The Stores of Heaven and Earth | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Stores of Heaven and Earth | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Jonathan Cahn shares Messiah’s parable about the stores of heaven and earth. This has everything to do with what you are doing now in your life. And how to be as serious about the Kingdom of God and the riches of Heaven as the rich in the world are serious about the riches of earth.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

You have to be as serious about the kingdom of God and the riches of heaven that as the rich in the world are serious about the riches of earth.
Then he said to them, be careful, watch out, be on guard against all kinds of greed.
A man’s life does not consist in how much he has. Okay.
So you have something back then.
This is a brother is concerned about the inheritance that still goes on to this day. Human nature hasn’t changed.
But he’s seeking to use Messiah to help him get what he what he thinks he deserves.
And, and the Lord say, uh, that’s not what I’m here for.
You know, and people seek to use Messiah to help them get more things.
And that is not what God has ordained. That’s not God’s will. And he said beware of greed.
It’s so easy to get into greed, money.
That is, that is the, probably the, one of the biggest idols that has ever been.
It’s not that money is wrong. Money is not wrong.
But the love of money or the goal pursuit of money, the bowing down to money, that is sin.
And it is there is a I might step on some toes here but there is a stream of Christianity or in the camp which tends to this and going into error.
That is the prosperity gospel that basically it has part of the truth but it doesn’t have the rest of the truth.
And you may be, you may have come out of it, you may still be.
There may be very good people and all that.
But, it is it is God’s will that we believe and he will provide. Yes.
And we are to be in faith and yes, yes.
But it is also God’s will that we don’t get everything we want.
It’s also God’s will that It’s not God’s will that everybody be rich in this world.
In fact it says most of them are not entering the kingdom.
That is not But in any case deeper than all that, you know Paul wasn’t, before that, Paul was not rich in the world.
He at times knew things. He was in jail at times. He had nothing at times.
But the thing is that, the bigger thing is when you make the focus of me getting, getting, getting.
There are ministries where they think it’s spiritual to show off your wealth. The, the pastor shows off that.
That’s not you as if that’s a sign of God’s favor. What about the person who doesn’t have? God’s favor.
That’s not the thing here. And there are, there are hoaxes and there are people who use this.
The person here showed me a letter from a televangelist And, and, and he’s saying send me He says I was just thinking about you.
And, and God told me that you need to send me seed money because then God is going to give you that blessing.
And the person thought that he wrote it specially for her. I said, no that’s not to you.
This is to everybody. The computer wrote it to everybody he wants money from.
But you can get greedy even in the Lord and lose sight. And you get, not just money.
It could be greedy for anything. For possessions. For, for attention, for whatever that is.
He said but a man’s life is not about how much he has. We still have that idea.
Even that, if someone says, you know, say well we’re rich, I’m poor, I’m middle, middle, I’m this.
That’s not who you are. That’s just things that you have. That’s not who you are.
Hey this person is well off. They may, they may have money. They may not be well off.
Being well off is not about you have money. It doesn’t mean you’re well off.
You may have very little money but you’re well off in God.
The thing is, if you have the Lord, you are born again. You are rich.
I don’t care what else you will have or don’t have.
The bank account, that’s nothing. That’s but God, yes.
In the Hebrew language there is not really any absolute way of saying I have.
They get around it. In the Bible it gets the translation gets around it.
In Hebrew they get around it but there’s nothing saying I have.
Instead the way in Hebrew you talk about things is you don’t have it, but it is to you.
I don’t have it, I don’t own a house but it’s to me.
I don’t have a car, it’s to me. Well that goes what the Lord says.
If you’re born again, if you’re his child, it says he works all things in the world to you, for your good.
For your good. It’s all for you, which and so the thing is if everything in the world is working to your good, if you let God do it, in Hebrew it’s to you that’s like having everything.
That’s as good as as owning the world. You are a child of the King.
That part is true about prosperity. You’re a child of the King who owns the cattle on a 1000 hills.
And even you don’t like cattle, he’s got other stuff as well.
It’s amazing because the Bible says it. Paul says, we have nothing yet we possess everything.
