talking about God saving you as a believer.
Placing you in the body of Christ. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
That’s why Jesus is better than Moses.
God bless Moses and he’s awesome and I can’t wait to meet him.
But Moses could never have done this. Likewise.
The spirit also helps our weakness is Romans 8 26.
For we do not know what we should pray as we ought.
But the spirit himself makes intercession for us with groening’s which cannot be uttered, articulated.
Holy Spirit makes Groening’s within you which cannot be put into language.
Is now he who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the spirit is because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
That is a profound statement. Have you ever been? Have you ever been?
Okay, let me tell you what this verse doesn’t mean. Dear Lord bless our day.
Bless this food. Thank you. May the freeway to be wide open and nobody else be on it today.
Um May I get to work without using one gallon of gas and um and just help me get through to the weekend in Jesus name?
Amen. Okay. I don’t know what that was but people, people will pray things like that.
That’s not what we’re talking about here in Romans 8 26.
We’re talking about when you have been hit in the gut by the world by an announcement by a discovery that you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe.
The wind has been taken out of you and the inside of you doesn’t know what to say.
You have no word. There’s not a word in French English, Spanish, Japanese.
There’s not a word on the planet that can express your, your concern.
And the Bible says that when that happens, the Holy Spirit inside of you groans and when he groans inside of you, because he feels everything you’re going through.
He immediately on your behalf connects with the throne room of God.
And if I could just pretend for a moment, it must be something like Jesus.
You see what she’s going through and you feel what she’s feeling.
And I, the Holy Spirit, I’m making intercession for her intercession is the Holy Spirit is knocking on Jesus’s door.
And let me tell you something.
When the Holy Spirit knocks on Jesus door, he opens and the Scriptures teach us that Christ himself also makes intercession for the saints.
That moment that you feel absolutely gutted, you’re not gutted.
I know the feeling, but you’re not good.
God is talking to God, God, the Father God, the Son God, the Holy Spirit.
They’re speaking To one another about you right now tonight.
But I understand the pain. But thank God for him. Ephesians 3 20.
Now to him, who is able, who’s able, come on.
You guys wake up now to Him, who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us.
Is that a big statement, man, our God, our God is awesome that He would invite us to think like that.
Don’t think small Second Corinthians 9: verse eight and God is able to make all grace abound towards you that you always having all sufficiency in all things may have an abundance for every good work.
We’re gonna need that verse in the days ahead, we could be reduced to eating bread.
Guess what? We’ve learned how to flourish and we’ll learn how to do without blessed be the name of the Lord.
It is. Well, it is.
Well, with my soul, Romans 4 21 being fully convinced that what he had promised he was also able to perform.
Jude, one of my favorites. Yours too? I bet Jude 1 24.
Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.
I love that God is gonna see you through and when He sees you through all through life, watch this life every day right now, tomorrow, all the way through the Holy Spirit can’t go anywhere you guys, I want you to know something.
He cannot go anyway. Can I leave you? He’s under orders. He cannot, he cannot leave you.
Say, wait a minute, wait a minute. Isn’t there a song that we used to sing or sing?
Isn’t it a Psalm of David?
Uh Take not thy holy renew a right spirit within me and take not thy holy spirit from me.
The song. Yeah. That’s an old Testament song. Don’t sing it. It’s no longer valid.
The Holy Spirit doesn’t come and go like he did in the Old Testament.
The Holy Spirit resides inside the believer never to leave. In fact, that’s how you’re gonna get to heaven.
Listen, when the Holy Spirit deposits you, he’s gonna deposit you.
Not technically in heaven, he’s gonna deposit you in John 14.
He’s gonna deposit you in the arms of Jesus when Christ comes for the church and if you’re dead, your body is going to be resurrected.
But if you’re alive and I pray were alive at that moment will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air.
The awesome thing is the Holy Spirit has had to put up with you and I all of our Christian years, But he’s gonna do it.
Ephesians 1 19. And what is it?
What is the exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe according to the working of his mighty power?
I love that in Israel, we would see the, you know, there’s people touring from all over the world and the Nigerians would be coming.
The Nigerian government. Uh They pay to have all Muslims go once to Mecca and all Christians get to go once to Drew’s to Israel and we just get a real kick.
Those of you have been with us as we had so much fun because here they come and they were there wearing all of their colors, you know, the purple and orange and it’s so cool and their and their their smiles are this big and they’ll be singing songs and stuff and it’s just, they’re out of their minds with joy and you’ll hear them say, and I don’t, I’m not gonna do this song because I don’t sing.
I’m not gonna pretend to. But they go like this. Satan’s power.
Powerless power. Jesus power, super power. I love that.
And you see them singing and they’re going along and then there’s a bunch of, you know, Whitey’s like us.
He’s going right?
And then here comes the Nigerians, Satan power, powerless power, Jesus power, super power.
And it’s just like, yeah, that’s right. Did.
I don’t hope I didn’t offend olive all of my people, but it’s true.
