The Point of No Return – Sarah Jakes Roberts
The Point of No Return
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Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
Hey, family.
I’m P T pastor to Ray Roberts and the lead pastor of the Potter’s house at one L A and Denver.
And on behalf of my wife, Pastor Sarah and myself, we want to welcome you to our channel and to this word, I cannot wait for you to hear what God has for you in this message.
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There are a number of outreaches, a number of things, critical, necessary, things that we support and we’re able to do it because of your generosity.
So without further ado, let’s get right into this word, God bless you. I’ll see you soon.
I feel like the older I’m getting right like I feel like an old church grandmother sometimes.
But the older I get, the more I realize just how important it is to make space for worship in my life.
In the thick of some of my toughest moments, it can be hard to open up my heart for worship.
And yet then there are reminders that remind us of the beauty of being in the presence of God and who we become as we begin to see Him clearly.
My prayer is that this will be a continuation of what you already have experienced with worship that as we continue to go deeper and deeper in the word that your heart has already been cultivated and open, ready to receive this word.
I’ve been praying and I’ve been studying, I believe that God has a word just for you.
This is a prophetic word as I was praying and I was trying to wrap my mind around exactly what it is.
God wanted to activate in us tonight. He gave me a declaration that was just so clear.
It hit my spirit and my responsibility is to share it with you. And so let’s dive into the word.
I’m so excited. I’m gonna be in John 13, the new King James version.
And I’m gonna start with verse two just to set the stage a bit.
Jesus is having what we know now as the last supper and he’s here with the disciples.
Can you imagine what this moment? Feels like, can I set the stage for you?
The disciples are there eating as usual thinking that they are going to continue the work that they have been doing for almost three years, going from city to city, bringing deliverance and miracles.
And yet Jesus recognizes that it is time for him to go to the cross.
On one hand, the disciples think everything is moving as normal.
But yet Jesus has a revelation that there’s been a shift, there’s been a shift, nothing has changed on the outside, but the change is coming.
And sometimes before our outside changes, our inside must change so that we can understand how to move in the midst of the shift.
That’s somebody’s word already. You recognize that you’re standing in a shift and you’re waiting for things to shift before you change.
But I hear God saying that you’ve got to shift before the change happens so that when the change occurs, you’re already in place.
So Jesus has shifted, but the circle around him has not.
And my text begins in verse two and it says, and supper being ended, the devil having already put it into the heart of Judas is Isa Simon’s son to betray him.
Jesus knowing that the father had given all things into his hands and that he had come from God and was going to God rose from supper and laid aside his garments, took a towel and girded himself.
After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciple’s feet and to wipe them with the towel with which he was girded.
Then he came to Simon Peter and Peter said to him, Lord, are you washing my feet?
Jesus answered and said to him what I am doing.
You do not understand now, but you will know after this, I’d like to call this time together, this message, the point of no return, the point of no return.
Because something takes place in this text that changes everyone who we see here and us as a matter of fact, and this was a point of no return.
And I believe we’re standing in a moment very similar to that God, you gave me this word.
And if I’m honest, I have no clue how you’re gonna bring it forth.
And yet here I am standing in faith that you will meet me here, not just so that the words come clearly, but that the words can bring change transformation, power, breakthrough, anointing to every person who’s watching.
Father. I pray that you would open our hearts to receive this word that we would recognize the beauty of being able to be seen and to hear a word from you.
Let it get down deepen our salt, let it invade our territory.
The territory where fear was the territory where insecurity was and made it establish your kingdom.
Your kingdom come, your will be done in this word. And forever more in Jesus name.
I pray. Amen. Amen. Amen. You gotta type amen in the comments or the whole prayer didn’t happen.
Like you gotta type amen. If you can’t type it, at least say it, say it in your heart, say it with your chest.
OK? Listen, I know throughout history that there are several moments that we can consider the point of no return.
It’s interesting when we really process these moments because there is something about what is taking place that helps us to understand that things will never be the same again.
It’s crazy though because you can be in the same car, the same house have clothes that you have worn time after time again.
And yet there is a shift that has taken place that is not visible on the outside.
But you know, for sure on the inside that something has changed.
I remember where I was on September 11th 2001.
I was in a bedroom that I’d woken up in every morning in a house that I had lived in for several years.
And yet even at 13 years old, there was something about that moment that helped me to realize nothing will ever be the same again.
