What A Message We Have In Jesus – B

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What A Message We Have In Jesus – B

Luke 9:1-9

Jesus and His ministry is greater than any other. It’s a message of salvation, and unstoppable through the ages. People who hear it will have to decide on their own whether or not they will receive it.

You know what John Macarthur said it perfect for me. I understand this perfectly.
John Macarthur said for those who are called to the ministry that the pulpit has chains, you know, chains that you’re chained to.
He says, the minister who’s called to preach the gospel and teach the word of God is chained to the pulpit.
He can’t go anywhere. But the chains are velvet. But he said they’re chains nonetheless.
I know exactly what he meant.
The touch of the velvet is comforting because you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing, but it’s terrifying but you got to do it comes the chains, you got to do it.
What is it in your heart? Christian. I’ve got to see the homeless fad.
Then do it with all of your heart to the glory of God.
Believer you are called and we never think about leaving that or quitting on that.
I mean, let me change that. We do think about quitting.
I quit every Sunday after third service and Lisa talks me out of it in a few hours.
It takes her a few hours to nurse me back to sanity.
But the next thing I want you to stand.
This is the message is ordained by God is that it’s ordained to be on the offensive.
The word of God, the con that God has put us to complete it is on the offensive.
We need like this. I think we need this more than any other time in Christianity.
You and I need to hear this church. The Bible, your heart, your life is to be on the offensive.
Do you guys know what I mean by that?
It means that we are to be the ones advancing, we are to be the ones advancing.
We are to be the ones as Christian spirit filled.
I think we are the ones that ought to be running the corporations because we have the brain that’s connected to our great God.
He’s given us the brain. We ought to be the best students in school.
The Christian should be the best.
Hey, the Christians should run for political office and let his views be expressed. Everyone else is doing it.
What about you? And I, the Christian who is weak and the Christian who doesn’t understand his place in the world and doesn’t sit to find his calling backs up and hides, draws the curtains, hides behind the garage door and never gets involved in the day to day living of life where God is at and quite frankly, where Satan is at, it’s where it all comes down.
And Christians, we need to be involved like never before. Look at this man, this is serious.
Look at verse one there that he gave us power and authority over demons and to cure diseases.
We are to pray for the sick.
Listen, it doesn’t mean that every time we pray for somebody that they’re going to be healed, he told us to do what, pray for them.
And I got to tell you I’ve seen enough people healed when I pray for them.
Not always, but I’ve seen enough people healed that when I pray for somebody, now I pray for them.
And I thank God in advance.
Lord, thank you for what you’re going to do in my brother’s life in healing him.
But Lord, if you choose not to heal, we thank you for what you’re going to do in that.
Also in jesus’ name, I’ve seen God do both to the glory of God.
It doesn’t mean we sit there and stroke our beard.
And I mean, if you have one stroke it and think well, you know, Willie or won’t he?
You know what? That’s for a bunch of cowards, quite frankly, get up and pray that God would heal those who have diseases.
Don’t sit there and think about it. Well, you know, he looks pretty sick to me. Yeah, he’s sick.
All right. Somebody should pray for him. Christian, pray for him.
And then demons, what a the Bible says, preach the gospel and deliver those who are possessed.
Somebody comes like we talked about a few weeks ago, Jesus showed us how if somebody is possessed, freaking out, foaming at the mouth, chewing on your ankles, you should probably think about exercising your power as a Christian in Jesus Christ and saying get out of here in jesus’ name.
I mean, I don’t mean the man but the demon God wants to set him free.
You see, is this in the Bible? It’s right there.
Power and authority over demons and to cure diseases. Our church history is awesome Christian.
It’s full of such wonderful exploits for God. The Bible says, and I’ll quote it, paraphrasing it.
You can look at it later. Matthew chapter 16.
You know it, well, when Jesus took his disciples to Cesar of Philippi, that was, what was that like at that time today?
It would be like going to, it was a spiritually weird, weird place. A lot of demons.
A lot of cult worship, accessory of Philippi, Satanic things, strange stuff. And yet Jesus takes the disciples there.
It would be like going to, have you been to Sedona, Arizona? It’s a beautiful place.
But wow. Um certain places just really spiritually funky.
Weird people walking around with pyramids on their heads and facing certain stars. Don’t touch me, don’t talk to me.
What are you doing? Regulus is moving right there and I’m right. Hang on. Don’t touch, I’m seeing this stuff.
It’s like, what are you doing? Weirdness? Strange when Jesus took the disciple’s accessory of Philippi.
It was a freaky weird spiritual place and that’s where he takes them.
