Get Your Hopes Up | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

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Get Your Hopes Up | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

Joyce shares insights on placing hope in the right place. Discover how hope, as a confident expectation, can transform your life by trusting in God’s promises. Tune in to hear inspiring stories and practical teachings that will help you maintain a positive attitude and experience the blessings God has for you.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

Welcome to enjoying everyday life with New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer.
On today’s program, Joyce will be teaching from her series filled with hope.
Hope is the confident expectation that something good is going to happen to us and through us, but it’s very important we have our hope set in the right place.
We can place hope in many things, but only hope in our faithful heavenly father and his promises to us in his word will bring about the blessings he has for us.
Now, here’s Joyce with today’s teaching.
We better get our hopes up because the in the midst of what we’re living in today, and the anger, and the negativity, and the bad news and all the stuff that we’re hearing, no wonder God wanted me to write a book called get your hopes up.
If you’ve had a little hope, I want you to have a lot of hope.
If you’ve had a lot of hope, I want you to have radical hope.
You’re welcome.
Doubt and negativity steal hope, they block it.
When you feel hopeless or down in any way, you just need a resurrection of belief and a positive attitude.
Something good is going to happen to me. Something good is going to happen through me.
I don’t care if you have to take 1 solid hour and march around your house and say over and over something good is going to happen to me.
God is good and something good is going to happen to me.
If God can bless any Amen?
I sense an anointing in here, depression still being broken off of people, negativity being broken off of people.
Say goodbye to those bad attitudes. It’s a new day.
Well, you know, Joyce, I just woke up this morning and I felt down.
Yeah. Well, I didn’t feel too perky myself.
Something good is going to happen to me, to them.
I mean, boy, mornings can be tough sometimes.
Especially when you’ve gotten old enough that all the stuff that used to be up here fell down here.
It’s wild.
It just all seems to go at once.
It’s just like what happened to me?
Although we cannot prevent negative feelings from showing up, we can drive them away through right attitudes, conversations, and actions.
Proverbs 1515, fight for yourself. Fight for your family.
I tell you what, if you’re the woman in the house, you’re a mama. Mama get happy.
If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.
What are you saying something down there, Dave?
Oh, it don’t matter how unhappy I’d be. You’d still be happy.
It wouldn’t bother you 1 iota.
I don’t know what Well, I don’t know what’s making me think of this.
It has nothing to do with what I’m preaching on, but Yeah.
Anyway, we’re just gonna step aside for a minute. I’m gonna tell you something funny.
Dave, we were talking about this recently and Dave said, you haven’t told that in a meeting in a long time.
Several years ago, I mean, it’s probably been 15 years ago, I was hugged up to Dave’s back asleep and I was dreaming that a dog was chasing me, and I bit him right in the middle of the back.
I mean, like, left my whole teeth marks in his back.
And he’s like, wow, what are you doing?
Well, how long was it? 2 weeks?
2 weeks later, I did the exact same thing again.
That time he got up he said, what is the matter with you?
So I just thought you’d get a kick out of knowing that I bit Dave in the back in the middle of the night, dreaming that a dog was chasing me.
I have some wild dreams. I dreamed the other night that I had long black curly hair.
I was looking for my hairdresser to fix it.
Okay, back to the message. You know, as I said when I was growing up had a pretty rough time and I developed this habit of just expecting bad things.
I mean, is there anybody who knows what I’m talking about?
You’re just like, you’ve had so much junk in your life that you just like, you wait to see what the next thing is, you know?
And as I began to serve God and get tighter with him, 1 morning I was looking in the mirror, combing my hair and I felt this Oh.
This threatening oppression. I could just feel it. And I just said to God, what is that?
And I heard in my spirit evil forebodings and I didn’t even really know what that was.
But here in proverbs 15:15, the Bible says, and all the days of the desponding and the afflicted are made evil by anxious thoughts and forebodings.
But he who has a glad heart has a continual feast regardless of their circumstances.
Isn’t that a great scripture?
And we’ve been talking this weekend about taking authority over the enemy and I know that, you know, you haven’t been here all weekend and so maybe you’re like, what are you talking about?
Take authority over the enemy. The Bible says that we can resist the devil and he will flee.
We don’t see the devil or Satan with our eyes.
We don’t see evil spirits, but you can certainly feel their oppression.
