*END-TIME ALERT* This is Coming on May 28th!
*END-TIME ALERT* This is Coming on May 28th!
“What was the fruit of the Messiah’s grace? Rest—a rest pertaining to my existence, most assuredly superior to passing minutes of stillness or peace I may have experienced in meditation. I have come to appreciate that this new life is something Jesus wants for everyone, irrespective of race or religion. It is a unique and eternal boon available to everyone who turns to Him with confidence. So, today I walk on in gratitude.”
― Sid Roth
Hm. Yeah.
Recently I talked to someone I’ve known for many years. His name is Mike Bickle.
He’s the founder of IHOP, not the Pancake place, uh, but the prayer place and God’s just done marvelous things through this man.
And he had a prophecy many years ago.
He would call a million people to pray and fast for Israel.
And you know what he said, I’ve heard some wacky prophecies, but this is the wackiest.
There’s no way I could get a million people to pray and fast for Israel. Guess what?
I just talked to him on the phone.
He has over a million people signed up to pray and fast for 21 days.
And this is the unique thing about it.
It’s May 7th to May 28th and he would know what happens on May 28th Pentecost and simultaneous to him calling that fast.
We had a day of prayer and fasting in our ministry, but we had three focuses that I’m calling everyone that sees this video or those here in person to be open to God, calling you to be part of team glory.
Here’s the three things we prayed and fasted for, uh it’s only three and by the way, the fast is optional.
It could be TV, it could be computers, it could be a daniel fast.
Whatever God shows you, the prayer is imperative, the fasting.
If you’re someone that fast, you may want to do the full fast.
But it’s, you can be part of this without fasting.
Here are the three things that we pray for and wait till you hear the repercussions of these three things.
The first is we pray mostly in tongues.
We worship God, but we pray mostly in tongues. Why?
Because when you pray in tongues, you’re praying perfect prayers with perfect faith.
Exactly what God wants for the time in your life. It kind of stupid not to do that.
Your brain doesn’t know exactly what God wants and your brain, no matter how much you’ve meditated on the word doesn’t have as much faith as the Holy Spirit within you speaking those prayers.
So when you’re praying with 100% faith, because it’s 100% of what God wants. You’re doing something good.
Something very good. It’s like when God created the earth, he said everything he created. It’s good, it’s good.
But then at the end, he looked over what he did. He said no, I have to say it myself.
It’s very good nuts. Just good. Very good. That’s the first thing. Pray mostly in tongues. Second pray.
Romans 11 26. Very important. Did you know until this happens, even Jesus can’t return all Israel shall be saved.
All Israel. There’s no other people group in the world that God says all Israel, all of these people will be saved.
Of course, my concern is the ones that die before that date because there’s no distinction.
There’s no other name given onto men in which we must be saved.
So number one worship and pray in tongues. Number two, pray, Romans 11 26.
And so all Israel will be saved, doesn’t say might be saved will be saved.
And then the third, just as important because this is how all Israel will be saved.
This is what God says.
In Exodus 33 18, we pray the prayer of Moses and Moses said, show me your glory, show me your glory.
There is an evangelistic glory coming on planet earth. The devil thinks he’s won. God’s ready.
God hasn’t even made his move yet. God is ready to make his best move.
Whereas in the natural, it looks like America and most of the nations of the world are going down the tubes.
They need to be turned upside down one more time.
This world has to be turned upside down again because it’s the wrong side up.
Way beyond logic and reason and common sense, way too quickly.
Anyone that says they don’t believe in the devil, just look what happened to the world in our lifetime and the greatest nation in the world is about ready to become a third rate nation except a million people are going to be praying.
Lord, show me the glory. Lord, all Israel shall be safe because when you pray that you bump into the glory, now I saw something and most people have overlooked this.
Do you know there was a time in Israel’s history where every Jew, every single one saw the glory.
Let me read this to you, Leviticus chapter nine verse 23 24 Moses and Aaron entered the tent to witness and when they came out, they blessed all the people and the glory of the Lord became visible to all.
Not just a couple of seers to everyone in the crowd and fire came out from the Lord and consumed what was on the altar, both the whole burnt offering and the fat pieces and all the people saw, saw it, not just a few people, all the people saw it very important.
We haven’t had a time like this once in a while the Gloria come and someone will see a cloud or something, but not everyone is seeing this and this.
This was not what’s coming, what’s coming is much greater.
And I’ll prove that to you in a moment.
And when all the people saw it, they were amazed and fell down, face down.
They were repenting when the glory comes. And this is very important. People don’t know this in its fullness.
Everyone will see it. Everyone will see it and everyone will either harden and run out or get on their face.
Repenting. There’ll be no more lukewarm category. You’ll either be hot or cold no more lukewarm.
So I want you to join me and my staff for prayer.