And then he says to them, who do men say that I am right in the middle of the whole thing.
All these people are shouting to Diana and into Jupiter to Zeus.
And Jesus says, hey, who do you say that I am? Isn’t that great? Jesus is so subtle?
Well, some say, some say, some say, and they go through these offerings of who we might be.
And Peter touched by God says, you are the Christ, the son of the living God.
Jesus goes on to later say, I tell you what upon based upon what you just proclaimed, Peter, the gates of hell shall not prevail against my church.
Watch this, the gates of hell, Cesari Phillipi was known by the Jews because it was so pagan as the guess what gates of hell?
You know what’s cool about a gate? A gate doesn’t get up and go anywhere.
Have you ever seen a gate running around? No, a gate is for the defensive.
Jesus never said that the church was like a gate.
He said, the Kingdom of Hell was like a gate. And here’s the thing your life.
The gospel is to advance into every area of the world and to hit those gates, gates are great targets.
They’re stuck there. They’re fixed the Gospel advances.
And Jesus says, hell is going to tremble when the kingdom advances, it’s going to hit the gates of hell.
They will not prevail against my church. That’s awesome.
We need to hear that today with all the lunacy that’s being spread out there.
Death to you, death to this death to America. Kill all Christians. Wait a minute.
The gates of hell shall not prevail. Will somebody die? Christians always die throughout all of history.
There’s persecution everywhere at all times but listen, will darkness win in the end.
No, will the enemy prevail will Satan win. No.
Now, I don’t know about that, but that’s enough for me. I can leave right now. God bless you.
Have a nice day. It’s over. Let’s go to the beach. It’s incredible.
Satan’s going to lose technically lost already. He’s just panicking right now.
Verse two teaches us that the message is ordained by God. Ordained to be always dynamic.
That is always dynamic. He sent them to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick. All right.
Church. Were these guys doing this three years earlier? Answer? No. Did they dream about it?
No, they didn’t even know about it. I love this.
Jesus says, OK, I’m getting out of the plane now. I’m going to sign your book.
You guys go, it says he sent them, you go do it.
I don’t, you love to see these spaces go.
Do what i it’s time to go but you’re going with us, right? Mama stay here.
You go. Um Do you remember when God told Moses?
I want you to go now get the people and go? Moses was cool.
Moses says, you know what, I’ll get the people together but I ain’t going, excuse me, I’ll get the people together, but I’m not going to go.
What do you mean? You’re not gonna go? Moses says I’m not going.
You said you’re gonna send your angel with this? I don’t want your angel.
I want you to go with this. Isn’t that a great argument?
Don’t you think God wanted to lose that argument? I think he did.
All right, Moses, I’ll go with you. We won’t give you some wimpy angel.
I’ll go with you and the Lord went with Moses. I don’t know, man.
Jesus says you go, I want to say, Lord, you’re going to go, right?
You’re going to hold my hand. How many of you are parents? Raise your hand? Oh my.
Have you ever taught your kid how to ride a bike?
I’ve seen the most holy Christians turn into full blown liars at the moment.
You’re going to teach your kid how to ride a bike and I was the biggest liar of them all.
I got Rebecca on a bike and I’m holding the back in the seat and she’s peddling.
She thinks she’s riding. You know how that is. You’re holding the bike, you’re totally controlling the whole thing.
You don’t even need her on it. And you’re walking along like this, right?
You can turn it and you can do anything with the chair, with the seat.
If you’re holding the seat, you can do anything and you’re holding it and then, ok, let’s go down the streets.
Ok. All right. Daddy? What? I’m afraid I’m gonna fall. You’re not gonna fall.
You’re going along. Ok, let’s go a little faster. Now.
Come on, let’s go a little faster pedal. Don’t let go. Daddy. I’m not going to let go.
Not, I’m not going to let go. I’m not going to let go. Don’t let go.
And you’re going faster and they’re starting to feel it.
You know, they’re starting to get it, you know, it, mom and dad, if you’re a young mom and dad, listen, this is free, I’ll give it to you right now.
Listen, watch, you know, when they’re starting to get it because they’ll start going. Don’t let go.
Don’t let go what they think they can, but they’re not sure.
Get in the airplane, go around and land. I don’t know about this.
You can do it, you can do it and then you go like this, don’t go.
Daddy don’t let go. Ok, I’m not letting go. I’m right behind you and she’s going all right.
And then they’re going great and then they look, boom and then you got to do incredible diplomatic patching up.
Look, I, you did it. You didn’t need me.
