Day 205 of 365! Gob Bless You!

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Day 205 of 365!

God is saying to you today,
“My dear child, today I want to remind you
of the power of trust. Trusting in Me is not
always easy, especially when you face
uncertainties and challenges. Yet, I invite
you to surrender your fears and doubts and
place your trust in Me completely. I am the
faithful and unchanging God who holds
your life in My hands. Trust that I am
working all things together for your good,
even when you cannot see the full picture.
Trust that I am with you in every moment,
guiding and providing for you.

God is saying to you today,
“Trust that I have a purpose and a plan for
your life that far exceeds your imagination.
When you trust in Me, you release the burden
of trying to control everything and instead
allow My perfect will to unfold. Trust is not
based on what you can see, but on the
unwavering truth of who I am. Let go of your
worries and place your trust in Me. I will lead
you on a path of abundant life and blessings
beyond measure. Trust in My goodness, My
faithfulness, and My love for you. I am your
steadfast anchor in every storm,
and I will never fail you.

Matthew 7:7–8
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”

“For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.”

—2 Nephi 28:30, Book of Mormon

Someone once said, I only pray when I’m in trouble, but I’m in trouble all the time.
And so I pray all the time. A Christian writer by the name of Edward Mackendry Bounds.
Said the following about prayer. Prayers should not be regarded as a duty which must be performed.
But rather as a privilege to be enjoyed. Listen. Prayer is a privilege for us.
It’s a privilege for the god of heaven to tell us, to invite us to pray.
It’s a privilege to be able to develop and cultivate a relationship with the lord through prayer.
And I don’t know about you, but at 1 point in my life.
Prayer was something I merely did so that I could say I prayed today.
It wasn’t until I began to see that the invitation to pray from god almighty.
It’s a blessing. It’s a privilege. That’s when my prayer life changed.
And so dear listener let me encourage you. In every season of life, remember to pray.
When life is good, We should remember to pray.
When life is difficult, we should remember to pray.
Whether it floods or if we’re in a dry season. Remember to pray.
Regardless of the season you’re in. Make it a habit to pray.
And just speaking from my own experience, There will be days where you find that you can easily capture the spirit of prayer.
Oh, there are days when I can pray effortless I can pray and feel as though an hour is just 10 minutes.
However, There are those days that I encounter, and I’m sure you will too, where prayer will be nothing other than And it’s when you encounter those moments that you should push through.
Listen, praying is warfare. The devil doesn’t want you to pray. Your body, this flesh.
It doesn’t wanna pray. And so you and I have to fight to pray even during the days where we struggle.
I wanna encourage you. Be resilient.
And remember that the size of your prayer must match the size of your opposition, and our opposition is the devil.
Our opposition can be found in Ephesians 6 verse 12.
The Bible reads for our struggle is not again flesh and blood, contending only with physical opponents, but against the rulers, against the power.
Against the world forces of this present darkness.
Against the spiritual forces of wickedness, in the heavenly, supernatural places.
We’re not fighting against people. We’re fighting against spiritual forces.
There are spiritual forces of wickedness that are all around us.
And in this kind of war, We can only pray and call on the name of the lord.
Dear listener? I encourage you to pray. We all ought to pray.
Because we need strength to defeat strongholds.
We need the power of God to protect from evil forces.
Whether they be from our bloodline or from this world.
We need to pray because we need god’s protection.
Some of us need grace to overcome insecurities.
Some of us need the hand of god to move within our families and to restore damaged relationships.
So people of god, pray. Hear me as I encourage you today to pray.
And so as we approach the throne, Let us go with the mindset that prayer is imperative in our lives.
We cannot walk in the things that god has designed for us to walk into without the power of prayer.
It is necessary in the lives of believers.
Lord Jesus Christ, you are a mighty and all powerful god.
Thank you for being our safe place.
For being our refuge, Thank you for your wonderful care and your tender mercies.
Thank you for being a god who sees us in our weakness.
