The Power of Sackcloth | Jonathan Cahn

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The Power of Sackcloth

The Power of Sackcloth #2327. Most believers and preachers stay away from it – But what if sackcloth and all its represents was the missing power of most believers – Learn the blessing of heavenly tears, the power, and the joy.
The Steps to Your Destiny
The Palm Sunday/ Tenth of Nisan Celebration – Jonathan brings out the deep riches of Palm Sunday which is also the first of all Hebrew holy days! And he shares the secrets from that day that reveal how to fulfill your calling and destiny in God

The righteous of God, don’t seek happiness.
They seek righteousness. They don’t live to seek pleasure, thrills, they live to seek what is right.
And even if it hurts, they put what is right above what is pleasurable and, and, and, and they, they, even if it is sacrificed, I we must seek what is right, not what gives us pleasure.
Seek first, the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. And all these things will be added to you.
But you don’t seek all the things you seek the righteousness, the Kingdom of God.
There are good tears, the righteous also weep.
You know, you’ll never hear much of what I’m saying today in many churches or many ministries will never go near it yet.
It’s part of the Bible. It’s so much part the righteous also weep with good tears.
What are good tears, not tears of self pity, not tears of, nobody loves me, poor me, not those tears, not the tears of having no hope or despairing, not tears of condemnation, tears of regret, tears of being rejected.
No, there is a good sorrow. There’s a Godly sorrow.
Now, Paul speaks about it and when he says there, there’s a sorrow of the world.
There’s a sorrow of God. The sorrow of the world is a sorrow with regret.
Meaning, oh, I should have done that. I didn’t do that. I wish I did that.
And I, oh, this should be this but it’s not.
He says that doesn’t lead to anything that leads to death.
But then there’s a Godly sorrow that is not with any regret because you’re not dwelling on the past.
If that doesn’t do you any good, the Godly sorrow leads you to repentance and repentance leads you to life, a sorrow over sin.
But in light of God’s grace, sorrow and tears over sin, that sorrow that leads to repentance or even pain that leads to repentance.
There are good tears. You know, people seek to avoid tears. People seek to avoid pain to desensitize their heart.
The problem is when you desensitize your heart to pain, you also desensitize it to the joy of the Lord.
People seek to avoid any pain. Do they want pleasure? Want to avoid pain?
They take pills all over America. We have an epidemic of pills, tranquilizers to numb their pain.
Other people take drugs for the same reason. Other people take other people drink for the same reason.
Other people get into sexual promiscuity to try to numb their pain, to avoid tears or to numb the sorrow and you know what?
It ends up worse. It ends up with more pain and more harm.
You see this comes out but pain, we hate pain, but pain is not a bad thing.
Let me tell you why. If we didn’t have pain, we probably would be dead today.
Pain is a warning system that God put into our being. So we would stay alive.
Pain, the nerves transmit pain to tell us we’re in trouble.
There’s something going on, check it out or something’s here. Get away from it. Danger.
Think about we hate pain and yet pain is made to save our lives.
Something’s a danger to our life. It’s telling us something’s wrong. Pain is the red alert.
So we avoid it or address it or go to the doctor or give it, lift it up, have it anointed, whatever it is.
Pray the danger isn’t good, the harm isn’t good. But the pain actually is. Think about that.
Think about that, translate that if you’re feeling pain, I’m not talking about physically, even the spiritual pain or you’re having emotional pain, you’re, you know what, that’s actually a warning or something that’s there to help you.
It’s telling you that something is wrong that God wants to fix. So it’s not a bad thing.
I don’t want this. I don’t want, it’s actually telling you something, something’s not right.
You gotta get it, you gotta get, you gotta get it right. Something’s not right. Might be in your life.
Might be a sin. Might be the way you’re, you’re dealing with something, might be a situation you’re in.
But it’s say there’s a message in pain. So don’t, don’t you? There’s a redemption in it.
Look to God for the redemption.
He’s gonna use it for life and blessing in your life to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
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