Do you see and you got to, you know, eat your words and all that stuff, but they get it down.
Jesus says, go and they want to, I’m sure they’re saying you’re going to hold our chair, right.
You’re going to hold the seat the whole way. This is exactly how we feel.
Listen, it’s that place that we, as Christians rarely break in our lives.
We know Jesus and we love him and all is fine.
Just don’t let go of my chair, my seat, Jesus and he wants to let go so that you can find out exactly what the authority and the power of the kingdom is all about and you’ll never know and you’ll live forever in a Christian sleep.
A stupor as it were. Oh, you’re going to heaven. Praise the Lord.
But you’ve never seen or felt what it’s like when he says yes, through me, you can do it.
What do you think? Paul said? I can do all things through who Christ who strengthens me.
That’s exactly what he’s talking about.
You can take off and land or go around the block on your own because Jesus is saying I’ve trained you to do that.
It’s part of the gig Christian. It’s awesome. It’s a great feeling and it’s truth.
My joy is the fact that Jesus sent them to preach the kingdom.
It’s not our message and to heal the sick. We can’t do that.
And that’s the best news of all. It’s not about us and it ain’t by our power.
Isn’t that good news? I don’t think I’m smart enough. I don’t think I’m strong enough.
I don’t think I’m spiritual enough. It’s not by us.
He sent them Ephesians 3 20 and 21 says now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think according to the power that works in us, to him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations forever.
That’s us right now. This morning, that’s a great verse for practicing the presence of God in our lives.
Practicing the presence of the Lord is Psalms 16 8 where it says, I have set the Lord always before my face.
Christian. When you drop that verse down, Psalms 16 8 and nine.
David says, I have set the Lord always before my face.
The word of God thoughts prayer, the Lord’s before my face church. We need to physically do this.
I kid you not write out prayers to the Lord or grab some verses, print them out and put them on your car, your speedometer, put them on your mirror.
When you shave in the morning, I told you about this before and I’ll say it very quickly.
I had a, I had a murderous temper all my life.
And when I became a Christian, that was the thing that was just impossible.
And my mirror in the morning, my mirror when I went to go shave, had scriptures all over double sided tape.
I would put scriptures all over my mirror and I had a hole where I could shave and see myself all around was scriptures that gave me hope in conquering my temper.
What it is in your life may be different but get verses that apply to it and cover your mirror with it.
I’m telling you, I had the Lord always before my face practicing the presence of God is the only way the disciples needed to learn that they were going to be learning that.
And so they went preaching and looking for every opportunity. What did they do?
What did they preach in Matthew 4 23 they preach the good news. Christian. Listen up.
You know what sets you apart from every other person on the planet of this earth is that you have the good news of God to share with the world.
Ain’t nobody got anything close to what you have in your heart.
Paul said you have this in earth and vessels, this treasure.
Matthew 4 23 says, and Jesus went about Galilee teaching in the synagogues and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
The word gospel is good news. Church, listen up, let the world hear it.
The world has forgotten many maybe Christians have too. The gospel is good news. Don’t know really.
It’s great news. It’s the best news. There’s no better news.
Well, what is it, it’s the kingdom in your life. Well, what does that mean?
The forgiveness of sins that God will take control? Save you, take you to heaven.
That life doesn’t have to be the way that it is that God will change your life and mind.
It’s good news. Who says Jesus says it’s good news. God says it’s good news.
You don’t have to think the way that you think you don’t have to act, the way that you act.
God changes us. I don’t know about you, but I knew me before and this is good news.
Have you been so removed from what you once used to be that you barely recognize who you are now compared to who you were.
Lisa was telling me about some of you ladies.
Maybe she wasn’t, I don’t know, you guys had a gathering recently and you shared your testimonies and it’s amazing because here’s this little flower of a beautiful Christian woman and she stands up and says, hey, I used to, I mean, I’m making this part up now, but I used to, you know, blow up things and shoot people and rob banks and here’s this little kitten of a person, you know, isn’t it awesome that now that we are Christians, we only know each other in Jesus Christ, the power of the Kingdom of God.
It’s great news. There’s no greater news and the Bible says over and over again.
Are you guys? OK, can you write these next verses down media booth. Get ready.
We’re going to run through these fast. Here’s the good news our lives can be changed.
It’s based upon this very, very wonderful word that nobody wants to say anymore.
It’s probably going to be illegal pretty soon. The way America is going.
A very famous TV minister said, I will never say this word in public.
Really? Well. Oh, he said because it’s not positive. Are you kidding me?
Listen to this. Don’t misunderstand the word in Mark 6 12, it begins.
