The Purpose of Marriage // Before I Do: – Stephanie Ike Okafor

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The Purpose of Marriage: Why Understanding Marriage Matters

Welcome back to week two of our series, Before I Do. Today, we’re diving into the important topic of the purpose of marriage. If you missed week one, here’s a quick recap: we discussed what marriage is not and what it truly is. We emphasized that marriage is a covenant, a sacred agreement that God recognizes and blesses. The Bible refers to it as a holy institution, one that God loves.

In week one, we also explored the core principles of the covenant in marriage, which is both conditional and unconditional. The unconditional aspect pertains to how we love each other, while the conditional aspect highlights that marriage must align with God’s standards for us to receive the blessings and benefits attached to it. If you haven’t watched it yet, I highly recommend catching up!

Now, let’s talk about the purpose of marriage. A quote by the late Dr. Milman WR comes to mind: “When the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable.” This is especially true for marriage. If you’re like me, you’ve probably seen divorce trending on social media recently. In fact, just between the time God instructed me to start this series and now, I’ve witnessed at least seven major divorce announcements. It’s clear: marriages are under attack. But why? The answer is simple—many people don’t understand the true purpose of marriage.

As a pastor with years of experience, I’ve counseled many couples, some of whom sought my guidance when I was single. One thing became clear in all these sessions: many people don’t truly grasp the purpose of marriage. When they talk about what attracted them to each other, it often boils down to feelings. But here’s the truth—love is not just a feeling. It’s deeper than that. While feelings may spark attraction, love is a choice, a commitment, and a covenant. If your marriage is based only on feelings, it’s bound to face challenges. Love, in the biblical sense, is far more than just an emotion.

So, what is the purpose of marriage? Let’s break it down into four key areas:

  1. Companionship: Marriage brings two people together with a divine purpose. God has something special in mind for your union.

  2. Oneness: Marriage is designed to create unity between partners, making them one in spirit and purpose.

  3. Crucifixion: Yes, you read that right. Just like Jesus said to pick up your cross, marriage serves as a tool to help crucify the flesh, helping you become more like Christ.

  4. Godly Offspring: Marriage is not just about the couple but also about procreation, raising children who will carry on the faith and values of God.

Let’s start with companionship. There’s a difference between being lonely and being alone. A person who is lonely seeks company, but a person who is alone seeks true companionship. Marriage provides that companionship—where two individuals come together to share their lives, support each other, and fulfill God’s purpose for their union.

In Malachi 2:10-14, we see the importance of understanding marriage as a covenant. It says, “Have we not all one Father? Has not one God created us? Why then do we deal treacherously with one another?” This passage highlights the significance of how we treat our spouses, emphasizing faithfulness to the covenant God established.

Stay tuned as we dive deeper into each aspect of marriage’s purpose in the upcoming weeks.

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