And so, lord, we ask that you would stir us up in our spirit.
So that we would have the desire to pray. Touch our hearts and ignite a burning desire to pray.
Your word in colossians 4 verse 2? It tells us to be persistent and devoted to prayer.
Being alert and focused in your prayer life with an attitude of thanksgiving.
Lord, in this world, there are many enemies that we face as your children.
Help us to be alert.
Help us to be focused in our prayer lives so that we would not be destroyed by the enemy.
Your word reminds us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood.
But against principalities against powers, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Now, in this battle lord, we can only go to our knees and ask you to intervene.
Fight Forest Lord. Your word in Psalms tells us that the angel of the lord encamps all around those who fear him and delivers them.
Father, we thank you for the promise of protection. Give us the power we need.
To overcome the enemy. Give us peace so that we will not allow fear and anxiety to hold us back.
Help us to trust in you and not to worry.
Father, we trust that all of our steps are ordered by you.
We have confidence in your word that tells us to approach the throne of grace boldly, and that if we ask anything according to your will, then you will hear us.
Father, I pray that I will always abide under your shadow. Meaning that I’m always close to you.
You’re always near and never too far from me.
I will say to you, lord, you are the chief cornerstone of my life, and you are my strong tower.
I’m trusting in you. To be with me always, and to be my defender.
We call on you King Jesus because only you can lead us besides still daughters.
Only you lord Jesus can renew our strength. Your word in Isaiah 65 verse 24.
It says before they call, I will answer. While they are still speaking, I will hear.
God. We thank you for being faithful.
We thank you for your word that tells us that before we call, you will answer.
We trust that you will help us. In our time of need.
Father, we hold on to your word in Psalm 32 verse 7, where it says for you are my hiding place.
You protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of victory.
Thank you for listening for hearing our prayer master. Continue to cover us.
Continue to lead us. Continue to protect us.
It is with thankful hearts and in Jesus’ name that we pray. Amen.
I want to pray and agree with everyone.
Who wants to turn their life around.
And even as I pray, my desire is that the Holy Spirit would and anoint this message and this prayer so that it may touch your heart and impress the reality of Jesus Christ upon your minds.
My desire is that the lord would bless this prayer, so that it would not fall on deaf ears, but instead may it be received by willing hearts?
The Bible says in second 7 verse 14.
If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my race and turned from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin heal their land.
I want you to note how god is saying to his people. Humble yourselves.
Pray and seek my face. Turn from your wicked ways.
This saint’s is how you can turn your around.
Humble yourself, meaning surrender to the lord. Except that you do not know it all.
You cannot do life through your own strength and might. You need Jesus.
I believe in that here in Second Chronicles 7 verse 14, the Bible is telling us to humble ourselves because we need to come to a place, whereby we are willing to simply serve.
To serve Jesus Christ, to serve the body of Christ and serve his kingdom.
The second point is to pray and seek his face.
Psalm 42 verse 1 says, as a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants soul for you.
Oh god? There needs to be a longing and a yearning for god. In your heart.
Indeed, the lord wants his children to not only pray, but to pray and see his face.
That means, don’t just come with a list of requests.
Take time to commune with him, to build a relationship with him.
God wants us to fellowship with him.
The Bible tells us to seek 1 thing above all else in Matthew 6 verse 33.
But seek first, the kingdom of god and his righteousness.
And all these things will be added to you. God wants us to seek him first.
Now, the third point is that we should turn from our wicked ways.
Our god is holy. And he has called us to be separate from the world.
Meaning we ought not to engage in the sinful practices of this world.
We ought to turn away. And so should you desire to turn your life around?
Do it the way god has arrived in Second Chronicles 7 verse 14, as his word says.
If people who are called by my name, humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turned from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
Humble yourself. Pray and seek his face Turn away from your wicked ways.
Now let us pray. Lord Jesus, you are the light of our lives.
You are the 1 who gives us freedom and liberty from all bondage.
We call on your holy name because in your presence, the miraculous happens.