Yeah, I’m skipping verses.
I’m skipping. Don’t take your time.
Children’s ministry will be upset in about five minutes.
Deuteronomy 11 verse 22.
Now listen, the whole context is your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, think temple think church.
Thank you. Thank your position. Deuteronomy 11 22.
For if you carefully keep all the commands which I command you to do, to love the Lord, your God to walk in all his ways and to hold fast to him.
And Moses goes on and lays this beautiful want out there intentionally.
There’s no power for them to fulfill it. But God’s truth never changes.
You see the issue is that we need redemption by the spirit within us.
So this message from Genesis to revelation never changes were to love God most and only so I hope I don’t bore you with this.
We’ll do the best we can time wise.
But when we’re done, no matter what, when we’re done, if you go out of the main doors and you go out through the front and if you see the Jerusalem stone that’s there and you’ll see a seven lamp stand, menorah, right seven.
Um, there’s no other number in the Bible for the menorah.
You know that Genesis to Revelation, there’s not eight or nine, you’ve seen some with eight or nine lamp stands.
The Bible only speaks from genesis to revelation only seven. There’s a reason for that.
Exodus 25, says that that’s it. Oh no. Maybe my notes are goofy.
I’m gonna read this. You read that and shout.
If it’s, if I go off, maybe I printed something up wrong, you shall also make a lamp stand of pure gold.
The lamp stand shall be of hammered, work its shaft, its branches, it’s bowls, it’s ornamental knobs and flowers shall be of one piece and six branches shall come out of its sides.
Three branches of the lamp stand out of one side and three branches out of the lamp stand on the other side that makes seven, three bowls shall be made like almond blossoms on one branch with an ornamental knob and a flower and three bowls made like almond blossoms on the other branch with an ornamental knob and a flower.
And for so and so for the six branches that come out of the lamp stand, so think of one lamp stand and it’s got three arms going each way looking exactly like the other verse 34.
And on the lamp stand itself, four bulls shall be made like almond blossoms, each with its ornamental knob and flour and their almond blossoms each with its ornamental knob and flower.
Verse 35. And there shall be a knob under the first two branches of the same, a knob under the second two branches of the same and a knob under the third two branches and the same according to the six branches that extend from the lamp stand.
When you leave here tonight, you’ll see exactly that on that manure out there.
That is an official real Kosher Jerusalem rabbi blessed lamp stand and it all makes sense.
Their knobs and their branches shall be of one piece, all of it shall be one hammered piece of pure gold.
You shall make seven lamps for it and there shall arrange its lamps so that they give light in front of it and its wick trimmers.
These are the priests and their tray shall be of pure gold.
It shall be made of a talent of pure gold with all these utensils verse 40 and see to it that you make them according to the pattern which was shown to you on the Mount Sinai Hebrews nine verse one, Hebrews 91.
Then indeed, even the first covenant had ordinances of divine service and the earthly sanctuary for a Tabernacle was prepared.
The first part in which was the lamp stand, the table in the show bread, which is called the sanctuary.
And behind the second veil, the part of the Tabernacle, which is called the holiest of all verse four, which had the golden sensor and the ark of the covenant overlaid on all sides with gold and which were the golden pot that had the Manna Aaron’s rod that budded and the tablets of The covenant or 10 commandments.
And above it where the chairman of Glory overshadowing the mercy seat of these things, we cannot speak in detail.
I tell you what, I’ll just touch this, touch on this and not speak in detail.
You look at that layout and then you begin to dissect the human, the human being and you’ll see that what is laid out before that before you in material, not only mimics the Tabernacle that was in the wilderness and the temple that was in Jerusalem and the actual abode of God.
But there is a fingerprint of God.
The architecture of God is on how you and I move and live as a human being.
And as it relates to the temple, number one, the Bible says, your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
And you’re saying, yeah, the Holy Spirit lives in me.
So I get that he claims my body as his own. Oh It’s more than that.
When you start to make an understanding that number one light is a big deal to the temple light.
It’s got to be very specific. The light the oil is provided by God.
The light can never go out.
And when you approach God, there’s a way to approach him that if you look at the very human being that God made you.
There’s a way that mimics that approach your body is the temple.
But inside the temple, it’s almost as though you’re walking through a temple as you come past the body as it were, you’re dealing with issues of the mind and of the soul, the holy place.
But then when you press on beyond that, the part of you that needs to be born again is the spirit that’s dead.
But when we’re alive unto God, the spirit, remember the Bible says in first Thessalonians 5 23 that God created you body, soul and spirit that the layout is very similar to your very existence.
And so when we walk in the light, we have fellowship with Him, don’t we says the Bible?
This is very specific. It’s very interesting revelation.
Chapter one verse 12 revelation 1 12, John said, then I turned to see the voice that spoke with me and having turned, I saw seven golden lamp stands in the seven lamps midst of the seven lamp stands was one like the son of man clothed with a garment down to his feet and girded about the chest with a golden Ban Revelation 12 20.
