Jack Hibbs Today: Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There
Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There
The busyness of life can consume our time and attention. Have you learned to stand still and listen to the voice of God? Let Pastor Jack teach you the importance of prioritizing times of prayer and meditation in today’s episode of Real Life TV.
This Real Life TV program is taken from a recent teaching by Pastor Jack. It has been formatted for TV and contains some additional material. We hope you gain new insights as you enjoy this message.
Well, friends, listen, in life, there’s constant distractions. Is there not?
But listen, regarding our Christianity and how to live out.
I wanna suggest something to you that maybe you’ve never considered before.
And that is for god to say to you, just don’t do something. Stand there. Yeah. You heard me right.
Far too much of our efforts and energy are spent as believers in busy busy busy when god might be saying to you and I, will you just stand there?
Will you just stand there and listen to what I have to say?
I thank as the worldly proverb says that the, uh, there’s the the tyranny of the urgent.
It means whatever loud gets our attention. Whatever is making the biggest noise gets our attention.
But, listen, friends, when you and I go to pray, when you and I go to do anything that is of god, Satan opposes that, and he’s warnings, and he’s worrying against you.
And so one of Satan’s attacks, I’m absolutely sure of it.
According to the Bible, is that he shoots at you the fiery dart the Bible says of the wicked one.
And so, for example, if I’m gonna go pray, uh, thoughts enter my mind. Thoughts enter your mind.
Makes no sense. Crazy. But I want you to think of it this way.
When you go to dedicate yourself to god in that moment of not doing anything, but standing there to receive from god, don’t be surprised if the enemy dips his arrow of temptation and shoots it at you.
It could be silly thoughts. It could be when’s the last time I cleaned the oven?
It could be the craziest thing off the wall. What’s going on? You’re under attack, my friends.
But, listen, know this. That you and I are pretty predictable as human beings when it comes to the spirit realm.
But when you and I spend time with god, when we stop doing stuff and just stand there and get god’s heart and god’s mind and god’s word on a matter, Well, now we start to have victory over the enemy.
So you and I walk in with Jesus. God will do a tremendous thing in our life.
So let’s dive into this study. Don’t just do something. Stand there and see what god has in store.
Get your bible. Get ready to write things down that god might speak to you about as we learn how to hear the voice of god.
As we stand with Didn’t Jesus say if you wanna find your life, lose it.
Give up your earthly practice of even religion and find a relationship with Jesus Christ by faith in him and love.
That’s god’s will for your life. What’s god’s will for my that’s it.
Become indebted to him. Ephesians chapter 5 verses 12. Therefore, be imitators of god.
Being imitators of god, the word we get the word mimic or to mime as dear children and walk in love as Christ also has loved us.
There it is. And given himself for us in offering and a sacrifice to god for a sweet smelling aroma.
Did you know that Jesus’s sacrifice of obedience to the father is a sweet smell to the father.
That’s when Jesus was on earth, and I’m sure it’s still true to the second.
And we’re supposed to mimic him so that when you and I live our lives, we are to be not smelly, but we are to have an aroma.
We’re not to have a stink. We are to have a fragrant.
The Bible says that when brothers and sisters are communing with one another, We are a fragrance one toward another.
But, listen, the Bible also tells us that we as believers to those who don’t know Christ, we are the stench of death to them.
Why? Because we remind them that number 1, we were once like they are now, but we announced to them by a new life that they don’t have to stay the way that they are.
That’s why I think real true Christianity is under attack today in this world is because just your changed life and your testimony suggests that people can be changed.
And the world doesn’t wanna hear that. That’s in a way too much truth for them.
Don’t tell me I can change. Because if I can change, that means you’re telling me I can change.
Which means you’re telling me I’m going in the wrong direction.
And all those things is what god told me when he woke me up on that night when I was heading in the wrong direction.
Now, listen. We need to become more and more indebted to him.
