Your Power and Birthright as a Spiritual Israelite | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Your Power and Birthright as a Spiritual Israelite
Jonathan Cahn shares about Israel’s Birthday/Independence Day (Yom HaAtzma’ut) and what are your rights, your power, birthright, your calling, and your inheritance as a Spiritual Israeli?
A testimony against the old darkness. You are not that anymore. I am something new in the lord.
Their 4000 years, the eyes of the planet are still fix on this little, little tiny earth of Israel.
Why? The Bible says that in the last days, the world will rage against Israel.
Says Israel will come back into the world, and the world will rage against it.
Why would the world rage against a little thing like Israel because of the word of god.
Because god is true, it’s not natural. It’s supernatural.
Why does the United Nations condemn this little nation more than any other nation on earth.
In fact, some say more than all of them, just about all of them combined focuses on Israel because that’s the place from where the kingdom of Messiah will come.
That’s the place where it must come. That’s where he’s coming back. Israel is the landing strip of god.
Israel is the eternal nation of god. And amazing because there’s many people in the church.
I don’t mean I don’t mean here.
I mean, in the general church throughout history who have erroneously gone with a doctrine or promoted the doctrine called supersessionism.
Or replacement theology. Basically, what’s that? That god is finished with the Jewish people.
He’s finished with Israel, and the church has replaced it. That’s the end of that.
Well, thankfully, god doesn’t follow doctrines like that.
Here we are 2000 years later, and not only have the children of Israel been preserved against all odds, through 2000 years of all hell trying to wipe them out.
But against all odds, they’re back, and the eyes of the world is focused on them our focus on that, which is exactly what must happen according to the Bible’s end time prophecy.
What does the Bible say about this?
The prophecies of the Bible from Moses to Jeremiah, which I read from, to Zechariah, all speak of Israel being back being gathered back in the world in the end times or last days, even Moses said that.
God isn’t finished. And in the new covenant, New Testament, scriptures, Messiah said it was not for us to know when god would restore the kingdom of Israel or the kingdom to Israel.
In other words, god is going to restore the kingdom to Israel, but we’re not gonna know when.
That’s what Messiah said. When they asked him, he said it’s not for you to know when.
And the apostle Paul wrote has god rejected his people. And the answer, he said, is god forbid?
No. But the new testament goes further. Paul writes this in ephesians too. Verse 11.
Therefore, remember that previously you, the gentiles in the flesh who are called uncircumcision, by the so called circumcision, which is performed in the flesh by human hands.
Remember that you were, at that time, separated from messiah.
Excluded from the people of Israel and strangers to the covenants of the promise having no hope and without god in the world.
But now in Messiah, Jesus, you who previously were far away you’ve been brought near by the blood of Messiah.
For he himself is our peace who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall.
You who are born of the nations, whom Paul said are gentiles according to the flesh, you were once separated from us or your ancestors were, as well, excluded from the people of Israel, strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and not having god in the world, except when it says excluded from the people of Israel, the word in the Greek is the word Palat Tia.
Try it. Palatia. Palatia. You you know, there’s an English word that’s similar linked to it, which is polity, like politics, means a poll it can mean a political entity or a group of people with a collective identity, sometimes translated as commonwealth.
But it can mean the state of or the people of or the he said you were once separated, alienated, excluded, except from the Palatia of Israel, the commonwealth of Israel.
But then it says now you who are far away have been brought near He broke down the wall and made you 1.
What’s that saying? You were once separated, not just from messiah. Yes. Of course.
Without Ghana, that’s a thing, most importantly, but it says you were also separated from the Palatia, the commonwealth, the the the the state of Israel, the people collectively known as Israel, but now you’ve been brought near through Messiah, and he broke down the wall.
Some means you’re no longer our separated.
Now if you’re born again, you’re saved, and you are part of the Palatia of Israel.
The commonwealth, thus you are a citizen of Israel that makes you an Israelite.
Now in order to the beginning, Paul doesn’t just say you are a gentiles.
He says you are a gentiles according to the flesh. In other words, he’s qualifying it.
He’s saying according to the Flash, but that means that if you go away from the Flash, if you go to the other side, you go to the spirit, you’re not gentile.
According to the spirit, according to the spirit, you are an Israelite.
You are born of the nation of Israel saying, well, when?
When you came to Messiah, Were you not born? You were born again. And you were a child of god.
You became a child of god, and you became a citizen of Israel. We all have nationalities.
We all have ethnicities. We all have backgrounds and cultures.
But more than all those nationalities and ethnicities Before you are Italian or Irish or German or Spanish or Indian or African American or gypsy or Arab or anything else, You are 1st a citizen of god’s Israel.
Makes you an Israelite. Say it. I am an Israelite. So the new testament says it.
It says you’re a child of Abraham. Think about that.