When my five year old saw Kamala Harris get sworn in and she said, mommy, maybe one day I can be president, not even recognizing the difference between president and vice president.
I recognize that I wasn’t just viewing history.
That she would never know a world in which a woman could not ascend to the greatest heights, the greatest office in our nation.
That was a point of no return. You remember your own point of no return.
When you got the phone call that changed everything, the car accident that shifted everything, the news that what you had thought was true about your life was actually no longer true.
I’m talking about the point of no return. That moment when you realize nothing will ever be the same.
Even when I recover, I will never go back to what was there is a point of no return that we all experienced.
I believe prophetically that we are standing in another point just like that.
Spiritually, spiritually, we’re standing in a point of no return after all.
Isn’t that what the point of no returns are that I listed just moments ago, moments when my spirit is expanded or shifted or wounded so deeply that I know things will never go back to being the way they once were a new love, a heartbreak, the point of no return.
Jesus Jesus and his disciples are standing in a point of no return right now.
And yet the disciples don’t realize it.
I wanted to study this text because as I was reading and studying, I realized that this sudden change of this moment could only happen if we stay tuned and locked into what Jesus says to Peter, it seemed rather simple for him to say, you don’t know what I’m doing now.
But you will soon understand after this.
But we have to understand who is saying it and why it is important.
Because when we look at what is taking place with the foot washing ceremony and what Jesus will soon do on the cross, it makes more sense to us who we must become when we are standing in the moments of our own shifts and transitions.
You see, because I realize that for us to be standing in a spiritual point of no return right now, this prophetic moment in our lives that there are some things that we will never go back to doing.
There are some ways of being that will no longer be accessible to us.
And if we are not careful, we will grieve or miss those moments instead of recognizing when we need to take inventory and take clues and take notes so that we can be prepared for whatever next is going to be.
I wish I could say this the way that I hear it, but I feel like God is saying that this is a moment in which you have to take notice of what you are witnessing, take notice of the strange things that are happening in your life.
Take notice of the things that don’t add up because it, God is working in the things that don’t add up.
If it adds up, then God is not in it.
But if it doesn’t add up and you’re wondering what in the world is going and I need you to lean into those moments because those are the moments where God is laying the foundation for what he’s going to do next that just set somebody free who’s watching right now because you’re trying to understand God, what’s going on in this marriage.
God, what’s going on in this business?
God, what’s going on with my purpose and my destiny, nothing is adding up and everything once added up, it all made sense and now it’s no longer making sense.
And I hear God saying, lean into that, lean into that because when you lean into that moment, you’re gonna discover me.
When it was adding up, it was comfortable. When it was adding up, it made you feel good and confident.
And I hear God saying that I had to disarm you so that you could become sensitive to what I’m doing next.
Had Jesus not assumed this posture of washing the feet of the disciples.
Then Peter would not have realized this seriousness of what’s about to take place.
I don’t know who you are. But I hear God saying I’m serious about you.
I hear God saying that all of those things that we were doing from city to city, all of those things that we were doing when you were growing up where you felt my strength and you felt my power and you felt empowered to do any and all things I hear God saying that that part was true, but this part is true too.
This is the part in which I disarm you.
This is the part in which I pull the rug from up underneath you so that you can become the rock that other people can stand on.
This is the moment in which I shift things so that I could build upon you.
I hear God saying, pay attention in the shift is shifting, is shifting, is shifting. It’s a God shift though.
This isn’t sent by the enemy. This is a God shift. This isn’t strange and crazy and unusual.
I hear God saying, stop longing for what used to be, stop trying to figure out how to do the math on your own.
And it said, put your pencil down and put your hands up because this is gonna require worship.
I hear God saying that you’re not gonna be able to think yourself out of this one.
And thank God, you won’t be able to because when God gets finished showing you his thoughts, when God gets finished showing you his way, you’re gonna thank God that it didn’t add up on your paper because God was doing math that only miracles could understand and tells Peter it won’t make sense.
Now it’ll make sense after this. It’ll make sense after this.
I don’t know what your after this moment is, but I wanna prophesy right now in the name of Jesus, that someone is watching this right now.
And I hear God saying that you are standing in an after this moment that as long as you need it to add up right now, it’ll never make sense.
But I hear God saying, wait until you see what happens after this.
Wait until you see the ministry after this. Wait until you see that woman after this.