Romans 13 verse 8, a beautiful verse. Romans 138 says, oh, no man anything except to love one another.
How’s that? Oh, no man, anything, except this, to love one another.
And so the debt that we have we mirror that debt.
So church, I hope I can say this. Look, if my words fail, may watch my hands.
It’s part of being Portuguese. We’ve got 2 ways of talking. It’s this.
Jesus Christ, when he lived in the flesh on earth, was our prototype. Remember that.
We are too, you read a moment ago, mimic him. We we complicate it.
Don’t make it it’s simple. What do you mean?
Well, if you know somebody who’s caught up in a sin, what are you supposed to do?
Mimit Jesus. Now watch how this works.
If you know somebody that’s caught up in a sin, do what Jesus would do.
See, don’t do what you want to do. Do what Jesus says to do.
Because normally, when we have we know somebody who’s caught up in the sin, we wanna call them up and say, I told you.
I knew that would happen to you. Didn’t I warn you? Jesus doesn’t do that.
Jesus reaches out and offers a better way. Jesus offers a more perfect way.
You say to them, listen. You don’t have to live like this anymore.
In church family, look around our world.
The world and take a look at what’s going on in the world around us.
People need his love. Like, never before.
And how many people do we see that might even be, you know, marketing people right now.
We’re we know that in our own communities, we, you know, most look, if if you live in Southern California, if you live in the most poorest community, you’re still affluent compared to most of the world.
But there are people being trafficked, and you’ve actually seen them, and you haven’t realized it.
There are people now that are actually being marketed trafficked by owners where they put the mom and the kid or 2 or 3 at Walmart’s parking lot, or near the freeway.
Have you noticed this though? There are signs that they have written down. We’ll always invoke god.
And the font is almost always the exact same, and the sign is almost always the exact same way.
They just make 100 of those signs.
They they they commandeered these poor moms, and they pimp them saying I’m hungry.
My babies are hungry, and they’re have you seen this happen? Yeah.
You are literally watching a form of you in trafficking.
When man is not free, on the inside, he enslaves people on the outside.
It’s tyrannical. But you don’t have to go to that extreme.
It can happen in a marriage.
When somebody’s not free in a marriage, they respond out of insecurity, and so they’ll control.
And that’s not god.
True biblical Christianity liberates people We are not to be the ones to judge and to determine, oh, that magnitude wait a minute.
So wait, you’re you’re a you’re a liar and a thief. Oh, you can be forgiven. Wait.
You’re a murder in a in a in a prostitute? Oh, not too far. Oh my goodness.
How dare we? When in our minds, we have the capability if we never thought it of all of those sins.
It’s powerful. Listen to what Chuck Swindell said.
I’ve read this in a book by Chuck Swindell. It’s powerful.
Where then is our obligation to this salvation?
The answer is not complicated, but it is difficult because we in our religious flashed. I like that.
Will not surrender control easily. The answer is straightforward enough. We are obligated to do nothing.
You don’t have to pray. You don’t have to get up at 4 AM for a quiet time.
You don’t have to do family devotions You don’t have to give your money.
You don’t have to take a shower every day. I disagree with that one.
Anyway, You don’t have to obey the 10 commandments. You don’t have to wear dark clothing.
You don’t have to eat low fat foods you don’t have to pile up good deeds to become spiritual.
If you have the spirit of Christ in you, You are as spiritual as you’re ever going to be.
That is powerful. That’s a cold, hard look at what Paul is saying.
If you’re saying I need to do those things and then I’m right with god, you’re lost.
Are you hearing me? You have fallen from the grace of god.
You, like the Galatians, have started, you started in the spirit, but now you have entered into the realm of the flesh.
You’ve got legalism going. If you have to, it’s wrong.
I mean, come on.
Again, getting back to that relationship, husband, and wife, if you have to, If you have to be intimate, do we have to be intimate?
Well, I mean, we’re kinda married. You know? But, really?
I’m in support of the deal. You break somebody’s heart.