When May 7th to 28th prayer and fasting.
Do you know two women single handedly saved all the Jewish people in the Bible that, you know, two lone women, a woman might say, oh, my husband loves me.
I’ve got three Children. I have two jobs. Um It’s all depends on me. One woman changed history.
You think you got problems with five kids and two jobs and no husband Esther had a bigger problem.
She was called to be queen and they already had a queen. That is a big problem.
And not only that she was the one from the wrong side of the track.
She was Jewish, a Jewish person. Can’t become queen of the land.
I mean, it was a stacked deck against her.
She had no hope but she believed in God.
She knew God, she knew how to grab hold of God.
So there were two women, one was a Jew and the other was a gentile.
Here’s the first woman Esther, 4, 13 and 14. Esther.
This is what the uh the Jew Mordecai who raised her, said to her when she was wondering why he, he was the ashes in sackcloth.
Do not think that in the king’s palace, you will be more likely to escape than all the other Jews do not think because we’re in the great United States of America, we’ll be able to escape.
Come on, that’s what he said to.
Just because you’re que queen of the land, just because you’re in the king’s palace.
Do not think you’ll be able to escape for if you remain silent at this time, protection and deliverance for the Jews will be ordained from some other place.
You don’t look if you’re called and you don’t answer the call. God will raise someone else up.
Reminds me of someone I met. That’s now in heaven. Catherine Coleman. Um You remember the story?
She said, God called about a dozen men before her and every man said no, no, they didn’t say no.
There were little steps. God said, will you do this?
Do this, do this and they didn’t want to do it.
And they turned down the greatest miracle ministry of the century. That’s what they did for.
If you remain silent at this time, protection and deliverance for the Jews will be ordained from some other place.
But you and your father’s house shall be destroyed.
And who knows Esther, if you may have attained royalty in an impossible situation for such a time as this, that’s the Jew Esther saved all the Jewish people that were shortly every elderly Jew, every young Jew, every baby was gonna be murdered.
But Esther had favor with the king. Esther is a type of the end time church.
The church has favor with the king.
Now the other was a gentile, not even part of God’s family.
Ruth and Ruth 1 16 says, but Ruth said when she was urged by Naomi, her mother in law, go back to your people.
This is what Ruth said. Do not urge me to leave you or to turn back from following you for wherever you go.
She knew about the blessings of Genesis 12 3.
Do you know what God promises those that bless the Jewish people. I will bless.
I have found even the law of evangelism.
When I go to the Jew first, it opens up a supernatural door to reach more gentiles than if I went to the gentile first.
Whatever you do. Now, what’s the greatest blessing to a Jewish person? Humanitarian work?
We do a lot of humanitarian work in Israel and Jewish populations around the world.
But every humanitarian work we do is with the gospel, not just humanitarian.
The greatest thing you can do to a Jewish person is, tell them about Jesus.
And you know, I meet top Christian evangelists.
They, they pulsate for the salvation of people and they read my little booklet, they say it’s like the spiritual scales came up.
It’s called the Mystery Law of evangelism.
Like the spiritual scales came off and I’ve never thought about going to my Jewish friends and telling them about Jesus.
Wherever you go, I will go and wherever you stay, I will stay. Your people shall be my people.
Your God, my God. So a Jew and a gentile. Do you know why?
I say how Ruth spared the Jewish people? Guess who was in her ancestry? The Jew Jesus.
That’s how she spared.
Not just the Jewish people this gentile had the whole world with, I mean, what a deck stacked against her.
No husband, no money. And her and her mother in law says, go back to your people. Nothing.
No, no, no. I know the blessings is on the Jew.
I’m gonna do something for the Jew.
The greatest thing you can do for a Jewish person is not give us money.
The greatest thing you can do for any person is to give them the gospel and we own the crown jewel of the salvation of Israel.
And I can say that non arrogantly, but matter of fact, it’s called Middle East TV.
We are in every home without a charge that owns a television set in Israel, seven days a week, 24 hours a day with programming Muslim and Jewish testimonies.
And we, and we have at this point to build audience, we have sporting events and news and things of that nature that will attract people.
But we have programs with the gospel and salvation almost all the time going into every home in Israel.
Once the glory hits in this studio and the glory will go. What a secret weapon God has.
We are going to be able to have that glory go into the heart of every unsaved Jewish person that turns on their TV.
And your prayers are gonna cause them to even turn on the TV. Two in the morning.
Get the gospel any time, but it’s not just the gospel, it’s the gospel with the glory.
So follow those three points of prayer. It’s May 7th to 28.
And on Pentecost, we know what happened at Pentecost, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
What if that becomes a Pentecost in your life of the outpouring of God’s glory?
Now, if, if you’re part of this, uh go to our link on the web and just let us know you’re praying.
I mean, Mike Bickle, then we’re doing it in, in, in unity with his group.
