Believe Right And Live Right (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

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Believe Right And Live Right (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

Be empowered to live right and reign over every adversity, lack, and destructive habit as you grasp the significance of living in the truths of the new covenant of grace.

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About this episode

You are watching the sermon, Believe Right And Live Right, preached on May 19, 2024 by Joseph Prince.

This episode was made free on YouTube because of the support of our gospel partners. Thank you for partnering with us!

The new covenant is not about right doing. It’s about right believing. Right believing will always produce right living. If you want to see the miraculous, you got to believe that your sins are forgiven. The new covenant is not like the old covenant. God himself is the active one. “I’ll be their God, they shall be my people.

” “If they are poor and they’re lacking,” “I’ll be their supply and they shall be truly enriched.” “If they’re sick, I’ll be their God.” “That means I’ll be their healing God and they shall be a healed people.” And then finally, what’s your part? Your part is to believe all His “I wills.

” Good morning, church. Are you ready to hear some good news? Praise Lord. Good. Start a Sunday morning with some good news. Some praise reports from our brothers and sisters in church and around the world. Right? The first testimony, I have two testimonies to share with you. The first testimony comes to us from a sister from South Korea and she writes that I have been suffering from atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema..

For a long time, almost my entire life. I couldn’t sleep well at night because of the itch. My skin would get swollen and red, and as a result, I often avoided new social networks as I didn’t have confidence to go out. That means you didn’t have confidence to make friends. On one day, God led me to learn about  the holy communion through Pastor Princess ministry.

So I started to partake of the holy communion regularly for a period of more than three years. After some time I got frustrated and angry at God. I complained to him asking, why is my healing not coming? And why do you heal everyone except me? It reached a point where I was disappointed and  decided to give up hope all together and stop partaking of the holy communion.

However, the Sunday that followed, pastor Prince preached about Neiman the leper and said, what if Neiman had stopped dipping to the pool at the fourth or fifth time? Instead of completing it seven times as instructed by Isha, he might not see the result. So don’t give up. I knew God was speaking to me through Pastor Prince and it restored my faith. I started to partake of the holy communion again.

About a year later, I felt the Lord telling me that my healing was coming. Then one day miraculously, all the symptoms of atopic dermatitis is a breakout, but it’s not that serious. Atopic dermatitis, including redness, itchiness, burning, sauna, crusting, and oozing on my skin were gone. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Let’s give Jesus a praise.

And she ends all by saying, praise the Lord Jesus. He never gave up on me. Now even people are amazed and they compliment me that and saying that my skin looks like a baby skin. God has made my skin even better. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. Right. Church, before I share the second testimony, for those of us who have been regularly attending church for some time, you would know that Pastor Prince has often mentioned, therefore, certain conditions, we need to go back to the doctor to get it checked and for the doctor to verify

the healing. And then after the doctor has verified the healing, you can write into us and share reverse your testimony. So this is one such testimony from a brother from Singapore. He writes that one Saturday, a few months ago, I had arranged to meet my wife after her seminar while waiting, I worshiped and prayed in the Holy Spirit and then suddenly my mind went blank.

So just to clarify, it’s not because yours worshiping and praying the Holy Spirit, his mind went blank. It’s just suddenly went blank. All right. The next thing I knew, I was at a bus interchange with no recollection of how I got there. Somehow I had managed to call my wife and tell her my location.

When she arrived, I was still in a daze. Jesus brought to mind my wife’s name and face so that I could recognize her. Imagine you can’t recognize your wife. So he was able to recognize the wife and her name as well. But I couldn’t recall anyone else, not even my children. When we got home, my wife and daughter prayed for restoration and healing of my memory.

I started to recall things bit by bit. During this time, only the Lord Jesus remained clear in my mind and I continued praying the Holy Spirit. That evening I visited the doctor. By then my memory had returned to normal. Although the doctor suspected a mild stroke or early dementia by God’s grace, the initial diagnosis was inconclusive and there were no more incidents During the week.

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