Every single one of us desires to be desired.
Don’t sit there and go, no, doesn’t he? He’s not me.
Oh, you more than most. That’s right. It’s true. Here’s the deal.
What you want is love freely given.
And when I talk about being in debt and standing in his debt, It’s a joy.
Oh, yes, lord. I give all of myself to you.
Augustine said, love god and live as you please.
Does that sound wrong to you? If it does, you need spiritual eyes and ears.
Love god. That’s the qualifier. Live as you please. What does that mean?
If you love god, you are gonna live in a way that blesses god. That’s what pleases you.
Did you get it? Did you get it? It’s simple. Very simple.
Billy Graham said, I can choose now as a Christian to live any kind of life I want.
And the whole stadium went silent. And he says, I choose to follow Christ.
And then the crowds clapped. It’s like, we thought. But it’s listen.
Very few people can hear what I’m saying. This is deep stuff.
Human nature is tell me what to do. Draw the line. Take bring out the whip.
Make me do it. And then when I do it, give me a badge.
You, uh, you need to find a a a religion.
Because god wants relationship. Galatians 4 19.
My little children listen, how he speaks.
For whom I labor and birth again until Christ has formed in you.
This is Paul speaking to the church at Galatia.
Paul is basically saying, do I have to go through this again with you?
Boy, isn’t it the life of a parent? How many times have told you.
We’re tempted to say, how many times do I have to tell you? Right?
And I understand the feeling we’ve all said it.
We’re saying it right now, but it’s it doesn’t it it doesn’t it doesn’t equate until they see the light bill for themselves.
That’s right. I’m a I’m a big fan of this.
You don’t mind, but are you kidding? My kid’s eight years old. What does he care about the light bill?
Is he the one leaving the lights on? Yeah. And here’s what you’re gonna do.
Sit him down and show him, I don’t know how you bank, show him online, see the light bill, see the see that?
See, it’s now here’s a little it’s both civic lesson and stewardship.
We have to manage what we have wisely.
So you see this amount when you see this amount go up, that means you get to do less.
When you see this change, the stewardship, if the kid says, well, I’ll have to mitigate that.
I gotta weigh that out. There’ll be some times during the time of the summer. I don’t know.
I’ll no. The kids is Dad, I’m sorry. I didn’t know that. Now I see that.
I love you, and I see that it bothers you. I’ll I’ll make sure the lights are turned off.
That would be and answer to prayer.
Where your little boys walking around, turn off the lights, everyone. We love dad so much.
But don’t isn’t that what you want? It’s exactly what we want from them.
But that word back to Galatians 4 19, we’ll have to end with this.
Galatians 4 19, when he says my little children for whom I labor in birth pains, until Christ is formed.
That takes this, listen. That’s taken to Spector Romans. Formed.
The word form here, look at the meaning, and we’ll end with this.
The word form, you recognize the Greek word morpho. Have you ever heard of the word metamorphose?
Neta and Greek is after Morpheus and after change.
It means that there was a life and then and then metamorphu happened. Meta after morph change.
There was a change after the 1st life. That’s what that word means.
Change that there was a life, unchanged, and now you have a life changed.
Mehta Morfu And this word morpho is to shape sculpt.
That’s what Michelangelo did when you see his work.
He looked at the uncut stone marble, And, you know, you can read about him on this.
Did you know that he would walk around? I guess it was something to behold.
He would walk around at this huge block. Supposedly, David was his greatest achievement.
I don’t I don’t know if you’ve ever seen, uh, David but he’s huge.
But the amazing thing is when you’re on tour and you’re listening to the tour guide, tell you is that he walked around this rock.
I forget that I I’m gonna forget.
I’m I don’t but it was like a week or a month He just walked around it, and he’s looking at it.
He’s just and people what is he going nuts?
In one of his sculptures, when he became famous, there’s some angel that he did that’s spectacular.
