The Power of the Ivrim | Jonathan Cahn
The Power of the Ivrim
Sunday, May 14, 2023
As a child I heard, “Don’t let the Boogie Man get you.” I didn’t know who he was or why he was interested in getting me, but I was afraid of him, scared that he was under the bed waiting to grab my feet. Years later I found out that to boogie was to do a dance, and the Boogie Man was a man who just wants to boogie. All that fear was for nothing. You have fears too – maybe the fear of rejection, of harm, of abandonment, of pain – or something else. The enemy uses the fears we have to cripple, hinder or limit us. But at the end of every fear, God is there. He promises that He’s above everything. So what are we afraid of? All the enemy’s threats and intimidations, it’s just the Boogie Man. If God is for you, who can be against you? The Boogie Man, that’s it. Whom shall you fear? Stop letting the enemy hinder your walk. Stop giving into fear, anxiety and worry. Live free, fearless, with faith in God, any other way is to live in fear of the Boogie Man.
The Hebrews, the key is, keep going, keep going.
You’ll go through, you’ll get through it in the Lord. Now, here’s another scripture. You wouldn’t expect it. Job.
37 21 says, says, and now men do not see the light which is bright in the skies, but the wind has passed and cleared them.
Ok. I’m not talking at all about the context here. I’m talking about simply the word the wind has passed.
The word is of our, what does that mean?
Root word of Hebrew uh Hebrew is one who moves as the wind moves. What does that mean?
Well, we spoke about it last week.
Last week was what Pentecost and what I speak about in Hebrew, the word for wind is the word for the spirit of God.
Same thing. So the Hebrew spiritual Hebrew is one who moves with the wind, moves with the spirit that lives with the spirit.
Who, who, who does all by the spirit? They’re passing.
You see, you notice the, the word Hebrew has the verb.
So they’re always in some way, moving forward with God.
But the only way you move is you move by the spirit of God.
And here’s another one in, in the, in the, in the Bible.
And this is also in job.
I’m not even gonna say the verse, the word Avar is used to pass away, pass away.
That means to cease to together. They gone, pass away. Well, what does that have to do with us?
Well, the Bible says, what did Paul say?
Paul said, if we’re in Messiah, our life, our whole life is over, it’s gone, it’s done, it’s dead, it’s finished.
But now I live in a different life.
So it says if anyone is in Messiah Christ, he or she is a new creation, the old has what passed away of but the new has come.
So uh the power of being a spiritual Hebrew is you got the power to put away the old you, the old you notice, notice of the Bible, notice what happens to people.
Abraham becomes Abraham. Sarah becomes Sarah Jacob becomes Israel. All that goes on and on and on and on.
And the thing is this, you know, we have the power to become new, but the power to become new is based on the power to cease with the old.
I don’t have to be that person anymore. I imagine if your life was over right now it’s over.
But you get a chance to have a second life.
Well, that’s what it is to be born again, you know.
So the problem is we still, we still think we’re alive.
We still think that old, old life is still, it’s, it’s not a continuation that’s gone.
Imagine it was all gone and you suddenly get a second chance.
You’re beam back on earth and now you’re gonna do everything.
You could give the chance to bless people and love people and, and, and do what you always wanted to do.
You knew you should have done, you got a chance. That’s your life.
Now it says in the Lord, it says your, all your life is gone. You have died.
Your life is now with the Lord. You’re, you’re living now. I have a new life.
But you have the power to cease with the old, I’m free. It’s a freedom.
I’m free from all that stuff. I’m new in God.
You know, you know the song of Solomon, of course you do.
But you know that, that beautiful passage and you know it where it says a rise, my beloved, the Lord’s really the Lord’s voice, a rise.
My love come away with me. The spring has passed, the winter is gone, the rain is gone.
The word is of our Hebrew. It’s gone. The past, it’s gone.
And so what it’s saying is all that I don’t have to live in that anymore because the Bible says it’s passed.
I’m gonna, I have the power to say all that junk is passed.
I am not all that, that messed up person that’s passed. I am not that anymore.
Those who are born again, the, the Bible says I am new. That’s what the Bible says.
I either believe it or I don’t, if I don’t believe it, I’m not gonna live it.
If I believe it, I will live.
It, it is finished and to, to take things like that, you know, in Hebrew, the word for the I, some of, you know, this, but AAA strange mystery about the language is that when it speaks about perfect things, it’s, it uses the past tense.
When it uses the past tense, it means it’s finished. It’s complete. See, too often we’re living in the imperfect.
We’re always trying to, trying to make up for trying to get I’m trying to be loved by God.
I’m trying to. But the he the secret in the Hebrew is what’s perfect is past.
So therefore, and Jesus was on the cross and he said it is finished.
The power is, it is a finished work and I’m to live in a finished work.
I am not trying to be victorious.
I am victorious, but in that I will be victorious because I already accepted.
It’s done by him, not me, whatever that is, I’m not trying to perfect myself in him.
There is a perfect work, but I’m gonna live it out. It’s already done. It’s finished. Lord. Thank you.
It’s done in Proverbs 19 verse 11. Let me show you another thing you’d never seen in English.
It says it’s a man’s discretion.
A man’s discretion makes him slow to anger and in his, it’s his glory to forgive or overlook a transgression.
Ok? Now, we know we’re supposed to forgive but you know what the word is to meaning forgive here, overlook it.
The word is a, from Hebrew. What does that mean?
The person, the one who’s a spiritual Hebrew is one who has the power even if it was hard for them before has the power to forgive everything.
Absolute foundation, no option. The Lord doesn’t say you’ve got an option on this.
It says if you don’t forgive, you’re not gonna be forgiven. And I said, well, that’s works.
I don’t care what it is.
The Bible says it, if you don’t forgive, you’re not forgiven, you have to forgive and the Bible, the, the, the, but to, to forgive the, the, the secret in Hebrew, it’s the same word of here.
So to forgive, it means when you forgive, you’re gonna pass through something, you maybe something, if you don’t forgive, you’re gonna be blocked up, blocked up.
But if you forgive and let go and bless, you’re gonna pass through it to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch, go to hope of the world dot org or call toll free 1 800 Yeshua one that’s hope of the world dot org or call 1 800 Yeshua one that’s 1 809 374821.
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