The Worthy Walk – Episode 2

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The Worthy Walk – Episode 2

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This program is brought to you in part by the partners and friends of Preflow Dollar Ministries.
Coming up next on changing your world.
Quit looking at how things are now. That’s your state.
Your stance is what has been given to him by grace.
Your state where you are right now will not change your will not change your stance, but your stance will change your state.
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To make it a better place.
You today.
We are
changed. Having predestined us.
To the adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to himself, according alright.
So he predestined for us to be his sons according to his good pleasure.
Of his will. Somebody said, why did he do it?
Cause he wanted to.
It gives him pleasure.
To adopt all who believe as his sons and give you a privilege that you don’t deserve.
And now you’re privileged to cry, I’ll be fine.
This is nothing less than eternal enjoyment of god’s limitless love.
This position in his presence is that of a son.
This position in his presence is that of a son.
God has made himself determined according to the good pleasure of his will that in the eternal state, all believers shall be his sons.
So this is a family relationship.
Walk worthy of the family relationship.
This is a family relationship.
It’s a position that’s higher than any other celestial being There are no angels in the angelic class that have this position.
None of the celestial bins, none of the seraphims, No. No. No. Nothing.
Nothing in heaven carries this position.
And we forget about it on a daily basis as we proceed to conduct ourselves as if we’re not royalty.
You keep acting like you’re not born into this. Mafebo shift.
Was I believe the son of Saul, And he was crippled.
And they found out that Whomansfield, Jeff was, and it said bring him to the table.
Yes. Because by blood covenant, he’s a part of this family, and he’s a part of every privilege that he didn’t deserve or he didn’t earn, but because he’s been drafted into the family by covenant.
Everything that the king has on his table is now more feeble chefs.
A position
higher than any cholesterol being, including angelic beings,
you won’t really know who you are till you get the heaven.
And the devil’s trying to keep you from not knowing who you are while you’re on the earth.
For you to know and receive by faith who you are right now, you’re no longer having to make yourself abide in worthy conduct?
You do it because you recognize, oh, this is what I’m supposed to do.
What you realized you’ve been born in royalty?
You ain’t saying hey to people like that no more. Hey.
I’m I oh, wait. Wait. Wait. Woah. I’ve I’ve begun who I was.
The conduct follows the revelation of the position.
All this is because the believer is accepted of god.
Look at look at the verse 6. Look what he says in verse 6.
If he’s just one verse 6.
He says to the praise of the glory of his grace, to the praise of the glory of his grace, by which He made us accept it in the beloved.
It’s like when a son brings home a bride.
Though previously, an entire stranger, she was.
She’s accepted into the family because of her union with the son.
So I said, I I was saved when I was when I was single, and then I got married, and then I found out my wife won’t save.
Well, I’m sorry. She still is a part of the privilege.
She just got to now learn how to accept it and to begin to conduct herself like somebody that is now a part of the privilege.
See, some of y’all get too deep try to put people in hell too quick.
But when you marry somebody who has been privileged hallelujah to do it, they are already there.
They just got to accept it and then conduct themselves as they believe they really are now.
See, some of
y’all got a little problem with that document right there, don’t you?
Because you don’t understand what you have now. You didn’t have nothing to do with it.
Why are you beating everybody up?
And and and and and looking at their conduct, the conduct gonna be straightened out what you find out who you are, whose you are, and the privileges that you have.
So in the beloved sun, The believer also has redemption.
And he got it through his blood And the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of the infinite grace of god, look at Ephesians, 7.
But let’s, uh, he says here, in him, in him, we have redemption.
Not earned not deserved, I’m in him.
I have redemption through his blood, I am redeemed. I’m redeemed from sin.
I’m redeemed from sickness. I’m redeemed from poverty. I’ve been delivered from this. Been delivered from that.
Been delivered from that.
I had it already. Quit looking at how things are now.
That’s your state.
Your stance is what has been given to him by grace.
Your state where you are right now will not change your will not change your stance, but your stance will change your state.
That’s why the devil keeps attacking your identity.
He wants you to think you are as you behave.
It is your identity that will change your behavior.
If you start believing it by faith.
Well, see, where we are is, well, I’m a I believe I’m a bad boy because I act bad.
And then more behavior starts determining your identity.
And everything you do starts determining your identity, And before you know it, you have fixed your identity to line up with your behavior, and your identity is way above your behavior.
That’s why god said it. So before the foundations of the so that your stance would be able to change your behavior.
Instead of your behavior, trying to change your stance or your identity.
And we do this by gathering the church and comparing ourselves with one another and getting into self righteous and talking about where I ain’t never did that at least ain’t did that.