When you are involved, King Jesus, the supernatural happens.
We invite you into this place, lord Jesus. Change the atmosphere of this place.
Fill this place with your holy presence. Let your anointing fall and rest upon our lives.
Let your presence be found in abundance within the walls of our homes.
In your presence, it’s where we can experience the breaking of curses.
In your presence, lord Jesus, every evil word spoken against us becomes useless.
Every trap set before us by the enemy is exposed.
In your presence, Jesus every threat and attack from the kingdom of darkness is nullified and destroyed.
We invite you into our lives, King Jesus, dwell in our hearts, lord, dwell in our homes, Chase away every unclean spirit.
Chase away every contentious spirit.
Lord, we ask that you chase away everything that is not of you.
We declare that if it’s not from god, We don’t want it.
Your word in Psalm 31 verse 19 to 20 says. Oh, how abundant is your goodness?
Which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you in the sight of the children of mankind.
In the cover of your presence, You hide them from the plots of men.
You store them in your shelter. From the strife of tongues.
You have stored up blessings for those who reverently fear you.
Lord, may we be counted among those that fear you? Hyde us in the secret place of your presence.
So that no evil thing will be able to find us or lay siege to our lives.
Lord, Jesus, we pray for grace and mercy.
Let us become believers who are in awe of you always.
Believers who never waver nor turn their heads at the sight of the pleasures of this world.
Father, in this world, we are in the midst of evil.
We’re surrounded by deception and all kinds of doctrine.
However, we look to you King Jesus into your word as our light.
Light up our lives.
Light up our eyes so that we can see truth from lies and truth from deception.
Let us see your light operating in our lives, master.
May your holy light shine and expose that which is in darkness.
Let us be so full of your light, so full of your presence, that there is no room any evil thing or stronghold to take a hold of us.
Purge our hearts, king jesus of all sin that may leave the door open to the enemy.
If it’s unforgiveness, Give us the grace to let go and forgive whatever or whomever has hurt us.
If it’s a hidden sin convict our hearts to repent, and let that sin go in Jesus’ name.
Father? Give us hearts that are obedient to you because in deuteronomy 28 verse 1 to 2.
Your word says And if you faithfully obey the voice of the lord, your god.
Being careful to all his commandments that I command you today, the lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth.
And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you if you obey the voice of Lord your God.
May your blessings come upon us and overtake us.
Be glorified King Jesus May you receive all praise and honor?
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Romans’s 8 verse 31.
What then shall we say in response to these things?
If god is for us, who can be against us?
I wanna tell you that god is on your side. The lord is on your side.
Your feelings may tell you otherwise. Your current situation, may beg to differ. But the Bible.
The Bible has told us time and time again that god is faithful. God is true.
God is a protector, and he is the sure rescue of all those who trust in him.
I believe that we all need to hold on to a promise found in Isaiah 41 verse 10.
It says fear not for I am with you. Be not dismayed. For I am your god.
I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
These words can create the kind of faith in your life. That will displace all the fear.
These words can generate a confidence in you because there will be times when we’re challenged in tests There will be times when we’re threatened or perhaps intimidated.
And in those moments, that’s when we should remember the word of the lord.
A word that tells us not to be afraid or discouraged.
It’s a word that promises to strengthen us when we’re weak.
And the reason that it’s so important is because the enemy knows when we’re frustrated.
He knows when we’re depressed, when we’re down. He knows exactly when to attack.
In the olden days, in the days when armies would fight with swords and shields.
1 side would wait until nightfall in order to attack or ambush the other side.
They would wait until the other side was in a weakened state. Or asleep.
And that’s exactly what the enemy does now. He waits until we’re in a state of frustration.
He waits until we’re discouraged, and then that’s when he attacks. He’s a cunning devil.
But today, I wanna encourage you to look to Jesus Christ for strength.
Whatever state you’re in. As long as you know that Jesus Christ is your source of strength, You can rebuke the devil.
Luke 10 verse 19 says, behold.
