When You Say, You Sow – Manifesting His Glory
When You Say, You Sow – Manifesting His Glory
Did you know that you can operate above the law of time and dictate when manifestation will come? Do you realize that God’s “grace knowledge” is designed to give hope and help you overcome obstacles in your life? In this revelatory teaching, Reaching the World: Manifesting His Glory, Dr. Winston reveals the freedom God has given you to gain knowledge at a level unlike any other.

The believer’s wonk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministry partners and viewers.
I’m saying your days of lack are over.
Your days of toiling are over.
Your days of being without answers are over your days of being. Looking back in your past are over.
God’s gonna have you now with a bright future, you’re not going to only have commitment now to the word of God, but creation is going to come out of the word of God.
Not only creation comes out, success is going to come out and you are going to be impactful in that neighborhood.
God can do things we never thought he could do if we are willing to decree a thing and it shall be established.
You won’t be things, you won’t say things over them, Children. This is the glory of God.
This is the Eden way. You will act, you gonna start taking your kingdom, authority and rearranging this earth.
So your soul has to agree with your spirit for the faith to come through, to break the power of the devil, your soul has got to come to.
And he said in Romans chapter 12 verse two, be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the what?
Renewing of your mind. Then he goes on from there.
Proverbs chapter 23 verse seven, look what he said for as a man. Thinkth in his heart.
What so is he if thou has done foolishly in lifting up thyself or if thou has thought evil, what are you gonna do?
You lay your hands on your mouth, you got to lay your hands on your mouth.
So that enemy is after your mouth, but it comes after your mouth through your mind because most people just say what they think.
Well, God says in Isaiah 55 verse eight, your thoughts are not my thoughts.
I do. Therefore, your ways of what you say is not what I say.
Isn’t that good?
Now, I’m, I’m telling you this because we gotta go into his glory, see into his glory.
And that’s a full development. We’re coming all the way back to the garden.
They’re coming all the way back to we hear God and act on what he says.
Isn’t that powerful stuff.
So when I told you last time I said, ok, now you gotta understand God’s not speaking to your mind.
He’s speaking to you. He’s speaking to you. Why?
Because he’s limited to speak to you and your spirit.
Then as your spirit is gonna help teach your mind, the Holy Ghost is gonna teach your spirit.
Then your spirit is gonna be talking to your mind, teaching to showing your mind or talking to your mind through the help of the Holy Ghost, talking to your mind and telling your mind what’s up because I’ve got to take this mind and renew it because I got it in my spirit and faith comes out of my spirit.
But my faith has got to get through the OK of my mind.
Are you following what I’m saying here?
And I showed you second Corinthians chapter 10 verse three.
Watch what he says here for though we walk in the flesh, we do not worry after the flesh.
For the weapons of our warfare are not what carnal but mighty through God to pulling down of what strong strongholds.
Where in the mine who set them up there? The devil? Satan put strongholds in our mind.
Why getting us to believe something that God didn’t say?
Mm So we believe something that God never said.
Look what it says in uh Isaiah 54 in verse 14, in righteousness shall thou be established?
Thou shalt be far from oppression for thou shalt not fear and from terror for it shall not come.
N the verse 17, no weapon formed against you shall prosper every tongue and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment.
Thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their righteousness is of me sayeth the Lord.
Well, wait, wait minute, let’s go back now, let’s go back to verse 14.
And he says, in righteousness, shall thou be established?
Thou shalt be far from oppression and thou shalt not fear and from terror for it shall not come the now.
So based on that, what should be your mental state concerning the pandemic?
You got, you got what I’m saying?
Now, if there is fear, it’s because the devil planted a fair tree in your mind that is producing and it has you fear it.
So what I gotta do is I gotta uproot that tree and plant this one in here.
He said, thou shalt be far from oppression.
The oppression is something coming in where on the mind? He’s not talking about your spirit.
He’s talking about your mind. Devil can’t get to your spirit.
He talked about your mind and the only way you can get to your spirit is through your thinking.
