The Secret of Batach! How to Build Unshakeable Confidence! | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Secret of Batach! How to Build Unshakeable Confidence! | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Jonathan Cahn opens up the secret of Batach – how to be confident and bold in the Lord. Learn the keys that will ensure that you have a year of fruitfulness.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

And so with us, what I’m saying right now is that, you know, very often you can’t understand, but talk is I trust you, lord, even though I don’t understand it, even though I may not even with it, except that I know that you’re right.
Remember, the English word that comes from faith that we don’t really always realize it does, but it’s crucial here.
There’s a word we have, which is the word confidence Are you confident? You a confident person or not?
I don’t mean confident in yourself. Are you confident because of god?
Because the word if someone is confident, they’re not trade. God wants you confident. He doesn’t he confidence.
You see, the word confident is confi dense. Con with thy faith. What does confidence mean?
Faith with faith. If you have faith, you are to be confident.
If you’re confident, if you’re not confident, there’s something lacking in faith.
God wants you to be a person of confidence the year.
He wants you to enter this year, deal with everything with confidence not in you, but in him.
You and him. Okay. I mean, he could be confident of his work in you, but it’s him.
And here the word for in Hebrew where it says trust in the lord is much stronger than our English word trust.
It’s even you you say it’s even more than we what we just think of faith even though that’s what it is.
The word here, and what is the word? Try it. It literally means it doesn’t just mean trust.
It means confidence, it means boldness in that confidence.
It means a strong thing here.
It means a assurance certainty, not just I believe that this is the truth, but that I am confident bold So many believers do not live.
The faith they live in is not that, and that affects whether you’re victorious or not.
Their faith is, I hope so.
I hope god will come through know, I believe it’s true, but I’m dealing with all this. That’s not Bhatach.
Bhatach is confident shortness, sec secure and bold. And even the word sounds like a batach.
What does this mean? In the lord, it is not just trust here.
It means full on confidence. You’re sure I am sure of his word.
I am sure I am secure in my salvation.
If you’re worrying every day, if you’re saved or not, that’s not holy.
That’s a lack of faith because it’s not a faith in how you’re doing.
It’s a faith on how he’s doing. Faith, bold.
Bull am I secure bold in the word bold in my salvation?
I am sure of it, not because of me because of him.
And even if I don’t feel it, I’m choose to be sure of it. I choose.
It says, I will trust in the lord. It’s a verb.
So it’s not just, well, do I have faith or do not have I will trust. I will but talk.
I will be sure in god. I’m gonna stand on god even if I don’t feel like him.
You don’t feel it? I’m gonna stand in it. But talk.
Trust bold. Trust in Adonai.
Batach in the lord. I am bold.
You know, some people preach faith. Our faith is not about faith. Our faith is about god.
It’s not faith. I don’t have faith in my faith. I have faith in god.
Who is bigger than my faith. You understand? It’s not so beautiful. You have enough faith. You’re gonna no.
It’s yeah. Yeah. There’s there’s a truth to the more faith you have, but not in faith, but it’s faith in god.
Trust, have faith in god.
Not of myself, but in god, but in him, I can be confident in how he’s doing into me.
I am confident of what that he’s gonna do whatever I ask, no, as some people preach, but that he is good and that he is mighty and that he’s mighty good And he loves me.
He loves you, and his love is strong. I’ve got faith in that. I have faith in his word.
I have faith in the put your faith, your but in the promise of god.
Not just that, I believe, and I hope, but I am sure of it. It said it.
So, lord, I’m stepping out of the boat. I’m going with it. Be but talk about his goodness.
I I don’t have to understand what’s happening. Maybe I don’t like what’s happening.
Maybe there’s something in my life I don’t I say, why god? Something you can’t say, why god?
But I don’t have to understand it. At the end of the day, I put my batash in god.
God is right. I may not understand it. I will at the end.
When we used to bring our little, when he was little, uh, l e l to the to the doctor at the first he didn’t realize it, but then he started Then he got wise.
He couldn’t talk yet. He was, like, you know, like, two years old or 1, but then he got wise, and he recognized the doctor’s office.