I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and overall the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.
We have been given power and authority by Jesus Christ.
This tells me that the devil can only succeed against us if we choose to ignore the authority that we have in Christ.
The devil can only succeed against us if we allow him to.
So I wanna encourage you saints of God. This is not the time for you to be quiet.
But rather be bold. Be loud.
As you declare god’s word over your situation, Begin to declare. If god is for me?
Who can be against me? Listen. The lord is on your side.
So whether you feel strong or weak in your spirit, just remember.
That god is on your side. We as believers always need to rely on his might.
And on his strength. Now, with this in mind, let us pray.
Dear father. God, we thank you for your goodness and your mercy.
We thank you for the battles that you fight for us.
Those which are seen and those which are unseen.
Father, each and every person listening right now needs your divine protection You know our struggles, lord.
You know our private battles. You know what each of us is facing.
And so we call for your help. We cannot do this alone.
We cannot fight these battles alone. We can’t go through this life without you.
And lord, as I pray, even for the person who’s listening, Whatever it is that they’re wrestling with, be it in their spirit, in their minds, in their bodies.
Whatever area of their life that’s coming up against opposition.
I call on the name that is above every name.
I call on you King Jesus to set us free because whom the son sets free is free indeed.
Sent us free in our minds, lord. Center free in our bodies.
Lord releases from the clutches of the enemy. Set us free from unrest in our hearts.
Break the strongholds that your people face. Break the chains that are pulling your children down.
Lord, we declare no more fear. No more anxiety. No more unrest in our hearts.
You have the final say lord Jesus.
And your word says that you have come to give us light and life more abundantly.
Lord, according to your word, we declare that no weapon formed against us, or our families will prosper.
In the name of Jesus, no assault from the enemy will prosper.
And lord, even while the enemy roams back and forth, looking for whom he may devour.
We stand by the power that’s in the blood of Jesus Christ.
We stand by the power that’s in the name of Jesus Christ.
Father, I give you the throne to my heart, and I bless your holy name.
Lord, you stand above all, above any principalities. Above any ruler of wickedness.
There is none and there is nothing that can stand against you.
And so we will forever call upon your name.
I believe that you will give each of us a breakthrough.
Even though our eyes may not be able to see it now.
We believe by faith, and we believe that you are working on our behalf.
You are working for our good. Lord Jesus, I pray for wisdom and discernment in this season.
Your word says in Matthew 11 verse 28, come to me, all who are weary and heavily burdened, and I will give you rest.
And so we seek your face lord Jesus. We come to your father.
We come bowed down before your throne. Asking for your help.
We’re asking for a supernatural breakthrough. Move in Holy Spirit.
Be our comfort at this time. And lord, I ask that you forgive me.
Lord forgive me if I’ve taken your grace. Or your goodness for granted.
Your word has given me the promise that no weapon that’s formed against me will prosper.
Lord help me to walk by faith and not by sight.
For your word in Exodus 14 verse 14, It says the lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.
Lord, I pray that you fight my battle. Keep me from falling for the tricks of the enemy.
Be a lamp into my feet so that I may be saved, from the path that is filled with evil.
Lord, I glorify your precious name. Be honored, be magnified.
God, I thank you for hearing my prayer, and I bless your holy name.
It’s in Jesus’ name that I pray and I give you thanks. Amen.
1 of the marks of a Christian is someone who cannot rejoice in sin.
Someone who cannot be at peace because of sin in their lives. No 1 is perfect.
But when a true born again, bible believing Christian sins, they cannot act as though nothing is wrong.
They can’t go on and pretend as if they didn’t grieve the Holy Spirit.
And the reason I say this is because those who are living freely in sin, those who enjoy their sin and disregard the lord.
Well, their hearts have been hardened to Christ. They no longer care.
But for a man or women who has given their life to god?
Well, they quickly seek to repent. They quickly to pray and confess their sins.
Now, the amplified translation for Psalm 34 verse 18 says.