If you’re an Arab believer tonight, more than being an Arab believer or a citizen of any Arab country, you’re actually a citizen of Israel.
You may not wanna say that if you’re in that country, but that’s what you are.
You don’t replace as as born again, people.
You don’t replace those who are born by blood of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. You join them.
You are You compliment them. You complete them.
You are born in the spirit of Abraham Isaac and Jacob of that of that of that that line.
You pray for the peace of Jerusalem because you are of that nation.
You are obviously not just because you’re looking on the side. What’s your heritage?
Your heritage is the heritage of Israel.
You’re part of god’s nation, the eternal nation, grafted in just like Zipporah.
Moses’s wife, she wasn’t born Jewish, She was grafted in. Rahab, the har she was grafted in. Ruth, grafted in.
My father came from Germany. Under Hitler, he escaped. He became an American citizen.
My wife Renata came from Brazil, became an American citizen.
What happens when you become a citizen of a country? You are given a new identity.
You’re part of that nation.
You’re part you suddenly become part of its present part of its history, in a sense, part of its future.
It becomes part of you. You have a new identity as so, therefore, as an Israelite a citizen of Israel, you are now part of Israel’s destiny.
Israel’s past as part of you. Its history is part of you.
It’s it’s present is and its future is. What book are you reading? You’re reading the Bible.
That’s your book. That’s our book. The Bible is god’s word, and it’s the book of Israel.
You read the history of Israel in here because that’s your history. You read of Israel’s redemption.
That’s part of your redemption. It’s linked to your redemption. You read of Israel’s prayers.
You read of its its praise and its Psalms because it’s your prayers and it’s Psalm when you pray, you look at the Psalms much of what we worship and all to this day in the 21st century is based on the Psalms of Israel.
These are the songs of Israel, but they’re your songs. You’re in Israelite. You read of Israel’s values.
You live by its ethics. It’s your ethics. It’s your values.
You now share the Bible says in the rich roots of the olive tree.
You share in their identity of an Israelite, the identity of an Israelite, the heritage of an Israelite, and the destiny and the rights of an Israelite in the spirit.
So what does that mean for your life?
In 1st Peter, 2, chapter 2, It says it says, once you were not a people, but now you are the people of god.
Once you had not received mercy, now you have received mercy.
You are now god who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light that you might proclaim the excellency you are now a holy nation.
You are holy. You’re a royal priesthood. What’s striking about all that?
Every one of these descriptions are descriptions of given in the bible of Israel. Uh, uh, chosen people.
You are peculiar people. For his own possession, chosen Israel, holy nation, royal priesthood, or a kingdom of priests.
Same thing. Up it’s all Israel, but now it’s applied to you.
Once you were not a people, but now you are of the Commonwealth of Israel.
That’s the same thing. Paul is saying the same thing that Peter is saying here.
Now you have become 1, says Paul. So that is your new identity. That is who you are.
You have a new identity, and your identity is chosen. Maybe you weren’t chosen before.
Maybe you were rejected by a lot of people. You never thought yourself, but now that’s your old identity.
Your new identity is chosen. As an Israel out of god, you are chosen of god. Say it.
I am chosen. And your new identity here is holy. Maybe you weren’t holy before.
We know you weren’t. We weren’t. None of us were. In fact, some of many often were not.
But that’s the old. That’s not that’s not who we are now. It says now in god, you are holy.
That means you’re you’re that means you’re you’re you’re life It’s it’s your old life is what’s not holy.
He’s the old you, but it’s not the new you. You are a citizen of Israel. You are called holy.
Say that’s god. Say it, I am holy. In god in god. That’s your identity. That’s your inheritance in god.
And it wasn’t your inheritance that you were royal.
Most of you, I don’t think you’re related to any throne, but in god, it says now you are royal.
In the inheritance of Israel, you are a it says, oh, royal people. Why?
Well, you know, you know, if you’re you’re you’re related to a king now, you know, you’re you’re related to him by blood.
So say that in god, I am royal in god.
I am royal.
Priesthood. It says priesthood. Are you wearing a priest now and god you are.
In your citizenship of Israelite, you are a priest.
You’re that means you’re a call to be a holy minister of the most high.
You may not feel like it. May not feel that way, but it doesn’t change it.
You are appointed for holiness and for anointed, being anointed, holy thoughts, holy actions, holy life, say it I am a priest of god.
And that brings up something really cool, a whole another realm.
We have something today, 21st century, that believers haven’t had for 2000 years.
There’s been no Israel in the world for 2000 years, and you’re the only people who knew it where Bible believers throughout the ages who said one day, it’s gonna come back.
And you can read some things from centuries ago where they’re saying, god said it. It’s gonna happen.
Well, we’ve seen it. It’s there. We are the generation that actually has seen the fulfillment of prophecy.
So we have an amazing picture and a spiritual revelation because the nation of Israel today is the is the corresponds to the nation of Israel back then.
