Cultivate An Appetite For God’s Word | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Excerpt

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Why aren’t we spending more time in God’s Word? It’s because our spiritual appetite has been spoiled. We indulge too much in worldly distractions—Korean dramas, Netflix, and other secular activities. These things fill our minds with worldly thoughts, reasoning, and behaviors like losing our temper and becoming bitter. We are not focusing on what God’s Word instructs us to do. Just like someone who fills up on candy and sugary snacks loses their appetite for nutritious food, we have become so consumed by distractions that we don’t realize we are snacking on spiritual junk.

But remember, there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. We need to rediscover our true taste for God’s Word. Child of God, your real nourishment comes from the Word of God! I’m not saying it’s wrong to have some entertainment, but if you spend too much time on these things, it’s unwise. It’s not that people find God’s Word boring—it’s that their appetite is spoiled. When you truly understand the benefits of God’s Word, you will want to be in it every day. Hallelujah! There are treasures hidden within the Word, waiting for you to uncover them. The Bible says it’s the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings to search them out.

We are often slow to possess the things God has for us, spiritually unaware of the richness available. David said he treasured God’s Word more than the spoils of war, more than gold or silver. The unfolding of God’s Word brings light, and whatever fears you have exist because that light has not yet reached those areas. The Bible is like the manufacturer’s handbook for life. When something goes wrong with a product, we go back to the manual to find the problem. Likewise, when things go wrong in our lives, we need to return to God’s Word. It’s not about blaming the source; it’s about finding where we’ve gone wrong.

God wants your life to be in order—He wants your mind at peace and your body full of health and wholeness. Joshua was full of wisdom because Moses laid his hands on him. After Moses passed away, God told Joshua, “Arise, go over this Jordan, you and all these people, to the land I am giving you.” Every place that the sole of your foot treads, God has given you. Joshua led the Israelites into the Promised Land, yet after seven years, many tribes still hadn’t fully possessed their inheritance. Joshua urged them to take action, asking, “How long will you be slack?”

The key to claiming their inheritance was simple: go out and walk through the land. Just as they physically walked through the land to claim their possession, we must spiritually walk through the Word of God. Each chapter, each verse, is a step toward possessing the promises God has for us. Amen!

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