The Prince of Persia At Work in The Modern World | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Prince of Persia At Work in The Modern World
Monday, August 28, 2023 – The Withness of Discipleship
There were no discipleship correspondence courses in Messiah’s time. They couldn’t stay home. They had to go on the road with Him. Because the majority of His lessons weren’t things that could be in lesson plans. Some of Messiah’s teachings were with words, the rest were lessons of being, doing, seeing or being in His presence. How He was when He was alone with them, when He rose up, went to bed, entered a house, wept, rejoiced, healed and performed miracles, when He was asleep in the boat or when He stayed awake in the garden. As His disciple, you need to read, hear and be a student of His Word. But that’s not enough. You have to be with Him. When the Sanhedrin looked at the apostles, they recognized them as having been with Messiah. You have to spend time with Him, learn, behold, see, hear and follow Him. The Sanhedrin saw that the apostles spoke with authority because they were with Yeshua; Jesus. That’s the mark of a disciple. You do the same, so others will look at you and say, “This one was with the Messiah.”
Persia is Iran. Iran is Persia. It’s one of the few nations in the world today.
That’s the same nation. Is it possible that a mystery from ancient times?
could be behind world events today, news headlines, could the ancient scriptures from the Bible Give us more revelation into the events of our day than the media of our day.
If you know me and you know the books I’ve written, you know what the answer is. It’s yes.
Today, we’re gonna look at a mystery different of a different nature, something I’ve never shared, actually came to actually came to me really when I was praying about the war that had gone a number of weeks ago in Israel between Hamas and the nation of Israel.
Though this is gonna be of a prophetic nature, but it’s also gonna be very practical relating to your life.
It begins with a prophet, Daniel. Daniel has been praying and fasting, partially fasting for 3 weeks.
He looks up. He sees a man dressed in linen in white glowing radiance.
His voice is like the sound of a multitude of voices. He speaks verse 12.
Then he said to me, do not be afraid, Daniel, for from the 1st day that you set your heart on understanding this.
and unhumbling yourself before your god, your words were heard.
And I have come in response to your words, but The prince of the kingdom of Persia was standing in my way for 21 days.
Then behold, Michael Michael, one of the chief princes, co came to help me for I had been left there with the kings of Persia.
Now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the latter days because the vision pertains to the days that are yet to come.
Now the angel has come to Daniel who’s been praying, to tell him what’s gonna happen to his people, Jewish people, nation of Israel, in the last days.
But what’s striking about this is what the angel says about his own affairs.
He says, Daniel, your prayers were heard. You’ve been praying.
He’s been praying for 20 days around more than 20 days.
said your your hers were pre your your prayers were heard, and and I responded, but I was prevented from coming to you for 21 days. 3 weeks, why?
He says, because of the prince of the kingdom of Persia was standing in my way.
Now there may be something you’re praying about And you don’t see an answer, and you wonder what happened?
Well, god can say yes. God can say no. And god can say wait.
And it can be also that there’s a battle over what you’re praying about.
And angels prevented from coming to Daniel, the answer was there on its way, but it was delayed.
There can be something that is delayed. Don’t give up.
And it reveals it was blocked by the prince of the kingdom of Persia. Okay. What is that?
The prince of it, prince of Persia.
Paul writes, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, we wrestle against principalities, rulers in high places.
The word one of the words in Hebrew for ruler is and it’s also translated as prince is SAR.
prince or ruler. We wrestle against rulers against princes. Roullers are in high places.
the this prince of Persia is a principality. And what exactly?
It’s not a good principality. It’s a it’s opposing an angel.
It’s wrestling an angel, stopping an angel, the will of god. That means it’s a bad principality.
That means it’s a demonic entity.
A principality that in some way is connected to the kingdom empire of Persia.
demonic being warring with an angel to stop him from coming to Daniel to give him the revelation about the Jewish people in the last days.
Now Persia had been good to Israel under Cyrus, at least under other times, not so much, but it let them go back to the land but it was still a pagan nation with pagan gods.
And this is a principality that is linked to Persia but comes against the purposes of Israel.
It concerns that delaying a revelation.
Now in the world today, there is one nation that is known more than any other nation than as being as being behind terror, supporting terrorism, terrorist groups, fermenting terrorism, And that nation is, of course, Iran.
Iran funds terror, funds Hezbollah, which is sending missiles on Israel from the north or has, fund is the funding behind Hamas, which fired thousands of rockets into Israel just a few weeks ago, and other terrorist organizations behind them all.
is Iran. It has and for years, it has been threatening to acquire nuclear capacity So that that says for peaceful well, of course, it’s not in the end.
It wants to undoubtedly be able to threaten its enemies the west and the world.
So you got a terror state.
I mean, it’s run by the government is for terrorism, and they want nuclear power.
It is so dangerous that many nations have placed an embargo on it to stop it from getting nuclear capacity.
So dangerous that the fellow its fellow Islamic Muslim nations are scared of it so much so that their fear of Iran has led them to open up relations with Israel because they’re trusting Israel to hold strong against Iran.
The same nation that calls its arch enemy America calls it the great Satan.
calls Israel the little Satan. Now what happened to ancient Persia?
The Persian Empire was was defeated by the Greeks under Alexander, the great, around 3 31 BC.
Persia then revived as the Partian Empire last from about two and a half centuries before the lord to two and a half centuries after the lord.
Then it was replaced by another Persian empire, the the Sustainian Persian empire, which lasted up until about the 600 when something else happened, when a guy named Mohammed rose up and with his his armies, uh, conquered Persia, Persia became Islamic.
In the 20th century, it chose to a name.
Rather than calling itself Persia, it called itself from by the name that is the the word Arian.
You’ve heard that word with Hitler, the Nazi, the Arian Super Ray, well, it came from it came from Persia.
And the word they got from Arian became Iran. Persia is Iran.
Iran is Persia. It’s one of the few nations in the world today that’s the same nation, same people, the Iranian, which is, by the way, is also the people of the Magi.
They were also Persian. It was what was happening recently when all those rockets were uh thousands of rockets were fought were fired at Israel from god the Gaza Strip by Hamas that was supported by Iran that made me turn to the book of Daniel.
Now the Bible reveals this demonic entity in in the Hebrew, it’s Sarras, Persia, Sarras, the principality of Persia.
What happened to it? The nation of Persia has not died. It’s still alive.
And principalities don’t die, These two things put together means what would the prince, the tsar Piras, the prince of Persia be today?
It would be the principality of Iran. Iran is Persia.
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