Like you say, well, I wish I could live back and see, maybe and see, well, you’re living now within Israel in the world.
It it’s corresponds. But it’s also a sign of who you are in the world.
Because that’s what it says. You’re a citizen of Israel, and there is an Israel in the world.
Now there’s different ways of looking at Israel, but there is it is that Israel back in the world.
So let me put it this way. You are not only a spiritual Israelite.
You are a spiritual Israeli. Amen.
Now you may say, well, wait a minute. Wait. I I can see.
I can I can get it?
I can I can accept that I’m a spiritual Israelite, but spiritual Israeli That’s not in the Bible?
Israel is not in the Bible. Israelite is. Well, let me show you something or tell you something.
Every time it says Israelite, it doesn’t say Israelite. It says Israeli.
So when the Bible talks about the Israelites, it says the Israelis or So the modern citizen of Israel are using the same word.
It’s the same word as the Israelites, which the Bible says you are a citizen of.
So that’s an open to the whole another realm.
In Messiah, you’ve been born again, and you are a a spiritual Israelite.
You are a spiritual israeli, and that’s gonna we’re gonna look at just a number of gems in this concerning this and you.
In Jeremiah 30, which we read, 3031, or read part of it, It talks about a day of great darkness.
And god’s in that day, god’s gonna gather the people of Israel back to the land.
He’s gonna being like a shepherd to a sheep and gather them back.
Well, if you look at history, just before Israel came back, it was a day of great darkness.
It was the Holocaust. It was Hitler. It was all those things.
But the nation of Israel rose like out of the ashes rose out of the dead.
It it roe Israel rose out of 2000 years of it, but last part was, like, the culmination.
It rose out of death. It was kind of re it was like a resurrection.
You know, that makes sense because who’s the king of Israel? Jesus.
So you make sure if if, you know, a nation’s gonna follow its king.
So even though that they don’t follow it, it’s still following me because he’s the only one who rose from the dead.
That’s the king. And so his nation in one sense also rises. Came to life.
So it lives into fiance of death. Everything about Israel, you saw that there.
You saw all the the green and all the blossoming. Well, that was all on a dead barren wilderness.
But it also came out of a dark destruct. The people also came.
The land was the dead and the people came out of death and destruction too.
And they come back and every what happens to dead, all these dead, it comes alive again.
So Israel exists as a testimony against death. I mean, because think about it. Every nation dies.
And so every, you know, nations are gone. Israel’s alive, and it shouldn’t be alive now.
It’s four thousand years old, but it’s alive because it’s a testimony against against death because it’s a testimony of the work of the god of life.
In the same way, you’re a spiritual, Israel, and that means your new birth when you were born it’s kinda like coming home.
Like, they came home. It’s like you coming home. They came home physically. You come home spiritually.
And so, therefore, your entire life now is to be like that in the spirit that your whole life is to be a testimony against death.
A testimony against the old darkness. You are not that anymore. I am something new in the lord.
I’m alive now. I was dead before that. Spiritually, I’m alive now.
And so I wanna live a life that is that is testifying for life and against death.
In the prophecy of Isaiah, he says, the wilderness, and you saw a little picture of it, and the desolate place shall rejoice for them when they come back.
And the desert shall rejoice and blossom again.
When Israel came back into the world, came back to their land, the desert began to blossom.
Literally, I mean, it was debt to this day. They keep reclaiming more of the desert.
It’s the only place It’s the only nation on planet earth that at the end of the 20th century had more trees than at the beginning.
There’s a famous picture of the beginning of Israel, when you see all these these, uh, people from, like, the 9 190 4 or something, you know, who addressed in their, you know, 1904 close and their they’re standing in the desert.
They’re looking out, and there’s not it’s just this little group of the there’s nothing but desert desert desert.
And they’re the they’re founding what’s now known as Tel Aviv. Where you come to Israel, that’s where you go.
The Jews didn’t even know how to farm.
They didn’t know how to do anything like that, and yet you you had the people who didn’t know how to farm And you have the land that could not be formed.
Everybody tried to farm it. They could never farm it. It wouldn’t do anything.
So you got the people you got the land that can’t be formed.
You got the people who can’t farm, put them together, and what happens?
It blossoms like a rose in the desert. That is god. That’s the hand of god.
So let’s take this spiritual Israelis, Israelites.
That is that how do we take that into the spiritual?
If they’re if that’s the physical and we’re you’re the spiritual, that means that your life was barren before you knew god.
It was like a desert that couldn’t produce what it was bore what you were born to produce.
You have a you have a purpose. Got but with sin, you couldn’t do it.
It was a land that had all this promise on it. Your life was, but it couldn’t bear.
And then but in but god, Messiah, comes to you and all of a sudden, this land that couldn’t bear you start bearing fruit, your life starts bearing fruit.