Wait until you see that relationship after this. Wait until you see who you become after this.
The question is, can you stay connected for the after this or are you gonna long off?
Because this is too hard and this is too strange and I’ve never done this before or are you gonna dare to allow this strange thing to happen to allow the awkward thing to happen, to allow the uncomfortable thing to happen?
Peter has to sit there and do what he himself would not do for a Jew to watch the feet of another Jew of a person in in general was unheard of this act that Jesus is performing was reserved for gentile slaves.
And yet Jesus says with all the power in his hands that I’m gonna do what no one else would do because I’ve been called to do what only I could do.
You see, you’ll know you’re stepping into something different when you don’t mind doing what no one else would do because you are so confident about who you are called to be.
When you only have certain limits and restrictions on what you can and cannot do, you’re not really called yet, you’re not really confident in who you are yet because you think doing something will make you lower than who God has called you to be.
But when you’re really confident in who you are, you don’t care what you have to do along the way because you recognize I will do whatever it takes to bring the manifestation of what God has said into my life.
There is nothing too low for me. There’s nothing off limits for me.
I’ll take off what I had on and put on something a little bit more decent so that I can wash the feet of the disciples.
Because I recognize that in order for me to ascend to the highest heights that I’ve got to be willing to go down to the lowest lows, recognizing that neither one of them define me because I am defined by who God, who by who God has called me to be not by what I do to diminish my identity to what I do is to miss God’s grace on my life.
You’re more than what you do.
You are who you are in your core, your character, your integrity, how you show up in the world, how you speak and greet other people, how you treat those who can do nothing for you, what you do when you have power, tells me everything about who you are.
We’ve heard it said before that money only makes you more of who you are.
It doesn’t change who you are.
Jesus has all power in his hands and assumes a lowly state.
I wanna talk a little bit about how Jesus handles that power.
This is important because like I said, we are standing in the fulfillment of a prophecy.
Oh God, There have been very few moments that I can say of prophecy hit my spirit and literally, I felt fire on the inside of me.
You have to have had the experience for it to even make sense.
But there are moments where you know, God has just spoken a word to you about who you are or what you’re called to do about what’s gonna happen.
And you just know without a shadow of a doubt that it hit you.
Like there’s no way this person could have known what you were going through and yet they spoke a word that shifted everything in you.
We are standing in the fulfillment of that moment.
You’ve been waiting for it, you’ve been praying for it.
You’ve begun to start thinking you were crazy for holding on to it.
And yet I hear God saying that it is in this strange moment that I am creating the fulfillment of what I place down on the inside of you.
This is so important for us to recognize because this is not a celebration for Jesus standing in the fulfillment of the prophecy was not a celebration for Jesus.
We think that when we finally walk into the manifestation that we’re gonna celebrate, that we have finally arrived and yet the manifestation was so holy that Jesus found something to serve.
Even though he had power. If you’re taking notes, I want you to write this down, you’ve gotta be willing to find something to serve in the manifestation in the fulfillment of the prophecy over your life.
Serving, serving keeps you humble.
Serving, keeps you low enough to understand what’s happening on the ground level.
Oh God, I’ve got this vision in my mind and I wish I could just make it make sense.
I wish I could just like transport it into your mind so that you can see it.
But you’ve gotta get humble when you’ve been promoted because when you get humble, you’re low enough to have your ears to the ground.
So that when God gives you direction, you’ve already got your ears close enough to the ground that you understand who the word is for, how it’s gonna show up in their life and who you need to become in order to do it.
If you allow your pride to elevate you, then you’re gonna miss the very people you’ve been called to change.
But if you stay low enough to say, I gotta keep my ear to the ground, I’ve gotta be teachable.
I’ve gotta be willing to listen, I’ve got to be willing to do things that I would never do otherwise because I recognize that with this power comes responsibility, not just position.
The problem with most of us is that we want promotion that leads to position, but promotion is not about position.
Promotion is about service. And if I can’t reach who I’m called to serve, then I missed it all together.
So I have to stay low enough to make sure that I understand what moves you so that I can understand what’s hurting you.
What’s breaking you? What catches you off guard when we see Jesus washing the feet of the disciples.
What he’s saying is that I wanna be closely connected to the most intimate part of who you are and I don’t mind getting low enough to do it.
I wish that we had about 10 seconds and about two people in here because we could turn the roof up off of this place.
