GOD’s Word Is The Goal – 4D Workshop

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BILL: Hello, I’m Bill Winston, and I’m here to announce that you are moving up! Praise God. It’s time to move up to 4D. You see, 3D is about time, space, and matter in their natural form. But when you move into 4D, you can begin to dominate time, space, and matter.

Where things would typically take a year, in 4D, you can make them happen in just an hour. Praise God! This is made possible by the power of the Spirit and the miracle-working power of God. In this book, I’ll show you how to reach this new level.

God no longer wants to come down to our circumstances. He wants us to rise up to His way of life, one that dominates circumstances. That’s the life He has for you! The fourth dimension is the realm of the impossible. You were created to do the impossible, but you have to come up to 4D to do it. This book will guide you on how to get there. It’s one of the most powerful things I’ve ever written. Get your copy today, and be blessed.

Bill Winston here, we love you, and remember to keep walking by faith.

ANNOUNCER: Stay tuned for more on the Believers Walk of Faith.

BILL: Now, let me talk about discernment in 4D. In this realm, you’ll gain knowledge beyond human understanding. When you press into God, He’ll give you discernment, enabling you to see beyond the natural. What appears to be just two fish and five loaves can, through God’s power, feed 20,000 people.

When you begin speaking these truths, you may not believe them at first. You might say, “Well, that’s hard to believe,” but keep declaring it because soon, your heart will align with what you speak. You must speak what God says.

Remember, the Scripture says, “My God shall supply all your needs.” You can’t say, “I’ll never get these bills paid.” No, you must speak differently: “All my needs are met.” If you keep agreeing with what the enemy says, you’ll get what the enemy has for you. But when you declare what God says, that’s when you see His provision.

BILL: This next part is about discernment—discernment for dominion. God provides knowledge that surpasses human understanding.

In John 6, there were thousands of people to feed. Jesus commanded His disciples to feed them, but it seemed impossible. Yet, through discernment and divine insight, they found a boy with two fish and five loaves. Even though it seemed insignificant, God’s wisdom turned it into a miracle.

Sometimes you can take people only so far in understanding, and then they need to catch the revelation themselves. That’s what I mean by 4D. Discernment takes over in this realm. It’s a level of knowledge that surpasses anything human. You’ve been chosen for this, and with God’s help, you’ll be able to do the impossible.

Now, let’s look at the example of Joshua. In Joshua 9:3-4, we see how Satan can deceive if you’re not discerning. The Israelites were deceived by the Gibeonites, who used moldy bread to create a false impression. If you don’t have discernment, you can be deceived, but God has given you the spirit of discernment to protect you from deception.

With God’s wisdom, you won’t be fooled or destroyed by the enemy’s lies. God will give you knowledge that will guide you through any situation.


BILL: Stay discerning and keep walking in the authority God has given you!

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