When I received, I remember at one point I received a letter in the mail saying, you’ve just won $2,000,000 It was this publisher thing, you know, and of course you didn’t win anything, you know.
But you’ve just won $2,000,000 you know, and I’m thinking well what what if I did or what if we Well what can I do with that for the ministry?
And that’s you know all legitimate but Then I realized I’m thinking about how we can do this, this.
I’m thinking, I just became $2,000,000 poorer. Because now I’m thinking I have it all sudden. Okay.
It’s not there. I just lost $2,000,000 The thing is, the thing is this, I didn’t need that.
Don’t become indebted to the world.
Don’t be focused on on I don’t have, I don’t have, I don’t have and forget what you have.
Anything you have in the world anyway is an illusion. You don’t really have it. You’re it’s borrowed.
You’re gonna use it for a while and that’s it. The richest person in the world doesn’t have anything.
They’re just borrowing something that they’re gonna lose when they leave this life at the very, at the very latest.
They might lose it before. So actually getting into greed and materialism and money, that actually makes you poorer.
Because then it’s, I need, I need, I need.
Your life he says does not consist in your possessions, except it does consist in one possession.
You you have one possession and that’s God.
You see when you own something it also owns you.
When you own it in your heart you’re all wrapped up in it. It owns you. You’re connected to it.
If anybody does something to it you get all bent out of shape. You’re afraid of losing it.
The enemy plays on that. When God had the 12 tribes come into the land he gave them each an inheritance in the land.
Land. Except one tribe, no inheritance. And that was the Levites.
And the Levites could have been, hey how come they get all this, we get nothing.
And he said no, you get nothing. I am not giving you an inheritance in the land. Why?
Because your inheritance is me. I am your inheritance. God wanted them free.
He didn’t want them involved in real estate. He wanted them free to be on, in God.
And that’s something too. The more you are free of things in your heart, you don’t have in your heart, the more you can be free to God.
You know one of the Hebrew titles for the Lord is owner.
Actually the word Baal means owner too. And at points God says I am your ba’al or your your owner.
If you call God your Lord you’re calling him your owner, meaning I am owned.
It’s not about what I, I am owned by God and so therefore, you know, I I am owned that means, but at the same time it says that God belongs to me.
So you belong to God and God belongs to you. You own He owns you and you own him.
You are his and he’s yours.
You see, you see we are, we are the life we live is an owned life.
And that also frees us too, because the more you are owned by God, I belong to God, the less you are owned by things.
And the less you could be owned by the enemy or this world, the less it has on you.
And so he told them a parable.
He said this, the ground, this is verse 16, the ground of a certain rich man produced a good crop.
Then he thought to himself what am I gonna do? I don’t have any place to store the crops.
Then he said this is what I’ll do. I’ll tear down my barn.
I’ll build bigger ones and I’ll store up all my grain and all my goods.
I’m gonna, it’s not only building more barn. He’s tearing down the old barns. This is kind of decadent.
Tearing down the old barn so you can have a new barn.
And he says to his self or his soul, he says, soul, you’ve got plenty of good things laid up for many years.
Take life easy. Eat, drink and be merry. That’s where we got that from.
Eat, drink and be merry.
Now it’s not saying it’s wrong to have things and it’s not saying it’s wrong to store things for the future.
It’s not saying that. What’s wrong with this is he’s putting his trust in his things.
He’s putting his trust in what he has.
He’s putting his trust in his money, his peace, his security is wrapped up there. And it’s temporary.
And it’s changeable. So the Bible speaks of the deceitfulness of riches.
At one point it talks about riches having like wings.
There may be people here, I’ve known people in the Lord, but one point had a lot of money and they lost it all.
Now, but God said to him, you fool, this very night your life will be required of you.
Then who will get what you have prepared all for yourself?
Here the guy was probably very practical, probably very worldly wise business, But the thing is God’s saying you’re a fool.
You may know all about money. You may know all about the world but you’re a fool.
Because you have prepared for all these things you made preparation but you have not prepared for eternity.
You’re more foolish than one who knows nothing about the world.
