How to See More People Healed when You Pray
How to See More People Healed when You Pray
If you are passionate about praying for healing and desire to see God lift people from their sickness, this message will help you. In this livestream teaching, David Diga Hernandez reveals Biblical keys to seeing more people healed when you pray.
I believe with all my heart that you’re watching this because you have a compassion in your heart for people.
You care about others. and everything in you desires to see others be saved, healed, delivered, empowered, you are focused on others.
You are focused on the lost.
And that great compassion that god placed in your heart drives you to a desire for the miraculous You desire to see the sick healed.
You desire to see those who are bound in wheelchairs walk.
You desire to see those with deadly disease set free from that death sentence.
And I believe that god’s healing power is for today. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
He has not changed, and god today is still doing miracles, and I believe he wants to use you.
So I wanna show you from scripture, keys that I’ve learned about the healing ministry Let’s begin by reading Mark chapter 16 verses 15 through 18.
And then he told them, go into all the world, and preach the good news to everyone.
Anyone who believes in his baptized will be saved, but anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned.
These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe those who believe what, those who believe the gospel.
So those who believe the gospel message will have these signs following them.
They will cast out demons in my name. We, of course, have been given authority as believers over demonic powers.
and they will speak in new languages or speak in new tongues.
They will be able to handle snakes with safety and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them.
Here, the scripture is talking about authority over demonic power again.
They will be able to place their hands on the sick and they will be healed.
That’s god’s healing virtue flowing through your life.
In 1st Corinthians chapter 12 verses 7 to 9, the bible talks about the gift of healing.
So not only are we to lay hands on the sick to help in the work of evangelism, but we also are to lay hands on the sick in the church in serving one another.
1st Corinthians chapter 12 verses 7 to 9.
Her 7 tells us a spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other, who is each other mentioned here in 1st Corinthians chapter 12.
This is talking about fellow believers.
So in mark chapter 16 verses 15 to 18, the scripture is talking about praying for the sick in the work of evangelism.
So it helps to aid in the presentation of the gospel when we use the miraculous power of god.
But then, also, we are to pray for one another. We see that in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 verse 7.
We saw that the gift is for helping each other to one person verse 8 now.
The spirit gives the ability to give wise advice to another.
The same spirit gives a message of special knowledge, the same spirit gives great faith to another, and to someone else, the one spirit gives the gift of healing.
Now James chapter 5 verses 14 to 15, say this, are any of you sick?
You should call for the elders of the church to come and pray over you anointing you with oil in the name of the lord, such a prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the lord will make you well.
And if you have committed any sins, you will be forgiven.
I believe that god wants to use you as a vessel of his healing power.
Well, if you have the faith to believe for the miracle, then I believe that the Holy Spirit will meet you there at the place of your faith.
This is about preaching the gospel. This is about evangelism. This is about helping fellow believers.
This is about seeing the works of the devil destroyed.
And as I mentioned just a moment ago, I believe it was god who placed that compassion in your heart.
That desire that you have to see the sick healed when you see someone in a wheelchair or when you see someone suffering, when you see a sick child or a sick family member.
That compassion in your heart is from the Holy Spirit.
And I believe that that compassion was placed there that you might be moved as the lord was to minister.
In fact, that’s one of the points I’m gonna be talking about compassion.
But we have to remember that the greatest example that we have in regards to the healing ministry is the lord Jesus himself.
We can look throughout church history and point to men and women who god anointed to pray for the sick.
He gave them powerful healing ministries, and they serve as wonderful examples of faith.
And we, of course, honor what god has done in the lives of those who have gone before us.
But, ultimately, while we can glean some truths, while we can glean Some advice where we can glean some wisdom from those who god has used in the healing ministry.
Ultimately, we look to Jesus. Ultimately, we look to him as the standard.
So the question isn’t how did so and so do it, or what was so and so’s method?
different people were used in different ways, and one ministry may not look like the other ministry, but, ultimately, you have to ground the healing ministry that healing grace must be grounded on the principles of the word, though the methodology may vary from person to person because god has created us all to be unique.
Now we have to look to Jesus as the ultimate standard because there’s a great danger when we look to the standard of man.
So if we just compare ourselves to the healing evangelists who have gone before us.
We’re in danger of repeating their mistakes. So while honoring the grace on their lives.
Well, even cleaning some some things from their experiences. That’s wonderful.
Ultimately, we must fall back on the safety net that is the example that Christ laid before us.
These are the benefits of Christ likeness. You see that power flowing.
So first, let’s look at the fact that Jesus was baptized in the Holy Spirit.
Philippians chapter 2 verses 6 to 8 say this.
Though he was god, he did not think of equality with god as something to cling to.
Instead, he gave up his divine privileges.
He took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being.
When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to god and died a criminal’s death on the cross.
So here we see the scripture talking about the fact that the lord Jesus shed from himself certain divine privileges.
Now let me make this absolutely clear so there’s no confusion about what I’m saying.
Jesus always was, always will be god.
There was never a moment from the time of his birth to the time of his ascension where Jesus wasn’t fully god.
And, by the way, there was never a moment where Jesus didn’t know that he was god.
He was always aware of the fact that he was god. So let me make that clear.
It’s not as though Jesus stopped being god when he came to to earth. No.
In fact, the scripture talks about the fact that he laid down certain divine privileges, and at any moment, he could have picked them up.
So he chose to limit himself in certain ways to demonstrate for you and I how to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit.
That was one of the reasons he did that.
But, of course, He had to come and die as a man. Now you can’t kill god.
So in order for him to die, he had to give up certain divine powers, certain divine privileges, I think, is a better word for it.
But at no point did he cease being god? So I wanna make that perfectly clear.
But acts chapter 10 verse 38 tells us, and you know that god anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power.
Then Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil for god was with him.
So here, it’s very clear in the scripture. that Jesus moved in the power of the Holy Spirit.
So let me make this clear one more time.
I know sometimes people don’t like when I overemphasize the point, but I think it’s better to be clear rather than to be unclear and cause confusion.
Jesus laid down certain divine privileges, but he was always truly god and truly man.
at any moment, he could have picked those divine privileges back up, so by his own will, he surrendered to death upon a cross.
And in doing so and living in this way, he relied upon the power of the Holy Spirit.
So that power came on him, He was baptized in the whole with the holy spirit and with power.
He was anointed with the holy spirit and with power, and this is how he carried about his ministry.
So that key number 1, you and I have to rely on the Holy Spirit. It’s not about methodology.
It’s not about technique. It’s not about your personal experience.
It’s not about who raised you or who you know or your ministry connections.
it’s all about whether or not you’re walking with the Holy Spirit.
The key to the power of the Holy Spirit is the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Spending time in the presence of the Holy Spirit is what ultimately brings forth true power.
Now This is very important because I think sometimes we begin to rely upon the flesh.
We start to rely upon techniques. and methods and systems, and we try to systemize what is spiritual.
You cannot systemize that which is spiritual. So that’s number 1. Jesus was baptized in the Holy Spirit.
He operated in Holy Spirit Power. He flowed with the Holy Spirit. You and I should do the same.
We’re not relying upon. human effort, we’re relying upon the Holy Spirit.
And I think, especially if we go several years of flowing in God’s power, we run the risk of falling on our experience rather than falling back on the Holy Spirit’s power.
And so we need to make sure we caution We we exercise caution in that area.
Next, we see that Jesus had a prayer life.
So prayer is ultimately what brings forth the will of god in the earth.
Jesus prayerfully followed The directions of the father. John chapter 5 verse 19 says this.
So Jesus explained, I tell you the truth, the son can do nothing by himself He does only what he sees the father doing.
Whatever the father does, the son also does.
Here we see, again, another example of Jesus having laid down, at least for the time being, those divine privileges.
And now he’s relying upon the father and the spirit.
So Jesus prayed when he was alone, We see that in Matthew 1423 after sending them home.
He went up into the hills by himself to pray. Knight fell while he was there alone.
and he instructs us to do the same.