And so uh to, to try to uh make it produce faith of whatever happened.
So this oppressive thought or this fear thought of what’s gonna happen to me didn’t come from God.
And that’s why he’s having so much havoc out here with the pandemic because people have no defense against the fear that opens the door.
Does it does make sense to you here?
You have no, no, no, no, no, no, no defense against it.
And, and so now what I’ve got to do is I’ve got to renew my mind.
All right, And as I do that I begin to decree or speak words or he told Joshua meditate.
And when I meditate it, what I’m doing is not only building faith because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God in my spirit, but I’m renewing my mind.
I’m putting a different tree in there. I’m putting a different belief system.
I believe that this thing can’t touch me.
Now, let me show you how far Paul went up in that whole area.
Look at Genesis of Acts chapter 28. And let’s go down to verse three.
And when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and laid them in a fire, there came a viper out of the heat and fashioned to his hand.
And when the barbarians saw the venomous beast hanging on his hand, they said among themselves, no doubt this man is a murderer who though he had escape the sea.
Lord, he yet vengeance suffered not to live and he shook off the beast into the fire and felt come on no harm.
How be it? They looked and when he should have swollen or fallen down dead suddenly, but after they had looked great a great while and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds and said that he was a God that is manifesting His glory is taking you back up to the level.
God made Adam, no evil shall befall you.
The snake couldn’t even poison him.
Now that comes with a tree.
Now you, you let’s look at um Luke chapter 17 again and verse five and six.
And then we’re going back to Luke chapter one and verse 44.
And the apostle said to the Lord increase our faith. Why?
Because he’s telling them keep forgiving people, keep forgiving people. Why?
Because he’s sending you where into the world, he’s sending you into the world.
What the devil doesn’t like you in the world? What is he gonna do?
He’s gonna use people to speak to their mind and tell them to call you the N word.
You got what I’m saying. Now, if you react to that and don’t rest in Galatians chapter 5 22 mean the supernatural uh disposition of God and you don’t rest in long suffering.
Come on in love. Come on in peace and joy.
If you don’t rest in that, then you’re gonna be a victim.
That enemy will have you where you want you. They Yeah.
Am I making this thing clear?
And the Lord said, if you had faith as a grain of mustard seed, you might say into this sy tree.
Be thou plucked up by the root, be thou planted into the sea and it should what obey you?
The Greek says it would obey you. Ok. Now, let’s see what he’s talking about with this tree.
Psalm chapter one verse one, blessed is a man that walk not in the council of the ungodly or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of the scornful.
But his delight is in the law of the Lord and in that law does he meditate?
How long you’re gonna meditate? Now, you’re gonna transform what you believe and he shall be like a what tree planted by the what rivers of water?
Let’s just stop right there. So you’re gonna plant another tree. A tree is your belief system.
You can’t see it but invisibly it’s a tree in you in a tree.
I see men trees walking. You’re a producer.
So a tree produces fruit and you wanna bring forth what, how much fruit, how much say it louder.
You wanna bring forth much fruit, much of what the word says. You wanna be in your life.
OK. Now, so back here in um uh Luke and Luke chapter 17 verse six, he is saying, wait a minute, you’re gonna say to this tree, you’re gonna say to the tree, what are you gonna say?
You’re gonna say what God says. God wrote what he says.
So that you can only say what he says.
And when you say what he says, you sow when you say you sow again, when you say you so, so I can’t, so I can’t ever forgive him.
I can’t sow that because if I say it, I’m gonna, what, I’m gonna sow it.
So I can’t say it. Now. Where did I why did I start saying it?
Because Satan, if you got a wrong thought, put your hand over your mouth. He’s still affecting my thinking.
He’s telling me I cannot forgive them.
But I’m gonna have to listen to my father’s voice and the father said, I want you to be like me.
Matthew chapter six verse of chapter five and verse 44. I want you to be just like me.
If I can forgive you for cussing and, and turning your back on me, then you can forgive them.
