The Power to Turn All Things | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Power to Turn All Things
The Power to Turn All Things #2261. A powerful teaching on a power of Messiah’s atonement that most people miss. It not only ends sin, but contains the power to turn all things around, evil into good, sadness into joy, defeat into victory, life into death. Discover how not only to receive this power – but to actually use it and apply it to every part of your life!
“And America has done much good. And there’s no shortage of nations far exceeding any of its faults or sins. But no nation in the modern world has ever been given so much. None has been so blessed. To whom much is given, much is required. If a nation so blessed by God should turn away from Him, what then? It’s blessing will be replaced with curses? Yes. And has America turned away from God? I asked. It has turned and is turning. How? In the same way Israel turned. It started with a spiritual complacency, then spiritual confusion, then the merging of God with idols and then, ultimately, the rejection of his ways. Just as with ancient Israel, America began ruling God out of its life, turning, step by step, against His ways, at first subtly and then more and more brazenly.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
Another evil that led to the cross was and led to the blood of Messiah.
Now was the spirit of anger against him. So the enemy seeks to use anger against you.
The anger of people, the anger of parents, the anger of people who hurt you or whoever it is.
I mean in your life anger, the enemy uses anger and hatred to wound you to scar you.
But even that is redeemed in the blood of Messiah.
The blood of Messiah is more powerful than the anger of men, more powerful than the hatred of this world.
And it’s the power to turn those things, the hatred that you knew in your life or the anger that you knew and turn it around, then God will use it and it will not, it will not harm you because God will turn it around for your redemption.
If you let him, Messiah was put on the cross because of the schemes of man, the plots intrigues, schemes of evil.
But God ends up turning around, you know, we can only figure that the enemy just doesn’t know what he’s really doing because he’s scheming and yet it ends up defeating him.
So there have been schemes against you might be right now. Ultimately, the enemy is scheming against you.
But by the blood of Messiah, no scheme shall hurt you. No plot shall defeat you.
No omen cast against you shall prosper no weapon.
The power of the blood is stronger than the schemes of the enemy and the schemes of man.
You don’t have to fear what else, what else led to the blood of Messiah betrayal.
How many have known betrayal in your life? You’re human. You probably know it. Betrayal can hurt more than anything.
People who should have, who are close to you and they turn, but the blood of Messiah is stronger than that.
The faithfulness of God is greater than the unfaithfulness that you knew in your life.
It overwhelms it, it makes it, it makes it, it doesn’t matter and it actually turns it around that.
God says I will work blessing through it.
The temple guards who went along with the mob that went along with the majority. Look at the majority.
Now look at how the culture once, once called this good and this evil.
Now it reversed and calls good, evil and evil good back.
But, but, but they knew that too back then.
They had a government that was against them and yet the blood of Messiah was stronger than all that.
It’s stronger than the majority. It’s stronger than our culture. It’s stronger than the nation. And God will even you.
You don’t have to fear the majority.
You don’t have to fear the culture because God’s blood is stronger than all that.
And if you stand in Him, he will turn all things for your good.
Even without even whatever the persecution, he’ll turn it for your good.
What other evil led up to that event? Rejection? Have you known rejection in your life?
You’re human. You have. But all the rejection, he knew it too, but all that rejection is turned around for blessing.
So what does that mean for you?
That God, the blood of Messiah, the love of God is stronger than the rejection that you’ve known?
And He will turn even that around for your healing and blessing.
He’ll turn around to get you stronger in Him.
He’ll turn, you turn around to make you more pure for Him to seek Him more than you seek man.
He’ll use it. So to draw you closer to Him.
If you let it produce good, it will produce good.
And they lied about him and slandered and bore false witness. But that all led to redemption.
It’s almost impossible to live in this world and not have people slander you.
And if you get more known, you’ll have more people doing it since I wrote the book.
You know, you know, first of all, originally, I was just, I was a believer and you had some of it.
Then I let a Bible and a little bit more then pastor a little bit more.
Then I wrote the books since writing the books, I cannot tell you how many things have been said about me.
That are crazy on the web everywhere. Accused.
I mean, crazy that I’m, I’m, that I’m preaching prosperity gospel. Yeah. Right. You’re right. Right. Sure.