But Mike Bicke got a million people. I don’t think it’s ever happened. It’s historic.
A million people have signed up for 21 days of prayer and fasting for the salvation of Israel.
If this doesn’t tell you, we’re in the last days, nothing will.
Recently I talked to someone I’ve known for many years. His name is Mike Bickle.
He’s the founder of IHOP, not the Pancake place, uh, but the prayer place and God’s just done marvelous things through this man.
And he had a prophecy many years ago.
He would call a million people to pray and fast for Israel.
And you know what he said, I’ve heard some wacky prophecies, but this is the wackiest.
There’s no way I could get a million people to pray and fast for Israel. Guess what?
I just talked to him on the phone.
He has over a million people signed up to pray and fast for 21 days.
And this is the unique thing about it.
It’s May 7th to May 28th and he would know what happens on May 28th Pentecost and simultaneous to him calling that fast.
We had a day of prayer and fasting in our ministry, but we had three focuses that I’m calling everyone that sees this video or those here in person to be open to God, calling you to be part of team glory.
Here’s the three things we prayed and fasted for, uh it’s only three and by the way, the fast is optional.
It could be TV, it could be computers, it could be a daniel fast.
Whatever God shows you, the prayer is imperative, the fasting.
If you’re someone that fast, you may want to do the full fast.
But it’s, you can be part of this without fasting.
Here are the three things that we pray for and wait till you hear the repercussions of these three things.
The first is we pray mostly in tongues.
We worship God, but we pray mostly in tongues. Why?
Because when you pray in tongues, you’re praying perfect prayers with perfect faith.
Exactly what God wants for the time in your life. It kind of stupid not to do that.
Your brain doesn’t know exactly what God wants and your brain, no matter how much you’ve meditated on the word doesn’t have as much faith as the Holy Spirit within you speaking those prayers.
So when you’re praying with 100% faith, because it’s 100% of what God wants. You’re doing something good.
Something very good. It’s like when God created the earth, he said everything he created. It’s good, it’s good.
But then at the end, he looked over what he did. He said no, I have to say it myself.
It’s very good nuts. Just good. Very good. That’s the first thing. Pray mostly in tongues. Second pray.
Romans 11 26. Very important. Did you know until this happens, even Jesus can’t return all Israel shall be saved.
All Israel. There’s no other people group in the world that God says all Israel, all of these people will be saved.
Of course, my concern is the ones that die before that date because there’s no distinction.
There’s no other name given onto men in which we must be saved.
So number one worship and pray in tongues. Number two, pray, Romans 11 26.
And so all Israel will be saved, doesn’t say might be saved will be saved.
And then the third, just as important because this is how all Israel will be saved.
This is what God says.
In Exodus 33 18, we pray the prayer of Moses and Moses said, show me your glory, show me your glory.
There is an evangelistic glory coming on planet earth. The devil thinks he’s won. God’s ready.
God hasn’t even made his move yet. God is ready to make his best move.
Whereas in the natural, it looks like America and most of the nations of the world are going down the tubes.
They need to be turned upside down one more time.
This world has to be turned upside down again because it’s the wrong side up.
Way beyond logic and reason and common sense, way too quickly.
Anyone that says they don’t believe in the devil, just look what happened to the world in our lifetime and the greatest nation in the world is about ready to become a third rate nation except a million people are going to be praying.
Lord, show me the glory. Lord, all Israel shall be safe because when you pray that you bump into the glory, now I saw something and most people have overlooked this.
Do you know there was a time in Israel’s history where every Jew, every single one saw the glory.
Let me read this to you, Leviticus chapter nine verse 23 24 Moses and Aaron entered the tent to witness and when they came out, they blessed all the people and the glory of the Lord became visible to all.
Not just a couple of seers to everyone in the crowd and fire came out from the Lord and consumed what was on the altar, both the whole burnt offering and the fat pieces and all the people saw, saw it, not just a few people, all the people saw it very important.
We haven’t had a time like this once in a while the Gloria come and someone will see a cloud or something, but not everyone is seeing this and this.
This was not what’s coming, what’s coming is much greater.
And I’ll prove that to you in a moment.
And when all the people saw it, they were amazed and fell down, face down.
They were repenting when the glory comes. And this is very important. People don’t know this in its fullness.
Everyone will see it. Everyone will see it and everyone will either harden and run out or get on their face.
Repenting. There’ll be no more lukewarm category. You’ll either be hot or cold no more lukewarm.
So I want you to join me and my staff for prayer.
When May 7th to 28th prayer and fasting.
Do you know two women single handedly saved all the Jewish people in the Bible that, you know, two lone women, a woman might say, oh, my husband loves me.
I’ve got three Children. I have two jobs. Um It’s all depends on me. One woman changed history.