If I can forgive you for all the stuff you did that I won’t even tell nobody about, then you can forgive them because I’m making you to imitate me.
But I say unto you love your enemies, bless them, that curse you do good to them, that hate you and call you the N word and pray for them which spitefully use you and persecute you that you may be the Children.
Come on the Mozart of your father, you’re gonna act just like your father.
When he comes, we shall be like him. That’s the glory.
Now I’m saying to you that this is gonna be the way that we’re gonna take Dominion and take back all this stuff that the devil has stolen that we’re gonna have to invest in this particular way.
Now, let’s go back to Luke chapter 17 and verse six.
And the Lord said, if you had faith as a grain of mustard seed.
You might say so when you first lay it out there, it’s, it’s so small.
What you just said is so significant, insignificant against the mountain that you’re talking about that’s been built in our lives until we don’t think that it’s doing much good, but it is, your future is always contained in your seed.
And so what you have to do is say, OK, my grain of Matzah seed here, you might say into this Symon tree.
What’s Syam mine a of mine. We used to call them black Marberry trees where I came from.
That’s a tree that is not the berries look like blackberries, but they’re not fit to eat the bird, just eat them all the time so forth.
And so you’re gonna say to a tree that’s in your life that’s producing a lifestyle that’s not fit to eat, that is not fit for you to live.
You’re gonna uproot the whole tree you’re gonna make it.
So there is no evidence that you were ever thinking like that.
Come on, Jesus came first John chapter three verse eight.
He came to undo put it up there in the amplified. Please.
He came to undo the works that the devil had done.
The reason that the son of God was manifested, visible was to undo, destroy, loosen and what dissolve the works the devil had done.
Yeah. Everything Satan did in your life. God’s gonna undo it. Yeah.
Why? So that you can walk in his glory.
Yeah, Adam didn’t have blood. He had, he had glory in his veins.
He didn’t get blood until he sent. That’s why he said life is in the blood.
All right. So, so if you look at this are y’all with me so far here.
So I, I gotta undo some stuff here and, and I got to get this, this tree out of my life, which is causing me to function in a way that uh is not pleasing to God and it’s causing me to be scared of stuff.
And all of that psalm 91 verse five. Ok.
Yes, it’s causing behavior in my life that keeps me captive.
Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror by night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the of the pestilence that walker in darkness nor the destruction was at noonday.
1000 shall fall at my side and 10,000 of my right hand, but it shall not come by me.
Now, you can put in your notes diplomatic immunity only with my eyes.
Shall I behold to see the reward of the wicked because thou has made the Lord which is my refuge even the most high my what habitation?
There shall no, there shall no, there shall no evil before me.
Neither shall any plague come, not my dwelling. Now, what do you want to do with that?
What do you want to do with that?
See, now, you gonna want to meditate that because I, if I’m scared of stuff, then there’s a tree there that shouldn’t be there.
See. Now, look at Luke chapter one and this is verse 44.
This is when um, the angel told Mary, you know, you’re gonna have a child.
Now, I know what she did. She meditated Isaiah chapter six. It says the virgin shall conceive.
See, and she met, I’m, I’m telling you what she did.
And so he said to Fort Lowe, this is our cousin Elizabeth who’s six months expecting for lo as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears.
Uh The babe leaped in my womb for joy and blessed is she that believed for.
There shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.
Now now watch it if I give you the word and you believe it, virtue is released that will cause a performance of what was promised.
Got it. All right.
Let’s look at, let’s look at this woman with the issue of blood going down to Mark Mark chapter five and verse 25 a certain woman which had an issue of blood.
12 years had suffered many things of many physicians and had spent all that.
She had was nothing better, rather grew worse.
And when she had heard of Jesus came in the press behind and touched his garment for, she said, if I may touch but his clothes, I shall be stop right there.
Put that in the amplified plea for. She kept saying now what is she doing? What is she doing?
What is she doing? She had a grow worse image. She was on her way to the graveyard.
But what did she do for?
She kept saying now I’m I’m planting a seed and meditating.