In Matthew chapter 6 versus 56, we see that Jesus instructs us to pray privately.
So There’s something about praying when you’re alone.
Private prayer reveals that you actually believe in prayer because if you didn’t actually believe in prayer, it would only be for the purpose of performance, and therefore, you’d only pray in public.
But the fact that you believe in prayer is what drives you to pray privately, and only those who truly believe in prayer actually pray privately.
So if you want to heal like Jesus healed, you have to pray like Jesus prayed.
If you want to walk in the power that Jesus walked in, you have to walk in the live style that Jesus walked in, the closer you get to the lifestyle of Jesus, the closer you get to that power.
So Jesus was disciplined. He would pray in the morning. We see that in Mark 135.
He would pray at night. We see that in Mark chapter 6 versus 4647.
and he would pray often.
Look at what Luke 516 says, but Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer.
And by the way, in Luke chapter 6 verses 1213, the lord Jesus prayed all night before selecting the 12 disciples.
So right before a major decision, he increased his prayer life.
Yet many believers just want to go out and They rely upon their own charisma.
They rely upon their own faith. Look. We don’t rely on our own faith. We rely upon him.
We, by prayer, are depending upon god.
So if Jesus had a prayer life, you should have a prayer life.
And if you wanna walk like Jesus walked, you have to have the disciplines that Jesus had.
He was modeling for us what it is to walk as a son of god in the earth.
So Jesus had a prayer life, you need a prayer life.
You wanna see an intensification of the miracle working power of god in your life, You wanna see the sick healed more often.
You want to see greater miracles, and there are different degrees of healings.
then you need to increase your prayer life. There’s consecration that has to take place.
If you want apostolic power, you need apostolic lifestyles. So pray like Jesus prayed. Jesus had a prayer life.
So Jesus was baptized with the Holy Spirit. Jesus had a prayer life. Next, we see that Jesus discarded doubt.
Now Faith does not deny reality. Faith does not deny reality.
Faith trusts and hopes despite reality. Faith changes reality.
In Mark chapter 5 verses 35 to 42, the bible says this, Well, he was still speaking to her.
Messenger arrived from the home of Jairus, the leader of the synagogue. They told him your daughter is dead.
There’s no use troubling the teacher now. So, obviously, a very sad situation, Jairus’s daughter dies.
He had gone to the lord hoping for a miracle before her death, but that wasn’t god’s timing.
verse 36, but Jesus overheard them and said the jairus don’t be afraid just have faith.
So this man’s daughter’s dead. Jesus says just have faith.
Then Jesus stopped the crowd and wouldn’t let anyone go in with him except Peter James and John, the brother of James.
Verse 38 now, when they came to the home of the synagogue leader, Jesus saw much commotion and weeping and wailing.
He went inside and asked why all this commotion and weeping? The child isn’t dead. she’s only asleep.
And here in verse 40, the bible says the crowd laughed at him, but he made them all leave, and he took the girls father and mother and his 3 disciples into the room where the girl was lying and, of course, versus 4142 revealed that he raises her from the dead.
but notice that the lord put out doubt. He confronted that doubt and addressed it.
Now this doesn’t mean that you can’t have any doubt.
Of course, we know in Mark 9 verses 17th to 26, that’s the story of the man whose son was demon possessed that disciples couldn’t drive the demons out.
When the man comes to Jesus, he says, lord, if you can.
The lord says, what do you mean if I can anything’s possible for those who believe?
He says, lord, I believe. but help my unbelief. Faith is action despite that doubt.
So this doesn’t mean that you need perfect faith or that there can never be a thought of any sort of doubt.
Obviously, you wanna do as much as you can to curb that, but Faith has to do with aligning your trust hopes and beliefs with the word of god.
So the situation may look bleak.
The situation may look challenging, but your faith has to look beyond that particular circumstance.
Miss Coleman in her meetings would often put the wheelchairs in the very back of the room, and she didn’t do this to be mean or because she was inconsiderate or because she had no compassion for the 6.
She had great compassion for the 6. Rather, She did this because she didn’t wanna look with the natural eyes.
She wanted to look with the eyes of faith.
So by not seeing the wheelchair, she was able to just look in the spirit and see the healings.
Now, again, this doesn’t mean that we take every practice of every healing evangelist who has gone before us and implement it as if it’s scripture and become dogmatic about it.
But the principle there of addressing the doubt properly of seeing through the eyes of faith of choosing to trust the word of god despite what the circumstance says, that is the principle we’re laying down here, and he addressed this doubt quite directly in their intimidating spirits that try to hang around and squeeze out the faith out of a room.
In fact, we’ve had several services just I wanna say about a year ago, when we first came out here to Austin, I was on my way to service and the Holy Spirit spoke to me, said somebody is coming tonight to disrupt the service.
I told the staff that I said someone’s here today to disrupt the service.
And I’m up there on the pulpit, and I said what the holy spirit says.
Someone came here with the intention to disrupt, but I want you to know your power is broken here.
Well, There was a lady there who did not like what was being said.
And toward the end of the service, she gets up and leaves.
In fact, she it was kind of funny because she gets up.
and she comes in front of me, and instead of just exiting through the back, she walked all the way down the aisle so that she can cut in front of me, like like, move her shoulder right in front of my face.
and and she wanted people to see that she was angry and she was leaving.
And the holy spirit said that’s the lady. That’s the one who came to disrupt.
But you see, by addressing that spirit, by addressing that issue, where whereas one person tried to intimidate, the holy spirit pushed back on that by simply addressing it directly.
Now I am not saying that you call everybody out who you suspect of being suspicious or having doubt. Okay?
You don’t do that, but you flow with the holy spirit, and the holy spirit will help you to be bold and direct when addressing doubt.
So You have to address doubt, and sometimes the doubt is in you.
Sometimes the doubt is in the individual who’s believing for their healing, but you know, one side of them believes the other side of them doesn’t.
You have to work with them, get them to that place of faith, which is the next point, which is Jesus worked with faith.
many times in Scripture, like in Matthew 922, in Luke 1842, the phrase was used your faith has made you whole.
So Whether we like it or not, whether it sounds kind or not, the truth of the matter is that the scripture is quite clear that the faith of the individual sometimes plays a major role in them receiving their healing.
Now in the case of Gyris’s daughter or Lazarus, the question may be, well, who had the faith for them if they were dead.
So we understand that this is, of course, a general statement, and there are sometimes exceptions to generalizations.
But, generally speaking, Faith is a key factor in the miracle. Now this does not mean.
Please do not hear what I’m not saying.
This does not mean that if the miracle didn’t happen, that it was because person didn’t have faith.
That that’s not always the case. Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn’t.
We have to at least consider it as a factor.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god.
Now, of course, that’s talking about the message of salvation, but the biblical principle there is that the word produces faith for what it promises.
So when someone hears a promise from god, that produces faith in their spirit and, of course, they’re ready to receive.
Mark chapter 6 verses 5 through 6, we see that Jesus wasn’t able to do that many miracles in his hometown because of the unbelief of the people in his hometown.
Well, they didn’t regard him as a great man of god.
They just saw him through the eyes of familiarity, if you will, And because of that, their faith was low, and the miracles were few.
But in places where the faith was high, the miracles would abound. So Faith does play a role.
Faith is a dynamic. Now this is where in the healing ministry you learn, you work with the faith of the people.
If you come to one of our services that we do anywhere around the world, you’ll notice that there’s a certain way that we do it.
And I’m not saying you have to use this method.
In fact, I don’t even use this particular structure to the service every time because sometimes the holy spirit will direct me actually tonight.
I want you to do it this way.
But it’s what I call spirit led structure or spirit led orders, the way the Holy Spirit has led me to do it, where it will begin with worship, then I’ll preach a salvation message I’ll take an offering in the middle so we can get it out of the way, and then I go into ministering a healing message.
And in that healing message, you’ll notice I’m just talking about faith. talking about miracles.
I’m sharing what the scripture says about the power of God.
And what I’m doing is I’m ministering the word to produce faith in the hearts of the listeners.
