Adrian Rogers: How We Can Help Others Know Jesus

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Adrian Rogers: How We Can Help Others Know Jesus

Making Jesus Known: A Powerful Message for Today

It may seem like an impossible mission. Picture this: a small group of apostles, many of them fishermen, uneducated, with no formal schooling, no seminaries, no finances, and no influence. They lacked political power, prestige, and resources. Yet, they stood against the mighty Roman Empire, the intellectual sophistication of the Greeks, and the religious rigidity of the Jewish faith. It sounds like the plot of an incredible novel, but it’s absolutely true.

This is the story of the triumphant Church—a profound truth simply told. As Pastor and teacher Adrian Rogers explains, this is the heart of the Christian message: making Jesus known. The world today desperately needs to hear about Jesus. Your neighbors need to know Jesus. That’s the essence of today’s sermon—what the Holy Spirit is speaking to us now. We must make Jesus known.

“Friends all around us are searching for what their hearts long for, but sin has darkened their way. I know the secret: true joy is only found in Jesus.”

Jesus is what the world needs today. Many are blindly searching, their paths darkened by sin. But one encounter with Jesus can bring light to their lives.

In Acts 1:1-8, the scriptures reveal the beginnings of this mission. The Apostle Luke writes about the acts of Jesus, His teachings, and the promise of the Holy Spirit. Jesus commanded His disciples to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the Holy Spirit, which would empower them to be His witnesses—starting in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria, and then reaching the ends of the earth.

If we want to make Jesus known to our neighbors and the nations, there are three key truths to learn from this passage:

  1. Recognize Jesus’ Presence in Us – This is not just a thought that should pass by unnoticed. The most phenomenal truth is that Jesus Christ lives within us. As Acts 1:1-3 explains, Jesus began a mission of teaching and doing, and He now continues that mission through us.
  2. Understand the Role of the Holy Spirit – Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would come and empower the apostles to continue His work. This same Spirit is available to us today, equipping us to share His message with the world.
  3. Live as Witnesses of Jesus – The mission is clear: we are called to be witnesses of Jesus to the ends of the earth. We are not left alone; the power of the Holy Spirit enables us to boldly proclaim the Good News.

As we delve into this message, let us not forget that the hero of this story is Jesus Christ Himself. He is the one who began this work, and He is still at work today, through us.

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