The Prison of Comparison – Stephanie Ike Okafor

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Amen! Let’s take a moment to lift up our praise for Jesus. Amen! Wow, we’ve come to the end of this incredible conference. Have you been blessed? Oh, that’s so beautiful! Take a moment to look at the person next to you and say, “I’m glad you’re here.” [Applause] Amen! It’s been such a pleasure—meeting so many of you has truly been a highlight. It’s been so special to witness what God is doing through every session. Can we lift up another shout to the Lord? Amen!

Now, let’s dive into today’s message. But first, let’s pray. Heavenly Father, we thank You. We are gathered here in no other name but the name of Jesus, and we praise You, Lord, for all You have already done and what You continue to do throughout these days. We thank You for the seeds You’ve planted in the hearts of Your daughters, seeds that have been watered and will grow into something beautiful. I thank You, Lord, for the transformation taking place in the lives of Your children. They came here one way, but they will leave changed—ready to glorify You even more. Lord Jesus, Heavenly Father, we worship You now. Holy Spirit, do what only You can do in the lives of Your daughters. May You glorify Jesus, not only in this moment but through all that will be carried away from this conference. In Jesus’ mighty name, amen!

I am truly amazed by the synergy of every message. It’s a testament to the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives. When we gather like this, in prayer and unity for the women here, the Holy Spirit moves powerfully through each session. As we prepare to delve into the Word of God, my message today is on The Prison of Comparison. I want to share something that I didn’t give to the team ahead of time, so I may repeat it later:

Comparison uproots the seed of God’s Word planted in the hearts of His people, stealing their unique growth and divine purpose. Comparison is like sinking sand. The reason I’m bringing this message today is because many of you, not just a few, have received words, and seeds have been planted in your hearts. The Lord has been speaking to you through the messages. But when you leave this place and face the world, when you return to social media, you may see what’s happening around you, and that’s where the enemy tries to creep in. He’ll make you feel like you’re less than. Remember what the enemy said to Eve: “Did God really say…?”

After Eve and Adam had that beautiful encounter with the Lord—when He spoke to Adam about the boundaries of the garden, and we believe that Adam and Eve were in agreement about everything—the serpent came in and asked, “Did God really say you can’t eat from the tree?” Then comparison set in. The serpent said, “If you eat it, you’ll be as wise as God.” Now Eve starts measuring herself, thinking, “Wait, maybe I’m not wise. Is God withholding something from us? I want that wisdom. I want to look like that.”

You see, when we act from a place of comparison, it causes misalignment. The Bible speaks of the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life, because we start looking outside of God to define us. We begin to seek validation from external sources instead of from God’s Word. At the root of this is comparison.

When you leave this place, I want you to be empowered to know that you don’t have to take the bait of comparison. You don’t have to fall for it. Let’s look at 2 Corinthians 10:12, where the Word says, “We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise.”

Now, sometimes we read scriptures like this and think it’s an insult, but it’s not about offense. It’s about awareness. It’s about recognizing that we may be lacking information or understanding. The root of comparison is ignorance. For something to be compared means you’re measuring it against something else. The word “measure” means to determine its quantity, size, degree, or value. Let’s remember that comparison can keep us stuck, preventing us from stepping into the fullness of what God has for us.

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