And I can sense in the spirit.
Now what I’m giving you here, this is experience principally based on the word, but but, again, don’t become dogmatic about this.
I’m not giving you system to follow. I’m just showing you how I put this particular principle into practice.
In those services, as I’m ministering the word, I’m teaching on healing or sharing a healing story, I can sense the faith of the people rising.
Now here’s the mistake some make. Sometimes, preachers are a little impatient.
Myself included, and they will prematurely begin to pray for the sick or minister delivering or healing or whatever it may be that’s being ministered at night.
They move in prematurely before the faith of the people has come to its fullness.
So they’ll share for 5 minutes and go right into it. Okay.
Well, maybe you get a few who come along with that.
For example, my daughter often has me make her popcorn.
Now when I’m making the popcorn, there’s been a couple times where I left it in the microwave a little too long, and, you know, it burns the popcorn.
She doesn’t like that. I have to make another bag.
And then there’s sometimes I make her popcorn, and I take it out too early, and it’s mostly kernels that haven’t popped with a little bit of popcorn.
it’s kind of like waiting for that perfect moment if you wait too long, the popcorn burns.
If you move in too soon, there there there there are mostly kernels as opposed to popcorn. same thing.
I know it seems simplistic, but I just wanna use it as an analogy because as I’m ministering to the people, I wanna make sure that they their faith has come to fullness.
Sometimes when I’m ministering, they’re they’re just the, you know, arms folded. They’re just watching me.
Let’s let’s see if this guy’s the real deal or let’s see what he really wants.
And Sometimes they have to work past their own cynicism. They have to work past their own doubt.
Sometimes they have to move past their own distractions. Many times, they’re coming from work. They’re coming from home.
They’re coming from school. And so they’re in that service, and they have to come out of wherever they were.
And this is why we’ll worship, and I’ll teach the word, and then we’ll worship, and I’ll teach the word.
because I’m ministering to their faith.
I’m ministering in a way that I believe will help them to come to fullness of faith.
And if I move in before that moment, yes, there will be some miracles, but there will be many who haven’t come to that fullness yet who don’t receive.
Now here’s the other end of that coin.
If I minister beyond that certain point where their faith has come to fullness, Well, now people are going, I gotta get out of here.
And some preachers make this mistake.
They wanna give a 45 minute message, and I’ve learned that if you have a message and you can sense that now is the time to move out in power, forget about your notes at that point because some preachers have well, I haven’t finished point point 345.
Like, forget it. Their faith is full. You gotta move now.
So some preachers over feed them, if you will, and they take them now to the point of of where they’re operating out of intellect.
And so there’s a fine balance. Me, I can tell that this all works with me.
Again, don’t don’t don’t take this as as as, you know, a system that you have to follow.
But, again, the principle of working with their faith is what I’m talking about.
As a ministering, I can sense their faith coming to fullness, and I can literally, from the bottom of my feet, I can feel this this like I don’t wanna say it’s like a an oil, like
like like, almost like the
the anointing oil. I could just fill this this sensation coming up from the bottom of my feet, and it’s like this hot tingly sensation and it comes all the way up, and I wait until it comes right to the top of my head.
Then I feel like it’s come to fullness And as I feel this, sometimes people notice I I’ll I’ll rock back and forth, and I’m just I feel like I’m just caught in this wave of the spirit.
And so as I’m ministering, worshiping, producing the word, producing the teachings that will bring forth faith, because god’s word does not return void, I I sensed the moment their faith comes to fullness.
And once I sensed that fullness, I begin to rebuke sickness, begin to rebuke disease, begin to pray for the sick, and that’s when the miracles begin to happen.
Now it does not rest on me, but this is just the way the holy spirit leads me to do it.
So the principle primarily is work with their faith. Some people need a little more of the teaching.
Some people need to hear a story, but you’re working with their faith.
Now think about the fact that for the woman with the issue of blood. It was a single touch.
That’s Luke 8, 43, and 44.
For the Centurion servant, Luke chapter 7, It was a word that was sent forth.
So god would do different things. Jesus would do different things for different people based upon where they were.
and you notice he didn’t necessarily minister to the sick the same way every single time.
There were different ways that he would work with their face. So for one, it’s a touch.
For another, it’s a word, for another, it’s mud in the eyes. But either way, it’s working with their face.
So that’s another principle of ministering healing. Next, we see that Jesus had compassion.
Jesus was moved with compassion. Luke’s 17, 11 to 15. Matthew 20 verse 34.
Mark chapter 1 verse 41. That compassion is what drives the healing ministry.
Now please hear me carefully.
That healing compassion in your heart is what brings forth longevity in the healing ministry.
you wanna know how to be faithful to this ministry?
If you’re not careful You’ll no longer see people. You’ll just see crowds.
Something you know what I meant by that. You stop seeing people, you start seeing crowds.
And I’m not just talking about public ministry. I’m talking about just operating in this healing grace in general.
I’m using public ministry as an example, of course.
And and and you just start to see not that someone’s life is transformed or that that’s an individual who now won’t suffer in this way or that way.
And, you know, instead of seeing it from their personal perspective, you kinda just see it as, oh, another miracle on the on the list.
Another cool story to share. Another check mark on my list of testimonies.
And while we rejoice in testimony, while it’s awesome to hear healing stories.
You have to realize that they’re more than just a healing testimony.
They’re more than just another great story to help you grow your ministry They’re more than just just a cool thing that you witnessed or a demonstration of power.
These are people who are suffering in sickness.
And when you see a miracle happen, it’s not just a cool testimony.
it’s somebody’s life being completely altered.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard testimony from people, and it’s wonderful.
Where they’ll message me and say, Brother, David, we couldn’t have children. This is our son.
Oh, brother David, we couldn’t I I couldn’t I couldn’t eat without without issues with digestion.
Here I am enjoying a meal. I’ll never forget
when I was in Northern California ministering to
a woman who’d been wheelchair bound.
And she sent we we got a video from one of her friends who knew some people at our ministry.
She sent a video of her that very weekend dancing at a wedding when she was bound to the wheelchair, dancing at a wedding.
And I’m saying, lord, this is this remember when Jesus said the food I have, you you you know not of.
I I’ve eaten food. You know not of.
And the disciples later, like, Lord,
who brought you food. But, of course, he was talking having ministered the gospel to that woman at the well, to do the will of the father.
It’s it’s fulfilling. It’s life giving you.
You see the work of the Holy Spirit in these people’s lives, and and you’re bursting with joy.
And if you don’t see it that way and it’s not compassion that you’re operating in, you will fizzle out.
You’ll lose the drive. You’ll lose the motivation. Why? Because it’s just There’s miracles. It’s just cool stories.
It’s just you know, for some sadly, it’s just great PR for their ministry, and it’s like, no. My goodness.
These are lives transformed. So that compassion gives you longevity because it keeps you focused on why you do it.
And, by the way, that compassion will drive you to deeper places because here’s what happens.
When you pray for someone who is sick and they don’t get healed, Everything in you says, okay.
How do I how do I get to the place where I can even see that healed?
or that level of miracle happen or that that healing virtue flow and that kind of a situation.
And you’re driven to the prayer room. You’re driven to study the word.
You’re you’re driven to be more like Jesus.
You’re saying, lord, I wanna be more like you so that I can see even those people healed.
and it drives you to see greater miracles. So that compassion is very important.
Jesus Jesus responds to the cry of the desperate. Jesus responds to the cry of the desperate.
Don’t just see people. Don’t or don’t just see testimonies. See people. So have Jesus work with their faith?
Jesus had compassion. And finally, Jesus set an atmosphere.
Now I think we have this misconception about Jesus and his ministry, and we imagine that Jesus just kind of aimlessly wandered around without any structure or intent but that’s not at all what Jesus did.
In fact, Jesus would come into a region. He would find a venue.
He would use that venue to preach a message, and then after preaching his message.
He would pray for those or sometimes before preaching his message. He would pray for the sick.
He would cast out devils. He would perform miracles. That’s that was the mode of his ministry.
