God Is Preparing You | Steven Furtick

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God is Not Against You, But He is For Your Future

I’m talking about God, our loving Father, who is never against us—He is always for us. But sometimes, what He desires for you is far greater than what you desire for yourself. While you focus on immediate needs, God is thinking about your legacy. While you focus on your desires, God is shaping your destiny.

(00:30) We often ask, “What do I want right now?” But God already knows where He is leading you. While you stress over temporary concerns, God is protecting your future. So, when we declare, “God is not against me,” we must not assume that means He will always agree with our choices. Just as a loving parent wouldn’t let their child remove their helmet just because it doesn’t match their shoes, God doesn’t always give us what we want if it jeopardizes our well-being.

(01:04) This understanding is crucial when we examine Scripture. God appointed the prophet Jeremiah to speak to the people of Judah before their destruction. They weren’t destroyed because it was their destiny—they were destroyed because of their disobedience. That’s an important distinction.

(01:40) Many things we call “destiny” are actually the result of our own decisions. When we look back, we might say, “That’s just how things turned out,” but in reality, it was a series of choices. Throughout the book of Jeremiah, we see that what we often label as destiny is, in fact, the outcome of our decisions.

Jeremiah was sent to turn the nation back to God, but God knew they wouldn’t listen. So, He sent Jeremiah as a warning. Later, when they were taken into Babylonian exile, it wasn’t because God abandoned them—it was because He was allowing something to happen for a greater purpose.

(02:41) Jeremiah’s words didn’t accomplish what he hoped, but that doesn’t mean he failed. He told the people, “You need to surrender and return to God.” In this case, surrendering meant accepting the Babylonian captivity, because God was using it to bring His people back to Him.

(03:15) Sometimes, God allows difficult situations in our lives to realign us with His purpose. When He sees us drifting from His will, He may permit challenges—not to harm us, but to correct our path. Even when it feels like an attack, God can use it to bring us closer to Him.

(03:52) The enemy’s attacks are not always meant to destroy you; sometimes, God allows them to redirect you. Just like a parent would rather take away a child’s phone than let them suffer a serious injury, God will remove distractions or comforts if they are leading you away from His plan.

(04:20) This may not be what you expected when I said, “God is not against me!” But the truth is, God is against the things that harm you. He is not against you, but He is against the false identities, bad habits, and destructive choices that rob you of your true calling.

Jeremiah repeatedly warned the king, “You should have turned back to God earlier, but if you surrender now, He will still save you.” Yet the king refused.

(04:58) Instead of listening, his advisors conspired to silence Jeremiah. They told the king, “He’s discouraging the people with his negative preaching. We need to shut him up.” But Jeremiah wasn’t preaching negativity—he was preaching repentance.

(05:49) Repentance isn’t about feeling bad; it’s about stopping destructive behavior. If you find yourself in a pit, stop digging. That’s what repentance is—it’s realizing you’re in trouble and choosing to turn back to God.

(06:24) Let’s be honest—how many of us have ended up in a pit because of our own choices? How many times has God tried to warn us, but we kept going in the wrong direction?

The good news is that it’s never too late to turn back. God is not against you—He is calling you into alignment with His purpose, so you can walk in His best for your life.

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