The Wonder of Little Children | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Wonder of Little Children
Wednesday, September 20, 2023 – To Deal With Giants
Moses didn’t sit complaining about Pharaoh. He led his people out of Egypt. David didn’t sit with his brothers complaining about the Philistines and the state of Israel. He fought Goliath and reigned as king. The apostles didn’t spend time dwelling on persecution, the Sanhedrin or how bad the Romans were. They served the Lord and spread the Word. Some believers have a defeated attitude; a persecution complex, a paranoid attitude, a defensive attitude, overly conscious of and dwelling on evil. We’re to be aware of evil; the world, temptations and dangers. But we’re not to be focused on it; dwelling on it, getting an attitude of defensiveness. God didn’t call us for such a time as this to be defensive. Be on the offense; moving forward. You’re not a victim of the earth; you’re the salt of the earth. You’re the light of the world, not defeated by darkness. Stop complaining and start doing something. Get out your slingshot and run to that giant! Take that problem and the world head on, because God called you to not be overcome, but to overcome evil and the world with good.
So when you’re a little kid and everything is new, everything is amazing.
You know, we have still a little kid and, uh, Michelle, and he’s amazed by everything.
You never saw anything like it before because everything’s new.
When you look at you look at a you look at a ray a red crayon, it’s amazing.
When I was a little kid, your son, you can think back about how you saw things.
Picking up a rock. It’s an amazing. It’s a treasure. Insects. Oh, I loved insects.
I would bring them into the house.
My mother wasn’t, uh, amazed by it, but but, you know, I remember that, you know, beginning of school first day, I didn’t like it, but the smell of erasers, you know, These little things amaze you, but pretty soon, you get older, and you’re no longer in wonder.
The crayon doesn’t do it for you anymore. It’d be nice if it did. You know, oh, I’m depressed.
Hey. Look. A red crayon. Oh, wow. Thank you. Thank you. My life is falling apart. Here’s a rock.
You know, it would be great.
But it doesn’t do it because we get used to it and we lose the miracle of it every moment as a miracle.
So with salvation, you come to the lord Most likely, you’re amazed by god when you come to lord.
Everything is due. You know, at the beginning, you’re in awe.
The slightest thing, you know, god answered my prayer today. I can’t believe it.
You know, the slightest trace of god’s love, the slightest thing you go to worship. Wow.
Look at all these people. Look at this. Look at this.
But after a while, as you grow older in the lord, You can get you can lose the amazement.
You can lose the overwhelmingness. Worship’s going on. You’re thinking, why are they singing off key?
You lost they might have done that, but you lost it wasn’t about that.
I can’t believe they seated me they suited me next to this one, but they thought you lost the miracle.
It says, Messiah said, you must become like little children to be saved.
You must be like, what little children are always in 1 they’re in wonder. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you are blessed with the video.
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