That was the methodology. So he would go to a region, find a place to preach.
Why would he do that? Why not just do it anywhere? Why why preach the word?
Why Why get them to sit down and listen?
Because the atmosphere is sometimes necessary to help the people receive.
Now People often ask me things like, well, why do you need the music?
Well, I don’t need the music, but people do. People need the music.
and people need the worship, and people need the word, and people need the focus.
Can god move without these things? Absolutely. God does not need an atmosphere to move.
People need atmosphere to receive. Think about the salvation message, for example.
If you’re trying to share the gospel with someone and they’re just distracted by everything going on around them, they’re kinda halfway listening.
They’re going uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh. And they’re busy.
This is why Sometimes it doesn’t work when you’re evangelizing on the street and people are in a hurry, they’re not gonna hear it because they’re distracted.
Do you get someone in the living room? a personal conversation.
You’re opening up they’re opening up, and now you can share the gospel.
That’s the atmosphere to share the gospel.
When someone is caught in worship, and they’re no longer focused on the cares of this world, and they’re no longer focused on what worries them.
They’re just looking to Jesus. Well, my goodness. That’s an atmosphere for miracles. Why?
because when Jesus becomes more real to you than your sickness, the healing results.
When you’re so focused on your presence, that you forget about the sickness, that’s when healing virtue begins to flow.
And so we look here to Luke chapter 5 verse 17, I’ll begin there.
One day, he was teaching, and there were some Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting there who had come from every village of Galilee in Judea and from Jerusalem.
and the power of the lord was present for him to perform healing, and some men were carrying on and some men were carrying on a bed, a man who was paralyzed.
and they were trying to bring him in and set him down in front of him, but not finding any way to bring him in because of the crowd they went up on the roof and let him down through the tiles with his stretcher into the middle of the crowd in front of Jesus.
Watch just now seeing their faith. There we see faith as a factor. He said, friends, your sins are forgiven.
You, the scribes and the pharisees began to reason saying, who is this man, who speaks blasphemies, but Jesus aware of their reasoning’s answered and said to them, why your reasoning in your hearts, which is easier to say.
He’s gonna prove himself here. Your sins have been forgiven you or to say get up and walk.
But so that you may know that the son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins, he said to the paralytic.
I say to you, get up, pick up your stretcher, and go home.
Immediately, He got up before them and picked up what he had been lying on and went home, glorifying God.
Of course, everyone was astonished. But notice here, I wanna go back here to the beginning of the text.
where the scripture says quite clearly, and the power of the lord was present for him to perform healing.
This is quite the stark contrast to Jesus being in his hometown.
Because there, he can only do a few miracles here, the faith was high, so the power was present.
Well, how can faith be high? Well, that’s partly due to atmosphere. It’s getting people to focus in.
Now I’m giving you things that many people don’t talk about, but it’s important that we know these things.
You see? when people get into an atmosphere of worship.
When they become so focused on the lord that they’re no longer focused on their sickness, That really is the breeding ground of faith.
To look to Jesus is to have faith produced in your heart.
And so in our services, this is what we do. We set an atmosphere.
make sure there’s a place for the people to sit. We make sure that there are no distractions.
We make sure that everything is honoring to god in the way it’s presented and this allows the person to focus and to receive and to not be distracted by all the cares of the world.
And in that place, now it’s conducive for them to receive the word, for them to have their faith boosted.
These are keys to the healing ministry, guys.
So we see He was baptized at the Holy Spirit. He had a prayer life.
He dealt with the doubt. He worked with the faith. He had compassion, and he set an atmosphere.
Now as you use these keys, I believe that god is gonna make you a vessel of healing.
Write this in the comments. Say give me healing hands. Write that in the comments.
Let that be your prayer. Give me healing hands. The prayer I used to pray.
and still to this day, I often think of it and often pray it.
When I was about eleven years old is when I started praying this.
I said, lord, Let my hands be your hands.
Interesting, as I just said that I felt real intense heat on my hand here right now, I used to say, lord, let my hands be your hands.
heal through them. Let my eyes be your eyes help me to see things people in situations, the way you see them.
Let my ears be your ears. I wanna hear your voice. Let my mouth be your mouth.
I wanna speak your truth. Let my feet be your feet. Take me where you want me to go.
Let my being be your being. Let my heart beat his one with yours, crucify my will.
and in its place resurrect your own, I wanna be one with you, Jesus. Would that be your prayer?
Say, Lord, give me healing hands.
Write that down right now at that be your prayer, father in the name of Jesus. Wow.
Strong impartations taking place here. Strong impartations taking place, but I thank you that you’re healing virtuous flowing, touch your people, heal them in Jesus’ name, In part to them, lord, gifts of healing, cause them to walk in your miracle working power, As they minister according to your word, we look to you, Jesus, as our standard.
as our foundation. Help us to do as you did.
Help us to live as you lived.
We honor we bless you. Now you’re believing for a healing let’s pray.
You’re believing for a healing let’s pray.
I wanna pray for my friend Mary who’s watching right now.
You called me on the phone just before the stream, and I told you I’d pray for you right now.
So let’s pray father in the name of Jesus. I rebuke sickness and disease.
Bring strength to her body and come against every demonic attack in the mighty name of Jesus, let the power of the enemy be broken now in Jesus’ name.
And are you watching? Just receive this.
Thank you, lord. Father bring healing to hearts.
bring healing to bones into nervous systems.
Thank you, lord, that you’re healing cancer.
adjustive issue, skin disorder, I rebuke it in Jesus’ name. Injuries of
all kind, we heal, in the mighty name of Jesus.
I can I can fill, like, tingling on my hands right now. That’s his power flowing.
Just receive that. Thank you, Jesus. Wow. He’s a healing Jesus.
Thank you, Lord, that your healing virtue is flowing like a mighty river.
Tuch your people, I pray in the name of Jesus.
Now if you believe you’ve been healed, I want you to write your testimony in the comments section
right now, write what you’ve just been healed in the comments section.
When you’re watching live around the replays, the lord who’s doing it, give Jesus the glory, and Lord used them as vessels.
In Jesus, mighty name, we pray. I want you to say
it because you believe it, say, amen.
Well, if you enjoyed this teaching and you believe others need to hear it, make sure to leave a like on the video whether you’re watching on Facebook or YouTube.
Also, don’t forget to subscribe to my channel so that you can learn more about the Holy Spirit, prayer, and spiritual warfare and also see livestreams of events that we do around the world with the power of the Holy Spirit is flowing.
Now let me ask you a question.
If you knew that there was something that you could do to make an impact in someone’s life, if you knew that there was something that you could do to change the trajectory of someone’s eternity, Would you do it?
If you knew that there was something more you could do to win souls, to help see others be healed, save, delivered, empowered, If you knew there was something that you could do to help make that happen, would you do it?
Well, the good news is there is something you can do.
It’s not the only thing you can do, but it’s something you can do.
I’m asking you to partner with this ministry on our mission.
We wanna see more people saved, healed, delivered and empowered. That’s the bottom line. May Jesus be glorified through it?
And we do these things. We minister the gospel. We minister the word. We minister the Holy Spirit’s power.
through events and media like this what you’re watching.
But all of those efforts, the media, the events, all of it, cost resources.
The gospel is free, the means to deliver it on a mass scale. That can get quite pricey.
And this is where thousands of believers from around the world have already partnered with us.
Thousands of believers from around the world are partnered with us right now and helping us to spread this message around the world.
So I’m asking you to join us. Do your part and help us win the world to Jesus.
Go right now to You can give a single donation. you can become a monthly supporter of this ministry.
One time or monthly, large or small, everything counts. Don’t dismiss the effect you can have.
You can make a difference. It matters you’re giving counts.
There is no gift so small that it doesn’t count There is no gift so large that we won’t know what to do with it.
The vision is big. There’s always more to do in the kingdom.
So I’m asking you, lend us a helping hand.
Join myself and the thousands of believers around the world who are in support of this ministry help us deliver the gospel one more time, david, to give a single gift, to become a monthly supporter.
