When God Puts You On Hold | Jentezen Franklin

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Thank you for joining us on Kingdom Connection. I’m Jensen Franklin, and I’m excited about today’s program. I believe you’ll hear some amazing testimonies and witness a traditional baptism service in just a few moments. But first, I’m going to preach a message that I truly believe is a word for your life right now.

Many of you may feel like you’re on hold, as if nothing is happening. It can seem like all your plans and hopes are slipping away. You may even wonder, “Has God forgotten about me?” This message is for you! Even though you may feel stuck, know that God is working behind the scenes. There is a breakthrough coming your way, and God is using where you are right now to fulfill His promises and blessings in your life. God’s timing is always perfect, and if you hold on, a midnight miracle is coming your way.

Together, we aim to inspire people to live for Jesus. If you’re seeking more in life, longing for purpose, peace, or wanting to make a difference for your family and those in need around the world, Jesus is the answer. Our mission is to point you to Him.

You’re watching Kingdom Connection with Jensen Franklin. Let’s look at Acts 16:25: “But at midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly, there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken. Immediately, all the doors were opened, and everyone’s chains were loosed.”

This happened at midnight, and I want to preach to you today about what to do when God puts you on hold. In the midst of prayer and praise, God suddenly invaded the prison, opening doors and breaking chains. The tension of your current situation, like the tension in a violin string, can either create beautiful music or break you down. Sometimes we find ourselves in an in-between place, where God has us on hold, but it’s a pivotal moment.

Paul and Silas didn’t know at 11:59 that everything was about to change. They praised despite the pain. They were in a dark place—literally at midnight—but they had no idea that, in just a moment, things would turn around. And that’s what I’m preaching about: when God has you on hold, you’re just one minute away from a breakthrough.

If you’re at 11:59, don’t lose hope. Keep moving in the right direction. Keep praying, keep praising. Great leaders, like the apostles, made it through their 11:59 moments and saw breakthroughs at midnight. In Acts 16:6, Paul tried to go to Asia, but the Holy Spirit forbid him. Have you ever tried everything and still received a “no” from God? When God closes a door, it’s working for your good. A closed door is just as much a part of God’s plan as an open one.

Paul found himself in God’s will, even when it seemed like a setback. Sometimes God closes doors to direct you to His perfect timing. If it hasn’t happened yet, it’s not time—but that doesn’t mean it’s not part of God’s plan. You may be in an 11:59 moment, but remember, midnight is coming, and a miracle is on the way. Keep believing, because a breakthrough is closer than you think!

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