The Lord is near to the heartbroken, and he saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Contrite in heart. Truly sorry for their sin. Brokenness is a necessary attribute for a believer.
It must be found in our character as Christians.
The Bible tells us that god near to the brokenhearted.
1 may ask, what is it to be brokenhearted, or what is broken brokenness.
Brokenness is not to have your heart crushed or to have a collision with the devil.
Rather it is the process where god brings us to the end of ourselves and into total trust, into total love, and submission towards him.
He smooths out all uneven edges in your life and removes all that is not of him, all impurities and unrighteousness.
It hebrews 12, we’re told, do not despise the chastening of the lord.
Nor be scouraged when you are rebuked by him.
For whom the lord loves, he chastains, and scourges every son whom he receives.
The process of brokenness in our lives means our personal pride has to be removed.
Our will has to go. And instead, our cry becomes thy will be done. Oh, lord.
Brookedness mustn’t be avoided. It must be embraced, be because it produces the fear of God.
It brings about growth and maturity.
Brokenness brings you to a place of repentance, where you can truly turn away from your sins.
Genuine prayer only happens when it’s coming from a clean life and a broken heart.
When you have an attitude of self denial, which says, thy will, o lord, thy name, thy kingdom, it’s from that perspective that we should pray.
Therefore, it is necessary for us to approach god with humility and brokenness of heart.
Now let us pray.
My heavenly father, in the name of Jesus, the name that was given power above every other name.
We bow down to King Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Thank you for your love over our lives.
Thank you for your mercies, which are new every morning.
Thank you for your power that wakes us up every morning.
We commit and surrender ourselves totally and completely into your hands, lord.
My spirit, soul and body, I pray that you would mold me and make the best that I can be for you.
Fill me up to overflow according to your will. Oh god?
We want to be more like you, father.
Make us true ambassadors who represent you to the whole world by spreading the full of Jesus Christ.
I pray father for the boldness to preach Jesus to others.
I pray, lord Jesus that you would remove and empty us of everything that is evil and corrupt.
Fill us with your spirit. May our lives be totally consumed by your power.
I pray that just like Paul, our hearts may declare Galatians to verse 20 and say, I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.
The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the son of god.
Who loved me and gave himself for me. Consumer, lord, our thoughts, our words, and our intentions.
May they be pure and please ink to you.
Your word in Psalm 1 verse 16 to 17 says.
For you, do not desire sacrifice or else I would give it.
You do not delight in burnt offering.
The sacrifices of god are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart.
These Oh god. You will not despise.
I pray that through the brokenness of our hearts, may our lives be transformed for the good and benefit of the kingdom of god?
I pray father, that when I confess my sins, when I confess before you, may I approach you with genuine brokenness?
Knowing that I am standing for a Holy God.
Help me, lord, to have the self denial attitude that says, more of you and less of me, let your will be done in my life.
I pray father god that my life and my being, be a clean field where you can plant and grow and harvest kingdom fruits that will last.
Fruits of love, peace, long suffering joy. We pray master that brokenness would be our lifestyle.
Let brokenness be the condition of my heart.
Help us lord to approach your throne of grace, boldly, and with a humbled spirit.
May we always come to you with expectation in a yielded heart?
I pray that we may be like clay in your hands, and you be the potter so that you may mold and shape me into whatever you want me to be for your use.
Your word says in Psalm 24 verse 3 to 4.
Who may ascend the mountain of the lord? Who may stand in his holy place?
The 1 who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god.
Help us so that we may have clean hands and a pure heart.
I thank you lord for your faithfulness. I bless your holy name.
Thank you for hearing this prayer.
For each and every person that is in agreement for each person that believes.
Make a way for us, lord. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.
Jesus Christ in matthew 16 verse 8 teen says.
And I tell you, you are Peter. And on this rock, I will build my church.
And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Oh, the gates of hell shall not prevail.
This is something to declare to confess and proclaim.
The gates of hell shall not prevail in this home.
The gates of hell shall not prevail in my children’s lives.
