The Power Of Excellence

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The Power Of Excellence

Excellence is the attention to detail that gives rise to superior performance and leads to promotion in life. From military precision to ministry presentation, it’s about excellence. You will always find that everyone seeks excellence. When you operate in excellence, doors open, and promotions follow. As Christians, God calls us to manifest Heaven on Earth, and Heaven is excellent. Be the head, not the tail.

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Excellent to me, it’s the attention to detail that gives rise to superior performance. That leads to promotion.
In life, I had to understand excellence from a military standpoint.
I had to understand 1st in basic training how to dress with Exelips.
I had to make sure my gig line was right. In other words, my buttons were right.
I had to make sure that my belt buckle was right. My shoes were shine. They wanted excellence.
Excellence is also in ministry that making sure that, uh, you may not have much but what you have, uh, you’re presenting in the best way possible.
You’ll find that everybody seeks excellence.
When you get to be so no matter who you are, no matter what background color, whatever have you, people will notice you.
It’ll give rise to superior performance, that leads you to a promotion in life.
He’s looking for us as Christians to manifest heaven on earth, and heaven is excellent.
And that’s what God said. I want you to be the head and not the tail.
That’s the story of excellence.


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