So the disciples went out and preached that people should repent, repent. The word is meta Noia. In Greek.
It’s for ship masters and navigators on boats. They’re cruising along.
Here’s what the word means and this is the word, this is how the gospel lifted it right out of the normal day life.
Captain walks ahead. What?
There are big rocks ahead, turn the ship around.
We don’t want to hit the rocks, turning the ship around. You know what the word they used?
They didn’t get into a dialogue.
The navigator or the observers said, Meno, you know that man, the guy, the guy holding the wheel, the helm didn’t go.
Well, I don’t know if I’d feel like it. I don’t know. What do you think?
Shall we met a lawyer or not? Do you want me annoy?
I don’t want me anoa, they didn’t talk about it. There were rocks ahead.
The guy would just wheel that wheel around, turn the ship around. Let me get all goofy with it.
The gospel is first of all repents 319 meta Noia means change your direction, change your mind.
319, change your mind.
Therefore, and be converted, that your sins be blooded out so that the times of refreshing may come to you from the presence of the Lord.
Is that not good news? Are you guys with me? Are you awake? Is that not good news?
God just change your mind and you can be refreshed and have your sins together.
Pastor and Bible teacher Jack Hibbs here on real life radio with his message called, what a message we have in Jesus.
You know, this teaching today is part of Pastor Jack’s series called The Gospel of Luke.
It’s a series on the book of Luke and the unveiling of Jesus Christ to this world and we’ll continue on the next edition of Real life radio.
Hey, Pastor Jack, check this out. Me and me and pastor Jack in the studio together.
This is happening more and more. I like that. I really do. Hey, uh our book of the Month.
Can we talk about that real quick? It’s by Doctor A E Wilder Hyphenated Smith. A Wilder Smith.
It’s titled He Who thinks has to believe. I know nothing about this book. Help me with it.
You’re not the only one. Yeah.
Here’s the reason why by the way, first of all, it was written many years ago, Doctor uh Wilder Smith had uh seven doctorates.
He was a consultant to NATO, to the European Union.
But number one thing above all his passion and his love, listen uh for Jesus is epic and because of his genius, because of his brilliance, he took science and used it as an evangelistic tool.
So he has written many books. Uh some of them, most of you would never want to touch.
Not because it’s not good. It’s just because you don’t have the brain capacity. Nor do I.
For example, one of his books is uh uh titled a cynic Approach to the evolutionary Theory uh where he walks through the evolutionary claims by scientists and he applies science to their claims and absolutely debunks their claims based on just secular, right?
I say secular, just on science. So this book is a book that we have actually friends listen up.
We’ve never done this before. We tried to get it and it was out of print and we chased down permission Uh to get this book up.
And we, I think our first run was just around 7000 books we have right now.
And here’s why you’re gonna want it.
Here’s why we went through the effort to make it a book of the month is because if you have a junior higher high schooler and certainly a college age kid who is either struggling with the existence of God or is now being swayed to leave their faith or just doesn’t believe at all period in the supernatural, the uh creator God of the universe, you’re gonna want to read this book.
Here’s the reason why Dr Wilder Smith had the same troubles trying to communicate to people uh but they weren’t listening.
And so he broke away from his norm and he wound up taking the CS Lewis approach.
And that is this. He wrote an allegorical book called He who thinks has to believe and it challenges you uh to look around at your observable universe and he forces you to draw conclusions.
He’s gonna make you think while you’re enjoying an allegory.
The, the story is about a plane that goes down in a jungle and it begins there and you will be fascinated with the very, very CS Lewis chronicles of Narnia type of J R R Tolkien Lord of the Rings approach.
And it’s gonna, kids are gonna love the story, but it’s gonna come to a conclusion to where, oh my gosh, there must be a God because if I think I have to believe, if I choose to just simply amuse myself, then I can stay in unbelief.
Because if I’m amused, I never muse and to muse is to ponder.
So look, we’re sitting here just moments away from numerous Southern California amusement parks.
Why did we build them in the first place? Because we want to escape life in reality.
So instead of musing on our world, we created uh amusement park so we could go to a place and not think what Wilder Smith does with this is he gets you truth without you expecting it to uh arrive like it does.
He who thinks has to believe by doctor A E Wilder Smith.
It’s a great book and it’s our book of the month for the month of February.
You can get it for a gift of any amount at Jack Hibbs dot com. That’s Jack Hibbs dot com.
This program is made possible by the generous contributions of you.
Our listeners visit us at Jack Hibbs dot com. That’s Jack Hibbs dot com. Until next.

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