Believe the Word – Part 2 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life Teaching

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Believe the Word – Part 2 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life Teaching

Knowing God’s Word and believing it are two different things. Learn how believing what God says is the catalyst for real change, on this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

I’m Joyce Meyer.
I’ve seen god’s power transform my own life, and he will do it for you.
Well, thank you for joining me today on enjoying everyday life.
I’m talking about the power that is in the word of god, and really encouraging people to not just read their Bible, but study the Bible.
Take time to get to know the word, and the more you know the word, the more you’re gonna know God.
The more you know him, the happier you’re gonna be, And the more you’re gonna recognize when Satan is trying to operate in your life, yes, I said Satan He is real.
There is a devil. There are evil spirits. There is wickedness and evil in the world.
All you have to do is look around you and all the evil stuff that’s going on is certainly not god.
The enemy is alive and well on planet Earth, and he’s trying to do his very level best to get people to drag them away from god.
And we, we have to stick with god and draw closer than ever before.
Believer’s authority. Jesus gave authority over evil spirits.
Matthew 101. Jesus called his 12 disciples to him and gave them authority.
Wherever you’re at right now, if you’re in a place where you can, I’d like you to say, I have authority.
He gave them authority to drive out impure spirits or evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.
So Jesus gave them authority to heal people that were sick and to cast out demons if somebody had a demon.
Now, I know that raises questions for a lot of people.
Well, can a Christian have a demon?
Well, you know, no, I believe if god lives in you that can also have a demon living in you, but they can influence our behavior And if we’re not careful, the enemy can work through us, even though we’re well intentioned and don’t realize that he’s doing it.
I mean, I had a lot of people that were good friends of mine, that were Christians, tried to talk me out of going into ministry when God called me to go into ministry.
Well, they didn’t really mean any harm, but the enemy was using them to try to get me to not do what god was calling me to do.
Because when god called me to do this, it was not a thing that women did, and it wasn’t accepted in a lot of circles.
And you see, I didn’t know that a woman couldn’t do it.
I just felt like if god called me to do it, then I needed to step out and do it.
And so people can be well intentioned and you’ll see a little bit later that the devil even tried to use Peter to keep Jesus from going to the cross, but Jesus recognized it right away, and he took authority over the devil.
You have authority, but you have to exercise that authority.
You have to believe that you have authority.
And walk in the world to someone who has authority. Hold your head up.
Don’t be afraid of everything that comes along. Don’t worry about so many things.
Believe that god’s for you that he’s in you and that you have power.
Luke 1019 says, behold, I have given you power and authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and power over all the power the enemy possesses, and nothing shall by any means harm you.
Now, that doesn’t mean that you can’t break a bone or fall down or or hurt yourself in some way, but it does mean that ultimately, god will take care of you.
I mean, Paul said to live is Christ to die is gain, so we don’t even have to be afraid of death because for a believer, death is just like going through a door into another realm because we’re we’re eternal beings.
We’re gonna live forever with god.
Mark 16 17, the Bible says these signs will follow those who believe.
And these signs will accompany those who believe in my name. They will drive out demons.
They will speak in new tongues, and it goes on and on and on.
They will lay their hands on the sick, and they will get well.
Well, how much of do we see going on today? Or, I mean, hardly any at all.
People have given up on things like this. You know, I still pray for the sick.
When I have an opportunity, I will lay my hands on a sick person and pray for them because I believe that the anointing that’s in a believer can drive out the sickness in somebody else.
And you need to believe that also. Pray for people that god will heal them.
Don’t let the devil take advantage of you.
These signs will follow those who believe, you know, not just those who believe in Jesus, but those who believe that these signs will follow What do you believe about things?
Like you said, well, I don’t I don’t know. I don’t I don’t believe in I don’t believe in that.
Well, it’s sad that we’re not taught very much about these kinds of things, and you can’t believe something if you’ve never heard it or thought about it.
Read the word and see what it says, study the word.
You have power over the enemy, but you have to exercise that power.
The Bible talks about rebuking the devil, binding the devil, we need to realize that we have authority.
Bible says we have weapons for our warfare. You know, there’s wars everywhere.
Wars in our mind in the spirit, wars in nations, wars in our emotions, wars in marriages, wars in families, But we have weapons.
2nd Corinthians 105 says the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world.
We’re not we’re not fighting a natural battle. We’re fighting a spiritual battle.
On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.
A stronghold is a place where the enemy digs in and hides himself and tries to torment us from that particular place.
And one of the places he likes to hide in is get an area in our mind and get us believing something that’s absolutely not true.
If you were listening yesterday, we were talking about how the Bible says that You’ll have what you believe, be it under you even as you believe.
Well, naturally, the devil wants us to believe lies.
But let’s just say that the enemies got you thinking nobody likes you.
