Hear and Obey – Take It All Back

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Hear and Obey – Take It All Back

The God kind of faith is the faith that takes and not the faith that waits. We must develop that faith, so we can have faith to do the impossible. Take It All Back by Dr. Bill Winston is just the tool you need to develop the faith for the impossible. Just like David (See 1 Samuel 30:8.), God has given us the mandate to pursue, overtake, and without fail, to recover all as well as to transfer the wealth of the wicked into the righteous’ hands.

The believers walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries Partners and viewers.
Up next, on the believer’s block of faith.
You might have made some mistakes in your life.
But if you just listen to the spirit, it’s like recalculating, recalculating, recalculating, because we gonna get you to the promised land.
We gonna get you to everything god has for you and have planned for you if you’ll just hang in there and don’t get discouraged.
But, no, they happen to you, god has forgiven you. Things will open up for you.
People will come to you and your day is gnog at hand.
God is gonna bring you into your promised land. Matter of fact, this might be your year.
First, I gotta make sure that I know it’s a mandate that I this is not an option for me to take take it all back.
This is a mandate for me. And god thought of it. Yeah. I didn’t think of it. Yeah.
And the next thing, you know, is I’ve got to not be dependent upon a failing system.
I gotta come out of that thing. Same into that.
And that and god has made it so that you can come out. Am I right about it?
This is 4 d clinic. Let me call it like this.
A 4 d workshop. Alright? So look at god with Moses. He tells Moses, look.
I’ll put it on the screen, please. Numbers chapter 20 verse 8. He tells Moses this. Watch this.
4 d workshop. Watch it. Ready? Read.
And speak.
You unzip the rock before their eyes. Oh, wait wait a minute. Wait a minute. Speak.
See, you you you you you might have missed that. Speak to the rock in front of them.
Come on now. This is a workshop now. Amen.
Are you finding what I’m saying? I don’t want you to speak it over here while they’re not looking.
I want you to speak speak it to them. I can see it. Who’s all that can see it? Yes.
Because this is a workshop. Mark chapter 11 verse 14.
Why did the Holy Ghost right?
And did disciples hurt it? Why did they write and the disciples heard it?
He didn’t need to write that. What did he write and the disciples?
Why didn’t he say and the disciples overheard it. Why didn’t he why didn’t he say the disciples heard it?
Because we’re in the workshop. We want you to hear it.
We want you to know what it takes to get a miracle in your life.
Say 4 d. 4 d. Workshops. Workshops. And I’m telling you right now, god’s about to use you.
To be an instructor in the 4 d workshop over to god bank.
That came out of the spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Alright.
So when we look at this, we can just go on and on because here is Jesus, and he did it.
And then he told them over in Matthews, gospel chapter 10 verse 7 and 8. He said, alright.
I want you to go and I want you to go 2 by 2, and I want you to heal the sick.
I want you to deliver the oppressed.
I want you to cast out devils or I want you to raise the dead.
And he said freely, you’ve received freely give. Watch this. Don’t take no money. Don’t take a change of underwear.
He told him all of that. All that I sit in there.
You see, he had taken them to a workshop. Now, it’s time for them to be mobilized.
It’s time for them to get up at that church chair and go out there and do something for god, say amen to god.
Alright. Now, 4 d workshop, uh, let me just take you to a couple of things that happened to me.
So we’re gonna get our 1st home. We’re in Minnesota. We’re both with IBM. We’ll get our 1st home.
We’re in apartment. And I said, let’s go around and look at some houses and a dear Christian brother, who was a realtor, took him around, took him some houses, and we came back on night.
And I said, maybe which one do you like? She said, no. You mean which one? Uh, can we afford?
I said, no, god told me to ask you, which one do you like?
She said, well, I like that not the white went up on the hill then that circle of driveway.
I like that one right there. I said, let’s get down and pray. So we got down and pray.
And then after I finished, we we got down there.
As soon as I got down, God said, get your wife get up and go over there and point out the house.
Woah. There’ll come a workshop. I want I want you to get up go over there in that neighborhood this time of night, and I want you to point let me go over this group.
Over there in that neighborhood this time of night. And I want you to point out that house. Notice.
They didn’t tell me anything that was logical. He told me something that only he could do.
He he wants to get me out of the logic place and get me over into faith.