And as soon as we pulled up, he’s, like, trying to get out, thinking that we we went into the doctor’s office and he’s doing everything he keeps.
He couldn’t talk. He’s pointing to the door. Let me out of here. Let me out of this place.
Well, he and he’s gonna get a shot.
He could never put it together while we were torturing him, but it was for his own good.
He knows it now. And so with us, what I’m saying now is that, you know, very often you can’t understand, but talk is I trust you, lord, even though I don’t understand that even though I may not even agree with it, except that I know that you’re right, but I will I will still insist especially when it’s hard to trust the lord.
That’s when the trust means the most to him, and that’s when it produces the greatest growth in your life.
But when I don’t feel it. But well, I insist on it.
I stand on it when I don’t see it.
When this building, when we were going through going to this building and everything was voted down or or didn’t pass the boat and we we built we bought a building that we couldn’t use.
We we had no way We had no way nowhere to go. Nothing. We couldn’t move in here.
We’re we’re losing the other one.
I remember it was just totally hopeless and yet I just remember, like, the next day it just welded up in me.
It made no sense. It was irrational. I said, I don’t care.
We’re gonna get in that building, even though it’s impossible, even though it seems like even though they voted, they didn’t vote.
I mean, it didn’t make any sense because there was no way.
And I still don’t know the way, but god got us in. I don’t even know how he did it.
Trust But now is the next part. Batach and in Hebrew, Assad. Batach and Assad.
What was that? Trust and do. We’ll just stop right there.
We’re not gonna get the last the last thing because there’s so much here. Trust and do.
It goes together. It’s a full it’s the the the Hebrew scriptures are filled with this and the new testament is filled with it.
See, believers have an idea somehow that work are bad. Well, that’s worse. Like, I’m doing this for lord.
I want no no works are not bad. It’s, in fact, it’s not biblical to say works are bad.
What’s what it say what the Bible says is don’t try to work for your salvation.
Don’t try to work for god to love you more. It’s not based on that. But works are not bad.
Good works are good, and they are crucial in our faith.
You know, you got the Bible says he’s gonna separate the sheep and the goats.
And based on what? In that in that parable, it’s based on what they did.
Now was that the full picture? No. Faith is in there.
But but to say that works works are crucial if you’re gonna be if you’re gonna have a fruitful year in god, you’re gonna have a year of fruitfulness in your life, works are part of it, action is part of it.
You look at having it. You look at, you know, look at the Bible enrollments, Paul said, you know, it’s it’s faith, not work.
Then in James, he says, it works. He says, it’s not, or faith without works is dead.
So therefore, what what is the thing with this?
Because here, it says it says, right here, trust faith and Assa do works.
It says in the Bible work out your salvation, but it doesn’t stop there.
It’s just because god is at work in you.
So you got god working in you, and then you got you working it out.
So work out what god works in. God works it in. You work it out. It’s a double thing.
It doesn’t just here say trust. It says do. Trust and do.
And it doesn’t say do without saying trust.
Doing is not enough without trust, without faith, and faith belief without doing action is also not enough.
You will not have a fruitful life either way. But Taq and Assad trust and do.
If you’re trusting and you’re not doing, you’re believing your faith, you’re learning the word, all that’s faith, all that’s trust, all that’s receiving, receiving, but you’re not doing.
You’re not ministering. You’re not taking it into action in your life and into action in ministry and action in the great commission.
You’re not doing then you’re gonna there’s gonna be something wrong because it’s flowing in you, but it’s not flowing out.
Eventually, if you keep what happens if you have a pipe and it’s flowing in, but it’s not flowing out.
It’s gonna stop flowing in. You understand? It can’t take any more unless it’s flowing out.
And so in the same way, if you’re receiving, receiving, receiving, but you’re not flowing out, eventually you’re not gonna the receive.
Now it doesn’t mean well, I still hear it. I still hate it.
I’m still coming, but it’s not gonna be changing your life because you’re not receiving.
You’re not letting it flow in totally.
The only way it can flow totally in your life, I mean, through your mind, hard sold straight is when it goes right through and goes out.
Then it’s got everything. Then you know the pipe it’s gone through the whole pipe. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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