Thanking God for a Jesus who doesn’t mind getting low enough to wipe the dust off of our feet.
Who doesn’t mind getting low enough to say, listen for this next season for this next stage.
For this next dimension of your identity. You cannot take the dirt from who you used to be.
You can’t take the way you used to walk. You can’t take the memories of that you had before this.
You’ve got to be willing to start off with a clean slate. Oh God. Somebody’s feet need a clean slate.
Somebody needs to walk in something different. You’ve been walking in the shackles of your past.
You’ve been walking in the dirt of your history.
You’ve been walking in the hope of other people’s expectations for you.
But I hear God saying that it’s foot washing time that I’m ready to wash all of that off of you because I’m gonna do something new.
And when I do something new, I want you to be able to receive it.
Because if you can’t receive it, it’s gonna skip right over you.
But if you would dare put yourself in a position where you would allow God to do the unthinkable to do what doesn’t make sense and to trust Him in the middle of it all got you gonna was my feet.
God, you’re gonna serve me in this way.
When is the last time we had a moment of gratitude to acknowledge that God is serving you in a special way.
Don’t allow the fact that people may have more by the fact that people have so much less to make you forget what God is doing for you to stand in awe and honor at how Jesus sees.
You got me. You would allow me to experience your love.
You would come from the throne of heaven and stoop down at my feet.
God, my gratitude, my worship is not based on what I need you to do.
It’s what you’ve already done.
It’s somebody’s testimony that if God never did another thing that he’s already done more than words could express God, I thank you so much that you didn’t allow that to happen to me.
God, I thank you so much that even the things that did happen to me, you allowed to work together for my favor.
God, I thank you so much that you haven’t left me yet.
God, I thank you so much that when everyone else was losing their mind or everyone else was getting arrested, that you preserved me in the middle of it.
All God, I thank you that when I lost my mind, that you helped me to find my mind.
God, I thank you that even though I didn’t have the role model that you still made me a person of integrity and God, I thank you, you that you keep giving me vision.
God, I thank you that you keep giving me strategy. God.
I thank you that every time I open my mouth, that your words are falling out of my mouth instead of my own God.
I thank you that you’re giving me wisdom on the spot.
God, I thank you that you’re giving me patience on the spot. God.
I thank you that you’re teaching me while I’m in position that you didn’t wait until I got the knowledge before you promoted me.
But you allowed me to be promoted and gave me teaching on the spot.
What kind of God is it that we serve?
That would allow us to continue to take the innovation that feels crazy to us and apply it to our outside world and make it look like magic.
Only the God I serve could breathe on something as unkempt and unto together as I am and still say, you know what, I’m gonna make it beautiful.
If we miss how God is continuing to show up in service, then we’ll make him a genie and we’ll start saying things like what have you done for me lately?
Instead of living in the consciousness that this is not some on demand subscription faith where I keep paying and you keep showing me something new, but I recognize you’ve already paid the price and because you’ve already paid the price, what I do is I remind myself of how you’ve served me.
You got on that cross, you carried my sin, my shame, my failures on that cross with you, this joy that I have.
The world didn’t give it to me.
I know the source, Jesus want the disciples to recognize that I’m going low to serve you.
And when this becomes evident, Peter and evidently John, the evangelist John who was the author of this text takes note of it.
What I found peculiar when studying this text is that when Jesus does go to the cross and is resurrected and walks the earth and then ascends.
He never once says this is why I washed your feet.
He doesn’t bring it up again.
But there was something memorable about this moment because John writes it down.
Our Bible tells us over and over again that all the works that Jesus did couldn’t fit in any of the books of the world.
And yet there were certain moments.
That’s why the moments that we read in the Bible are so important because those these moments indicate to us something that we have to keep in our minds.
John kept this in mind because he recognized it as the point of no return.
And when Jesus it sends and never brings it back up again, I think that is because John realizes that Jesus doesn’t have to underscore or repeat what he’s already said that because it was going to make sense after this that he was counting on the disciples to be taking the type of notes that would allow them to remember the moments in which the point of no return began.
I wish I could say that the way I hear it in my mind.
But the point is that Jesus didn’t have to go back and connect the dots for them that once things played out, that they realized that this was a pivotal moment.
And what I am trying to tell you activate is that this is precisely the moment that you were standing in right now that this is a moment that is going to make sense later.