And somebody asked him, now they knew they asked him. Michelangelo, that’s his name.
You know? You know that? I said his name to my grandson, and he said, who? I said michelangelo.
And he said, who’s that?
And I said michelangelo, the amazing he says, His name is Mike Angelo.
Like Danny Davito, it was so funny. And I’m no. It’s It’s Michelangelo.
It’s one word. And, boy, talk about a six year old and a sixty five year old get into it.
So there’s this big block of stone, and somebody walks up to Michelangelo, and then finally says, Michelangelo, what do you see?
And he said, I see an angel trying to get out. Is that awesome?
When he looked at that stone to create the greatest work that has ever been done, David.
He’s looking and looking And then he grabs a chisel and a mallet makes the first chip.
Back to that word, this is what god is doing in your life. That’s why watch.
Stay with me. To shape, sculpt, form, mold, chisel, or sand until a desired shape or form is achieved.
Paul is saying, Jack is saying, your friends are saying, you are saying to me, I want to see Christ formed in you.
That’s a church. I don’t care how poor you are or how rich you are.
I don’t care what color you are. I don’t care where you live. And that’s the irrelevant?
Has the blood of Christ brought us together? Yes.
Then for both of us because we love one another because He told us to love one another, and he gives us the supernatural power to love one another even when we don’t like each other.
It’s true. We can love one another, and we start growing, we grow together, we grow closer to him, Christ, listen, is being formed in us.
So church, let’s quietly stand. Could you imagine Michelangelo with chisel and mallet in hand.
And he goes to hit the rock, and the rock starts moving.
Can you imagine? What’s he gonna that he listen.
He’s trying to make David, but you but David keeps moving.
You seen statues where they’re missing a nose and an arm? I think they moved.
Don’t move. Don’t just do something. Stand there. Stand still.
Well, I don’t know about you, but I think that is a very picture of what we said a moment ago that while the great Michelangelo is working on some fantastic concept in his mind, right?
It’s an idea. It’s a picture. He sees it.
And he knows what needs to happen for it to come into its mature state, something that you can recognize and go to a museum and stand in awe of.
What about Christ in our lives?
What Jesus desires to do in our life is to have a standstill while he goes to work.
We often get so busy. Listen, we need to slow down friends.
I want you to see Christ formed in you, but That’s really more desirous of Jesus for your life.
Don’t you want Christ more in your life? Of course, you do. I wanna see Christ more in my life.
Well, guess what? We can rejoice. He wants to see more of himself in our lives.
We stand there in the word he does the chiseling every day to mold and shape and make us into the man, the woman of god, that he has called us to be.
So we need to stand there and let him sculpt us shave, mold, sand, and make us into the people that he has engineered us to be.
It’s a fascinating thing to realize friends. We make life so applicated.
According to the Bible, god has given us a blueprint. That is the Bible.
But according to that blueprint, he already knows what you and I are supposed to become.
See, you and I run around this world trying to do enough sex, drugs, and rock and rolls, so to speak.
To become something. If we just get that that corner office, we’ve got it.
If I’ve just got a couple more zeros behind my bank account, I’ve got it. No. You you’ve got nothing.
Because in one single moment, my friend, your heart can skip a beat and you can be an eternity.
And to be an eternity without Christ is called hell.
To be an eternity with Christ is called heaven.
So friends, listen, stand still, slow down, and let god do his work in your life.
Listen, as always, we are here at real life for you.
And you can find out so much more by going to jackhibs.com, and you can go to Facebook and Instagram and so many other spots where we are commenting really almost constantly on what’s going on in our life and our world around us.
All with this intent for you to draw closer to Jesus Christ.
So, listen, we’d look forward to seeing you again as we dive into the word of god, but my friends in these stays when things are being shaken.
Keep your eyes on Christ. Don’t look anywhere else and stand there. Stand there in his promise.
Stand there in his piece. Stand there waiting for him because he’s coming soon and very soon.