Come on, I’m transforming what I believe, see what she believed.
She believed what she heard when she had heard of who Jesus?
And she kept saying, if I may touch his clothes, what’s gonna happen to me?
I shall be what whole and straight away the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.
And Jesus immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him turned him about in the press and said, who touched my clothes?
Now look at that verse because notice what happened when she believed it, she caused virtue to flow that cause a performance of what was promised.
Now, how did she believe it? She kept what saying it?
Now the enemy tried to get you not to not keep saying that because you, you know what you’re saying, you’re speaking what we call the word of faith and, and what you’re saying is what God said was done.
He said, you’ll be far from oppression. He said, you will not fear.
He said that you’re gonna say what he’s saying and the devil will tell you, you lie.
Now, how can you lie saying what he said? I don’t care what your condition is.
What you’re going to say is what he said. Because his word is designed to deliver you.
It’s designed to heal you. It’s designed to prosper you.
Well, praise the Lord.
I trust that you enjoy that blessed teaching. Now, this teaching is, is, is different.
I mean, when we’re talking about the glory of God, we’re talking about the full potential that a person has.
So when you exercise the full potential that you have, then it glorifies God because it lets God be your source.
It lets God come through you and be manifested to the world, manifesting God’s glory.
And one point I want you to remember out of this teaching when you say you sow now each one of us lives in this earth and you cannot live apart from sowing and reaping can’t do it.
You have to live with what you sow you reap.
This is just the law that God put in the earth for Him to even get us back.
He had to sow his son to get us back. So it’s a law that’s always working.
So when you say you sow because words are seeds. So when you say something, you actually saw it.
So you gotta watch what you say because you’ll get that harvest. It’s a powerful teaching.
You need to get it today. Praise God. Well, this is Bill Winston.
Until next time we’ll see you then keep walking by faith.
I’m saying your days of lack are over.
Your days of toiling are over.
Your days of being without answers are over your days of being. Looking back in your past are over.
God’s gonna have you now with a bright future, you’re not gonna only have commitment now to the word of God, but creation is going to come out of the word of God.
Not only creation comes out, success is gonna come out and you are going to be impactful in that neighborhood.
God can do things we never thought he could do if we are willing to decree a thing and it shall be established.
You won’t decree things, you won’t say things over them Children. This is the glory of God.
This is the Eden way you will act. You’re gonna start taking your kingdom, authority and rearranging this earth.
Today’s dynamic message manifesting His glory is filled with revelations that will transform your life and bring you into the best of God.
But you’ve only heard a portion of the message to get this full series in its entirety on P three or CD on MP four or DVD order today by calling 1 807 119327 or go online at Bill Winston dot org.
Get your copy of this powerful truth today. Hello, this is Bill Winston.
I’m inviting you to our annual Business and leadership conference.
This conference we’ve been having for years, started out first, but we had a man named Peter Daniels.
He came and spoke to us about business and about leadership. It started then and it’s still going now.
We believe the unbelievable we ought to be the greatest entrepreneurs in history.
And I believe it’s time for us to win again.
I think it’s time for us to take back the economics.
I want to invite you whether you come virtual or you’re here in person. You got to be here.
This is gonna be on March the 25th and the 26th.
Now we’re gonna have speakers again that are going to be speaking on topics and giving you principles that can not only have you create businesses but scale businesses quickly.
Now these businesses will bring a sufficient amount of revenue that we can take part of that and lift the burden of suffering humanity.
That’s what it’s all about in the Kingdom. Kingdom, businesses.
Now, God’s growing these businesses because it’s all for the kingdom, the good of the Kingdom.
Praise God, but we want you to be here.
So again, that date is gonna be March the 25th and the 26th. We’re gonna have various activities.
We’re gonna have giveaways. We’re gonna have just an exciting time. You’ve got to be here again.
That’s the Business and Leadership conference. Our theme this year is Thy Kingdom come.
I want you to be here too. God bless you. Bill Winston saying, keep walking by faith.