And I know you wish it can make sense now and I know you wish the math would start mapping now.
But I hear God saying that you’ve gotta hold on so that you can see what happens after this, that you’ve gotta hold on so that you can see that all along the way.
I was moving all along the way. I was building all along the way. I was growing you.
And I hear, I don’t know who you are, but I hear God saying so clearly to you and maybe to perhaps to me as well that at the end of the day, you’re standing in the awakening that you’re standing in the next dimension that you’re standing in the fulfillment.
And I hear God saying that everything that I promised you is about to come to pass.
But I need you to take notes.
I need you to remember, need you to remember what’s happening in this moment because you’re gonna have to pull from it.
Uh And if you just breeze through this, trying to survive it and get through it without any scars or wounds, then you’re gonna miss what you need to pull from.
When the strength to build makes a demand on you.
You see it’s funny that Peter is the one who is highlighted in this moment because Peter is ultimately the one who Jesus would build his church on Peter is gonna have to pull from this moment as a leader to recognize that this servant leadership, this model of servant leadership would need to be passed down for thousands and thousands and thousands of years.
But he would have to demonstrate it.
I hear God saying that right now you’re taking notes, but one day you’re gonna be the teacher.
One day you’re gonna be the model right now. You need a mentor.
But I hear God saying that I’m creating you to become someone who will have the mentees that when the course of time gets finished playing that, you’re gonna see that every moment was connected.
And that, that after this was the most important part, if I can tell you, I feel like I am standing in a moment right now and it feels like the last few months have been like this with little breaks in between.
But I keep having these things that don’t make sense happen in my life and happen in my world.
And this has been an incredible season for me, like my book woman evolve came out and we’ve been able to help and reach so many women and are continuing to reach so many women.
But on the other side and also feels like God is throwing things at me that shouldn’t happen in seasons of harvest.
How is it that I am in harvest and sowing at the same time?
And I hear God saying that just because you are in harvest, in one area, doesn’t mean that you don’t have sewing to do in another area that this, that the cycle of sowing and reaping is all different based on the different areas of your life professionally.
You may be in harvest, but personally, you may be sowing and we have to be ok with the ebbs and flows of the way that God works.
Recognizing that the promise is true that there is glory after this.
And I feel like we have become so short sighted that we miss out on these moments because we wanted to breeze past them instead of recognizing the glory connected to this moment.
When I was praying, I was asking God about you and about me, I’d be asking God about you, but I’d be asking God about me too, like send him a word.
But also if you could help me too, that would be amazing.
And I just felt like God was telling me over and over again that we’ve stepped into a new spiritual dimension that we stepped into new spiritual authority and spiritual power.
And with that authority that God’s gonna give us instructions and tools on how to use it.
But in order for us to get those instructions and tools, we cannot celebrate, we have to be sensitive.
And I believe that as you become sensitive to what God is doing, as you become sensitive to the authority that God has given you, you see because Jesus promotion in this text also means that Peter was being promoted too, but Peter didn’t know it.
That’s like a whole word unto itself.
When someone in your circle is being promoted by persecution, promoted by persecution.
Can I just take a sidebar from the side bar promotion by persecution is how it works.
And you will know that you have been promoted by persecution when you’ve got more oil than you had before.
There was something about the persecution that I experienced just last week that I realized this is how the oil is created.
You see, the enemy wants you to think that it’s just about the persecution.
But if you’ve been praying for more faith and you’ve been praying for more authority and you’ve been praying for more anointing than what you’ve actually been praying for is more persecution.
You’ve been praying for more crushing and Jesus is standing in a moment where he is about to be promoted by persecution.
And if you were standing next to someone and you’re thinking, oh my gosh, they’re just going through everything and anything and I don’t know what to do or how to support them.
I want you to understand that their promotion is your promotion too.
That God is allowing you to witness how they survive five persecution.
So that when the persecution is on you, you understand that if they can survive it, if God got them through it, then I can get through it too.
You better take note to other people’s testimonies because God’s trying to show you that that testimony is gonna be in your neighborhood one day and you’ve got all of the tools and exposure.
You need to pass the test. Peter’s being promoted and doesn’t even know it.
And I feel like that’s exactly where we are.
And I prayed that God would make us aware to who we need to become in the moments where we are being promoted without being aware of the promotion.
So here it is, here’s the number one rule.
The number one thing you have to remember about this, that the promotion by persecution that Peter is experiencing, required, that he ask Jesus a question.