There’s all sorts of shows on the radio, on the Internet, television, on investing, bonds, IRAs and all sorts of stuff.
I don’t know half of it. Ginnie Mays. I don’t know what they are.
Annuity, but when they die it’s all gone. It’s all meaningless.
Now I’m not saying they can pass it on of course, but the thing is that you’re doing all this preparation for a few years and yet you’re not preparing for eternity.
And he says this very night you didn’t prepare and this is where you are.
And the Lord says this is how it’s gonna be with anybody who stores up things for himself but is not rich toward God.
Rich toward God. The guy was not rich. He was rich in the world.
He was not rich to God. He was poor.
Then Jesus Yeshua said to his disciples, therefore I tell you don’t worry about your life.
It’s not just for the parable. You know it’s not, you know this happens every day.
You know people die every day and they lose everything they have. He’s saying this is about everybody.
Don’t worry about what you can’t even keep. Don’t worry about what you’re gonna eat. Your body. Yes.
This is a plate. Yes. It’s part of life. But that’s not your life.
Don’t be like that guy.
He was all wrapped up in what he had or what he could lose. Why? Why?
Because number 1, you can’t keep it. It’s all a vapor in the air.
I mean it lasts a little bit but it’s gone.
Even when you have it you don’t really have it anyway.
Secondly it makes you a slave to worry. 3rd, it’s not the most important thing.
4th, if you’re worrying about your life, how to live, how do I survive, how do I get by, you’re not living your life.
Because if I’m living to live, if I’m living, I’m surviving to survive, what’s the point of my life?
I have to live for something that’s greater than myself.
I have to live for something that’s greater than my survival.
Because only that, only then can I live a life that is great?
People who live lives of greatness are those who are not living their life to survive.
They want to say there is something higher and I’m living for that.
Otherwise you can never be, you could have, you cannot even live a righteous life if you are, if you are enslaved to things.
Because the enemy can use that blackmailing you, say no you can’t do that because you’re gonna lose that.
You can’t speak up for God. You’re gonna lose your job. You can’t do this. They have It has you.
It’s like a blackmail. That’s why you can’t do that.
I mean how do people stand up to people like Hitler or Stalin or the Caesar?
Because they said you know what? My life is more important. Not about, about this. Not about surviving.
I’m living for God. And also another reason not to be all wrapped up in worry is it keeps you poor.
It keeps you in a spirit of fear and anxiety and worry. And lastly you’ve got something greater.
So he says don’t worry about what you’re gonna eat, your body, what you’ll wear, making ends meet.
Yeah, that’s part of life. God knows it he says. You know, God knows it.
He said, I He You’re his child. He knows it. But don’t live like that.
That’s living like a, like a poor orphan without a father. But you are not an orphan.
You have a father. So don’t live like someone who doesn’t have a father. And notice something.
It’s a command, you know. It says, you know, it is God says thou shalt not commit murder.
And here he says thou shall not worry. Do not worry.
It’s as much a command from God as murdering. Now, now you haven’t murdered. Most of you haven’t murdered people.
Some of you have, but that’s most you have not.
And so, but, but you don’t think anything about worrying. And yet God said both thou shall not. Do not.
You’re disobeying God. God doesn’t want you worrying. Or what you will wear. Your clothes.
How much time do you spend thinking about your clothes? Worrying about your clothes.
I know I don’t. I’m good in that area.
I know it’s hard for you to imagine this.
It’s hard for you to imagine the way I dress, the way I’m so exquisite, you know.
Um, I know that, but I barely even think about it.
I’ve worn shirts backwards and inside out at the same time, and I didn’t care even when someone told me, you know.
I’ve come in. And one time I preached here. I get to new clothes. I come in.
New clothes looks really good. Tags are still on there on television, you know. God says don’t worry about it.
Life is more than food. Life is more Your body is more than clothing. Consider the ravens. The birds.
They don’t sow. They don’t reap. They have no storeroom. They have no barn. Yet God feeds them.
They don’t go to work. They don’t bank accounts. God feeds them.
