Philippians – Part 2 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday LIfe Teaching

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Philippians – Part 2 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday LIfe Teaching

Philippians Chapter 1 is packed with large amounts of love. Learn about God’s love for you and the beauty of bringing others into a relationship with Him, on this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

Because nothing is better than joy. Come on. Paul talked about joy 19 times
at this epistle. He wants people to be happy.
I do what I do because I’ve seen god’s power transform my own life, and he will do it for you.
The key to everything is found in god’s word.
I’m Joyce Meyer, and I believe that god can heal everywhere you hurt.
You are the house of god.
I am the house of god. God lives in here.
And he lives in you through the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit main two titles are the comforter and the helper.
So if the spirit of god is living in us, how can we not want to help?
I mean, I would say if you don’t wanna help anybody, something’s wrong, you might wanna go back and check about your salvation.
Because if Christ is in us, his nature is in us, We’re going to be greed when we mistreat people.
We’re gonna want to go back and apologize.
We’re gonna want to treat people good because we know that god doesn’t like it when we mistreat his people.
I’d say the truth, good number of years ago, I got an understanding on this, and I have a reverential fear on me of mistreating people.
It’s just not something that god likes. Amen? Amen.
Paul almost always started his greetings with this this this term grace and peace be unto you.
And, boy, that’s another.
I mean, I could get a four part series out of that because you can’t have peace if you don’t understand grace.
And grace is god’s undeserved favor, but it’s also the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives to accomplish through us what we could never do on our own with any amount of struggle and effort.
In other words, it’s basically, apart from me, you can do nothing.
So if we learn how to talk to god about everything and ask him to be involved in everything and to strengthen us and everything, as I said earlier in the exhort, pray your way through the day.
Now 3 through 11 would be the next group of scriptures that we would put together to study, and I’m gonna read it and then do some teaching.
I thank my god and all my remembrances of you.
Always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy because of our partnership in the gospel from the 1st day you heard it until now.
Now keep that in mind. There’s such a lesson there.
And I’m sure of this that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
Now, you know, we like to just pick out scriptures we like and use them.
But if you notice here, He says, I thank god for you all the time because of our partnership in the gospel.
Paul shared spiritual wisdom with them, and they supported Paul and his ministry so that word could be taken to other people.
And he said, and meaning because of what he just said, I am sure that he who began a good work in you is well able to complete it and bring it to its finish.
And I believe that if we’re stingy and all we do is take take take, we will reach a point where we cannot grow anymore spiritually.
And he said, it’s right for me to feel this way about you all because I hold you in my heart.
For you are all part takers with me of grace, both in my imprisonment and in the defense and the confirmation of the gospel.
For god is my witness, how I yearn for you all.
If you listen to some of the words of Paul, he he loves these people.
He’s not just like somebody who gets to tell them what to do are are the great apostle that comes to town that everybody admires.
He he said I came to serve you and I I yearn for you.
I have a longing in my heart for you.
Boy, you need to be under leadership that cares about you.
People who really love you, who pray for you, who really want to see you be the person that god wants you to be.
Amen. And if you’re not under that kind of leadership, I’d keep looking until I found somebody was not just gonna tell me what to do that was gonna love me.
Amen? And it is my prayer that your love may abound.
Well, we’re gonna talk about that and that you may approve what is excellent We’re gonna talk about that.
And be pure and blameless till the day of Christ. That’s another message.
Filled with the fruits of righteousness that come through Jesus Christ to the glory and the praise of god.
Now Paul was very thankful for the partnership for the people in helping him spread the gospel.
You know, we asked people to partner with us. They talked about partnership earlier.
And he thanked god for them every time he prayed just as we pray for our partners at the ministry.
And this amazes even me, but he he says that they became a partner with him from the first time they heard the gospel.
And they continued until the present day whenever Paul was writing this.
So Paul didn’t have to try to talk them into giving. They were so excited about what they heard.
Come on. Maybe we’re just a little bit too used to Jesus.
Maybe we need to be refreshed in what what we really have.
My gosh. Your sins are completely forgiven and washed away.
You’ve been justified, may just is if you’ve never sinned, your name is written in a book called The Book of Life, Jesus is in heaven preparing a place for you that where he is, you may also be there.
We don’t need to just be return be excited about what god can do for us, but just excited about him.
My gosh. You’re not going to hell.
So Paul was very thankful for these people.
I want us to look at a minute at 1st Corinthians chapter 8, the first four verses.
I don’t I don’t know exactly what these people had that were missing today, but they sure didn’t have to try to talk them into giving.
Second Corinthians, 8. Alright. Now just listen to this.
Just just imagine this. We want you to know, brethren, about the grace of god that has been given among the churches of Macedonia.
For in a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty, have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part for they gave according to their means as I can testify and beyond their means, their own accord begging us earnestly for the favor of letting them take part in the relief of the saints.
