When Should You Defy the Government? | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
When Should You Defy the Government?
(from “The Heteros Basileus” – Part 3)
Message Of The Week – From the Book of Acts, an amazing phrase coined by a pagan and yet has everything to do with your walk – and even the cultures and times in which you live.
Wednesday, November 1, 2023 – The Mystery Of Barbie Ishtar Tammuz Ken
Shalom, to you my Friend and Co-Minister in the Great Commission…
I know. You’re thinking why am I writing about something as innocuous as Barbie [some of you may already be aware of where I’m going if you’ve seen the video posted on the web] but this actually is going to be a spiritual and even heavy message.
The biggest movie of this past summer and cultural phenomenon was Barbie. What possible controversy or concern could there be surrounding such a thing? Much. First, the movie was, in effect, a propaganda piece for radical feminism. The movie featured dialogue that sounded like something lifted from a manual on radical wokeness, if not Marxism. Men were depicted as the problem, enemies, and dangerous. Women were to stay with women and let men stay with men.
Particularly disturbing was the opening scene, in which girls mimic the apes of the movie 2001 A Space Odessy. The girls are playing with baby dolls, caring for them, nurturing them, mothering them. Then a colossal statue or idol of Barbie appears and causes the girls to begin smashing their baby dolls, breaking open their skulls. At that, the name Barbie appears.
The underlying message is girls need to reject motherhood, and babies are a hindrance that are to be disposed of – a message that is, unfortunately, totally in keeping with a culture that has disposed of over sixty million children. Though I write primarily about the movie and not the doll (and this is not to condemn those who have had Barbies), the doll itself has interesting connections. For those who have read The Return of the Gods, you know that the widespread presence e of figurines representing adult women was a common feature of the pagan world – most notably, images or idols of the goddess Ishtar. Ishtar was a prostitute. Barbie originated from a German sex doll named “Bild Lilli.” Bild Lilli was a sex worker or prostitute.
In the lore of Barbie, Ken is a secondary figure, an accessory. In the case of Ishtar, her boyfriend Tammuz, was a secondary accessory to the goddess’ mythology. In the movie, Ken is not only rejected but vanquished. In the myth of Ishtar, Tammuz is likewise vanquished.
Ishtar, being a prostitute worked against the bonds of marriage and motherhood. So, too, Barbie represented a move away from the ideal of marriage and motherhood and now, in 2023, a move away from men and the male-female foundation of life itself. In the movie, marriage is rejected as are motherhood and men. It is all part of a deluge of family and children’s entertainment aimed at indoctrinating the next generation. What does it mean? These are the last days. And we have to live, pray, act, and stand even more so as lights against the darkness. Let us pray this month, all the more, for the next generation and for the revival of this nation. And may God greatly bless you as you do!
Your brother and co-laborer
in His love and service,
- How to Walk as a Living Blessing | Jonathan Cahn SermonTháng 7 26, 2024