And you start comparing yourself amongst yourself, which means you you
you when you start comparing and measuring yourself with somebody else, then they become the ultimate measure in your life, and you lose your authenticity because you are you are comparing yourself amongst yourself.
As if they are the marker that that I’m gonna compare myself amongst myself.
And when I reach what I’m comparing myself with, then all of a sudden, you think you have made it.
And when you made it, you showed up at that measure just like that measure.
And now you don’t know who you are.
And god made you an authentic you, and you decided to pick somebody else to measure yourself by, instead of measuring yourself by what god has established in front of your life.
You keep doing that.
Look at the Feasians chapter 111 in the NLT.
Ephesians 1 in 11 in in l t. This is a big subject.
Now he says, furthermore, because we are united with Christ, See out loud.
I’m united with Christ.
Furthermore, we’ve received an inheritance from god.
Not going to receive not seeing if I can qualify to receive.
This is part of the position. This is part this comes with the position.
I’ve received an inheritance from god.
For he chose us in advance And he makes us every and he makes everything work out according to his plan.
La loud hamburgers. Uh let me read that again. Go back.
It’s just
You’re bringing nothing to the table.
We’re not we’re not we’re there’s nothing you can do with none of what just happened.
This all comes through his grace and favor.
Furthermore, because we are united with Christ, we have received an inheritance.
Every last one of you believers who I who got born again and you reminded me of Christ, you’ve received an inheritance from god.
For he chose us in advance. I have been chosen. You need
to be saying that too? Come on.
Not when I was good at good enough to be chosen.
I’m gonna tell you a little secret. I’m gonna read it to you
in a minute. But, wow. Lord of the Baptist. Wow. We were yet sinners.
Christ died for us.
For he chose us in advance.
And he makes and he makes everything Workout.
It’s gonna work itself out.
According see, that’s the deal.
You gotta get away from your plan and get away get get to his plan.
Too many of us are not considering god’s plan.
Somebody offers you a job in Wyoming, you go to Wyoming and work because the money is more, but god’s plan is in Atlanta.
You’re not considering god’s plan. Over that pandemic, I don’t care. I want god’s plan.
Because what’s gonna happen is god gonna work his plan out.
And then you get in Wyoming and then that butt whipping start And then all of a sudden, something happened, and you gotta figure out how to get back to Atlanta because he can work everything out according to his plan.
Now you can do what you wanna do, but god already knows us.
He said, I know you ain’t number dust.
See, that’s pretty good because you look it up, but god said, I know what your original substance is.
You ain’t number dust. You don’t even know where you’re going. That’s why I’m in ball.
In addition, an inheritance proposed by god himself after the count of his own will.
Now look at Ephesians 1, 13 through 14. Ephesians 1, 13 through 14.
Real quick. Phhesians 113 through 14.
Ephesians 113
through 14.
And now in him, you And now you gentiles have also heard the truth.
The good news that god saves you.
And when you believed in Christ, He identified you as his own by giving you the Holy Spirit, whom he promised long ago,
The spirit is god’s guarantee that he will give us the inheritance he promised and that he has purchased us to be his own people.
He did this so we would praise and glorify him.
The Holy Spirit has been given as a seal for this.
And as a guarantee that the inheritance shall be received.
That’s why he gave us the Holy Spirit.
Not for us to clown around that church. That was his seal.
That was his guarantee to let you know that the inheritance promised is real.
It’s easiest to this next thing. Put your seat. That’s all.
How did god do this. And why did god do this?
How and why did he do this?
Called us gave us an inheritance, was determined to make every believer’s sons, did it all through his mercy and his grace
Did not want you to bring nothing to
the table. He just wants you to receive it.
Now look at this. Ephesians chapter
2 versus 4 through 6 in the NLT. Follow me very carefully here.
This is big. I won’t finish the sermon today, but this is big. Verse 4.
But god is so rich in mercy. Yeah. Yeah. You don’t
you don’t even understand what you’re just saying here. Here’s what god here’s what god said.
He said every time you did something stupid and you deserve bad, it didn’t happen because he’s so rich in mercy.
Mercy is the bad you deserve you don’t get. And god says, I’m rich.
And that’s why you ain’t got it yet. Because I’m filthy rich in mercy.
I don’t have mercy on your sins. I don’t have mercy on your crazy.
I don’t have mercy on your foolishness. Don’t have mercy on your dumb talking.
I don’t have mercy mercy on your disobedience. I don’t have mercy on your violence. I don’t have
mercy on your violence. I don’t have mercy. I don’t have mercy.