The mystery of the seven stars which you saw in my right hand and the seven golden lamp stands.
The seven stars are the seven angels or messengers of the seven churches.
And the seven lamp stands which you saw are the seven churches. Interesting right.
Revelation chapter two verse one to the angel of the church at Ephesus, write these things says he who holds the seven stars in his right hand and he who walks in the midst of the seven golden lamp stands.
You are illuminated by the Holy spirit indwelling of your life.
Notice the Holy Spirit in scripture is symbolically represented as a, as a vile or as a ointment or oil.
The Holy Spirit Revelation 2 5.
Remember therefore, from where you have fallen repent and do the first works or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lamp, stand your influence your light from its place.
Unless you repent one more verse, we have to end. This is the last one.
First Corinthians, 6 15. Do you not know that your bodies are the members of Christ?
Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a Harlot? Certainly not?
Or do you not know that he who is joined to a Harlot is one body with her.
Listen, now you see how valuable God views your physical existence in his relationship to himself.
He owns your body, your body inside of you dwells the presence of the Holy Spirit who has been placed there by God to keep you as a believer until the day Christ comes, you home.
Christ comes to take you home.
But listen, it is so powerful that just as God’s word tells us that when a man and a woman come together, let’s be honest, even if they’re not married, if a man and a woman come together, it’s not just sex.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is a spiritual transaction that it’s going, that’s, that’s underway.
Even if two people are unbelievers, it’s a spiritual issue.
And God says when it’s not done properly, the way that I have decreed, this is unholy worship, this is, this is pagan.
And so when a husband and a wife come together, the Bible says the two become 1.
When the Holy Spirit comes inside of the Believer as it were the two become 1.
You and I are one with Christ. That’s what I was gonna eventually get to.
We’ll have to pick it up next, next time together.
But think of this according to God’s ownership of your body, you go out and sleeping around and you are actually performing some sort of a physical sin that trans translates into a spiritual offense.
If you rob a bank, you rob a bank.
I don’t encourage you to rob a bank, but you’re robbing a bank.
The Bible doesn’t say now all these other sins are out there, but the person who robs a bank sins against his own soul, it doesn’t say that about aberrant sex does it.
It says that if you do this, you’re sitting against your own soul. You’re joining Christ to a harlot.
It’s pretty graphic, right?
It’s supposed to be clearly according to the Apostle.
So man, God doesn’t want me to have any fun.
You’re not having fun, believe me, you’re paying a price.
God’s got, listen, God’s got his way and it’s amazing and it’s awesome man, but you’re more than skin, your mind makes a decision as to what you’re gonna do with your body.
And if you’re not a Christian, that’s all you got.
Your mind makes decisions, which means your mind is terribly susceptible to feelings and emotions.
Do you know what not is susceptible to feelings and emotions?
Your spirit, the Bible says, if you’re not a Christian, you’re spiritually dead.
Your mind controls you.
But a Christian is spiritually alive, which means the spirit says to the mind, stop thinking like that.
So I tell new believers, I said, I don’t care how you feel about what you just decided you became a follower of Christ and this, I know for sure in the next hour or so you’re going to encounter God and this is how it happens, you accept Christ and you walk out of the church and you get in the car and you’re driving home and you might turn on that station that you had coming in.
You turned on the station. It’s that filthy rep, cussing, sex trash music and all of a sudden your favorite album and you go.
Whoa. Way. Yikes. What is that? And you’ll hear this, you’ll hear this voice in your head.
We don’t listen to that anymore. And you’re like, where did that come? What, what’s going on? Okay.
That’s weird. Oh Wait. Oh, there she is. Excuse me, we don’t do that anymore.
What? No, you’re new. Remember this? I’m in control now.
This is what we’re gonna be doing, man. That’s how it is.
It’s amazing. Hope, you know this, hope, you know this relationship with Him.
We will do our best next time.
Heavenly Father Lord tonight we pray and all the whole night, I’ve been thinking about the Ukraine and all that stuff and yet this truth that we’re listening to right now about us being members of the body of Christ.
This is more powerful than any bomb that can be dropped.
Uh Stuff of this world it comes and it goes, but what we’re talking about here is eternal friend, wherever you’re at.
Whoever you may be right now, you can actually ask God in the name of Jesus Christ.
You can say Lord in jesus’ name.
I ask you that if these things are true, will you show them to me?
If, if, if this is really real that I can be owned by the living God who loves me and, and I, I can have my sins forgiven and I can be folded up and wrapped up by his wonderful arms and I can be changed.
I don’t have to be addicted anymore to porn or drugs or violence or money or power.
I don’t, I don’t have to be, I don’t have to be, uh, some sort of a weird, strange individual any longer.
I don’t have to be imprisoned to myself.
If this is true God were you, will you come to me?
Will you transform my life and my friend, he will do that because Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose again from the dead.
And if you say yes to him right now, right where you’re at, he’ll hear you and he will go to work now and transforming you from the inside out as he writes his will on your heart.