Thankful Monday Blessings October 28, 2024!

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Thankful Monday Blessings

A prayer for the new week: Dear God, thank You for giving me another day. Thank You for bringing me to a new week. I’ve made it to the last week in October, and it’s a miracle that I’m still here. Even though I don’t know what this week holds, I ask that You lead me and guide my steps. Forgive me of my sins. I’ve made many mistakes, but I thank You for being a merciful God who loves me beyond my faults. I will stand on Your word, keep moving forward through every obstacle, and believe Your promise that with You, all things are possible. I give this week to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered— how fleeting my life is. -Psalms‬ ‭39‬:‭4‬ ‭

Thankful Monday Blessings October 28, 2024!
Thankful Monday Blessings October 28, 2024!

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the immense love You show me each morning as I wake. Lord, I praise and bless You in this new day, feeling Your love and companionship. I am eager to work for the benefit of others, helping each person recognize the blessings You have given them. I ask for the virtue of prudence, so that the words from my mouth may be a source of comfort and encouragement for all.

Blessed Lord, I desire to be an instrument of Your love, spreading peace that only Your mercy can provide. Fill me with joy so I may share it with those around me. Grant me the grace to follow Your holy will, for I believe Your paths are sacred, leading to eternal life. Remove any insecurity from my mind and heart, making me steadfast in prayer and supplication.

Thank You for the gift of this new day, an opportunity to rise, embrace time, and fulfill Your holy will. I ask for strength to live this day in faith, carrying a peace that remains in my heart despite life’s demands. Remove from me anything that displeases You, shaping me to experience true happiness as I live out Your will. Let no difficulty make me doubt Your presence; I trust that You are with me, even when I stray due to my weaknesses.

Today, I am certain of Your love and that I am valuable to You. I pray that I may offer You my best, striving to be my best self in Your presence. Thank You for trusting in me, for believing I am capable, and for drawing me close with love. May all I do today reflect the teachings of Your Holy Word, that through my actions, others may feel Your infinite love and find compassion and generosity.

Thank You for being my strength in every challenge, walking beside me as we overcome obstacles together. Let me envision You leading me with open arms, welcoming me as I begin this day with You. Here I am, Lord, with an open heart, ready to place this day in Your hands. Let no worry disturb my peace or draw me away from You.

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