He’s rich and mercy.
So while you’re sitting around waiting on the bed, realize that I’m a son.
I have an inheritance. I’ve been born into this royalty. He is my father. He is in mercy.
And he loved us so much He loved us so much.
That even though we were dead because of our sins, Watch this love?
He gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead.
It is only by god’s grace that you have been saved.
You ain’t saying because you’re good. You ain’t saying because you’re awesome.
You ain’t saying because you deserve it. You ain’t saying because you come to church.
You ain’t saved for none of that.
You saved because god’s grace raised Jesus from the dead so you can get something you weren’t made here to get until god’s grace showed up and raised Jesus from the dead.
If he didn’t raise Jews from the dead, all of us would be held by.
For he raised us from the dead, along with Christ.
What’s this? And seated us With him,
in heavenly realms.
You bless when our spiritual blessings in heavenly places, ceded us with him in heavenly realm because we are united with Christ.
You can’t be united with Christ and be treated differently than Christ.
Somebody said, that’s heresy. I’m reading the Bible.
You re you’re you’re re you’re united when Christ when Christ got up you gotta when Christ sat down on the right hand, you sat down on edible show.
That that’s why he said when you see him, you’re gonna be just like him because you see him as you are.
Do you get the fullness of what has happened?
He united me with Christ.
I’m anointed because I’m united with the anointed 1.
And you’re sitting up there letting burdens and yolks destroy your life when you have an anointing to remove the burden and destroy the yolk.
In fact, you don’t even know this, but Christ was not Jesus’ last name.
Christ is the anointed one who has anointed.
But now when we were united with Christ, I’m a gonna take it. That is my last name.
Crep Lo Dollar Christ. This is the most dangerous message you’ll ever hear.
Satan and his demons are screaming and plotting and planning to get you to throw all of this up and not believe it.
But from this day forward, I no longer move. As a mortal man.
Kiddabasha. I am a son of god with an inheritance and with all rights and privileges.
I mean, think about it.
The only reason you’re righteous is because he’s righteous.
How can Christians walk worthy of Christ?
In creflo dollars, four parts The worthy walk, he reveals how to keep Satan at bay and be seen as faultless.
What he wants you to do is recognize his work of grace and want to harmonize your life
in line with what he has done.
You walk where god is because you are in Christ, and he is in you.
You are continuously forever cleansed because you’re in Jesus Christ, and you are in the light and in the light, you can never be in darkness again.
This revelation series is available for a love gift of 25 US dollars or more for CDs or 35 US dollars or more for DVDs except Jesus’ finish works today.
Call the number on your screen. Scan the QR code or visit and clicky store.
There’s some things that God is healing even right now, healing in your relationships, healing in your body, something’s moving in the round of the spirit.
We’re going far in god. We’re going to where god has called us to be.
To prove the acceptable, the good the will of god. We’re transforming our thankings. We’re renewing ourselves.
God loves you.
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Be fresh, be bold, be empowered.
Creflo dollar global missions has fed clothe house and shared the gospel of grace with people on practically every continent.
I wanna take a moment to encourage you to visit our website and catch up on all the missions work we’re doing around the world.
You may never visit these places or witness the poverty and levels of human suffering firsthand, but your support prayers and selfless giving equipped us to go and to change lives for the better.
Thank you for caring enough to proactively take steps to stop misfortune in the lives of others.
And thank you.
If you want to support our global missions outreach endeavors, consider becoming a partner today by calling in or by visiting us online and signing up.
Thank you for partnering with us today.
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I don’t care what the mortgage person have faith in god.
If you can see the invisible, he can do the impossible.
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When you think about what coulda happened to me, what should have happened to me.
And now look at what’s available to me.
That’s enough for me to test something up right now all by self. I gotta give him the glory.
He saved us.
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Hopefully, you’re gonna choose so that heaven determine your thinking because whatever choice you make, then that’s gonna be your mentality.
For today.
You try to get in a horse game because because you just think they love you.
Ticking I have love. Uh, security.
Can you say that he’s a waymaker? Yes.
Can you say that he’s a god that sits It looks low. Yes.
As long as you think you can renew by yourself, You’re gonna just depend on yourself’s effort to do this.
Let the spirit renew your thoughts and your attitude.
Get the message of gray any way you want.
Streaming live on the creflo dollar TV app, mobile app, the changing your world podcast, in daily confessions on YouTube.
Stream service live, 10 AM EST on Sunday, with re airs at 2 pm, 6 pm, 10 pm Eastern Time.
The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners in friends of creflo Dollar Ministries.

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