And if you enjoyed this teaching, then you will love the teaching when healing doesn’t happen, but the holy spirit showed me.
You care about others. and everything in you desires to see others be saved, healed, delivered, empowered, you are focused on others.
You are focused on the lost.
And that great compassion that god placed in your heart drives you to a desire for the miraculous You desire to see the sick healed.
You desire to see those who are bound in wheelchairs walk.
You desire to see those with deadly disease set free from that death sentence.
And I believe that god’s healing power is for today. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
He has not changed, and god today is still doing miracles, and I believe he wants to use you.
So I wanna show you from scripture, keys that I’ve learned about the healing ministry Let’s begin by reading Mark chapter 16 verses 15 through 18.
And then he told them, go into all the world, and preach the good news to everyone.
Anyone who believes in his baptized will be saved, but anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned.
These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe those who believe what, those who believe the gospel.
So those who believe the gospel message will have these signs following them.
They will cast out demons in my name. We, of course, have been given authority as believers over demonic powers.
and they will speak in new languages or speak in new tongues.
They will be able to handle snakes with safety and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them.
Here, the scripture is talking about authority over demonic power again.
They will be able to place their hands on the sick and they will be healed.
That’s god’s healing virtue flowing through your life.
In 1st Corinthians chapter 12 verses 7 to 9, the bible talks about the gift of healing.
So not only are we to lay hands on the sick to help in the work of evangelism, but we also are to lay hands on the sick in the church in serving one another.
1st Corinthians chapter 12 verses 7 to 9.
Her 7 tells us a spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other, who is each other mentioned here in 1st Corinthians chapter 12.
This is talking about fellow believers.
So in mark chapter 16 verses 15 to 18, the scripture is talking about praying for the sick in the work of evangelism.
So it helps to aid in the presentation of the gospel when we use the miraculous power of god.
But then, also, we are to pray for one another. We see that in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 verse 7.
We saw that the gift is for helping each other to one person verse 8 now.
The spirit gives the ability to give wise advice to another.
The same spirit gives a message of special knowledge, the same spirit gives great faith to another, and to someone else, the one spirit gives the gift of healing.
Now James chapter 5 verses 14 to 15, say this, are any of you sick?
You should call for the elders of the church to come and pray over you anointing you with oil in the name of the lord, such a prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the lord will make you well.
And if you have committed any sins, you will be forgiven.
I believe that god wants to use you as a vessel of his healing power.
Well, if you have the faith to believe for the miracle, then I believe that the Holy Spirit will meet you there at the place of your faith.
This is about preaching the gospel. This is about evangelism. This is about helping fellow believers.
This is about seeing the works of the devil destroyed.
And as I mentioned just a moment ago, I believe it was god who placed that compassion in your heart.
That desire that you have to see the sick healed when you see someone in a wheelchair or when you see someone suffering, when you see a sick child or a sick family member.
That compassion in your heart is from the Holy Spirit.
And I believe that that compassion was placed there that you might be moved as the lord was to minister.
In fact, that’s one of the points I’m gonna be talking about compassion.
But we have to remember that the greatest example that we have in regards to the healing ministry is the lord Jesus himself.
We can look throughout church history and point to men and women who god anointed to pray for the sick.
He gave them powerful healing ministries, and they serve as wonderful examples of faith.
And we, of course, honor what god has done in the lives of those who have gone before us.
But, ultimately, while we can glean some truths, while we can glean Some advice where we can glean some wisdom from those who god has used in the healing ministry.
Ultimately, we look to Jesus. Ultimately, we look to him as the standard.
So the question isn’t how did so and so do it, or what was so and so’s method?
different people were used in different ways, and one ministry may not look like the other ministry, but, ultimately, you have to ground the healing ministry that healing grace must be grounded on the principles of the word, though the methodology may vary from person to person because god has created us all to be unique.
Now we have to look to Jesus as the ultimate standard because there’s a great danger when we look to the standard of man.
So if we just compare ourselves to the healing evangelists who have gone before us.
We’re in danger of repeating their mistakes. So while honoring the grace on their lives.
Well, even cleaning some some things from their experiences. That’s wonderful.
Ultimately, we must fall back on the safety net that is the example that Christ laid before us.
These are the benefits of Christ likeness. You see that power flowing.
So first, let’s look at the fact that Jesus was baptized in the Holy Spirit.
Philippians chapter 2 verses 6 to 8 say this.
Though he was god, he did not think of equality with god as something to cling to.
Instead, he gave up his divine privileges.
He took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being.
When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to god and died a criminal’s death on the cross.
So here we see the scripture talking about the fact that the lord Jesus shed from himself certain divine privileges.
Now let me make this absolutely clear so there’s no confusion about what I’m saying.
Jesus always was, always will be god.
There was never a moment from the time of his birth to the time of his ascension where Jesus wasn’t fully god.
And, by the way, there was never a moment where Jesus didn’t know that he was god.
He was always aware of the fact that he was god. So let me make that clear.
It’s not as though Jesus stopped being god when he came to to earth. No.
In fact, the scripture talks about the fact that he laid down certain divine privileges, and at any moment, he could have picked them up.
So he chose to limit himself in certain ways to demonstrate for you and I how to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit.
That was one of the reasons he did that.
But, of course, He had to come and die as a man. Now you can’t kill god.
So in order for him to die, he had to give up certain divine powers, certain divine privileges, I think, is a better word for it.
But at no point did he cease being god? So I wanna make that perfectly clear.
But acts chapter 10 verse 38 tells us, and you know that god anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power.
Then Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil for god was with him.
So here, it’s very clear in the scripture. that Jesus moved in the power of the Holy Spirit.
So let me make this clear one more time.
I know sometimes people don’t like when I overemphasize the point, but I think it’s better to be clear rather than to be unclear and cause confusion.
Jesus laid down certain divine privileges, but he was always truly god and truly man.
at any moment, he could have picked those divine privileges back up, so by his own will, he surrendered to death upon a cross.
And in doing so and living in this way, he relied upon the power of the Holy Spirit.
So that power came on him, He was baptized in the whole with the holy spirit and with power.
He was anointed with the holy spirit and with power, and this is how he carried about his ministry.
So that key number 1, you and I have to rely on the Holy Spirit. It’s not about methodology.
It’s not about technique. It’s not about your personal experience.
It’s not about who raised you or who you know or your ministry connections.
it’s all about whether or not you’re walking with the Holy Spirit.
The key to the power of the Holy Spirit is the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Spending time in the presence of the Holy Spirit is what ultimately brings forth true power.
Now This is very important because I think sometimes we begin to rely upon the flesh.
We start to rely upon techniques. and methods and systems, and we try to systemize what is spiritual.
You cannot systemize that which is spiritual. So that’s number 1. Jesus was baptized in the Holy Spirit.
He operated in Holy Spirit Power. He flowed with the Holy Spirit. You and I should do the same.
We’re not relying upon. human effort, we’re relying upon the Holy Spirit.
And I think, especially if we go several years of flowing in God’s power, we run the risk of falling on our experience rather than falling back on the Holy Spirit’s power.
And so we need to make sure we caution We we exercise caution in that area.
Next, we see that Jesus had a prayer life.
So prayer is ultimately what brings forth the will of god in the earth.
Jesus prayerfully followed The directions of the father. John chapter 5 verse 19 says this.
So Jesus explained, I tell you the truth, the son can do nothing by himself He does only what he sees the father doing.
Whatever the father does, the son also does.
Here we see, again, another example of Jesus having laid down, at least for the time being, those divine privileges.
And now he’s relying upon the father and the spirit.
So Jesus prayed when he was alone, We see that in Matthew 1423 after sending them home.
He went up into the hills by himself to pray. Knight fell while he was there alone.
and he instructs us to do the same.
In Matthew chapter 6 versus 56, we see that Jesus instructs us to pray privately.
So There’s something about praying when you’re alone.