What do you think we did? I got my wife. We went over there.
We both took our finger, uh, put one more extra on it.
They’re in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We command you to sell to us now in Jesus’ name.
And when I said that, we said that things start happening.
All of a sudden, I both called me and they built. We got a contest for the managers.
I said, oh, that’s great. I said, what do we get? He said, 15, $20,000, whatever it was.
I said, well, praise god. I said, I need that. He said, you already want.
I said, well, pray is God since on a level that a fallen man can’t reach. Amen.
All you got to do is hear and obey in four d. That’s all you got to do.
Same into that. And so that’s a house.
And then next thing you know, uh, what else do we do, baby?
You you you name it. I mean, we did. How about her job?
Down and, oh, are you? I’m in full time school. She said, I need employment. And I said, okay.
Let’s pray. She went and we prayed, and we got to tell her to specify the kind of job she wanted.
She wanted uh, 10 minutes from the house, watered in computers, so forth and so on, did all of that.
And we then prayed, believe we received it. Now you got the whole loan to your face.
And we’re holding on to our faith.
And next thing you know, here come mother, brother back has come over to see me.
Hey, brother, uh, uh, sister Veronica is building the house Yeah. He’s in the house.
Uh, you got your job yet? Yes. I do. Where is it? I don’t know, but I got it.
See, a lot of people won’t do that.
They’ll do it in the house, but they won’t do it public. You got to take Jesus public.
If you’re gonna walk in 4 d, you’re gonna take Jesus. I guarantee you.
Well, not only that.
Uh, what else did we get, baby? Uh, we got what? Airplane. How about airplane?
And I’m telling you in that airplane deal, I I said, lord, this is what I want I I was looking on the on online and it says, you know, you can design the kind of airplane you want.
And I started doing that. I said, wait a minute.
I don’t know how this is gonna look plus a fact, this saved too much thought time.
I said, I’m a just get a picture of it. So I got a picture of it in god.
That’s the picture. That’s the picture I found. So I got that picture.
I said, Dora, this is what I want. Claimed it. This is what I want. Why should I say this?
If you go out to Midway, that looks just like that right back.
The airplane came to me from California I’m saying, what do you want?
It time now to name it. Oh, train. To now.
So I could go on and on, folks. This thing works Yes, sir. It works now.
So what am I saying? What about you? Cause I said something I said, okay.
I want you to do something. I want you to take your bills and put them on the table.
Didn’t I say that? It doesn’t even have to be your table. Put it on your cards and table.
Put it on somebody’s table. I didn’t say put them on the floor, did I?
I didn’t say put it on the couch, did I?
See, you gotta follow instructions and you put it on the tape.
When you put it on the table, then take them and shuffle them up like you.
You know what I’m saying? With all of them bills, you got, just shuffle them up.
And then back off of it, I tell you 2 or 3 paces and then point at it.
I didn’t say speak to it without pointing at it. I told you to point at the bill.
Say amen. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m getting reports.
My bills got canceled. I’m getting reports.
And some people here So I was just reaching and not telling the truth.
This is the way I got my bills paid off.
I’m saying you can be debt free by Christmas day.
They’re not that much further. You don’t need another. Let and in four d.
You’ve got all you need right now.
You take the bills at home and put them on that table, and you start pointing out the bills.
Take bills. I’m talking to you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I commend you.
Be paying off disappeared, dematerialized in the name of Jesus.
Did Jesus point out a victory?
Did he speak to a victory? Did he speak to a storm? Did he speak to a debt man?
Did he say what he did you can do too? Wow.
You see, technically, in heaven, your debts have already been paid coverage of god.
Jesus of pain didn’t get. Well, I’m preaching this bought it now.
I don’t know who I’m preaching to.
And the disciples heard Can’t you see? Yes.
He’s in a clinic. Yes. Yes. There’s a workshop he got going over.
The last part, this is
km s
kingdom management system.
In flying airplanes years ago, Uh, I used to
learn to
fly you know, small propeller driven airplanes.
And I had a map, and it’s a visual map that you use when you have to look over the ground and all your fixes, uh, the VRs and stuff in here, I learned that way.
And then when I went in the military, I started at that same light airplane, and, uh, they had something called and e 6b, and this is kind of a computer in a way.
Yeah. But in it, It had this thing that rotates. Why?