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Welcome to real life radio with Jack Gibbs.
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But listen, regarding our Christianity and how to live out.
I wanna suggest something to you that maybe you’ve never considered before.
And that is for god to say to you, just don’t do something. Stand there. Yeah. You heard me right.
Far too much of our efforts and energy are spent as believers in busy busy busy when god might be saying to you and I, will you just stand there?
Will you just stand there and listen to what I have to say?
I thank as the worldly proverb says that the, uh, there’s the the tyranny of the urgent.
It means whatever loud gets our attention. Whatever is making the biggest noise gets our attention.
But, listen, friends, when you and I go to pray, when you and I go to do anything that is of god, Satan opposes that, and he’s warnings, and he’s worrying against you.
And so one of Satan’s attacks, I’m absolutely sure of it.
According to the Bible, is that he shoots at you the fiery dart the Bible says of the wicked one.
And so, for example, if I’m gonna go pray, uh, thoughts enter my mind. Thoughts enter your mind.
Makes no sense. Crazy. But I want you to think of it this way.
When you go to dedicate yourself to god in that moment of not doing anything, but standing there to receive from god, don’t be surprised if the enemy dips his arrow of temptation and shoots it at you.
It could be silly thoughts. It could be when’s the last time I cleaned the oven?
It could be the craziest thing off the wall. What’s going on? You’re under attack, my friends.
But, listen, know this. That you and I are pretty predictable as human beings when it comes to the spirit realm.
But when you and I spend time with god, when we stop doing stuff and just stand there and get god’s heart and god’s mind and god’s word on a matter, Well, now we start to have victory over the enemy.
So you and I walk in with Jesus. God will do a tremendous thing in our life.
So let’s dive into this study. Don’t just do something. Stand there and see what god has in store.
Get your bible. Get ready to write things down that god might speak to you about as we learn how to hear the voice of god.
As we stand with Didn’t Jesus say if you wanna find your life, lose it.
Give up your earthly practice of even religion and find a relationship with Jesus Christ by faith in him and love.
That’s god’s will for your life. What’s god’s will for my that’s it.
Become indebted to him. Ephesians chapter 5 verses 12. Therefore, be imitators of god.
Being imitators of god, the word we get the word mimic or to mime as dear children and walk in love as Christ also has loved us.
There it is. And given himself for us in offering and a sacrifice to god for a sweet smelling aroma.
Did you know that Jesus’s sacrifice of obedience to the father is a sweet smell to the father.
That’s when Jesus was on earth, and I’m sure it’s still true to the second.
And we’re supposed to mimic him so that when you and I live our lives, we are to be not smelly, but we are to have an aroma.
We’re not to have a stink. We are to have a fragrant.
The Bible says that when brothers and sisters are communing with one another, We are a fragrance one toward another.
But, listen, the Bible also tells us that we as believers to those who don’t know Christ, we are the stench of death to them.
Why? Because we remind them that number 1, we were once like they are now, but we announced to them by a new life that they don’t have to stay the way that they are.
That’s why I think real true Christianity is under attack today in this world is because just your changed life and your testimony suggests that people can be changed.
And the world doesn’t wanna hear that. That’s in a way too much truth for them.
Don’t tell me I can change. Because if I can change, that means you’re telling me I can change.
Which means you’re telling me I’m going in the wrong direction.
And all those things is what god told me when he woke me up on that night when I was heading in the wrong direction.
Now, listen. We need to become more and more indebted to him.
Romans 13 verse 8, a beautiful verse. Romans 138 says, oh, no man anything except to love one another.
How’s that? Oh, no man, anything, except this, to love one another.
And so the debt that we have we mirror that debt.
So church, I hope I can say this. Look, if my words fail, may watch my hands.
It’s part of being Portuguese. We’ve got 2 ways of talking. It’s this.
Jesus Christ, when he lived in the flesh on earth, was our prototype. Remember that.