I felt such a tremendous amount of freedom in this place this weekend and even Matt Redmond and the worship team, we were talking about it before and and he said the exact same thing.
Well, I can tell you there was enough faith and positive good stuff going on in this place this weekend, I mean as we were worshiping God, there was no oppressive spirit that could come anywhere near this place.
And so when you feel oppression in your atmosphere like that, you need to just say, I resist the enemy in Jesus name.
Yes. I’m not gonna be down. I’m not gonna be discouraged.
I’m gonna put my hope in God and I believe that something good is gonna happen in my life.
God is good and he’s gonna be good to me. Zechariah 912.
Oh, boy, do I love this. Yep. This is going to be my happy book.
Get your hopes up. Everybody’s going to need a copy of the happy book.
Return to the stronghold of security and prosperity, you prisoners of hope. Oh my gosh. Yes.
Even today, do I declare that I will restore double your farmer prosperity to you.
Wow. Okay. Now listen.
He didn’t say I’m doing it right this moment.
He said I am declaring to you that I will do this in your life, but in order for you to see it, you’ve got to be a prisoner of hope.
You know what that literally means? I am just trapped in hope.
I just can’t help it. I gotta believe God. Yes. I can’t help it.
I’m just excited to see the great things that God does in my life. Yeah. Come on.
Why can’t we live like this?
I mean, listen, if I said to you, let’s just say I picked out somebody here and I said, okay.
You give me your address and I’m gonna come over for dinner tomorrow. Now, okay.
I’m just a person, but you say, okay. Well, how about 3 o’clock? And I say, okay.
3 o’clock, I’ll be there. Here’s what’s gonna happen.
When it gets to be around quarter to 3, you’re gonna be You’ll be patient.
You’ll have everything ready. You’ll be you’ll be looking at the driveway.
Uh, you may go on the porch and look look down the door.
If we believe people enough to look for them expectantly, come on I’m talking to you today.
Is anybody looking for God to show up in your life?
You know, in this hour that we live in, we need to be looking for the return of the Lord.
He said, I’m coming back. At a time when you least expected, I’m coming back.
You know, the early Christians, if you read the new testament, I’ve been noticing over and over and over, they constantly were saying, wait.
Do this because the Lord is coming soon.
I even saw the other day in Philippians, he he encouraged him live unselfishly because the Lord is near.
I think that we need to keep eternity in mind a little bit more.
So what if I don’t get everything I want while I’m here on this earth?
I’m gonna believe for it. I’m gonna expect it, And if I have to step out of this realm into eternity to get it, I’m still gonna get it.
Yeah. Because I can tell you when I get there, everything.
And when you get there, everything is gonna be yours.
You’re gonna know even as you are known. Just think about that.
So we are gonna get it.
I can’t guarantee what time, but we are gonna get it.
There is gonna be a day when your body won’t hurt. Amen. Amen?
There is gonna be a day when you won’t cry, Yeah. When you won’t fight with anybody.
Yeah. When you won’t be sad, there’s gonna be a day when we can eat all we want.
It won’t make us fat. I’m looking forward to those calorie free desserts.
My biggest hope that is in heaven, I get to drive the chariot and Dave has to ride.
God wants to give us double blessing for our farmer trouble, but you gotta be a prisoner of hope.
You know, I wanted my life to be better, but I was negative.
I Had a bad attitude.
I mean, my goodness, I remember after David and I got married, we’ve been married a few weeks and he looked at me 1 day and he said, what is wrong with you?
What is wrong with you?
And this is what I said to him and this is really sad.
I said, well, if you don’t expect anything good to happen, you won’t be disappointed when it don’t.
And I’ve come all the way from that to where I’m at now, and you can too.
Now Isaiah 617, 1 of my favorite scriptures, a scripture that I held on to, my goodness did I hold on to this when God was working healing in my life.
And I want you to hold onto it too.
Instead of your farmer’s shame, and boy, I had all kinds of shame because of being abused.
Instead of your farmer shame, you shall have a 2 fold recompense.
Instead of dishonor and reproach, your people shall rejoice in their portion.
Therefore, in their land in their land, they shall possess double what they forfeited and everlasting joy shall be theirs.
Knowing God has a good plan for all of us gives us hope. He is faithful.
Joyce’s new book will help us all learn how to place our hope in the Lord and his promises to us.
Today, we’re offering the power of hope for a gift of $35 or more.
Also included is the hope for each new day desktop calendar as a daily reminder of God’s goodness.
Order now at or call toll free at 1-800-789-0089.
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Thanks for listening to enjoying everyday life.
Joyce Meyer Ministries mission is to share Christ and love people.
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