Come on. Beg me to let you give.
I have never had anybody come to me and say, oh, please, please, please can I give?
Partnership is not a 1-sided relationship.
There are 2 or more parties each who have a responsibility.
Paul helped them through preaching and they they helped him.
To continuing to finance the preaching of the gospel.
Now, I have to tell this story because it makes the point better than anything that I’ve ever heard, and it’s a real story.
And it makes my point about how you, if you don’t start giving back I mean, you know, you you don’t really have to as a new believer.
Just soak it in. But you you’ll get to a point where god’s gonna start putting it on your heart to give.
And if you don’t, and you keep not doing it long enough, you’ll get to the point where you can’t you can’t take anything in anymore.
Had a woman come to me one time, and she said, I’m embarrassed to tell you this, but she said, I feel like I’m supposed to.
She said, I’ve been coming to your conferences for years. And I’ve loved them. I’ve grown so much.
You’ve taught me so much, but she said, act to be honest and take the last couple of years.
I haven’t really gotten anything out of them.
And she said, I I actually thought that maybe you had sin in your life and you were losing your anointing, so I started praying for you.
Like, come on.
This goes on all the time. Well, I’m not getting any thing out of going here anymore.
Think I’ll try a new church so I can get something.
And she said that as she was praying for me one day to recognize my sin and repent so I could get my anointing back so she could enjoy my meetings.
She said, god just spoke her. He said, there’s nothing wrong with Joyce.
The reason you’re not getting anything is because you’re so full. There’s no room to put anything else.
And until you start putting something out, you’re not gonna get anything else. Come on.
Come on.
I think we all know that the church, and I don’t mean any particular church, but just the church has problems.
We’re the most selfish generation that ever lived, and we have more than any generation.
It’s ever lived. So really, the more stuff you have, sometimes the more selfish you get.
We have so much that we can use to be a blessing to other people.
But no, we wanna keep it case we ever need it.
And then when you do need it, you don’t know where it’s at. You go buy another one anyway.
Come on.
And listen, the reason why I’m telling you this is because you’re gonna have more joy.
Honestly, it is more blessed to give than it is to receive.
Because nothing is better than joy. Come on. Paul talked about joy 19 times
in this epistle. He wants people to be happy.
In verses 78, Paul mentioned his effect for the people and how he holds them so close in his heart.
You know, and I can honestly tell you, and I’m not just trying to say something cute.
I actually I’m I’m doing this at this point in my life because I love the people, and I really, really, really, really want you to have the life that Christ wants you to have.
I mean, a miserable center is one thing, but a miserable saint is a miserable mess.
I so want us to live to glorify god.
The church could shine so brightly and draw so many lost people into a relationship with Christ.
If he would just get ourselves off our minds long enough to look around us and realize that everywhere you go, there are hurting people.
See, I’m talking about something you can do when you leave here.
And then Paul says, I pray that your love would abound to yet more and more.
There’s so much in that statement because you know what he’s saying?
They were walking in love, and he told him he was proud of them, but he said, I want your love to abound He’s he’s saying, I know you’re walking in love, but I want you to grow in walking in love.
You know, one of the worst things we can do is get complacent and get satisfied with our stuff.
Well, I’m doing pretty good. No. No. No. No. No. That’s not it.
I wanna do better because I wanna glorify god more. I want to abound in love.
I really want to learn how to love people the way Jesus loved people.
Can any one of us say that we really know how to give unconditional love?
So much of our love is still based on how people treat us.
The word abound means to exist in large amounts to be packed to overflow, to be crowded with, to be full of, to do more than you have to do.
He wants them to have more knowledge and more discernment.
Man, I could preach for an hour on discernment. We need discernment.
Oh, and then he prayed that they would learn to prize and approve what was excellent.
How does an excellent person behave? Well, they always do what they say they’re gonna do.
They’re on time for their appointments. They get to work on time.
They don’t leave a message for other people to clean up.
They don’t park in handicapped parking spaces, if they’re not handicapped, and especially not at church.
They replaced the toilet paper when they used the last of it on the roll.
They don’t tinkle on the seat, uh, a public restroom, and leave it for somebody to sit at it.
Oh, I hate that.
When I take the last Kleenex, they go get another box, If they’re given too much change, when paying a bill, they return it.
They put the grocery cart back of the space marked off for grocery cards.
Okay. I’m gonna make a statement.
Maybe you didn’t come for anything but this, but get this.
What we do when nobody’s looking is who we really are.
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The biggest thing that we need to do is learn how to think god thinks, and the only way you can do that is by knowing the word of god.
In words to live by Joyce Meyer shares how studying the word of god transformed her life, experience a deeper and more meaningful relationship with god through the captivating collection of verses in this beautiful hardcover book by Joyce Meyer.
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The mind actually is the battlefield.
That’s where we win or lose the war with Satan.
He said all he gets to say Thank you so much. This is a lot of it. Today’s mine.
You start asking god to heal you and he will restore.
It’s the god of all comfort, and I am so grateful that I know how to call on god.

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