Joy is Coming : Sarah Jakes Roberts X Christine Caine

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Joy is Coming : Sarah Jakes Roberts X Christine Caine

Hey You! It’s a girl’s night out with Sarah Jakes Roberts, First Lady Serita Jakes, and Christine Caine! 

but I want you to understand that no matter where you’re experiencing breakdown that you’re in the right place tonight cuz God wants to remind you that he is the god of breakthrough what a God what a God what a God over that child what a God over that Nation what a God over that marriage what a God what a God what a God that you could get the glory out of out of my Brokenness you could get the glory out of my scars what a God what a God and I heard God saying that if I let this be by your might and I let it be by your power then
you would get the glory but God wants to make sure that when it’s all said and done that you have no doubt in your mind that it was God who was working things out all along the way I hear God saying that your testimony is being fine-tuned and I don’t know about you but if I had about three radical people who believe that by time this year is over that the Weeping that I Endure this year is going to turn into joy in the morning I claim my joy right now in the spirit realm I claim Joy right now over my life Joy over my mind
the joy of the Lord is my strength how does the Lord have joy because the Lord knows when it’s all said and done that this strength is going to be perseverance into the next Dimension and I grew up all the time hearing this scripture over and over again the joy of the Lord is my strength the joy of the Lord is my strength and when you think about that that means that when you’re in a season where you need strength that God’s looking at your season and has Joy because God knows how your situation is
going to turn out so even when your situation doesn’t look like it has Joy the joy of the Lord God says I’ll give you my joy on loan cuz I know what the end is going to be I’ll give you my joy on loan because I already know that the fat lady is going to have to sing I’ll give you my joy on loan because I already know it’s going to work out for we know that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and I called according to his purposes hey you hey you turn to the person beside you say hey
you it’s just your regular degular girls night in the presence of the Lord I want to welcome you to woman evolve and woman Toom hey you if this is your first time and hey you would you wave at me hey oh my goodness hey you they’re watching all online as well we want to welcome you to hey you you’re watching online so so many of you are first timers and I think that you should know that hey you was something that we do just about every other month it’s our opportunity to come into the presence of the Lord and to
experience God’s presence with other women who are on a journey we don’t know what’s going on in their life one of the things that I love about heyu is often times women come into this room and you would think that they have it all together on from the outside looking in but when we come into this space we try to create an opportunity for vulnerability where you don’t have to have it all together because you have an opportunity to open yourself up in the presence of the Lord and so on behalf I
have I usually have a sidekick with me my sidekick is my mother and she recently had a surgery and she’s easing back into doing things but she wanted to be a part tonight she wasn’t able to come out and so she asked if she could chime in she saw a press conference and I guess uh President Joe Biden chimed in on the press conference and she was like can’t I just call in like Joe did on the press conference I don’t know if she’s on the line or not but we tried to get technology to technology properly if
somebody can give me a wink first lady Serita J are you there anywhere she says I am and watching just like Joe B mom can you turn your thing off mute hey girl I believe in you I hear something can you turn your volume down anyone want to help me or we just that’s oh there she is Queen things hello hello hey girl hey hey you hey hey y’all we did it Sarah we did it we did it we did it thank you production they did it we didn’t do much okay
Mom I want you tonight’s theme is surrendering to knowing Joy okay do you have any words from the Lord not for wow not not necessarily from you know you um about surrendering to knowing Joy or just anything that the lord has laid on your heart tonight well I think knowing Joy tonight is that even though I’m not in the room the room is inside of me and I can feel the presence of the Lord just just walking up and down my bedroom and rubbing my knee and and and it it just feels good to know that Joy comes in the
morning and so when Joy is coming you know it’s still night because it’s not morning yet but joy comes right in the middle of the night and so I’m excited because even though I feel like I’m in the middle of my night season Joy is coming and I can be there very soon I love it we love you Mom I love thank you Mom you’re welcome can you show her some love Joe we did it mom she didn’t want to be on camera cuz I think she has her Bonnet on but we are grateful of um as I was yes I do my sleep

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