The Secret Place With God | Kathryn Kuhlman

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There are thousands of men and women within the charismatic movement who recognize the power of the Holy Spirit but know little about Him as a person. Do you know the Holy Spirit personally? It is the greatest experience in the world.

The Apostle Paul understood this deeply. He didn’t just know the power of the Holy Spirit—he knew the Holy Spirit as a person. That’s why he wrote:

“Oh, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ—who can comprehend it? Where would any of us be without His matchless grace?”

Paul continued:

“And the love of God—who can truly fathom it? Yet, we see it manifest daily in our lives and in the lives of others.”

But Paul didn’t stop there. He also spoke of the fellowship and communion of the Holy Spirit.

A Fellowship Greater Than Any Other

The Holy Spirit is more real to me than any person I have ever known. A consecrated life is often a lonely one—I would be dishonest if I said otherwise. You may ask, “Kathryn Kuhlman, how can your life be lonely when you are constantly surrounded by thousands?” But unless you have walked this path, you wouldn’t fully understand.

Socially, my life is limited because I am devoted to my Master’s work. Yet, I experience a closeness—a communion—with the Holy Spirit that is beyond anything this world can offer. It is the most priceless treasure I possess.

Paul knew this too. That’s why he spoke of this communion, and Scripture confirms it:

“As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” (Romans 8:14)

Are You Led by the Spirit or Leading Yourself?

There are many today who profess to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, yet they know little about what it truly means to be led by Him. And remember—when you are led, you do not lead.

Do you really know what it means to follow the Holy Spirit? There is a divine closeness, a sensitivity that develops when you surrender to Him. Some may ask, “Miss Kuhlman, how do you sense a healing in a vast crowd when you cannot see every person?”

It is not ESP, nor any human ability. Please, do not mistake it for such. I know nothing of ESP. But I know something far greater—I know the person of the Holy Spirit. I know His power, and I follow His leading. When I am in His presence, I am unaware of the thousands before me—my focus is solely on Him.

The Danger of Trying to Lead the Holy Spirit

Many today try to lead the Spirit instead of being led by Him. This is why people stray from God’s will, fall into fanaticism, and bring reproach upon the Gospel. This is why we sometimes see manifestations of the flesh instead of the Spirit.

Understand this: The Holy Spirit is not a force for us to use. He is the one who must use us. We are simply vessels—surrendered vessels—to His divine will.

When You Don’t Know How to Pray

There will come a time in every believer’s life—no matter how spiritually mature—when they do not know the perfect will of God. Perhaps you have faced a moment like this.

A woman recently shared her burden with me. She had just learned that her mother had cancer. With tears in her eyes, she confessed, “I don’t know how to pray. Should I ask God to take her home because it’s her time? Or should I pray for healing?”

Have you ever stood at the edge of your own Red Sea, unsure of what to pray? These moments are difficult.

But remember this: There is One who knows the perfect will of God. The Holy Spirit, who possesses perfect wisdom and knowledge, intercedes on our behalf. When we surrender completely to God—when our will becomes one with His—He guides us.

You may not need this message today, or even tomorrow. But as surely as you live, there will come a time when you will. And when that time comes, may you remember: The Holy Spirit is not only your guide—He is your greatest companion.

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