We are too, you read a moment ago, mimic him. We we complicate it.
Don’t make it it’s simple. What do you mean?
Well, if you know somebody who’s caught up in a sin, what are you supposed to do?
Mimit Jesus. Now watch how this works.
If you know somebody that’s caught up in a sin, do what Jesus would do.
See, don’t do what you want to do. Do what Jesus says to do.
Because normally, when we have we know somebody who’s caught up in the sin, we wanna call them up and say, I told you.
I knew that would happen to you. Didn’t I warn you? Jesus doesn’t do that.
Jesus reaches out and offers a better way. Jesus offers a more perfect way.
You say to them, listen. You don’t have to live like this anymore.
In church family, look around our world.
The world and take a look at what’s going on in the world around us.
People need his love. Like, never before.
And how many people do we see that might even be, you know, marketing people right now.
We’re we know that in our own communities, we, you know, most look, if if you live in Southern California, if you live in the most poorest community, you’re still affluent compared to most of the world.
But there are people being trafficked, and you’ve actually seen them, and you haven’t realized it.
There are people now that are actually being marketed trafficked by owners where they put the mom and the kid or 2 or 3 at Walmart’s parking lot, or near the freeway.
Have you noticed this though? There are signs that they have written down. We’ll always invoke god.
And the font is almost always the exact same, and the sign is almost always the exact same way.
They just make 100 of those signs.
They they they commandeered these poor moms, and they pimp them saying I’m hungry.
My babies are hungry, and they’re have you seen this happen? Yeah.
You are literally watching a form of you in trafficking.
When man is not free, on the inside, he enslaves people on the outside.
It’s tyrannical. But you don’t have to go to that extreme.
It can happen in a marriage.
When somebody’s not free in a marriage, they respond out of insecurity, and so they’ll control.
And that’s not god.
True biblical Christianity liberates people We are not to be the ones to judge and to determine, oh, that magnitude wait a minute.
So wait, you’re you’re a you’re a liar and a thief. Oh, you can be forgiven. Wait.
You’re a murder in a in a in a prostitute? Oh, not too far. Oh my goodness.
How dare we? When in our minds, we have the capability if we never thought it of all of those sins.
It’s powerful. Listen to what Chuck Swindell said.
I’ve read this in a book by Chuck Swindell. It’s powerful.
Where then is our obligation to this salvation?
The answer is not complicated, but it is difficult because we in our religious flashed. I like that.
Will not surrender control easily. The answer is straightforward enough. We are obligated to do nothing.
You don’t have to pray. You don’t have to get up at 4 AM for a quiet time.
You don’t have to do family devotions You don’t have to give your money.
You don’t have to take a shower every day. I disagree with that one.
Anyway, You don’t have to obey the 10 commandments. You don’t have to wear dark clothing.
You don’t have to eat low fat foods you don’t have to pile up good deeds to become spiritual.
If you have the spirit of Christ in you, You are as spiritual as you’re ever going to be.
That is powerful. That’s a cold, hard look at what Paul is saying.
If you’re saying I need to do those things and then I’m right with god, you’re lost.
Are you hearing me? You have fallen from the grace of god.
You, like the Galatians, have started, you started in the spirit, but now you have entered into the realm of the flesh.
You’ve got legalism going. If you have to, it’s wrong.
I mean, come on.
Again, getting back to that relationship, husband, and wife, if you have to, If you have to be intimate, do we have to be intimate?
Well, I mean, we’re kinda married. You know? But, really?
I’m in support of the deal. You break somebody’s heart.
Every single one of us desires to be desired.
Don’t sit there and go, no, doesn’t he? He’s not me.
Oh, you more than most. That’s right. It’s true. Here’s the deal.
What you want is love freely given.
And when I talk about being in debt and standing in his debt, It’s a joy.
Oh, yes, lord. I give all of myself to you.
Augustine said, love god and live as you please.
Does that sound wrong to you? If it does, you need spiritual eyes and ears.
