URGENT: Pastor Jack Hibbs Honors Dr.Charles Stanley After His Death!

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URGENT: Pastor Jack Hibbs Honors Dr.Charles Stanley After His Death!

Hey, everybody. It is with joy. Make no mistake about it.
Joy that I announced to you guys this morning.
If you haven’t already heard of one of the giants of the 20th and 21st century teaching of the Bible has graduated today.
He graduated this morning with honors and that is Dr Charles Stanley.
Went to go see his Lord and Savior who Dr Stanley served faithfully. Charles Stanley.
I can tell you, oh, for years that what he did to shape my understanding of the Bible, I’ve got several heroes of the faith that transformed and brought me into a deeper knowledge of Jesus.
And I got to tell you Dr Charles Stanley is one of them and I’ll tell you real quick why or how that happened.
When Lisa and I moved from Costa Mesa to Chino Hills.
Uh back in 1986 I would drive back to work uh in the new Port Beach area, John Wayne Airport for those of you who know.
And I uh I worked for 13 years at a medical research laboratory, but I had a 1967 Volkswagen.
I still have it, by the way, it’s actually the best looking car on the road. Sorry, sorry, Charles.
But Charles over here he’s got a nice car too.
But mine, him your car we can buy off the showroom floor. My car, it’s hard to find.
But I have no radio and I had a shoe box filled with cassette tapes and I had 11 box of cassette tapes and it was Dr Charles Stanley and I would put headphones on, which was totally legal.
I think in those days with my, with my cassette player that I bought at Radioshack and I would listen because I had no radio, I’d listen to an hour and a half commute there and an hour and a half commute back of Dr Stanley Chuck Smith, Adrian Rogers, um, James D, Kennedy Chuck Missler, I’d listen
to Hal Lindsey.
I would listen to Ray Steadman.
Um I’m probably missing some, oh, Doctor David Hawking back then at Grace Brethren Church in Long Beach.
Dr Stanley had a major impact on my life.
In fact, somebody reminded me recently and that dawned on me and I’d never thought about this before.
Part of just a natural response that I don’t even think about is when I sense that people, it feels as though when I’m teaching, people are not listening.
Maybe it’s when the sanctuary is too quiet. I’ll say, are you listening? Are you listening?
And it dawned on me that I got that from Charles Stanley.
You’ll, you’ll hear him, say it from time to time. And I, wow, he graduated today this morning.
He graduated with honors. He’s in heaven. Don’t be sad about that.
Uh You can be sad uh for his family of course, but don’t be sad about him.
I’m not sad. I’m rejoicing with the angels and with my brother Charles Stanley.
Uh the problem is uh we need more people like him and um there’s no way to fill his shoes.
So with that, um I want to encourage you guys today. Today is Tuesday, Matt.
When will the days start? So later today, we just had the honor of being on Days Star.
Uh You can check out your local listing on direct TV spectrum uh dish uh frontier uh Daystar TV.
I was on with, with uh Joni Lamb as we were talking about what’s going on in California and you should know that and um and then I’ll leave you with this uh with this rotten piece of news, I shouldn’t say rotten.
It’s rotten. All right. But it’s also an opportunity.
So the United Nations right now, the United Nations is hang on a second.
I’m looking for it. The United Nations is discussing children’s rights.
They, they’re calling it, we’re looking for it right now.
They’re calling it a United Nations Human Rights bill. What is it called? Principle 16.
Everybody mark it down. Listen, everybody. Principle 16. Get this out. Please get this out to the world.
Literally to the World Principle 16. What is it?
United Nations, the United Nations, listen, I’m talking to you from America. Who cares about the United Nothing.
That’s what that stands for, by the way, the UN, the United nothing or the UN stands for unnecessary.
The United Nations is a bunch of clowns.
If you’ve ever been there or if you’ve ever seen how they conduct things, it’s, you know what I can sum up the United Nations in one word, buffoonery, buffoonery.
So what they’re doing right now, they’re voting, they’re discussing a United Nations resolution or type of bill or type of legislation for the world.
Are you ready regarding you? Literally, you and your kid, me and my grandchildren that under human rights, if somebody wants to have sex with an underage individual, what’s the age map?