You think you got problems with five kids and two jobs and no husband Esther had a bigger problem.
She was called to be queen and they already had a queen. That is a big problem.
And not only that she was the one from the wrong side of the track.
She was Jewish, a Jewish person. Can’t become queen of the land.
I mean, it was a stacked deck against her.
She had no hope but she believed in God.
She knew God, she knew how to grab hold of God.
So there were two women, one was a Jew and the other was a gentile.
Here’s the first woman Esther, 4, 13 and 14. Esther.
This is what the uh the Jew Mordecai who raised her, said to her when she was wondering why he, he was the ashes in sackcloth.
Do not think that in the king’s palace, you will be more likely to escape than all the other Jews do not think because we’re in the great United States of America, we’ll be able to escape.
Come on, that’s what he said to.
Just because you’re que queen of the land, just because you’re in the king’s palace.
Do not think you’ll be able to escape for if you remain silent at this time, protection and deliverance for the Jews will be ordained from some other place.
You don’t look if you’re called and you don’t answer the call. God will raise someone else up.
Reminds me of someone I met. That’s now in heaven. Catherine Coleman. Um You remember the story?
She said, God called about a dozen men before her and every man said no, no, they didn’t say no.
There were little steps. God said, will you do this?
Do this, do this and they didn’t want to do it.
And they turned down the greatest miracle ministry of the century. That’s what they did for.
If you remain silent at this time, protection and deliverance for the Jews will be ordained from some other place.
But you and your father’s house shall be destroyed.
And who knows Esther, if you may have attained royalty in an impossible situation for such a time as this, that’s the Jew Esther saved all the Jewish people that were shortly every elderly Jew, every young Jew, every baby was gonna be murdered.
But Esther had favor with the king. Esther is a type of the end time church.
The church has favor with the king.
Now the other was a gentile, not even part of God’s family.
Ruth and Ruth 1 16 says, but Ruth said when she was urged by Naomi, her mother in law, go back to your people.
This is what Ruth said. Do not urge me to leave you or to turn back from following you for wherever you go.
She knew about the blessings of Genesis 12 3.
Do you know what God promises those that bless the Jewish people. I will bless.
I have found even the law of evangelism.
When I go to the Jew first, it opens up a supernatural door to reach more gentiles than if I went to the gentile first.
Whatever you do. Now, what’s the greatest blessing to a Jewish person? Humanitarian work?
We do a lot of humanitarian work in Israel and Jewish populations around the world.
But every humanitarian work we do is with the gospel, not just humanitarian.
The greatest thing you can do to a Jewish person is, tell them about Jesus.
And you know, I meet top Christian evangelists.
They, they pulsate for the salvation of people and they read my little booklet, they say it’s like the spiritual scales came up.
It’s called the Mystery Law of evangelism.
Like the spiritual scales came off and I’ve never thought about going to my Jewish friends and telling them about Jesus.
Wherever you go, I will go and wherever you stay, I will stay. Your people shall be my people.
Your God, my God. So a Jew and a gentile. Do you know why?
I say how Ruth spared the Jewish people? Guess who was in her ancestry? The Jew Jesus.
That’s how she spared.
Not just the Jewish people this gentile had the whole world with, I mean, what a deck stacked against her.
No husband, no money. And her and her mother in law says, go back to your people. Nothing.
No, no, no. I know the blessings is on the Jew.
I’m gonna do something for the Jew.
The greatest thing you can do for a Jewish person is not give us money.
The greatest thing you can do for any person is to give them the gospel and we own the crown jewel of the salvation of Israel.
And I can say that non arrogantly, but matter of fact, it’s called Middle East TV.
We are in every home without a charge that owns a television set in Israel, seven days a week, 24 hours a day with programming Muslim and Jewish testimonies.
And we, and we have at this point to build audience, we have sporting events and news and things of that nature that will attract people.
But we have programs with the gospel and salvation almost all the time going into every home in Israel.
Once the glory hits in this studio and the glory will go. What a secret weapon God has.
We are going to be able to have that glory go into the heart of every unsaved Jewish person that turns on their TV.
And your prayers are gonna cause them to even turn on the TV. Two in the morning.
Get the gospel any time, but it’s not just the gospel, it’s the gospel with the glory.
So follow those three points of prayer. It’s May 7th to 28.
And on Pentecost, we know what happened at Pentecost, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
What if that becomes a Pentecost in your life of the outpouring of God’s glory?
Now, if, if you’re part of this, uh go to our link on the web and just let us know you’re praying.
I mean, Mike Bickle, then we’re doing it in, in, in unity with his group.
But Mike Bicke got a million people. I don’t think it’s ever happened. It’s historic.
A million people have signed up for 21 days of prayer and fasting for the salvation of Israel.
If this doesn’t tell you, we’re in the last days, nothing will.