Why Do I Feel So Out Of Control // Receipts: The Proof Is In The Fruit ( Part 10) // Michael Todd

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Hey everyone, we hope this video finds you well. I’m Abby, and this is my husband Charles. We have the privilege of serving as campus pastors here at the Tulsa campus, and we want to share something exciting happening at our church right now.

It’s a special time of year because we’re celebrating our end-of-year offering. This offering has had many names over the years, but this year, it’s called our Crazy Fruit Offering, reflecting the word of the year. This is a time when we come together as a church community to pray and ask God, “What would you have me give financially as we close out this year?” It’s easy to focus on what we receive during this season, but we want to intentionally end the year thinking about what we can give.

I want to encourage you—this isn’t about a specific amount, but about simply obeying what God asks you to do. If this ministry has blessed or impacted you in any way, we invite you to be part of this journey. Trusting God with our finances is an important aspect of our spiritual journey. You can give online through our website or text “give” to 828282. However you give, it makes a difference, and we’re excited to see what God does through our collective generosity.

We appreciate each one of you, and we pray this message blesses you today. Now, I want to share a message with you titled, “Why Do I Feel So Out of Control?” This is something we don’t talk about often, but there are areas of our lives where we feel like we just can’t gain control. I know I’m not alone—how many of you can think of at least two areas in your life where you’re asking, “Why can’t I get this under control?”

This year, God told us it’s a year to focus on the word “fruit.” As I prayed about it, God revealed that in order to produce fruit, we must sow the right seeds. This isn’t just about finances; it’s about every area of our lives. You can’t expect to see fruit in your marriage if you’re not investing in that relationship. The same goes for your health—you can’t expect a healthy life if you’re not sowing into your well-being. You won’t become the person God has called you to be without sowing seeds into those areas.

I want to challenge us—are we really expecting something when we haven’t sown the right seeds? For example, many of us want friends, but we don’t make the effort to connect with others. We may be too busy to answer a text or even say “hello.” This year, let’s not expect results where we haven’t put in the work. God can do the unexpected, but He also gives us principles to follow. Sometimes He’ll step in and exceed our expectations, but that’s not the usual practice. He calls us to steward what He’s given us, not wait for the miraculous without doing our part.

Now, back to the question—why do we feel out of control? Often, it’s because we haven’t sown the right seeds in the areas where we need self-control. Let’s talk about self-control. This is an area that challenges us, especially when we’re dealing with emotional triggers or areas where we find comfort. Where do you go when you’re emotionally overwhelmed? Where do you turn when you feel unseen? Those are the areas where we tend to lack self-control, and that’s where the Holy Spirit wants to empower us.

If you’re feeling a resistance to this message, like you want to click away or listen to something that makes you feel better, know that God is blessing us in ways we might not even realize. The key is allowing God to work through us, especially in areas where we need self-control.

Let’s commit to doing the hard work, trusting God, and letting Him lead us to produce fruit in every area of our lives.

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