Uh, I shop at Walmart. I mean, that’s, you know, I’m preaching, I’m preaching kabbalah, you know. Yeah.
Preaching Mormonism. I mean, Donnie and Donny and Marie, I mean, I, I watched them. That was about it.
You know, gnosticism, you know, replacement theology. I love that one.
That was one of the first things that came, I couldn’t, but I thought they were joking saying that I’m preaching that God has replaced the Jewish people.
Reality check. I’m one of them.
So I have to be preaching that God replaced me with myself, which it comes out even.
But it’s a lot of work to end up in the same place.
Another one, there’s a freemasonry, proof the proof their pictures on the web.
You know, that this is supposedly if you go like this, this is a secret, secret Freemason. Yeah. Right.
So, they have pictures, they look at him. He’s going like this. Yeah.
How about my head is heavy and so as soon as I do that reality check, people have been doing that for, you know, and, and they’re probably gonna take this on here.
You can do, you can use this and just remember.
But you know, you, you know, when, when this happened, actually, when this happened, God, what’s going on?
And, and I went to the publisher and said, what can we do to stop it?
He said, they said, are you crazy? You can’t pay for this publicity.
The point is you don’t have to fear God.
The blood of God is stronger, is stronger than man and all that. They say it doesn’t matter.
God will even use it to command blessing. He’ll even turn it around for your good.
And then there was mockery and ridicule that led to his death.
You ever been ridiculed, made fun of maybe when you were a kid and yet his death comes to redemption.
So people could be a, you know, you may have grown up with mockery with people making fun of you condemning you and it could have scarred you.
But what God is saying is that doesn’t matter anymore.
My love is so much greater and so much important.
Those people don’t even forgot what they said or they’re not even here anymore, but I’m here and I’m not gonna forget what I said.
And I will take that and I will take those things just like I used all things in your life to bring you to salvation.
I’ll continually turn everything. You can be confident in that to make you the person I called you to be.
So therefore, it is written there is now therefore no condemnation for those who are in Messiah to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
Go to hope of the world dot org or call toll free 1 800 Yeshua one that’s hope of the world dot org or call 1 800 Yeshua one that’s 1 809 374821.
You can also get more at Jonathan Khan’s Facebook or write us direct at Hope of the World Box.
1111, Lodi New Jersey, 07644 U A Hope of the world is dedicated to the goal of spreading God’s word and salvation to every land and people who do this by spreading the word throughout the world and sponsoring compassion projects to the most poor and needy around the earth to get in touch or have a part in God’s work.
Just write to Hope of the World Box 1111, Lodi New Jersey 07644 USA or go to Hope of the World dot org or call 1 800 Yeshua one that’s 1 809 374821.
Now was the spirit of anger against him. So the enemy seeks to use anger against you.
The anger of people, the anger of parents, the anger of people who hurt you or whoever it is.
I mean in your life anger, the enemy uses anger and hatred to wound you to scar you.
But even that is redeemed in the blood of Messiah.
The blood of Messiah is more powerful than the anger of men, more powerful than the hatred of this world.
And it’s the power to turn those things, the hatred that you knew in your life or the anger that you knew and turn it around, then God will use it and it will not, it will not harm you because God will turn it around for your redemption.
If you let him, Messiah was put on the cross because of the schemes of man, the plots intrigues, schemes of evil.
But God ends up turning around, you know, we can only figure that the enemy just doesn’t know what he’s really doing because he’s scheming and yet it ends up defeating him.
So there have been schemes against you might be right now. Ultimately, the enemy is scheming against you.
But by the blood of Messiah, no scheme shall hurt you. No plot shall defeat you.
No omen cast against you shall prosper no weapon.
The power of the blood is stronger than the schemes of the enemy and the schemes of man.
You don’t have to fear what else, what else led to the blood of Messiah betrayal.
How many have known betrayal in your life? You’re human. You probably know it. Betrayal can hurt more than anything.
People who should have, who are close to you and they turn, but the blood of Messiah is stronger than that.
The faithfulness of God is greater than the unfaithfulness that you knew in your life.
It overwhelms it, it makes it, it makes it, it doesn’t matter and it actually turns it around that.
God says I will work blessing through it.
The temple guards who went along with the mob that went along with the majority. Look at the majority.
Now look at how the culture once, once called this good and this evil.