Private prayer reveals that you actually believe in prayer because if you didn’t actually believe in prayer, it would only be for the purpose of performance, and therefore, you’d only pray in public.
But the fact that you believe in prayer is what drives you to pray privately, and only those who truly believe in prayer actually pray privately.
So if you want to heal like Jesus healed, you have to pray like Jesus prayed.
If you want to walk in the power that Jesus walked in, you have to walk in the live style that Jesus walked in, the closer you get to the lifestyle of Jesus, the closer you get to that power.
So Jesus was disciplined. He would pray in the morning. We see that in Mark 135.
He would pray at night. We see that in Mark chapter 6 versus 4647.
and he would pray often.
Look at what Luke 516 says, but Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer.
And by the way, in Luke chapter 6 verses 1213, the lord Jesus prayed all night before selecting the 12 disciples.
So right before a major decision, he increased his prayer life.
Yet many believers just want to go out and They rely upon their own charisma.
They rely upon their own faith. Look. We don’t rely on our own faith. We rely upon him.
We, by prayer, are depending upon god.
So if Jesus had a prayer life, you should have a prayer life.
And if you wanna walk like Jesus walked, you have to have the disciplines that Jesus had.
He was modeling for us what it is to walk as a son of god in the earth.
So Jesus had a prayer life, you need a prayer life.
You wanna see an intensification of the miracle working power of god in your life, You wanna see the sick healed more often.
You want to see greater miracles, and there are different degrees of healings.
then you need to increase your prayer life. There’s consecration that has to take place.
If you want apostolic power, you need apostolic lifestyles. So pray like Jesus prayed. Jesus had a prayer life.
So Jesus was baptized with the Holy Spirit. Jesus had a prayer life. Next, we see that Jesus discarded doubt.
Now Faith does not deny reality. Faith does not deny reality.
Faith trusts and hopes despite reality. Faith changes reality.
In Mark chapter 5 verses 35 to 42, the bible says this, Well, he was still speaking to her.
Messenger arrived from the home of Jairus, the leader of the synagogue. They told him your daughter is dead.
There’s no use troubling the teacher now. So, obviously, a very sad situation, Jairus’s daughter dies.
He had gone to the lord hoping for a miracle before her death, but that wasn’t god’s timing.
verse 36, but Jesus overheard them and said the jairus don’t be afraid just have faith.
So this man’s daughter’s dead. Jesus says just have faith.
Then Jesus stopped the crowd and wouldn’t let anyone go in with him except Peter James and John, the brother of James.
Verse 38 now, when they came to the home of the synagogue leader, Jesus saw much commotion and weeping and wailing.
He went inside and asked why all this commotion and weeping? The child isn’t dead. she’s only asleep.
And here in verse 40, the bible says the crowd laughed at him, but he made them all leave, and he took the girls father and mother and his 3 disciples into the room where the girl was lying and, of course, versus 4142 revealed that he raises her from the dead.
but notice that the lord put out doubt. He confronted that doubt and addressed it.
Now this doesn’t mean that you can’t have any doubt.
Of course, we know in Mark 9 verses 17th to 26, that’s the story of the man whose son was demon possessed that disciples couldn’t drive the demons out.
When the man comes to Jesus, he says, lord, if you can.
The lord says, what do you mean if I can anything’s possible for those who believe?
He says, lord, I believe. but help my unbelief. Faith is action despite that doubt.
So this doesn’t mean that you need perfect faith or that there can never be a thought of any sort of doubt.
Obviously, you wanna do as much as you can to curb that, but Faith has to do with aligning your trust hopes and beliefs with the word of god.
So the situation may look bleak.
The situation may look challenging, but your faith has to look beyond that particular circumstance.
Miss Coleman in her meetings would often put the wheelchairs in the very back of the room, and she didn’t do this to be mean or because she was inconsiderate or because she had no compassion for the 6.
She had great compassion for the 6. Rather, She did this because she didn’t wanna look with the natural eyes.
She wanted to look with the eyes of faith.
So by not seeing the wheelchair, she was able to just look in the spirit and see the healings.
Now, again, this doesn’t mean that we take every practice of every healing evangelist who has gone before us and implement it as if it’s scripture and become dogmatic about it.
But the principle there of addressing the doubt properly of seeing through the eyes of faith of choosing to trust the word of god despite what the circumstance says, that is the principle we’re laying down here, and he addressed this doubt quite directly in their intimidating spirits that try to hang around and squeeze out the faith out of a room.
In fact, we’ve had several services just I wanna say about a year ago, when we first came out here to Austin, I was on my way to service and the Holy Spirit spoke to me, said somebody is coming tonight to disrupt the service.
I told the staff that I said someone’s here today to disrupt the service.
And I’m up there on the pulpit, and I said what the holy spirit says.
Someone came here with the intention to disrupt, but I want you to know your power is broken here.
Well, There was a lady there who did not like what was being said.
And toward the end of the service, she gets up and leaves.
In fact, she it was kind of funny because she gets up.
and she comes in front of me, and instead of just exiting through the back, she walked all the way down the aisle so that she can cut in front of me, like like, move her shoulder right in front of my face.
and and she wanted people to see that she was angry and she was leaving.
And the holy spirit said that’s the lady. That’s the one who came to disrupt.
But you see, by addressing that spirit, by addressing that issue, where whereas one person tried to intimidate, the holy spirit pushed back on that by simply addressing it directly.
Now I am not saying that you call everybody out who you suspect of being suspicious or having doubt. Okay?
You don’t do that, but you flow with the holy spirit, and the holy spirit will help you to be bold and direct when addressing doubt.
So You have to address doubt, and sometimes the doubt is in you.
Sometimes the doubt is in the individual who’s believing for their healing, but you know, one side of them believes the other side of them doesn’t.
You have to work with them, get them to that place of faith, which is the next point, which is Jesus worked with faith.
many times in Scripture, like in Matthew 922, in Luke 1842, the phrase was used your faith has made you whole.
So Whether we like it or not, whether it sounds kind or not, the truth of the matter is that the scripture is quite clear that the faith of the individual sometimes plays a major role in them receiving their healing.
Now in the case of Gyris’s daughter or Lazarus, the question may be, well, who had the faith for them if they were dead.
So we understand that this is, of course, a general statement, and there are sometimes exceptions to generalizations.
But, generally speaking, Faith is a key factor in the miracle. Now this does not mean.
Please do not hear what I’m not saying.
This does not mean that if the miracle didn’t happen, that it was because person didn’t have faith.
That that’s not always the case. Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn’t.
We have to at least consider it as a factor.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god.
Now, of course, that’s talking about the message of salvation, but the biblical principle there is that the word produces faith for what it promises.
So when someone hears a promise from god, that produces faith in their spirit and, of course, they’re ready to receive.
Mark chapter 6 verses 5 through 6, we see that Jesus wasn’t able to do that many miracles in his hometown because of the unbelief of the people in his hometown.
Well, they didn’t regard him as a great man of god.
They just saw him through the eyes of familiarity, if you will, And because of that, their faith was low, and the miracles were few.
But in places where the faith was high, the miracles would abound. So Faith does play a role.
Faith is a dynamic. Now this is where in the healing ministry you learn, you work with the faith of the people.
If you come to one of our services that we do anywhere around the world, you’ll notice that there’s a certain way that we do it.
And I’m not saying you have to use this method.
In fact, I don’t even use this particular structure to the service every time because sometimes the holy spirit will direct me actually tonight.
I want you to do it this way.
But it’s what I call spirit led structure or spirit led orders, the way the Holy Spirit has led me to do it, where it will begin with worship, then I’ll preach a salvation message I’ll take an offering in the middle so we can get it out of the way, and then I go into ministering a healing message.
And in that healing message, you’ll notice I’m just talking about faith. talking about miracles.
I’m sharing what the scripture says about the power of God.
And what I’m doing is I’m ministering the word to produce faith in the hearts of the listeners.
And I can sense in the spirit.
Now what I’m giving you here, this is experience principally based on the word, but but, again, don’t become dogmatic about this.