Love god. That’s the qualifier. Live as you please. What does that mean?
If you love god, you are gonna live in a way that blesses god. That’s what pleases you.
Did you get it? Did you get it? It’s simple. Very simple.
Billy Graham said, I can choose now as a Christian to live any kind of life I want.
And the whole stadium went silent. And he says, I choose to follow Christ.
And then the crowds clapped. It’s like, we thought. But it’s listen.
Very few people can hear what I’m saying. This is deep stuff.
Human nature is tell me what to do. Draw the line. Take bring out the whip.
Make me do it. And then when I do it, give me a badge.
You, uh, you need to find a a a religion.
Because god wants relationship. Galatians 4 19.
My little children listen, how he speaks.
For whom I labor and birth again until Christ has formed in you.
This is Paul speaking to the church at Galatia.
Paul is basically saying, do I have to go through this again with you?
Boy, isn’t it the life of a parent? How many times have told you.
We’re tempted to say, how many times do I have to tell you? Right?
And I understand the feeling we’ve all said it.
We’re saying it right now, but it’s it doesn’t it it doesn’t it doesn’t equate until they see the light bill for themselves.
That’s right. I’m a I’m a big fan of this.
You don’t mind, but are you kidding? My kid’s eight years old. What does he care about the light bill?
Is he the one leaving the lights on? Yeah. And here’s what you’re gonna do.
Sit him down and show him, I don’t know how you bank, show him online, see the light bill, see the see that?
See, it’s now here’s a little it’s both civic lesson and stewardship.
We have to manage what we have wisely.
So you see this amount when you see this amount go up, that means you get to do less.
When you see this change, the stewardship, if the kid says, well, I’ll have to mitigate that.
I gotta weigh that out. There’ll be some times during the time of the summer. I don’t know.
I’ll no. The kids is Dad, I’m sorry. I didn’t know that. Now I see that.
I love you, and I see that it bothers you. I’ll I’ll make sure the lights are turned off.
That would be and answer to prayer.
Where your little boys walking around, turn off the lights, everyone. We love dad so much.
But don’t isn’t that what you want? It’s exactly what we want from them.
But that word back to Galatians 4 19, we’ll have to end with this.
Galatians 4 19, when he says my little children for whom I labor in birth pains, until Christ is formed.
That takes this, listen. That’s taken to Spector Romans. Formed.
The word form here, look at the meaning, and we’ll end with this.
The word form, you recognize the Greek word morpho. Have you ever heard of the word metamorphose?
Neta and Greek is after Morpheus and after change.
It means that there was a life and then and then metamorphu happened. Meta after morph change.
There was a change after the 1st life. That’s what that word means.
Change that there was a life, unchanged, and now you have a life changed.
Mehta Morfu And this word morpho is to shape sculpt.
That’s what Michelangelo did when you see his work.
He looked at the uncut stone marble, And, you know, you can read about him on this.
Did you know that he would walk around? I guess it was something to behold.
He would walk around at this huge block. Supposedly, David was his greatest achievement.
I don’t I don’t know if you’ve ever seen, uh, David but he’s huge.
But the amazing thing is when you’re on tour and you’re listening to the tour guide, tell you is that he walked around this rock.
I forget that I I’m gonna forget.
I’m I don’t but it was like a week or a month He just walked around it, and he’s looking at it.
He’s just and people what is he going nuts?
In one of his sculptures, when he became famous, there’s some angel that he did that’s spectacular.
And somebody asked him, now they knew they asked him. Michelangelo, that’s his name.
You know? You know that? I said his name to my grandson, and he said, who? I said michelangelo.
And he said, who’s that?
And I said michelangelo, the amazing he says, His name is Mike Angelo.
Like Danny Davito, it was so funny. And I’m no. It’s It’s Michelangelo.
It’s one word. And, boy, talk about a six year old and a sixty five year old get into it.