The mission of Bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
We invite you to become a partner and join doctor Bill Winston as he trains believers how to live independent of this world system and have Dominion over it.
Thank you, Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers for your continuous support of the believers walk of faith broadcast.
Now, remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
I’m saying your days of lack are over.
Your days of toiling are over.
Your days of being without answers are over your days of being. Looking back in your past are over.
God’s gonna have you now with a bright future, you’re not going to only have commitment now to the word of God, but creation is going to come out of the word of God.
Not only creation comes out, success is going to come out and you are going to be impactful in that neighborhood.
God can do things we never thought he could do if we are willing to decree a thing and it shall be established.
You won’t be things, you won’t say things over them, Children. This is the glory of God.
This is the Eden way. You will act, you gonna start taking your kingdom, authority and rearranging this earth.
So your soul has to agree with your spirit for the faith to come through, to break the power of the devil, your soul has got to come to.
And he said in Romans chapter 12 verse two, be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the what?
Renewing of your mind. Then he goes on from there.
Proverbs chapter 23 verse seven, look what he said for as a man. Thinkth in his heart.
What so is he if thou has done foolishly in lifting up thyself or if thou has thought evil, what are you gonna do?
You lay your hands on your mouth, you got to lay your hands on your mouth.
So that enemy is after your mouth, but it comes after your mouth through your mind because most people just say what they think.
Well, God says in Isaiah 55 verse eight, your thoughts are not my thoughts.
I do. Therefore, your ways of what you say is not what I say.
Isn’t that good?
Now, I’m, I’m telling you this because we gotta go into his glory, see into his glory.
And that’s a full development. We’re coming all the way back to the garden.
They’re coming all the way back to we hear God and act on what he says.
Isn’t that powerful stuff.
So when I told you last time I said, ok, now you gotta understand God’s not speaking to your mind.
He’s speaking to you. He’s speaking to you. Why?
Because he’s limited to speak to you and your spirit.
Then as your spirit is gonna help teach your mind, the Holy Ghost is gonna teach your spirit.
Then your spirit is gonna be talking to your mind, teaching to showing your mind or talking to your mind through the help of the Holy Ghost, talking to your mind and telling your mind what’s up because I’ve got to take this mind and renew it because I got it in my spirit and faith comes out of my spirit.
But my faith has got to get through the OK of my mind.
Are you following what I’m saying here?
And I showed you second Corinthians chapter 10 verse three.
Watch what he says here for though we walk in the flesh, we do not worry after the flesh.
For the weapons of our warfare are not what carnal but mighty through God to pulling down of what strong strongholds.
Where in the mine who set them up there? The devil? Satan put strongholds in our mind.
Why getting us to believe something that God didn’t say?
Mm So we believe something that God never said.
Look what it says in uh Isaiah 54 in verse 14, in righteousness shall thou be established?
Thou shalt be far from oppression for thou shalt not fear and from terror for it shall not come.
N the verse 17, no weapon formed against you shall prosper every tongue and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment.
Thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their righteousness is of me sayeth the Lord.
Well, wait, wait minute, let’s go back now, let’s go back to verse 14.
And he says, in righteousness, shall thou be established?
Thou shalt be far from oppression and thou shalt not fear and from terror for it shall not come the now.
So based on that, what should be your mental state concerning the pandemic?
You got, you got what I’m saying?
Now, if there is fear, it’s because the devil planted a fair tree in your mind that is producing and it has you fear it.
So what I gotta do is I gotta uproot that tree and plant this one in here.
He said, thou shalt be far from oppression.
The oppression is something coming in where on the mind? He’s not talking about your spirit.
He’s talking about your mind. Devil can’t get to your spirit.
He talked about your mind and the only way you can get to your spirit is through your thinking.
And so uh to, to try to uh make it produce faith of whatever happened.
So this oppressive thought or this fear thought of what’s gonna happen to me didn’t come from God.
And that’s why he’s having so much havoc out here with the pandemic because people have no defense against the fear that opens the door.