I hear God saying to bring your questions, not about the outcome, not about where this is headed, not about how He’s gonna do it, but about what God is doing right now.
When is the last time you stopped praying about what the end was gonna be and instead ask God, what are you doing right now?
If you’ll never leave me, nor forsake me and I feel left and forsaken, it doesn’t mean that I’m actually left and forsaken.
It just means that I cannot see you.
So I need to understand what it is that I am seeing and how you are connected to it personally.
Uh Terra and P T P T and I were speaking about some things that were happening in our, in our lives and in the process of trying to figure out like we, first of all, like the homie, let’s be real about it.
Ok? This is my homie and we sit down like we are on an episode of Chicago P D.
We take the intel, we put it on the white board and then we start playing out motives and suspicions and outcomes and where we need to have search warrants and who we need to arrest.
And we start taking care of things.
And we did this about three or four times and we did this about three or four different ways.
And then finally, we came to this place where we realized the best thing that I can do in this moment, the most honorable thing that I can do right now is to make sure that I am the light that this dark situation needs.
I don’t have to figure out who did it or how it’s going to turn out.
The only thing I need to focus on is how I can bring my light into this moment.
Jesus, what are you doing right now so that I can understand what I need to do.
I only do what I see my father in heaven do if Jesus is doing something, he sees what God is doing on the earth.
And that aligns me with what I need to be doing. That’s the beauty of Jesus.
Jesus is only doing what God does.
We’re made in the image of God, if I’m made in the image of God, and I need to figure out what that looks like.
Then I look to Jesus, Jesus, who do I need to be in this moment?
Where are you? And what are you doing?
And how do I navigate this fracture, this separation.
Jesus pulled away from the disciples.
Let’s talk about what we have to do in these moments of transition in the moments where the fulfillment of prophecy is taking place.
Jesus pulls away, but he’s still there.
He pulls away mentally and spiritually because he recognizes that I cannot continue to be on the same wavelength as you are and do what my father in heaven has called me to do.
There are some moments where you pull away without even leaving the room and in the process of pulling away, you pull them up, your family, your friends, your spouse, your coworkers see you every day in the same household, but I’ve pulled away so I can pull you up.
I’ve pulled away because I’ve gotta go up.
You see if Jesus would have stayed down, he would have never been able to get pulled up the way he needed to be pulled up in this scenario.
And sometimes you have to be willing to pull away so that you can pull them up.
So Jesus, he pulls away. That’s what you’re gonna have to do.
You’re going to have to come to a place where you are no longer thinking like those who are around you so that you can hear clearly how God wants you to pull away so that you can pull up, clear the wavelength, clear the channel so that you can receive a direct download from Heaven.
Jesus pulls away. He’s already thinking about what he’s got ahead of him.
What he’s got to do next and then he finds something to serve.
He gets low. I’m thinking differently.
I’m, I’m not thinking about what you’re thinking about. I’m not talking about what you’re talking about.
I’m not better than you. I just had to clear the channel so that I could hear from God because I can’t miss in this season.
I gotta be holy in this season. I have to be consecrated in this season.
I’ve got to make sure that everything that God told me to do in this season can be manifested in and build.
So I’ve gotta pull away. You gotta be in relationship with people who understand that.
Just because I pulled away to God doesn’t mean I pulled away from you. I’ll be back.
I’m just gonna be different when I come back.
I’m never gonna leave you the way that you think I’m gonna leave you.
But I am gonna have moments where I need to pull away so that I can hear from God so that I can pull you up.
I believe I’m talking to some world changers, I believe I’m talking to some generational curse breakers.
And I’m telling you that if you are one of those world changers, if you are one of those people who are gonna change things for people who look like you and grew up the place that you grew up and had the experiences and past that you’ve had, then you are gonna have to become comfortable with the idea of pulling away to pull up.
I’m not pulling away to build my own them. I’m not pulling away to make my name great.
I’m not pull, pulling away because I forgot where I’ve come from.
I’m pulling away because I’m trying to figure out the strategy that I need in order to pull you up.
Because if I pull you up right now, I may drop you.
But if I get consecrated, the way that I’m supposed to be consecrated and I get low enough to serve you the way that I’m supposed to serve you, then when I come back, I’ll have enough strength to pull you up.
He pulled away, he found something to serve and he trusted that he didn’t have to explain himself in order to be effective.
