Thankful Thursday Blessings October 24, 2024!

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Thankful Thursday Blessings

Dear God, thank You for everything. I invite You into my day. I pray that You presence would surround me. I give You my heart and ask You to do whatever You want to do with me, in me, through me, and for me. Please forgive me of my sins and make me more like You. I take authority and power over the enemy and declare that nothing formed against me will prosper this day. I ask for Your angels to keep, guard, and protect myself and my family from every attack from the enemy. I plead the blood of Jesus over my life and I reinforce the full and complete armor of God upon me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. -Joshua 1:9

No matter how old your children are, never stop praying for them. You may not know what they are going through, but your prayers keep them covered.

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, as I begin this new day, I ask that You fill my heart with peace. I want to thank You for always being with me. Today, I can see how good You are and how You always want the best for me. I place myself in Your hands, trusting You will guide me on paths of peace and conversion.

As this day begins, I ask You to help me accept everything that happens today with the humility of a disciple and the calm of a spiritual person. Give me a sensitive heart and watchful eyes to see Your redeeming hand in everything around me. Teach me to love freely and without fear, respecting others and loving them as they are, not as I imagine them to be.

With Your presence, there is no sadness. Only You, Lord, light my way and guide me. I trust in Your word, a word of life that gives me strength to move forward.

I want to live for You, and from the moment I wake, I lift up my heart to offer it to You—the One who holds my life and all creation in Your hands. Thank You for being by my side, just as You have been at every dawn of my life. I know You hear me and want the best for me. I praise and bless You, for You are good, and everything You do in my life is for my growth and betterment.

Lord, I want to be a testimony of Your love through my actions. Let my deeds speak louder than my words, so I may bear true and authentic fruit. Help me embrace with courage the mission You have for my life. Give me the strength to endure trials and the wisdom to discern the right path for all that I am and all I experience.

Grant me the will and bravery to keep moving forward, even in the face of danger. Do not let me become stuck in problems, for You know all my fears and worries. Today, I place everything in Your hands and ask for Your help in finding solutions. I know that, at times, I have struggled to be a witness because I am fragile. But today, I rise with the desire to tell the world that only You have words of eternal life and salvation.

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