METANOIA – The High Priest Secret to Transforming your Thought Life

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METANOIA – The High Priest Secret to Transforming your Thought Life

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“As God was expunged from American life, idols came in to fill the void; idols of sensuality, idols of greed, of money, of success, comfort, materialism, pleasure, sexual immorality, self-worship, self-obsession. The sacred increasingly disappeared, and the profane took its place.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future

Now the word, one of the words in Greek, I gave you a word in Hebrew, a word in Greek is the word meta try it very different from Hebrew.
You know, meta meno is the word used for repentance. In, in the New Testament.
You know what it means me? No, change your mind.
So the Bible says, what, what is repentance when you change your mind? But it’s not.
You say when we say change your mind, we’re saying like I’m changing my opinion but, but literally, you can actually change your mind.
Repentance is to have a different mind.
Ephesians four says 23 says, be renewed in the spirit of your mind, be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Notice something you can be transformed by starting with what your mind, your mind is renewed, your life is transformed.
We’re told to have the mind of Messiah that now how do you, well, when you have the spirit of Messiah and you’re living in the spirit of Messiah, it’s going to affect your mind to ultimately lead you to have the mind of Messiah.
And that means you start actually thinking the thoughts of Messiah.
You know, we, we have those, the bracelets they have. What would Jesus do? How about, what would Jesus think?

Because when it starts with him thinking you’re gonna do what Jesus would do if you think what Jesus thinks, you might have a very messy thought, life might be all over the place.
But the good news is, the more you choose to focus your thoughts on the word of God, on the love of God, on the reality of God’s goodness.
The more and the more you’re led by the spirit, the more it’s going to become your thought life, you’re called the disciple.
Well, disciple has the word discipline in it. Some, there are some.
Now now the thing is that we are to not only be discipline means we are to have live a disciplined life.
Disciplined thought, life is powerful is focused.
Paul had a not that he was perfect, but he had a disciplined thought life. He was focused.
So scripture says, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power of love and of a sound mind, which also is translated as self control, a sound mind.
That that that means taking charge. What does it say?
Take every thought captive and also it says, listen to what Peter said, Peter said, gird up the loins of your minds.
Now, that’s a strange thing. What is girding up?
The what is girding up Girding up is back then they didn’t wear clothes like we do, they wore robes or loose clothes.
But if you’re gonna, after, if you’re running or you’re gonna do some work, you gotta gird it up, you gotta tie it around you.
That’s what Girding up. Your, that’s what you tie it up and so you can run it.
So, so the, so the, the robe won’t trip you up.
Well, if you have a messy uh uh you know, out of control, not disciplined thought life, it’s gonna trip you up, it’s like loose.
So Peter is saying, gird up your mind, gird up your thoughts, take charge, rein it in, you’re in charge of them.
It’s not in charge of you. The mind is to be used of God.
It’s to be used for holy things that’s in the, the crown of the high priest. You have power.
Notice that command, love the Lord with all your mind, not some of your mind.
That means you’ve got control over all your mind.
The enemy might throw things in and the world throw things in.
But you have the power to cast that down overall.
Not some to live a life of purity and wholeness. You have to use all your mind.
The Bible doesn’t know if you’re living half heartedly for God.
You’re gonna be divided and your mind is gonna be divided.
The Bible says, no, we are to live wholehearted, whatever you do do it full, do it hard, whatever you gonna do, do it pure, do it with no ulterior motive.
I’m doing this totally for God, I believe total. I live total.
That gives a, a singleness of mind and that is, and, and, and ultimately what it say, love the Lord with all your mind, your mind is to be a vessel of love of God’s love, God’s love, you know, and what does it say?
Perfect love casts out all fear, all anxiety.
If you, if your heart is set and then your mind is going with a, with a to live a life to being thought of love of God’s love for you and God’s love for others.
And what can I do to love? You’re gonna be blessed. There’s a blessing that comes over your mind.
Hi, I’m Jonathan Kahn. Thanks for checking out my youtube channel. I hope you were blessed with the video.
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