Because you had to calculate everything.
You had to calculate basically, um, how long it would take you to take off.
K? Um, you had to how much how much runway you need, um, calculate the winds coming and the direction of wins and what heading you’re gonna have to hold to get from point a to point b and so forth.
That’s where it used to be.
And with technology, they now have something called a flight management system.
You can imagine what it does.
It just took a lot of work from the pilot and put it in a system of the airplane.
And so now simply, you could just put in your destination and all kinds of things start happening.
The flight management system will either even calculate the weight of the airplane.
Based on how many passengers you have. Why?
Because that’s gonna have something to do with how far you gotta go down the runway with the weight to take off.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Come on, darling.
But all that’s calculated. You can put in your destination, and then you could take the airplanes off the pilot and hook it in.
And now we got winds coming.
And when you got up 35, 40000 feet, some of those winds are 90 to 90 miles an hour winds.
And they could easily push you, of course.
But with the flight management system, it makes small corrections all the
way to California.
And you don’t even notice it.
Come on, darling. Wow. Bring on this. So Joseph.
Had a dream.
And that’s found over in Genesis in chapter 37 verse 45 or 5.
And he told his brothers about it. Brothers got upset. Now this dream came to him again.
And this time, he told his brothers and his dad, his dad heard about it.
I understand when the dream came in the second time, his belief system was such that It was programmed.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, all of a sudden now, He’s got his destiny program.
Oh, god. Are you with me? That’s good. Yes. Yes.
So now what he had to do is just by faith follow directions.
Yeah. Just follow what’s input because it it it’s it’s gonna turn him.
When he comes into a situation, um, this this system knows how to get him out of it and put him back on course.
4 d. You got what I’m saying? Yes, sir.
And that’s why 4 d is so dangerous because you put your destiny in here, one man said it like this.
Start with the end in mind. So it’s in here.
And because you’re in four d, you can’t be stopped.
So it guarantees your arrival. Yeah.
Somebody say amenity.
So once you take this word and you plug it in there, then the system takes over and takes all the work off of you.
And the system knows what to do to get to to where you wanna go.
Are y’all with me here? Yes. See, but you you gotta plug it in.
You you gotta believe you receive when you pray.
And once it’s in there, things are gonna start happening.
Now with Joseph, he told his dad, And dad said, Joe, why are you doing this?
He said, stop telling people that.
So now god’s got to deliver Joe from where he is.
To have him reach his destiny. Because where he is is a toxic environment.
And he’s gotta get him out of there.
So the system is still calculating now. GPS, you get, of course, you make the wrong turn.
It’ll say recalculating, recalculating. Same thing about this. Yeah. Yeah.
You make the wrong tart recalculating because god promised you.
You follow what I’m saying?
And I’m saying you might have made some mistakes in your life.
But if you just listen to the spirit and saying that, recalculating, recalculating, recalculating, because we’re gonna get you to the promised land.
We’re gonna get you to everything god has for you and has plan for you if you’ll just hang in there and don’t get this courage.
But, no, things have to you, God has forgiven you, things will open up for you, people will come to you, and your day is not at hand.
God is gonna bring you into your promised land. Matter of fact, this be your year.
Not only are you gonna the debts paid off, but you’re gonna have a $1,000,000 in the bank recalculating Goodbye.
Get out.
I know you made a wrong turn And that’s what happens to us sometime.
We’re far off course. Here’s Joseph in jail.
In jail, but he kept the faith recalculating.
He even the butcher and the banker and them whoever offended the king came down there, and one of them killed.
He told the other one, he’s gonna be raised back up to the king.
He said, now, when you get to the king, tell him I’m down here.
I mean, you know, that please help me out Tell him I’m down here.
He got up there and forgot about it. Yeah. Recalculating.
If they let you down, recalculated. Come on.
If you didn’t get that when you thought you should, because it’s recalculated.
If you even go past show waypoint.
He’s gonna bring you back to what you’re supposed to be, causing recalculating, man.
He’s gonna bring you to this promised land.
You’re gonna get to the promised land. I don’t care what it looks like.
God’s got plans for you, and he didn’t change his plan.
No miracle is on its way.
What I’m not saying?
Take your seats, please. No. No.
You can use this in starting a business. Yes, sir. You can use this in a kind of way.