Does it does make sense to you here?
You have no, no, no, no, no, no, no defense against it.
And, and so now what I’ve got to do is I’ve got to renew my mind.
All right, And as I do that I begin to decree or speak words or he told Joshua meditate.
And when I meditate it, what I’m doing is not only building faith because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God in my spirit, but I’m renewing my mind.
I’m putting a different tree in there. I’m putting a different belief system.
I believe that this thing can’t touch me.
Now, let me show you how far Paul went up in that whole area.
Look at Genesis of Acts chapter 28. And let’s go down to verse three.
And when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and laid them in a fire, there came a viper out of the heat and fashioned to his hand.
And when the barbarians saw the venomous beast hanging on his hand, they said among themselves, no doubt this man is a murderer who though he had escape the sea.
Lord, he yet vengeance suffered not to live and he shook off the beast into the fire and felt come on no harm.
How be it? They looked and when he should have swollen or fallen down dead suddenly, but after they had looked great a great while and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds and said that he was a God that is manifesting His glory is taking you back up to the level.
God made Adam, no evil shall befall you.
The snake couldn’t even poison him.
Now that comes with a tree.
Now you, you let’s look at um Luke chapter 17 again and verse five and six.
And then we’re going back to Luke chapter one and verse 44.
And the apostle said to the Lord increase our faith. Why?
Because he’s telling them keep forgiving people, keep forgiving people. Why?
Because he’s sending you where into the world, he’s sending you into the world.
What the devil doesn’t like you in the world? What is he gonna do?
He’s gonna use people to speak to their mind and tell them to call you the N word.
You got what I’m saying. Now, if you react to that and don’t rest in Galatians chapter 5 22 mean the supernatural uh disposition of God and you don’t rest in long suffering.
Come on in love. Come on in peace and joy.
If you don’t rest in that, then you’re gonna be a victim.
That enemy will have you where you want you. They Yeah.
Am I making this thing clear?
And the Lord said, if you had faith as a grain of mustard seed, you might say into this sy tree.
Be thou plucked up by the root, be thou planted into the sea and it should what obey you?
The Greek says it would obey you. Ok. Now, let’s see what he’s talking about with this tree.
Psalm chapter one verse one, blessed is a man that walk not in the council of the ungodly or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of the scornful.
But his delight is in the law of the Lord and in that law does he meditate?
How long you’re gonna meditate? Now, you’re gonna transform what you believe and he shall be like a what tree planted by the what rivers of water?
Let’s just stop right there. So you’re gonna plant another tree. A tree is your belief system.
You can’t see it but invisibly it’s a tree in you in a tree.
I see men trees walking. You’re a producer.
So a tree produces fruit and you wanna bring forth what, how much fruit, how much say it louder.
You wanna bring forth much fruit, much of what the word says. You wanna be in your life.
OK. Now, so back here in um uh Luke and Luke chapter 17 verse six, he is saying, wait a minute, you’re gonna say to this tree, you’re gonna say to the tree, what are you gonna say?
You’re gonna say what God says. God wrote what he says.
So that you can only say what he says.
And when you say what he says, you sow when you say you sow again, when you say you so, so I can’t, so I can’t ever forgive him.
I can’t sow that because if I say it, I’m gonna, what, I’m gonna sow it.
So I can’t say it. Now. Where did I why did I start saying it?
Because Satan, if you got a wrong thought, put your hand over your mouth. He’s still affecting my thinking.
He’s telling me I cannot forgive them.
But I’m gonna have to listen to my father’s voice and the father said, I want you to be like me.
Matthew chapter six verse of chapter five and verse 44. I want you to be just like me.
If I can forgive you for cussing and, and turning your back on me, then you can forgive them.
If I can forgive you for all the stuff you did that I won’t even tell nobody about, then you can forgive them because I’m making you to imitate me.
But I say unto you love your enemies, bless them, that curse you do good to them, that hate you and call you the N word and pray for them which spitefully use you and persecute you that you may be the Children.
