God’s Biggest Deal | Joel Osteen
God’s Biggest Deal | Joel Osteen
When you don’t understand it, you have to trust. “God, You know what’s best for me. I’m going to follow where You lead. When You open doors, when You push me out, I’m going to dare to take steps of faith with a good attitude. God, when doors don’t open, when it seems like I’m stuck, I’m going to keep being faithful where I am.” When you have that kind of attitude, God will keep you in your place of blessing.
We have two small dogs at home. They’re shihoos. They’re very friendly and playful.
Every time they hear the garage door go up, someone returns home, they run to the back door and wait.
When we open the door, they jump up on us so excited. Their tails are wagging back and forth.
It’s like they hadn’t seen us in two months. We’ve been gone thirty minutes.
And I know they’re just dogs, but it still warms your heart.
To know that they’re so glad to see you.
Paul said in ephesians because of our faith in Christ, we can come fearlessly into god’s presence assured of his glad welcome.
Not many of us have the audacity to think that god would be that happy to see us.
I mean, he’s the creator of the universe. He has bigger things to deal with. He’s not concerned about me.
You are god’s biggest deal. You are his most valuable possession. He made you in his own image.
There’s nothing more important to god than you.
It says in Isaiah, he has your picture tattooed on the palm of his hand.
He knows the number of hairs on your head. He knows your thoughts before you think them.
And if you will have the right image of god, knowing that he gladly welcomes you.
His face lights up when he sees you. He loves spending time with you.
Hearing your concerns, knowing what you’re dreaming about, then you won’t shrink back in fear, intimidated, unworthy, you will go fearlessly to him.
But so many people have the wrong image of god.
They see him as being harsh Like he has a ball bat, waiting for them to make a mistake, knock them down further.
Don’t come near me, man. You’ve done wrong. You haven’t measured up.
You knew better, but god is not basing his glad welcome on your performance.
It’s not based on how perfect you’ve lived It’s based on the fact that you’re his child, because of your faith in Christ.
Not because of your good works. Not because you performed perfectly, it’s because of who you belong to.
Ephesians one says long before god made the world, he chose you to be in him without fault.
Now you may have made mistakes.
You got off course, doesn’t think you’re not proud of, We let the accuser keep all the baggage, remind us of how unworthy we are, how we don’t deserve God’s goodness, Look at what you’ve done.
You should be ashamed. You know better. You know how god sees you without fault. How could this be?
He’s already paid the price for your sins, your mistakes, your failures. He sees you without fault.
But that won’t do you any good if you don’t see yourself without fault.
If you’re down on yourself, living guilty, condemned, even though god will gladly welcome you, even though he’s longing to be good to you, you won’t see this goodness because you don’t come fearlessly into his presence.
This all started in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit.
Up to them, they were happy, competent, secure. They knew god loved them.
They went boldly into his presence, walked with god, talked with god, they received his glad welcome.
But when they disobeyed, the condemnation came, The accusing voice brought fear and intimidation.
The first thing they did was run and hide. They had to get out of god’s presence.
They knew they wouldn’t be gladly welcomed anymore. God came and said, Adam, where are you?
It wasn’t so much about his location. It was about his frame of mind.
In the old testament, they had to make sacrifices to cover their sins but we’re under a better covenant.
The price has already been paid. It says in Revelation God has washed away our sins. Past tense.
He’s already forgiven you. You may have made mistakes. You’re not where you wanted to be.
You don’t feel worthy, like you deserve God’s goodness. Now, like Adam, you’re hiding.
God is saying, where are you? I longed to be with you. I have mercy for your mistakes.
I have forgiveness for your wrongs. What you’ve done did not stop. His glad welcome.
I hope you enjoyed watching this clip. You can watch the full message here on our YouTube channel.
We’d love to hear your prayer request and how the ministry has impacted your life, you can leave a comment below.
Make sure to subscribe to our channel to stay inspired all throughout the week.
Every time they hear the garage door go up, someone returns home, they run to the back door and wait.
When we open the door, they jump up on us so excited. Their tails are wagging back and forth.
It’s like they hadn’t seen us in two months. We’ve been gone thirty minutes.
And I know they’re just dogs, but it still warms your heart.
To know that they’re so glad to see you.
Paul said in ephesians because of our faith in Christ, we can come fearlessly into god’s presence assured of his glad welcome.
Not many of us have the audacity to think that god would be that happy to see us.
I mean, he’s the creator of the universe. He has bigger things to deal with. He’s not concerned about me.
You are god’s biggest deal. You are his most valuable possession. He made you in his own image.
There’s nothing more important to god than you.
It says in Isaiah, he has your picture tattooed on the palm of his hand.
He knows the number of hairs on your head. He knows your thoughts before you think them.
And if you will have the right image of god, knowing that he gladly welcomes you.
His face lights up when he sees you. He loves spending time with you.
Hearing your concerns, knowing what you’re dreaming about, then you won’t shrink back in fear, intimidated, unworthy, you will go fearlessly to him.
But so many people have the wrong image of god.
They see him as being harsh Like he has a ball bat, waiting for them to make a mistake, knock them down further.
Don’t come near me, man. You’ve done wrong. You haven’t measured up.
You knew better, but god is not basing his glad welcome on your performance.
It’s not based on how perfect you’ve lived It’s based on the fact that you’re his child, because of your faith in Christ.
Not because of your good works. Not because you performed perfectly, it’s because of who you belong to.
Ephesians one says long before god made the world, he chose you to be in him without fault.
Now you may have made mistakes.
You got off course, doesn’t think you’re not proud of, We let the accuser keep all the baggage, remind us of how unworthy we are, how we don’t deserve God’s goodness, Look at what you’ve done.
You should be ashamed. You know better. You know how god sees you without fault. How could this be?
He’s already paid the price for your sins, your mistakes, your failures. He sees you without fault.
But that won’t do you any good if you don’t see yourself without fault.
If you’re down on yourself, living guilty, condemned, even though god will gladly welcome you, even though he’s longing to be good to you, you won’t see this goodness because you don’t come fearlessly into his presence.
This all started in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit.
Up to them, they were happy, competent, secure. They knew god loved them.
They went boldly into his presence, walked with god, talked with god, they received his glad welcome.
But when they disobeyed, the condemnation came, The accusing voice brought fear and intimidation.
The first thing they did was run and hide. They had to get out of god’s presence.
They knew they wouldn’t be gladly welcomed anymore. God came and said, Adam, where are you?
It wasn’t so much about his location. It was about his frame of mind.
In the old testament, they had to make sacrifices to cover their sins but we’re under a better covenant.
The price has already been paid. It says in Revelation God has washed away our sins. Past tense.
He’s already forgiven you. You may have made mistakes. You’re not where you wanted to be.
You don’t feel worthy, like you deserve God’s goodness. Now, like Adam, you’re hiding.
God is saying, where are you? I longed to be with you. I have mercy for your mistakes.
I have forgiveness for your wrongs. What you’ve done did not stop. His glad welcome.
I hope you enjoyed watching this clip. You can watch the full message here on our YouTube channel.
We’d love to hear your prayer request and how the ministry has impacted your life, you can leave a comment below.
Make sure to subscribe to our channel to stay inspired all throughout the week.
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