I’m not giving you system to follow. I’m just showing you how I put this particular principle into practice.
In those services, as I’m ministering the word, I’m teaching on healing or sharing a healing story, I can sense the faith of the people rising.
Now here’s the mistake some make. Sometimes, preachers are a little impatient.
Myself included, and they will prematurely begin to pray for the sick or minister delivering or healing or whatever it may be that’s being ministered at night.
They move in prematurely before the faith of the people has come to its fullness.
So they’ll share for 5 minutes and go right into it. Okay.
Well, maybe you get a few who come along with that.
For example, my daughter often has me make her popcorn.
Now when I’m making the popcorn, there’s been a couple times where I left it in the microwave a little too long, and, you know, it burns the popcorn.
She doesn’t like that. I have to make another bag.
And then there’s sometimes I make her popcorn, and I take it out too early, and it’s mostly kernels that haven’t popped with a little bit of popcorn.
it’s kind of like waiting for that perfect moment if you wait too long, the popcorn burns.
If you move in too soon, there there there there are mostly kernels as opposed to popcorn. same thing.
I know it seems simplistic, but I just wanna use it as an analogy because as I’m ministering to the people, I wanna make sure that they their faith has come to fullness.
Sometimes when I’m ministering, they’re they’re just the, you know, arms folded. They’re just watching me.
Let’s let’s see if this guy’s the real deal or let’s see what he really wants.
And Sometimes they have to work past their own cynicism. They have to work past their own doubt.
Sometimes they have to move past their own distractions. Many times, they’re coming from work. They’re coming from home.
They’re coming from school. And so they’re in that service, and they have to come out of wherever they were.
And this is why we’ll worship, and I’ll teach the word, and then we’ll worship, and I’ll teach the word.
because I’m ministering to their faith.
I’m ministering in a way that I believe will help them to come to fullness of faith.
And if I move in before that moment, yes, there will be some miracles, but there will be many who haven’t come to that fullness yet who don’t receive.
Now here’s the other end of that coin.
If I minister beyond that certain point where their faith has come to fullness, Well, now people are going, I gotta get out of here.
And some preachers make this mistake.
They wanna give a 45 minute message, and I’ve learned that if you have a message and you can sense that now is the time to move out in power, forget about your notes at that point because some preachers have well, I haven’t finished point point 345.
Like, forget it. Their faith is full. You gotta move now.
So some preachers over feed them, if you will, and they take them now to the point of of where they’re operating out of intellect.
And so there’s a fine balance. Me, I can tell that this all works with me.
Again, don’t don’t don’t take this as as as, you know, a system that you have to follow.
But, again, the principle of working with their faith is what I’m talking about.
As a ministering, I can sense their faith coming to fullness, and I can literally, from the bottom of my feet, I can feel this this like I don’t wanna say it’s like a an oil, like
like like, almost like the
the anointing oil. I could just fill this this sensation coming up from the bottom of my feet, and it’s like this hot tingly sensation and it comes all the way up, and I wait until it comes right to the top of my head.
Then I feel like it’s come to fullness And as I feel this, sometimes people notice I I’ll I’ll rock back and forth, and I’m just I feel like I’m just caught in this wave of the spirit.
And so as I’m ministering, worshiping, producing the word, producing the teachings that will bring forth faith, because god’s word does not return void, I I sensed the moment their faith comes to fullness.
And once I sensed that fullness, I begin to rebuke sickness, begin to rebuke disease, begin to pray for the sick, and that’s when the miracles begin to happen.
Now it does not rest on me, but this is just the way the holy spirit leads me to do it.
So the principle primarily is work with their faith. Some people need a little more of the teaching.
Some people need to hear a story, but you’re working with their faith.
Now think about the fact that for the woman with the issue of blood. It was a single touch.
That’s Luke 8, 43, and 44.
For the Centurion servant, Luke chapter 7, It was a word that was sent forth.
So god would do different things. Jesus would do different things for different people based upon where they were.
and you notice he didn’t necessarily minister to the sick the same way every single time.
There were different ways that he would work with their face. So for one, it’s a touch.
For another, it’s a word, for another, it’s mud in the eyes. But either way, it’s working with their face.
So that’s another principle of ministering healing. Next, we see that Jesus had compassion.
Jesus was moved with compassion. Luke’s 17, 11 to 15. Matthew 20 verse 34.
Mark chapter 1 verse 41. That compassion is what drives the healing ministry.
Now please hear me carefully.
That healing compassion in your heart is what brings forth longevity in the healing ministry.
you wanna know how to be faithful to this ministry?
If you’re not careful You’ll no longer see people. You’ll just see crowds.
Something you know what I meant by that. You stop seeing people, you start seeing crowds.
And I’m not just talking about public ministry. I’m talking about just operating in this healing grace in general.
I’m using public ministry as an example, of course.
And and and you just start to see not that someone’s life is transformed or that that’s an individual who now won’t suffer in this way or that way.
And, you know, instead of seeing it from their personal perspective, you kinda just see it as, oh, another miracle on the on the list.
Another cool story to share. Another check mark on my list of testimonies.
And while we rejoice in testimony, while it’s awesome to hear healing stories.
You have to realize that they’re more than just a healing testimony.
They’re more than just another great story to help you grow your ministry They’re more than just just a cool thing that you witnessed or a demonstration of power.
These are people who are suffering in sickness.
And when you see a miracle happen, it’s not just a cool testimony.
it’s somebody’s life being completely altered.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard testimony from people, and it’s wonderful.
Where they’ll message me and say, Brother, David, we couldn’t have children. This is our son.
Oh, brother David, we couldn’t I I couldn’t I couldn’t eat without without issues with digestion.
Here I am enjoying a meal. I’ll never forget
when I was in Northern California ministering to
a woman who’d been wheelchair bound.
And she sent we we got a video from one of her friends who knew some people at our ministry.
She sent a video of her that very weekend dancing at a wedding when she was bound to the wheelchair, dancing at a wedding.
And I’m saying, lord, this is this remember when Jesus said the food I have, you you you know not of.
I I’ve eaten food. You know not of.
And the disciples later, like, Lord,
who brought you food. But, of course, he was talking having ministered the gospel to that woman at the well, to do the will of the father.
It’s it’s fulfilling. It’s life giving you.
You see the work of the Holy Spirit in these people’s lives, and and you’re bursting with joy.
And if you don’t see it that way and it’s not compassion that you’re operating in, you will fizzle out.
You’ll lose the drive. You’ll lose the motivation. Why? Because it’s just There’s miracles. It’s just cool stories.
It’s just you know, for some sadly, it’s just great PR for their ministry, and it’s like, no. My goodness.
These are lives transformed. So that compassion gives you longevity because it keeps you focused on why you do it.
And, by the way, that compassion will drive you to deeper places because here’s what happens.
When you pray for someone who is sick and they don’t get healed, Everything in you says, okay.
How do I how do I get to the place where I can even see that healed?
or that level of miracle happen or that that healing virtue flow and that kind of a situation.
And you’re driven to the prayer room. You’re driven to study the word.
You’re you’re driven to be more like Jesus.
You’re saying, lord, I wanna be more like you so that I can see even those people healed.
and it drives you to see greater miracles. So that compassion is very important.
Jesus Jesus responds to the cry of the desperate. Jesus responds to the cry of the desperate.
Don’t just see people. Don’t or don’t just see testimonies. See people. So have Jesus work with their faith?
Jesus had compassion. And finally, Jesus set an atmosphere.
Now I think we have this misconception about Jesus and his ministry, and we imagine that Jesus just kind of aimlessly wandered around without any structure or intent but that’s not at all what Jesus did.
In fact, Jesus would come into a region. He would find a venue.
He would use that venue to preach a message, and then after preaching his message.
He would pray for those or sometimes before preaching his message. He would pray for the sick.
He would cast out devils. He would perform miracles. That’s that was the mode of his ministry.
That was the methodology. So he would go to a region, find a place to preach.
Why would he do that? Why not just do it anywhere? Why why preach the word?