Come on the Mozart of your father, you’re gonna act just like your father.
When he comes, we shall be like him. That’s the glory.
Now I’m saying to you that this is gonna be the way that we’re gonna take Dominion and take back all this stuff that the devil has stolen that we’re gonna have to invest in this particular way.
Now, let’s go back to Luke chapter 17 and verse six.
And the Lord said, if you had faith as a grain of mustard seed.
You might say so when you first lay it out there, it’s, it’s so small.
What you just said is so significant, insignificant against the mountain that you’re talking about that’s been built in our lives until we don’t think that it’s doing much good, but it is, your future is always contained in your seed.
And so what you have to do is say, OK, my grain of Matzah seed here, you might say into this Symon tree.
What’s Syam mine a of mine. We used to call them black Marberry trees where I came from.
That’s a tree that is not the berries look like blackberries, but they’re not fit to eat the bird, just eat them all the time so forth.
And so you’re gonna say to a tree that’s in your life that’s producing a lifestyle that’s not fit to eat, that is not fit for you to live.
You’re gonna uproot the whole tree you’re gonna make it.
So there is no evidence that you were ever thinking like that.
Come on, Jesus came first John chapter three verse eight.
He came to undo put it up there in the amplified. Please.
He came to undo the works that the devil had done.
The reason that the son of God was manifested, visible was to undo, destroy, loosen and what dissolve the works the devil had done.
Yeah. Everything Satan did in your life. God’s gonna undo it. Yeah.
Why? So that you can walk in his glory.
Yeah, Adam didn’t have blood. He had, he had glory in his veins.
He didn’t get blood until he sent. That’s why he said life is in the blood.
All right. So, so if you look at this are y’all with me so far here.
So I, I gotta undo some stuff here and, and I got to get this, this tree out of my life, which is causing me to function in a way that uh is not pleasing to God and it’s causing me to be scared of stuff.
And all of that psalm 91 verse five. Ok.
Yes, it’s causing behavior in my life that keeps me captive.
Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror by night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the of the pestilence that walker in darkness nor the destruction was at noonday.
1000 shall fall at my side and 10,000 of my right hand, but it shall not come by me.
Now, you can put in your notes diplomatic immunity only with my eyes.
Shall I behold to see the reward of the wicked because thou has made the Lord which is my refuge even the most high my what habitation?
There shall no, there shall no, there shall no evil before me.
Neither shall any plague come, not my dwelling. Now, what do you want to do with that?
What do you want to do with that?
See, now, you gonna want to meditate that because I, if I’m scared of stuff, then there’s a tree there that shouldn’t be there.
See. Now, look at Luke chapter one and this is verse 44.
This is when um, the angel told Mary, you know, you’re gonna have a child.
Now, I know what she did. She meditated Isaiah chapter six. It says the virgin shall conceive.
See, and she met, I’m, I’m telling you what she did.
And so he said to Fort Lowe, this is our cousin Elizabeth who’s six months expecting for lo as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears.
Uh The babe leaped in my womb for joy and blessed is she that believed for.
There shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.
Now now watch it if I give you the word and you believe it, virtue is released that will cause a performance of what was promised.
Got it. All right.
Let’s look at, let’s look at this woman with the issue of blood going down to Mark Mark chapter five and verse 25 a certain woman which had an issue of blood.
12 years had suffered many things of many physicians and had spent all that.
She had was nothing better, rather grew worse.
And when she had heard of Jesus came in the press behind and touched his garment for, she said, if I may touch but his clothes, I shall be stop right there.
Put that in the amplified plea for. She kept saying now what is she doing? What is she doing?
What is she doing? She had a grow worse image. She was on her way to the graveyard.
But what did she do for?
She kept saying now I’m I’m planting a seed and meditating.
Come on, I’m transforming what I believe, see what she believed.
She believed what she heard when she had heard of who Jesus?
And she kept saying, if I may touch his clothes, what’s gonna happen to me?
I shall be what whole and straight away the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.