You start becoming what you were meant to be. The promise of your life starts coming to fruition.
And so you not only that happened to you, but a spiritual Israeli has the power to make deserts bloom.
That means that means, you know, when the Jews came back, you know, they they took their plows.
They didn’t know how to do and all that, and it just blossomed.
But they also, you know, the the Israelis, they export they literally send fruit around the world.
From the desert, They actually give fruit to nations that they actually give flowers to Europe.
I mean, you think, hear from a desert. So you are a spiritual Israelite, Israeli.
You are called to be fruitful, to bear fruit. Yes. Not just that.
But you have the power that the Israelite has is to make fruit grow from soil that shouldn’t bear it.
In other words, you could be in a terrible situation, but you’ve got the power in god as a citizen of Israel to make that bear fruit, the fruit of joy.
You shouldn’t be rejoicing yet. You bear. You rejoice. Yet, the world says you’re crazy. In a desert, you rejoice.
That’s the fruit of the spirit. You’re in a terrible situation. You had you rejoiced in the lord.
That’s a you’re an impossible situation, but you bear the fruit of praise. No.
Not even it’s barren and yet you praise you’re praising god. Like Paul in prison, praising god.
The only believers do that. You’re in the midst of a problem and yet you’re giving your things are going wrong.
But you keep on giving thanks to god. Thanks to god. You’re bearing fruit in a desert.
You’re in a situation where people give you no reason to love them.
In fact, they might even hate you and put you down and all that, and yet you have the power to actually love your enemies.
Baron, yet you bear love. They said, where did that come from?
There are people who were in communist prisons, and they were showing love to their torturers, and they were blown away.
Where did that come from? Bearing a fruit from the desert.
You got the power to do that out of nothing.
You’re in the middle of what looks like defeat going in your life and pre you’re you’re overwhelmed by things.
It’s yet you still bear the fruit of victory. You still have the spirit of victory by god.
That’s the power you have. See, other nations can make fertile you know, fertile feels blossom.
That’s one thing. But the Israeli makes deserts bloom. That’s the power you have in the spirit.
That’s the power you have in your life for every desert. You’ve got the power to make a bloom.
And maybe a marriage that is a desert you have the power to make it bloom in god as much as it’s in your power.
You have the power to make things bloom. Now here’s another thing about Israel.
That say it’s the most hated little nation in the world. We said size of New Jersey.
I mean, New Jersey gets put down.
But Israel, you have the whole world wanting to destroy it or much of it.
Notice this one nation that doesn’t I mean, it’s bridges that that that has stood with it.
We hope it always does, but we know we know anti prophecy, but guess which is has been the most blessed nation.
The same nation America that bless Israel. God’s word is so true, but here that it’s so hated.
Makes no sense. It’s the only democracy there in the little thing.
The only one where they they actually they’re farming. They’re giving help to their enemy. They actually bring their enemies.
They’re even those who try to blow them up bring them to their hospitals. You know? The world hates them.
It’s the it’s the world versus Israel. But why? It’s supernatural.
The reason it it’s what it shows you is that even though it’s a tiny nation compared to the world, It shows you that there’s something big going on with it.
There’s something big. It’s showing you the greatness of the purpose the purpose of that.
Now you wouldn’t understand it. Nobody wouldn’t understand it unless they picked up the word of god because that says there is something very big coming.
Paul said it that the salvation of Israel is gonna mean redemption for the entire world.
The Bible says the entire world that the kingdom is coming from little place.
The whole world’s gonna redempt you. They end up the curse gonna happen there.
So it show what it shows you is their spiritual warfare over that.
The world is against it because the darkness of forces of darkness are against it.
It makes no sense in the natural, only in the supernatural.
So don’t be amazed when they all come against and you’re you’re all the UN condemning this little nation.
Come on. That’s the sign that there’s something very big of god going on.
Cause if the enemy keeps on beating and beating and beating and trying to wipe out, you know god has something big to come.
We saw you. The Israelis cannot give into it. If they give into it, they die.
If they lose one war, They’re gone.
And you, as a spiritual Israelite, the world is also against you.
The world is not happy with you. It never will be. The darkness is never happy with you.
It may manifest different ways, but, ultimately, if you’re living for god, the darkness hates you and comes against you.
And and and, you know, this is why, you know, in the same way, so so if you’re being attacked, that shows you the greatness of the purpose that god has for you.
The greatness of the calling god has because the enemy doesn’t waste his time.
So you gotta be strong. So the Israel doesn’t fit into the world and doesn’t try to.
It goes against the flow of it.
You know, you as a spiritual Israelite, you don’t fit into the world, You have to you don’t have you have to you you are not here to please the world.
You’re not here to live up to the world to political correctness to anything the world does.
You’re here to bless the world, but you’re not here to care about what it thinks about you.
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