How much more valuable are you than a bird?
It says in another place God says not one sparrow falls down without God knowing it and God loves you more than that.
He has all the hairs of your head numbered.
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?
Have you ever added an hour? No.
In fact, the more you worry, scientifically, you will take away hours from your life.
And then you just said you can’t even do that. Why worry about the rest?
Another reason not to worry, it doesn’t do any good. It’s a lack of faith in God.
It’s anxiety. It’s negative. Be anxious for nothing. It’s not positive. It doesn’t solve the problem.
Consider, he says verse 27. Consider the lilies. They don’t labor. They don’t spin.
But I tell you even Solomon in all his glory was not dressed like one of these.
So if God clothes the grass of the field which is here today, God tomorrow, in the fire, how much more will he clothe you, oh ye of little faith.
And don’t set your heart on what you’re gonna drink. Don’t worry about it. Note the progression.
Starts out talking about greed.
Then he shows a rich man who is poor to God and loses everything, then he talks about the antidote to it all.
How to be at peace with God. How to live with true prosperity.
God is for prosperity, but true prosperity. God is for riches, but true riches.
Whether you got the other kind of riches or not that’s immaterial.
Now people talk about getting rich, sometimes they get rich easy. Well get rich quick.
Well most of that doesn’t happen. Most people who did get rich, most of them worked hard.
So if you, if you’re to become spiritually rich, you need, you can’t be lazy about it.
You can’t be, you know, careless about it. Your prayer life. Okay. I said a few prayer.
That’s not gonna do it. You know, I did something for a little bit.
I tried it but that’s not it.
You have to be as serious about the kingdom of God and the riches of heaven that as the rich in the world are serious about the riches of earth.
Work at being more loving. Work at being more forgiving. Loving the hard to love people.
Loving when you don’t feel like loving. Work at it. The riches come that way.
Work at becoming righteous, pure, holy. Work at it.
Which means it’s not necessarily gonna come tomorrow that everything’s gonna be there. Keep working at it.
Work at Work at joy. That’s a work.
You know if you’re gonna say I’m happy when I when these happen, then there’s no That’s not the joy of the Lord.
When you’re, when you rejoice, when you have no reason to rejoice in the world, that’s the joy of the Lord.
Work at joy. Work at getting better. Work at becoming more Christ like Messiah like.
People who get rich in the world are often those who invest. They invest.
They sow into the the the fund and they get it back. They get it back more.
That’s what they even call it sowing. Financial people call it sowing, seed money, you know, fruit, yield.
They’re using all the terms that the Lord used about the kingdom.
That is, if you want riches, you got to sow. You can’t reap without sowing.
You have to give if you want to be blessed. You have to give.
You have to invest your not just your money, your time, your focus, your energy into the things of God.
It says if you sow to the spirit you’ll reap eternal life. Sow to the flesh you won’t.
It says if you sow sparingly you’ll reap a little bit. If you sow abundantly you’ll reap abundantly.
You try to hold on. Hey I got a lot.
You end up in your life and say I got all this seed. I’m rich. I have all this seed.
You were supposed to sow the seed.
The seed does you no good because having it at the end of your life.
It what you sow. Most the most rich people I know in the Lord are generous hearted. They are flowing.
They are giving in every way. Invest your life in the kingdom of God.
And also people who are rich they don’t just invest. When they get something back they reinvest it.
They take from one thing. So there’s another secret about reinvesting of God. How’s, how so?
Well when God blesses you, bless. When God gives you joy don’t just sit with it, use it.
Joy is powerful to overcome sin. Joy is powerful to become love. Joy is powerful to bring others joy.
Joy, when you had joy you wanna do that, you will have power to do the things of God.
You, when God blesses you keep blessing, blessing.
I know a guy in ministry, he was given a large gift, I think like $100,000 And you know what he did with it?
He sowed it right away. He gave it away. And God multiplied it. God honors his word. God blesses you.
Sow and you will reap. This is Jonathan Kaun. Thanks for watching.
The Return of Gods is available literally everywhere, Amazon, wherever books are sold, and God bless you.

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