Do you remember? Um Well, it’s under age is they’re moving the consent age to the lower than 18.
So they’re gonna lower the age of consent, which has been basically internationally, other than some Muslim nations lower than 18.
They haven’t specified what age they’re going to stop at California right now is at the age of 12 is what they’re battling.
What we’re battling that a person can have sex with any heterosexual.
How do you know this heterosexual kid, L B G T Q trans or whatever they identify as you can have sex with them without any prosecutorial fear.
Uh And in other words, it’s going to be United Nations sanctioned sexual molestation of Children and it’s protected by the United Nations which they hope this goes to the, the World Court to protect pedophiles, reprobates, perverts, um, sick, deranged warped.
Last day’s. Uh, I’m, I’ve run out of words today.
Day star. We’ll talk a little bit about that tiny bit, but this is happening right now.
You guys, please get the word out. I don’t know, I don’t know how this technology works.
Can you take this and send it to your friends? Get it out there, can you?
In fact, so share it on Facebook. I’m being told you can share it on Facebook.
So check this out last Sunday. We did our first installment. I thought it was our only installment.
We did signs of the coming antichrist. Wow, I’m going to include this un thing next Sunday.
Listen, I’m not asking you to watch us or I’m not, I’m not asking you to, to come on over from some other church that you’re blessed by, but I, I will encourage you just for a moment.
Make sure that uh when you’re, when you’re done at your church or whatever or whatever the case might be, come over to our website Jack Hibbs dot com.
Watch the message of the, the signs of the coming antichrist and we’re going to be looking at this for the next maybe two, maybe two more weeks, three weeks total, last week in the next two weeks because this is 11 of it, this is part of it, the un initiating legislation or whatever they
can do an idea.
It’s demonic. It’s literally demonic to circumnavigate your authority as a parent so that your child can be raped by freaks.
Ok? Jesus said, if anyone harms the littlest or smallest of these that when he returns, Jesus said it would have been better for that person to have never been born than for that person in the day of judgment translation.
Can I can I uh Americanize that anybody messing around with a kid?
It would be better for that person to have never been born in the day of judgment when I grab them by the neck and throw them in the depths of hell, Jesus has promised that.
And so what does it mean to us? We are living at a time. Everybody.
It is energized by demonic activity sanctioned by satanic thinking and the legislators of your state and of your nation or acquiescent acquiescing to the un, the United.
Nothing to rape your child. Ladies and gentlemen, those are fighting words. How long will we take this stuff?
I’m sure by what I just said, it’s gonna pull me from Facebook. I’m gonna be sanctioned.
I’m gonna be hacked. I’m gonna be pulled off.
But you know what, I’m a pastor of a church and I’m a citizen.
I’m a father and a grandfather and I don’t care about woke is, it’s demonic and I don’t care about what people say.
Anybody harming a child. Jesus says is gonna go to hell.
And you think about that, if you’ve, if you’ve done that in your life, you better fall on your face before God and repent and cry out and ask him to have mercy.
But I don’t see the UN or anybody else doing that as a legislative group.
God help us. But family of God, it’s time to stand up and defend your home.
I’ll end with this. Paul the Apostle said, if somebody does not provide for their home, they are worse than an unbeliever.
Provide safety protection, spiritual input, prayer coverage, parental leadership, food on the table, love of mom, or love of dad, love of husband and wife toward each other.
If they don’t do that, the Bible says you’re worse than a nonbeliever, don’t be that person.
We’ve got a short period of time to fight before we get up out of here or before all proverbial hell breaks loose on earth.
These are the last days. So let’s fight together. God bless you guys and thank you Lord. Thank you Lord.
Thank you for giving us Charles Stanley for all these decades. No doubt.
He just recently heard this morning. Well done. Thou good and faithful servant.
We’ll see you guys Wednesday night and next Sunday spread the word


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