And Jesus immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him turned him about in the press and said, who touched my clothes?
Now look at that verse because notice what happened when she believed it, she caused virtue to flow that cause a performance of what was promised.
Now, how did she believe it? She kept what saying it?
Now the enemy tried to get you not to not keep saying that because you, you know what you’re saying, you’re speaking what we call the word of faith and, and what you’re saying is what God said was done.
He said, you’ll be far from oppression. He said, you will not fear.
He said that you’re gonna say what he’s saying and the devil will tell you, you lie.
Now, how can you lie saying what he said? I don’t care what your condition is.
What you’re going to say is what he said. Because his word is designed to deliver you.
It’s designed to heal you. It’s designed to prosper you.
Well, praise the Lord.
I trust that you enjoy that blessed teaching. Now, this teaching is, is, is different.
I mean, when we’re talking about the glory of God, we’re talking about the full potential that a person has.
So when you exercise the full potential that you have, then it glorifies God because it lets God be your source.
It lets God come through you and be manifested to the world, manifesting God’s glory.
And one point I want you to remember out of this teaching when you say you sow now each one of us lives in this earth and you cannot live apart from sowing and reaping can’t do it.
You have to live with what you sow you reap.
This is just the law that God put in the earth for Him to even get us back.
He had to sow his son to get us back. So it’s a law that’s always working.
So when you say you sow because words are seeds. So when you say something, you actually saw it.
So you gotta watch what you say because you’ll get that harvest. It’s a powerful teaching.
You need to get it today. Praise God. Well, this is Bill Winston.
Until next time we’ll see you then keep walking by faith.
I’m saying your days of lack are over.
Your days of toiling are over.
Your days of being without answers are over your days of being. Looking back in your past are over.
God’s gonna have you now with a bright future, you’re not gonna only have commitment now to the word of God, but creation is going to come out of the word of God.
Not only creation comes out, success is gonna come out and you are going to be impactful in that neighborhood.
God can do things we never thought he could do if we are willing to decree a thing and it shall be established.
You won’t decree things, you won’t say things over them Children. This is the glory of God.
This is the Eden way you will act. You’re gonna start taking your kingdom, authority and rearranging this earth.
Today’s dynamic message manifesting His glory is filled with revelations that will transform your life and bring you into the best of God.
But you’ve only heard a portion of the message to get this full series in its entirety on P three or CD on MP four or DVD order today by calling 1 807 119327 or go online at Bill Winston dot org.
Get your copy of this powerful truth today. Hello, this is Bill Winston.
I’m inviting you to our annual Business and leadership conference.
This conference we’ve been having for years, started out first, but we had a man named Peter Daniels.
He came and spoke to us about business and about leadership. It started then and it’s still going now.
We believe the unbelievable we ought to be the greatest entrepreneurs in history.
And I believe it’s time for us to win again.
I think it’s time for us to take back the economics.
I want to invite you whether you come virtual or you’re here in person. You got to be here.
This is gonna be on March the 25th and the 26th.
Now we’re gonna have speakers again that are going to be speaking on topics and giving you principles that can not only have you create businesses but scale businesses quickly.
Now these businesses will bring a sufficient amount of revenue that we can take part of that and lift the burden of suffering humanity.
That’s what it’s all about in the Kingdom. Kingdom, businesses.
Now, God’s growing these businesses because it’s all for the kingdom, the good of the Kingdom.
Praise God, but we want you to be here.
So again, that date is gonna be March the 25th and the 26th. We’re gonna have various activities.
We’re gonna have giveaways. We’re gonna have just an exciting time. You’ve got to be here again.
That’s the Business and Leadership conference. Our theme this year is Thy Kingdom come.
I want you to be here too. God bless you. Bill Winston saying, keep walking by faith.
The mission of Bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
We invite you to become a partner and join doctor Bill Winston as he trains believers how to live independent of this world system and have Dominion over it.
Thank you, Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers for your continuous support of the believers walk of faith broadcast.
Now, remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.