Why Why get them to sit down and listen?
Because the atmosphere is sometimes necessary to help the people receive.
Now People often ask me things like, well, why do you need the music?
Well, I don’t need the music, but people do. People need the music.
and people need the worship, and people need the word, and people need the focus.
Can god move without these things? Absolutely. God does not need an atmosphere to move.
People need atmosphere to receive. Think about the salvation message, for example.
If you’re trying to share the gospel with someone and they’re just distracted by everything going on around them, they’re kinda halfway listening.
They’re going uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh. And they’re busy.
This is why Sometimes it doesn’t work when you’re evangelizing on the street and people are in a hurry, they’re not gonna hear it because they’re distracted.
Do you get someone in the living room? a personal conversation.
You’re opening up they’re opening up, and now you can share the gospel.
That’s the atmosphere to share the gospel.
When someone is caught in worship, and they’re no longer focused on the cares of this world, and they’re no longer focused on what worries them.
They’re just looking to Jesus. Well, my goodness. That’s an atmosphere for miracles. Why?
because when Jesus becomes more real to you than your sickness, the healing results.
When you’re so focused on your presence, that you forget about the sickness, that’s when healing virtue begins to flow.
And so we look here to Luke chapter 5 verse 17, I’ll begin there.
One day, he was teaching, and there were some Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting there who had come from every village of Galilee in Judea and from Jerusalem.
and the power of the lord was present for him to perform healing, and some men were carrying on and some men were carrying on a bed, a man who was paralyzed.
and they were trying to bring him in and set him down in front of him, but not finding any way to bring him in because of the crowd they went up on the roof and let him down through the tiles with his stretcher into the middle of the crowd in front of Jesus.
Watch just now seeing their faith. There we see faith as a factor. He said, friends, your sins are forgiven.
You, the scribes and the pharisees began to reason saying, who is this man, who speaks blasphemies, but Jesus aware of their reasoning’s answered and said to them, why your reasoning in your hearts, which is easier to say.
He’s gonna prove himself here. Your sins have been forgiven you or to say get up and walk.
But so that you may know that the son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins, he said to the paralytic.
I say to you, get up, pick up your stretcher, and go home.
Immediately, He got up before them and picked up what he had been lying on and went home, glorifying God.
Of course, everyone was astonished. But notice here, I wanna go back here to the beginning of the text.
where the scripture says quite clearly, and the power of the lord was present for him to perform healing.
This is quite the stark contrast to Jesus being in his hometown.
Because there, he can only do a few miracles here, the faith was high, so the power was present.
Well, how can faith be high? Well, that’s partly due to atmosphere. It’s getting people to focus in.
Now I’m giving you things that many people don’t talk about, but it’s important that we know these things.
You see? when people get into an atmosphere of worship.
When they become so focused on the lord that they’re no longer focused on their sickness, That really is the breeding ground of faith.
To look to Jesus is to have faith produced in your heart.
And so in our services, this is what we do. We set an atmosphere.
make sure there’s a place for the people to sit. We make sure that there are no distractions.
We make sure that everything is honoring to god in the way it’s presented and this allows the person to focus and to receive and to not be distracted by all the cares of the world.
And in that place, now it’s conducive for them to receive the word, for them to have their faith boosted.
These are keys to the healing ministry, guys.
So we see He was baptized at the Holy Spirit. He had a prayer life.
He dealt with the doubt. He worked with the faith. He had compassion, and he set an atmosphere.
Now as you use these keys, I believe that god is gonna make you a vessel of healing.
Write this in the comments. Say give me healing hands. Write that in the comments.
Let that be your prayer. Give me healing hands. The prayer I used to pray.
and still to this day, I often think of it and often pray it.
When I was about eleven years old is when I started praying this.
I said, lord, Let my hands be your hands.
Interesting, as I just said that I felt real intense heat on my hand here right now, I used to say, lord, let my hands be your hands.
heal through them. Let my eyes be your eyes help me to see things people in situations, the way you see them.
Let my ears be your ears. I wanna hear your voice. Let my mouth be your mouth.
I wanna speak your truth. Let my feet be your feet. Take me where you want me to go.
Let my being be your being. Let my heart beat his one with yours, crucify my will.
and in its place resurrect your own, I wanna be one with you, Jesus. Would that be your prayer?
Say, Lord, give me healing hands.
Write that down right now at that be your prayer, father in the name of Jesus. Wow.
Strong impartations taking place here. Strong impartations taking place, but I thank you that you’re healing virtuous flowing, touch your people, heal them in Jesus’ name, In part to them, lord, gifts of healing, cause them to walk in your miracle working power, As they minister according to your word, we look to you, Jesus, as our standard.
as our foundation. Help us to do as you did.
Help us to live as you lived.
We honor we bless you. Now you’re believing for a healing let’s pray.
You’re believing for a healing let’s pray.
I wanna pray for my friend Mary who’s watching right now.
You called me on the phone just before the stream, and I told you I’d pray for you right now.
So let’s pray father in the name of Jesus. I rebuke sickness and disease.
Bring strength to her body and come against every demonic attack in the mighty name of Jesus, let the power of the enemy be broken now in Jesus’ name.
And are you watching? Just receive this.
Thank you, lord. Father bring healing to hearts.
bring healing to bones into nervous systems.
Thank you, lord, that you’re healing cancer.
adjustive issue, skin disorder, I rebuke it in Jesus’ name. Injuries of
all kind, we heal, in the mighty name of Jesus.
I can I can fill, like, tingling on my hands right now. That’s his power flowing.
Just receive that. Thank you, Jesus. Wow. He’s a healing Jesus.
Thank you, Lord, that your healing virtue is flowing like a mighty river.
Tuch your people, I pray in the name of Jesus.
Now if you believe you’ve been healed, I want you to write your testimony in the comments section
right now, write what you’ve just been healed in the comments section.
When you’re watching live around the replays, the lord who’s doing it, give Jesus the glory, and Lord used them as vessels.
In Jesus, mighty name, we pray. I want you to say
it because you believe it, say, amen.
Well, if you enjoyed this teaching and you believe others need to hear it, make sure to leave a like on the video whether you’re watching on Facebook or YouTube.
Also, don’t forget to subscribe to my channel so that you can learn more about the Holy Spirit, prayer, and spiritual warfare and also see livestreams of events that we do around the world with the power of the Holy Spirit is flowing.
Now let me ask you a question.
If you knew that there was something that you could do to make an impact in someone’s life, if you knew that there was something that you could do to change the trajectory of someone’s eternity, Would you do it?
If you knew that there was something more you could do to win souls, to help see others be healed, save, delivered, empowered, If you knew there was something that you could do to help make that happen, would you do it?
Well, the good news is there is something you can do.
It’s not the only thing you can do, but it’s something you can do.
I’m asking you to partner with this ministry on our mission.
We wanna see more people saved, healed, delivered and empowered. That’s the bottom line. May Jesus be glorified through it?
And we do these things. We minister the gospel. We minister the word. We minister the Holy Spirit’s power.
through events and media like this what you’re watching.
But all of those efforts, the media, the events, all of it, cost resources.
The gospel is free, the means to deliver it on a mass scale. That can get quite pricey.
And this is where thousands of believers from around the world have already partnered with us.
Thousands of believers from around the world are partnered with us right now and helping us to spread this message around the world.
So I’m asking you to join us. Do your part and help us win the world to Jesus.
Go right now to You can give a single donation. you can become a monthly supporter of this ministry.
One time or monthly, large or small, everything counts. Don’t dismiss the effect you can have.
You can make a difference. It matters you’re giving counts.
There is no gift so small that it doesn’t count There is no gift so large that we won’t know what to do with it.
The vision is big. There’s always more to do in the kingdom.
So I’m asking you, lend us a helping hand.
Join myself and the thousands of believers around the world who are in support of this ministry help us deliver the gospel one more time, david, to give a single gift, to become a monthly supporter.
And if you enjoyed this teaching, then you will love the teaching when healing doesn’t happen, but the holy spirit showed me.