Satan’s Plot to Steal Your Trust – Episode 2

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This program is brought to you in part by the generous partners and friends of C. Dollar Ministries. Coming up next on Changing Your World: I’m filled with excitement because we are uncovering the enemy’s schemes. He can no longer deceive us, and we are going to confront the tough, controversial issues head-on. We’re prepared for anything the enemy throws at us. Bring it on, devil! If you want to challenge us, we are ready because we rely on God. We’ve declared our dependence on the Almighty. He will never fail us, He will never leave us—never!

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This is your world—let’s make it better. Let every heart come to know the love of God. It’s time to live a new life, embracing His grace. We are transformed by His love today.

My giving is an act of trust in God’s provision. It’s my declaration of dependence on Him. God is committed to caring for me, and in return, I honor Him with my giving. Look at the scripture in Isaiah 46:3-13 from the New Living Translation. It says:

“Listen to me, descendants of Jacob, all who remain in Israel. I have cared for you since you were born; I carried you before you were born. I will be your God throughout your lifetime, until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you; I will carry you along and save you.”

Who can compare to God? Some trust in material wealth, making idols from silver and gold, but those idols cannot save them. God alone has the power to rescue. He says, “Remember what I have done in the past, for I alone am God. There is none like me. I declare the future before it happens, and everything I plan will come to pass.”

Listen to God’s word now: He is ready to set things right, not in the distant future, but right now! The rain we spoke of earlier isn’t about to fall—it’s already raining! Even if you can’t see or feel it, God is working in this very moment. He’s opening doors, turning situations around, and removing obstacles. He’s showing His greatness right now.

Everything happening in the Middle East is part of His plan, and God is ready to save Jerusalem and reveal His glory to Israel. Remember this, trust Him, and know that God’s promises will always come to pass. Giving may seem difficult when you doubt God’s ability to take care of you, but rest assured, He is faithful!

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