Where Do We Go From Here?

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Where Do We Go From Here?

We can travel almost anywhere within 24 hours. News from far-flung countries is available at our fingertips. Though there are benefits to being so interconnected, there are also dangers. Dr. David Jeremiah explores what it all means in light of prophecy.

So Jesus comes back, he defeats the armies of Armageddon that come against Israel and then come against him.
Well, what happens then is what is called the millennium.
During this time, the Lord will be in charge and he will fulfill all the promises he’s made in scripture.
Regarding the people of Israel and the ultimate future of the earth.
All the world will see globalization then in its finest, not under Nimrod, not under Neer, not under Greece, not under Persia, not under Rome and not under the Anr instead under the Lord Jesus Christ, who will reign in that place.
And what is the world going to be like during these days?
During the coming global reign of Christ, Jerusalem will be the capital of the earth.
And people from all the nations will come and visit Jerusalem to learn and to worship the millennial temple in Jerusalem will be the most beautiful building on earth and it will be filled with the glory of the Lord.
A deep and mighty river will flow from beneath the temple, turning the desert into a paradise and the dead sea into a living lake.
Fruit trees will grow along both sides of the river bearing fresh fruit every month.
The Lord Jesus will be the ultimate international diplomat, negotiating peace treaties between rival nations.
He will bring peace to the earth and wars will cease.
He will occupy the ancient throne of his forefather, David and songs of praise will ascend from the ends of the earth and joy will cover the world.
Now, this is not eternity, this is not heaven. This is the prelude to heaven.
This is the 1000 years before we’re all ushered into heaven. This is kind of pre heaven.
If you will, Isaiah 11 9 says nothing will hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain for as the waters fill the sea.
So the earth will be filled with people who know the Lord.
The whole earth will be filled with people who know the Lord just like it seems today the whole earth is filled with people who don’t know the Lord and don’t want to know the Lord.
In that day, the earth will be filled with people who know the Lord.

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