So there’s this big block of stone, and somebody walks up to Michelangelo, and then finally says, Michelangelo, what do you see?
And he said, I see an angel trying to get out. Is that awesome?
When he looked at that stone to create the greatest work that has ever been done, David.
He’s looking and looking And then he grabs a chisel and a mallet makes the first chip.
Back to that word, this is what god is doing in your life. That’s why watch.
Stay with me. To shape, sculpt, form, mold, chisel, or sand until a desired shape or form is achieved.
Paul is saying, Jack is saying, your friends are saying, you are saying to me, I want to see Christ formed in you.
That’s a church. I don’t care how poor you are or how rich you are.
I don’t care what color you are. I don’t care where you live. And that’s the irrelevant?
Has the blood of Christ brought us together? Yes.
Then for both of us because we love one another because He told us to love one another, and he gives us the supernatural power to love one another even when we don’t like each other.
It’s true. We can love one another, and we start growing, we grow together, we grow closer to him, Christ, listen, is being formed in us.
So church, let’s quietly stand. Could you imagine Michelangelo with chisel and mallet in hand.
And he goes to hit the rock, and the rock starts moving.
Can you imagine? What’s he gonna that he listen.
He’s trying to make David, but you but David keeps moving.
You seen statues where they’re missing a nose and an arm? I think they moved.
Don’t move. Don’t just do something. Stand there. Stand still.
Well, I don’t know about you, but I think that is a very picture of what we said a moment ago that while the great Michelangelo is working on some fantastic concept in his mind, right?
It’s an idea. It’s a picture. He sees it.
And he knows what needs to happen for it to come into its mature state, something that you can recognize and go to a museum and stand in awe of.
What about Christ in our lives?
What Jesus desires to do in our life is to have a standstill while he goes to work.
We often get so busy. Listen, we need to slow down friends.
I want you to see Christ formed in you, but That’s really more desirous of Jesus for your life.
Don’t you want Christ more in your life? Of course, you do. I wanna see Christ more in my life.
Well, guess what? We can rejoice. He wants to see more of himself in our lives.
We stand there in the word he does the chiseling every day to mold and shape and make us into the man, the woman of god, that he has called us to be.
So we need to stand there and let him sculpt us shave, mold, sand, and make us into the people that he has engineered us to be.
It’s a fascinating thing to realize friends. We make life so applicated.
According to the Bible, god has given us a blueprint. That is the Bible.
But according to that blueprint, he already knows what you and I are supposed to become.
See, you and I run around this world trying to do enough sex, drugs, and rock and rolls, so to speak.
To become something. If we just get that that corner office, we’ve got it.
If I’ve just got a couple more zeros behind my bank account, I’ve got it. No. You you’ve got nothing.
Because in one single moment, my friend, your heart can skip a beat and you can be an eternity.
And to be an eternity without Christ is called hell.
To be an eternity with Christ is called heaven.
So friends, listen, stand still, slow down, and let god do his work in your life.
Listen, as always, we are here at real life for you.
And you can find out so much more by going to jackhibs.com, and you can go to Facebook and Instagram and so many other spots where we are commenting really almost constantly on what’s going on in our life and our world around us.
All with this intent for you to draw closer to Jesus Christ.
So, listen, we’d look forward to seeing you again as we dive into the word of god, but my friends in these stays when things are being shaken.
Keep your eyes on Christ. Don’t look anywhere else and stand there. Stand there in his promise.
Stand there in his piece. Stand there waiting for him because he’s coming soon and very soon.
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Welcome to real life radio with Jack Gibbs.
God’s words, whomever will return boy, God’s word is spirit, it’s power, and it has its effects.
God did not give us a Bible prophecy to scare us, but to Paris.
You are the light of the world Jesus said. You are the salt of the earth. How does that happen?
Jack Gibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history, which brings some great opportunities to share with the world a powerful, no nonsense presentation of the gospel to this generation who are searching for answers and truth.
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