Now it reversed and calls good, evil and evil good back.
But, but, but they knew that too back then.
They had a government that was against them and yet the blood of Messiah was stronger than all that.
It’s stronger than the majority. It’s stronger than our culture. It’s stronger than the nation. And God will even you.
You don’t have to fear the majority.
You don’t have to fear the culture because God’s blood is stronger than all that.
And if you stand in Him, he will turn all things for your good.
Even without even whatever the persecution, he’ll turn it for your good.
What other evil led up to that event? Rejection? Have you known rejection in your life?
You’re human. You have. But all the rejection, he knew it too, but all that rejection is turned around for blessing.
So what does that mean for you?
That God, the blood of Messiah, the love of God is stronger than the rejection that you’ve known?
And He will turn even that around for your healing and blessing.
He’ll turn around to get you stronger in Him.
He’ll turn, you turn around to make you more pure for Him to seek Him more than you seek man.
He’ll use it. So to draw you closer to Him.
If you let it produce good, it will produce good.
And they lied about him and slandered and bore false witness. But that all led to redemption.
It’s almost impossible to live in this world and not have people slander you.
And if you get more known, you’ll have more people doing it since I wrote the book.
You know, you know, first of all, originally, I was just, I was a believer and you had some of it.
Then I let a Bible and a little bit more then pastor a little bit more.
Then I wrote the books since writing the books, I cannot tell you how many things have been said about me.
That are crazy on the web everywhere. Accused.
I mean, crazy that I’m, I’m, that I’m preaching prosperity gospel. Yeah. Right. You’re right. Right. Sure.
Uh, I shop at Walmart. I mean, that’s, you know, I’m preaching, I’m preaching kabbalah, you know. Yeah.
Preaching Mormonism. I mean, Donnie and Donny and Marie, I mean, I, I watched them. That was about it.
You know, gnosticism, you know, replacement theology. I love that one.
That was one of the first things that came, I couldn’t, but I thought they were joking saying that I’m preaching that God has replaced the Jewish people.
Reality check. I’m one of them.
So I have to be preaching that God replaced me with myself, which it comes out even.
But it’s a lot of work to end up in the same place.
Another one, there’s a freemasonry, proof the proof their pictures on the web.
You know, that this is supposedly if you go like this, this is a secret, secret Freemason. Yeah. Right.
So, they have pictures, they look at him. He’s going like this. Yeah.
How about my head is heavy and so as soon as I do that reality check, people have been doing that for, you know, and, and they’re probably gonna take this on here.
You can do, you can use this and just remember.
But you know, you, you know, when, when this happened, actually, when this happened, God, what’s going on?
And, and I went to the publisher and said, what can we do to stop it?
He said, they said, are you crazy? You can’t pay for this publicity.
The point is you don’t have to fear God.
The blood of God is stronger, is stronger than man and all that. They say it doesn’t matter.
God will even use it to command blessing. He’ll even turn it around for your good.
And then there was mockery and ridicule that led to his death.
You ever been ridiculed, made fun of maybe when you were a kid and yet his death comes to redemption.
So people could be a, you know, you may have grown up with mockery with people making fun of you condemning you and it could have scarred you.
But what God is saying is that doesn’t matter anymore.
My love is so much greater and so much important.
Those people don’t even forgot what they said or they’re not even here anymore, but I’m here and I’m not gonna forget what I said.
And I will take that and I will take those things just like I used all things in your life to bring you to salvation.
I’ll continually turn everything. You can be confident in that to make you the person I called you to be.
So therefore, it is written there is now therefore no condemnation for those who are in Messiah to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
Go to hope of the world dot org or call toll free 1 800 Yeshua one that’s hope of the world dot org or call 1 800 Yeshua one that’s 1 809 374821.
You can also get more at Jonathan Khan’s Facebook or write us direct at Hope of the World Box.
1111, Lodi New Jersey, 07644 U A Hope of the world is dedicated to the goal of spreading God’s word and salvation to every land and people who do this by spreading the word throughout the world and sponsoring compassion projects to the most poor and needy around the earth to get in touch or have a part in God’s work.
Just write to Hope of the World Box 1111, Lodi New Jersey 07644 USA or go to Hope of the World dot org or call 1 800 Yeshua one that’s 1 809 374821.
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