Well, nobody likes me. Everybody rejects me.
Well, if that’s what you believe, you know, what’s gonna happen, you’re gonna actually produce behavior that’s gonna cause people not to like you.
But god says that he loves you, and you can have favor with him, and he will give you favor with people.
So when the enemy tries to tell you nobody likes you, you just say, well, that’s a lie, and I’m gonna pray for god to give me favor with the right people in my life, and you pray for god to give you right friends, not just any friends, but right friends.
Don’t listen to the lies of Satan.
But you will listen to the lies of the enemy if you don’t know the truth.
The only way that you’re gonna know the truth is to study this wonderful, amazing book.
The word of god, the Bible. There’s so much power in the word of god.
45 years, I’ve been studying the word. You said, oh my gosh, 45 years.
I wish that I had been studying that long. Will it start today?
Start today and start learning and start believing when you read, believe it, even if you don’t totally understand it.
Say, god, I don’t totally understand this, but give me understanding.
I’m I believe what you say, but you can’t get into reasoning and you can’t try to understand everything with your head.
You have to understand it with your heart. We need to know the truth.
We need to walk in our already. Hold your head of pine. Know who you are in Christ.
I’m a child of god, and god’s power is in me.
And I am not gonna let the enemy walk all over me and rule my life.
I am gonna learn the word of god so when Satan lies to me, I will recognize those lies and I can cast them down.
In Luke chapter 4, the Bible says that Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit interesting, into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil 40 days 40 nights.
Now god tempts no man, but here, Jesus was led into a place where he was going to be tempted Because there were some tests that he needed to pass, not because god thought he might fail him, he already knew that he wouldn’t, But the devil needed to know that Jesus is not gonna put up with his nonsense.
And he needs to know that from us too.
And the devil began to lie to Jesus.
And there are 3 separate occasions where he lied to him. Jesus was hungry.
He said, well, if you are the son of god, then turn these stones into bread.
And Jesus said it is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god.
And then he took him up on a high hill and showed him all the kingdoms of the world.
And he said, if you’ll bow down and worship me, I think one translation says just once.
And I love that just one sly. Just once. I’ll give you all of this.
Jesus didn’t want all that. He just wanted his relationship with god, and so he once again said, it is written and spoke the word to him.
Third time when Satan tempted him and lied to him, he said, it is written.
In other words, Jesus talked back to the devil.
And when the devil lies to me, I’m gonna quote the word back to him.
When he says, god’s mad at you, I’m gonna say, no, he’s not because god has forgiven me.
I have repented, and he has not mad at me. God is a god of mercy.
Well, Joyce, now you’ve messed up one too many times. It’s too late for you.
It’s never too late It’s never too late for a new beginning. It’s never too late for a fresh start.
Don’t listen to the lives of Satan. The word is an offensive weapon.
You go after Satan with the word of god, and he’s afraid of the word.
Because he knows that there’s power in the word of god.
When I talk, just regular talk, talk about the weather, talk about the news, Talk, talk, talk.
There’s no power in that. But when I’m sharing the word of god with you, there’s power in it And if you’re spiritually sharp at all, you know there’s power in it because you can sense the power in it, and you feel it working in your life, even as I’m speaking.
I love in my conferences when there’s people there, Yeah.
I love it when there’s people there, but I love looking at the people and watching their faces.
I I love watching how the word of god affects people and how you can see the change come over them as the word of god tears down the lies of Satan that they’ve been told.
People will cry. They laugh. The word of god changes us.
The Bible says we combine the devil resists the devil and reduce the devil.
James 47 submit yourselves then to god, resist the devil, and he will flee.
Now you know, a lot of times people just quote the second half of that scripture, resist the devil, and he’ll flee.
Well, don’t go quote in half a scripture. If you’re gonna quote a scripture, quote the whole thing.
Submit yourself to God. Resists the devil and he will flee.
Your power over the enemy is in submitting yourself to god.
As you’re obedient to god, the more obedient you are, the more the power increases in your life, the more authority you have over the enemy.
You’re not gonna have authority over the enemy if you’re being purposely disobedient knowing that what you’re doing is against the word of god.
So don’t try to resist unless you have submitted Resist means don’t give into her to come against.
In Matthew 1623, Well, actually, a little bit before that, Jesus was telling his disciples that it was time for him to go to Jerusalem and prepare for what he’d been talking about, about how he was gonna suffer and die, and that he would be raised from the dead.
And Peter took Jesus aside, and it says he rebuked him.
Now Peter was pretty bold, but he was a little bit dumb sometimes.
And Peter didn’t want He didn’t wanna go to Jerusalem.
He didn’t wanna face the crowds. He didn’t he didn’t wanna be put in jail or be hurt.
And so he knew if that’s what where Jesus was going, and he was with him, that whatever happened to Jesus was probably gonna happen to him.
And, you know, Peter ended up actually denying that he even knew Christ He was forgiven. Yes.
And went on to become one of the greatest apostles.
But when Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, and he said, oh, onward, this must never happen to you.
Peter loved Jesus. He was he meant well, but he was trying to stop

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