When the Enemy Celebrates Too Soon | Joel Osteen

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When the Enemy Celebrates Too Soon | Joel Osteen

This is what made David a champion, not that he didn’t have injustice, not that he never had bad breaks, things that weren’t fair, people that did him wrong, he knew how to get back up.
He dried his tears. He shook off the defeated mindset.
Told his men, get up, we’re going to go attack the enemy. He didn’t stay on the defensive.
Thinking that he’s seen his best days, his attitude was I have a destiny to fulfill.
This bad break didn’t stop my purpose. I know that god will make it up to me.
And that’s how you move forward when it’s unfair.
Not looking to people, not hoping your boss will feel sorry for you, not counting on your friend to make it up to you, look up to your creator, look up to the most high.
He’s the one that has beauty for the ashes.
He’s the one that can bring you out better than you were before. David and his men headed out.
They didn’t know where the amalekites were. Along the way, they found a man that was very sick.
They gave him food and water and asked who he was.
He said that he was a slave of the amalekites. They had left him behind.
He was too weak to travel. David said, tell me where they car, and I’ll spare your light.
He led them straight to the amalekites camp. God knows how to put the right people in your path.
He knows how to get you to where you’re supposed to be.
The amalekites were having a big party celebrating the victory, Sometimes the enemy celebrates too soon. Don’t worry.
If you see them celebrating, god is not finished.
David and his men attack The scripture says they recovered everything they had lost.
All their wives and children were unharmed. They got all their possessions back.
Not only that, they gathered up all the spoils from the amalekites.
That’s what happens when you don’t let an injustice, a bad break, a loss, cause you to get discouraged and settle where you are.
But what stops us many times is we have a good reason to be sour.
A good reason to give up on our dreams Had a bad childhood. Person walked away.
The company let us go. Wasn’t our fault that we got knocked down.
I understand that, but what I’m saying is it is your responsibility to get back up.
We wouldn’t be talking about David if he’d used that bad break as an excuse. He was honoring god.
He was not taking revenge against King Saul, He didn’t get bitter when his family left him out.
Would have been different if he is slacking all, compromising, doing whatever he felt like, but he was being his best.
A person of integrity, yet the bottom fell out. That’s a test.
Are you going to let it be an excuse that keeps you from your greatness?
Or you’re going to get back up knowing that god is still on the throne, that he has good plans for you that what tried to stop you was only setting you up for something greater.
I hope you enjoyed watching this clip. You can watch the full message here on our YouTube channel.
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