If Jesus was like someone you knew not you, he would have thought that in order for me to be effective, I need to explain myself.
But Jesus was comfortable saying what I’m doing right now. You won’t understand until later.
And he had people who were wise enough to recognize that I am gonna stick around for the after this.
As long as you need to explain it before you move, then you’re gonna always be campaigning for your destiny.
But when you recognize that my destiny is not up for debate, I’m not being elected into this next position.
It’s already secured. My only responsibility is to show up as the person who can receive the oil and to allow that person to connect with those around me.
And then from that space, from that space, I don’t have to explain myself and I can still be effective.
God’s doing something in your life.
God’s doing something in my life and right now, it cannot be explained, but it will be effective at producing the glory and the purpose and the vision connected to who you are.
We know that as scripture plays out that Peter came to a place where all of this made sense.
You’re coming to that place, too delayed, denied plans changed and altered, worried, concerned, feeling inadequate, wondering if the joy will last, if the peace will maintain.
I’m telling you that every season makes sense, but sometimes it doesn’t make sense in the moment.
It makes sense after this, this moment that we’re standing in spiritually and prophetically is gonna forever change us and it’s gonna be for the better.
Can I just tell you that for a minute? Can I talk to your fears?
Can I talk to your worries and your concern.
The beauty of the point of no return is that things never go back to being the way they were.
And that sounds scary and sometimes ugly for some people.
But I’m telling you no matter what that point of no return is for you that there’s glory after this.
What does it mean for there to be glory after this?
It means that the manifestation of God’s presence is gonna be so clear that you’re gonna realize that that manifestation could not have happened without you standing in this moment.
So take heart and allow this moment to happen.
Allow it to be strange and awkward because it’s producing the ultimate plan and vision that God has.
I wanna pray for us, for you with us, with me, all of the above because I too am standing in.
And after this moment, a point of no return moment where I realized everything has shifted and changed and all I can do is trust God in the unknown.
And if you’re like me, this is not your first one and you’re tired of them.
Guess what? Me too. But that’s ok because tired doesn’t disqualify us.
We can be tired and still trust God. We can be worried and still trust God.
I know we grew up, some of us, grew up in church around religious people who act like if you trust God, you shouldn’t be worried.
And if you trust God you shouldn’t be depressed. And if you trust God, you shouldn’t have anxiety.
What I’ve come to tell you is that they can all live in the same place.
And if you just hang on to the God that you know, if you hang on to the Jesus that you have in the midst of it, all that, eventually you’ll look up and anxiety gives up.
Eventually you look up and depression had to give up because you just kept holding on to the promises of God that it’ll make sense after this.
I wanna pray for us, God.
We’re holding on to you, holding on to your promises in the midst of change, sudden change, strange change.
And yet we believe that you are still in control.
Father, I pray for my brothers and my sisters watching this message that as I was speaking, God, the true holy spirit began to fall on their hearts and that it begin to comfort them, that it be begin to reveal to them that they don’t have to have all of the answers to trust that it’ll make sense after this.
God no more than we can understand all of the complexities of mathematics.
Can we understand your ways? And yet we know that there is a path that leads to truth.
God lead us to that path, allow us to recognize it when it’s standing in front of us.
And to dare to ask the question, what are you doing now?
So that we can model what you would be doing in any given circumstance, help us to leave the way that you would leave to stand up to it, the way that you would stand up to it.
And to make sure that at the end of the day, when all is said and done that, even when we had to make tough decisions that we represented you.
Well, in the midst of it, all, God, we have no strategy outside of your plan for our lives.
We gave that up. We sacrificed it, we surrender it, we lay it down and we say build us, lead us, guide us.
Even if we have to close our eyes and be led by faith, we’ll do it because we trust that it will all make sense after this in Jesus name.
I pray. Amen. Amen. I told you it doesn’t count unless you type Amen.
At the end of the comments. Amen. Amen. Amen. Family. I love you.
I am so honored that I get to do life with you.
I thank God each and every single day that He allows me to be in the classroom with you and to share my notes about what I’m learning along the way.
I hope that this is blessed. You make sure that you share it, subscribe to our channel.
You don’t wanna miss all of the incredible things that God is doing through this house.
We love you, love you always praying for you and we will see you next time.
- Day 155 of 356 – God’s MessagesTháng 6 4, 2023