God’s got big plans for you. That’s why you’re getting big dreams. Amen.
Don’t don’t cancel them. Don’t think that didn’t happen.
Don’t think it won’t happen, uh, while I’m getting to, oh, while I’m now sick right now, so don’t recalculate it.
Did he that started a good work in you?
Will complete it. Because right now he’s recalculated. Yeah.
Yes. Over to god.
That’s good. Well, I wanna say
that this kingdom management system that you set the coordinates and then let the system take over.
Jesus set some coordinates in mark.
Mark chapter 10 and verse 34.
I want you to see What he said as he set these coordinates ready. Read.
Nothing can stop it.
Nothing can stop it.
You get that in your heart and you believe it?
Yes. Amen.
The spirit takes over. More powerful than your mind. Nothing can stop your spirit.
You keep your mouth right.
Even though Job was in such disrepair,
it says that his friends looked at him in Job chapter 2
and verse 12 and couldn’t even recognize he was a man.
But he said something over in verse chapter 13.
He said, though he slay me, Come on. What am I gonna do? I’m gonna trust him.
You just gotta keep trusting.
I know you can’t trace it, but just trust it.
Trust it.
You’re going or probably nobody has gone before.
But you were chosen, and he’s not gonna let you go.
He said you didn’t choose me. I chose you.
A new youth before you got to your mother’s womb.
Now You gonna trust
him? Yes.
And next thing you know, Job in chapter 42, Bob says, god gave back to him twice as much as he had before gave him a whole new family wants his job in perfect health, everything.
Kingdom management assist Praise god.
I trust that you enjoyed Now, this is a new concept here.
This is to own a Kingdom management system.
Now, this is once you get born again, this system is placed inside you.
Now, this system is a producer, and it does a lot of the work for you.
You know, like you can be in a car and you’re trying to find a certain residence or or a certain part of town and and you set your GPS or whatever have you.
And it’ll guide you there. It’ll tell you what streets to turn on and so forth.
Well, the same thing in flying, if you have a flight management system, you can set it all in Chicago, if you’re going to LA, and and it’ll guide you to LA accounting for the winds and everything.
You have a kingdom management system inside of you. It’s a guidance system.
It knows where you were to to go to get to the destination that you’ve set in.
And you can set in a destination. You start with the end in mind.
And you put this end in mind, speak it out of your mouth, and here’s the system it takes over.
It’s a powerful thing. That’s what happened with Joseph when he had the dream He started with the end in mind.
The next thing you know, it took him all the way down to Egypt, and he fulfilled the dream.
Oh, yeah. He had to go through being a slave at pot of hers and maybe a time, some time in prison and so forth, but he ended up at his destination.
And I’m saying right now, if you confess your words and speak, your destiny, this management system will take over and bring you to that destiny.
It is a powerful thing. That’s why you have to always speak what is good.
And I never don’t speak things that are bad, big things that are good so you’ll always win.
It is a powerful teaching. Get it. You will enjoy it.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying, we’ll see you next time. Until then, keep walking by faith.
Today’s power pack teaching, take it all back is available in its entirety.
To order this 3 part series on CD MP3 on DVD or MP4.
Contact us at 180711932 7 or online at billwinston.org.
The god kind of faith is the faith that takes and not the faith that waits, we as believers are to do wondrous things that are impossible for the world to match.
Our portion of this earth is to dominate and reclaim what the devil had stolen, destroyed, hinder, and held up from its rightful owners.
It’s time to take it all back.
I’ve got a question for you. Do you know Jesus as the lord and savior?
No somebody asked me that one time. I said, I don’t know. You know? Well, here’s the deal.
He came and gave his life for all humanity. Why?
So that all our sins be forgiven and that we can be in a family of god from now on.
That’s what happened to me. And when I prayed the prayer of faith, I knew something had taken place my whole life had changed.
I wanna get you to pray that same prayer. It only takes a moment.
Just say this, dear lord, coming to my heart.
I believe in you that you died for my sins, and you’re alive right now.
Now, lord, thank you for saving me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you said that prayer, you said it from your heart, a miracle just took place.
You are now with the family of God. I want to send you a book.
It’s called Born Again in Spirit Film.
It’s a book that tells you what the next steps are free of charge.
Welcome to the family of God, and keep walking. By faith.
Now remember, you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.

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