Underwhelmed and Overwhelmed | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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Underwhelmed and Overwhelmed

Message 2418 – Overwhelming

God is the God of overwhelmingness. And to know Him is to be overwhelmed. What does it mean to be overwhelmed in God? Discover the power of overwhelming and what it has to do with the Jordan River and your life.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

We often have a hard time with change. We want others to change their ways, attitude, behavior or opinion. We want our financial situation, our job or living situations to change. But the fact is that nothing has to change, but us; our hearts and minds. The only one who’s unchangeable is God. He says, “I change not.” But as for us, we can’t live our lives without changing. If we don’t change, we can’t grow and we die. Our whole salvation starts with change, repentance, becoming a new creation; putting away the old self, putting on the new and growing in maturity. Being born again is change. You’re the only thing you have to make sure changes and nothing else, not your situation, but you. We have no control over anyone else’s change, just our own. Open your heart, your life, your will, and your mind today, so you can change and become more like Him and be changed. Be a change for God. For God is the only One who changes not. That’s His job to change not, and He shouldn’t. But your job is to change.

But now a different realm. The word baptism comes from the word in Greek.
That’s just said also that means to be whelmed, overwhelmed, overwhelmed.
There is it’s the power of being overwhelmed.
The scriptures in the Psalms says, deep calls to deep, lord. Your breakers, they roll over me, overwhelm.
We’ve done baptisms. I’ve done baptism in in Lakes that had a real muddy bottom.
And that we were baptized in this guy who was like a foot, a big football player, And I
think it was a fitness instructor, weight lifter, that kind of person, heavy giant. The water was very low.
And we had to have him go back, and we did. It was a meeting in another way.
And he goes down, and he took us with him. We all vanished.
We were all baptized in with this guy, seeing the mother. We had to get him up.
We live in
a culture. We were overwhelmed. That is jaded so overloaded with sensory stuff that it becomes tainted to the wonders, the openness to god.
When something is new, people are amazed by it. I remember well, no. I don’t remember this.
I’m gonna tell you what
I remember this. I do not remember before my time. when television came out, people would crowd around stores
just to see. They would all crowd to see it.
Then they would have come over to people’s houses to see this amazing thing and you look
at the quality that it was terrible, but that’s what they did compared to now.
I remember when colored TV, though, was a big thing. And it was amazing.
All sorts of colors, wow, from television.
People with purple faces and and and you’d go to hotels and their main thing they would say, color TV.
Didn’t matter, you know, a lousy hotel. We have colored TV. People would rush to it.
I remember the first video game I ever saw.
I was in summer camp. We’re at a diner the first ever video game that I remember was called Pong.
It was ping Pong. It was just this two things and this, and it was
so we were amazed by it. today, it’d be nothing, but we were amazed by it.
In the same way, when you’re in love, you’re overwhelmed.
You can’t think about anything else. You forget to eat. You lose weight. You’re not sleeping.
Everything overwhelms you about the person.
Look. He he has 10 fingers. Wow.
Look how she breathes as she inhales, and then she exhales. And it’s overwhelming. You know, He’s so cute.
He left his sock in the microwave. That’s so cute. You know?
But when you get you people get married, they get used to each other.
that they’re not, you know, the 10 fingers doesn’t do it anymore, you know, and the wonder can be gone because you often get use what you get used to,
you can lose the wonder. But you can see it in the world.
You can see it in churches, underwhelmed churches. They’re not there’s no excitement about it. They they
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Thanks for watching, and I’ll see you next time.

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