The gates of hell shall not prevail in my marriage The gates of hell shall not prevail and take my life.
This is a bold declaration, These are fighting words to the devil.
You’re telling him directly that whatever it is he in mind, that plan is destroyed in Jesus’ name.
Whatever scheme or plot he had planned for my life It’s rendered useless by the blood of Jesus Christ, by the word of god, and by the word of my testimony.
I want to encourage you not to fear.
Isaiah 54 verse 17 says no weapon formed against you shall prosper.
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the lord, and their righteous is from me, says the lord.
This is a wonderful verse that we as believe need to speak over ourselves and declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper.
And every tongue which rises against me in judgment, I shall condemn This is the heritage that I have from the lord.
This passage of scripture confirms that Jesus Christ is our protector.
He causes that which was meant for evil to turn into good. He reverses every curse.
He blocks every spell and negative words spoken over your life. He charts your course.
Jesus will take your enemies and use them as footstool to elevate you No weapon formed against me shall prosper.
I say amen to that. No weapon formed against me shall prosper.
I say, let this be so in my life, lord.
No weapon formed against me shall prosper.
I say that I am in complete agreement with this word, lord Jesus.
Saints, this is a promise that should be etched on our hearts.
The world can be a scary place without god, and people.
People can be hurtful whether you have god or not.
But with said, I simply want to uplift you to bolster your faith. Do not fear.
No weapon in the form of words. No weapon in the form of action.
No weapon in any form will prosper.
And so I encourage you to that god’s promises are true and meant for you.
Let us pray. Dear heavenly father, the 1 with all authority and power, I bless your holy name and praise you.
The alpha and the omega. The king of kings, lord of lords.
You have taken us from a state of weakness and said in your word, in Luke 10 verse 9 team.
Behold. I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpion and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Thank you for giving us such authority, lord.
We stand firm in the victory that you have given us.
And through the authority, that you have given us, we command the enemy to flee from us.
Your word says if we resist the devil, he will flee from us.
And so, we not only resist the enemy, but we also declare confusion in his plots and schemes.
We destroy the devil’s plans in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. You are a precious father.
Has not only given us authority over all the power of the enemy, but you have also promised us that nothing shall by any means hurt us.
And as of right now, with the authority given to us in your word, I rebuke every plan from the enemy.
I rebuke every demon from hell, and everything that seeks you to rupt or distract us from the call of god that is over our lives.
Indeed, the gates of hell shall not prevail.
I confess your word to be true over our lives.
For it says in deuteronomy 28 verse 7, the lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before you.
They shall come out against you 1 way and flee before you 7 ways.
With you on my side, Lord, who can stand against me?
A god who commands an innumerable of angels.
You are the lord of hosts, a god who has never lost a battle, the of all things, and therefore, all power belongs to you.
We praise you, lord Jesus for your perfect sacrifice that now allows us to be bold in faith.
We declare and decree that because we are sanctified and covered by the blood of Jesus.
The kingdom of darkness has no power whatsoever over our lives.
I canceled the devil’s plots in Jesus’ name, and I declare that he has no hold over me.
I confess by the authority that’s in the name of Jesus Christ, that you devil are a defeated foe.
You will not succeed You will not prosper because Jesus Christ has defeated death, hell, and the grave.
My Lord has put you to shame devil, and he has disarmed you to have no power over us and our families.
It’s because Jesus Christ rose from the dead, that we are walking in victory.
It’s because Jesus Christ rose from the dead that we are overcomers.
It’s because of the lord’s strength and might It’s his grace and mercy that allows me to have victory over the enemy.
Lord, Jesus, I praise you. I magnify and uplift your name.
I look to you King Jesus The battle is not mine, but it is yours.
So I will call on your name at all times.
When everything is good, I will call on you, lord.
And even in my anguish, I will call on the name of the lord The great I am. I trust you to deliver me from all trouble.
I bless your name and clarify you for answering my prayer in Jesus’ name.
I pray, amen, and amen.

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