The Passover Seder 2020 | Jonathan Cahn

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The Passover Seder 2020 | Jonathan Cahn

The 2020 Biblical Passover Seder is airing on Network TV. It will be available here again Saturday 4/11 at 1pm EST. Tell your friends!

Jonathan leads the Biblical Passover Seder!

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Shalom this is jonathan cahn and you are going to partake in a prophetic experience a biblical experience something from God himself why is this night different from all other nights because tonight is the Lord’s Passover why else is this night different from all other nights because tonight for the first time in two thousand years actually three-and-a-half thousand years since the first Passover all of Israel has been commanded to stay in their houses and celebrate only with their families as it was in the original day

tonight you me most all of us have been commanded as well to stay in our houses and it’s during Passover tonight most of the world has been commanded to stay in their houses as on the first Passover so you’re gonna experience Passover in your own home with the Lord your family your loved ones now some of you are seeing this on Good Friday Eve and I want to thank Marcus and Joni lamb for having this on Daystar and for making that possible but you’re also seeing it on Passover because Good Friday is also

Passover a good Friday is when Messiah died he died on Passover so you can partake in the same way this is a holy night and this may be the first time that Passover has been celebrated in this way when much of the world must be in their houses and we’re doing it all across the world we’re broadcasting this from the sanctuary of the Jerusalem Center in Wayne New Jersey Beth Israel the congregation where we minister in services but it’s going all over now some of you may have prepared others may not have prepared but it’s okay because

you can partake of it just as well there are three ways you can partake tonight one is you can just partake in the spirit and that’s fine with no elements number two you can just partake in a basic way if you have matzah and grape juice or if you don’t have matzo a cracker that’s not leavened and something that stands for grape juice or if you’re prepared or if you can run to your kitchen and to quickly do it if you have matzo grape juice bitter herbs or horseradish a parsley or green vegetable

and salt water and you can pretty much do most of what we’re gonna do now here’s what we’re gonna do tonight as we’re watching we’re gonna experience the Passover in its biblical essence we’re not gonna focus on rabbinical traditions that came later but focus on the biblical essence and heart of it from the scriptures from the Bible as in the time of Messiah Yeshua it’s gonna be as if you were there in Egypt on that first Passover but it’s also going to be as if you were there 2,000 years ago at

the Last Supper with Messiah and Messiah is here God’s gonna move he’ll touch your heart and since Passover from that is really the communion the Lord’s Supper is really Passover we’re gonna partake in the Lord’s Supper tonight the communion so whether you’re Jewish or you’re a follower of Messiah Passover is yours it belongs to you you are saved on Passover it’s about your salvation and you may never have experienced this before but now because of what’s happening all over the world

you’re going to experience and we’re gonna do it together and you’re gonna experience it with the Jewish people as they are all over the world celebrating it and Passover goals for seven days so it’s gonna be happening no matter when you see this and also believers all over are doing it together and this isn’t simply a program or a broadcast this is the Passover and so you’re not just watching something you are part of it hopefully you ate a full meal before we begin because you’re

not gonna get filled up with horseradish but instead of a meal in the middle I’m gonna share a spiritual meal a prophetic word not long but I believe important let me give you a hint and that fathom this what is Passover the night that a plague is sweeping through the land through a land and the people of God are commanded to stay inside their houses until the plague is over and on Passover the plague passes over them so it’s amazing that this is all coming together it’s like a prophetic convergence tonight and we’re gonna pray

together tonight I’m gonna ask you to join me as we pray intercede for America and the nation’s for this plague that is passing through the lands and through the world so we’re gonna open up right now with prayer join me together as we begin this sacred night father we praise you tonight thank you for this time thank you for this day Lord and thank you for salvation we ask Lord that you minister tonight you speak to all your people across America father Lord here in New Jersey New York where Beth Israel

and around the nation and around the world for those who are joining him father and have your way and speak and touch and move in the name of Yeshua Lord and by your spirit move in the name of Yeshua Jesus our Passover I’m reading now from the book of Exodus now this day will be a memorial to you you shall celebrate it as a feast to the Lord throughout your generations you are to celebrated as a permanent or continual ordinance now I’m reading from 1st Corinthians in the New Testament for Messiah our Passover lamb has been

sacrificed therefore let us celebrate the feast with unleavened bread or matzah of sincerity and truth now what are we gonna do tonight it says we’re gonna do what it says in Luke 22 the Lord said to his disciples then came the day of the unleavened bread is a Passover on which the Passover lamb had to be sacrificed Yeshua Jesus sent Simon Simon Peter and Johanna and John saying go and make preparations for us to eat the Passover where do you want to prepare this Lord they asked he replied as you enter the city of man carrying a

jar of water will meet you follow him to the house that he enters and say to the owner of the house the rabbi asks where is the guestroom where I may eat of the Passover with my disciples he’ll show you a large upper all furnished make preparations there they left and found things just as Yeshua Jesus had said so they prepared the Passover and when the hour had come he reclined at the table and the Apostles with him and he said to them I have earnestly desired to celebrate to eat this Passover this Pesach Passover

with you before I suffer the Passover of Messiah tonight they come together from Egypt to the Last Supper – right now it’s given by God himself it’s celebrated by two peoples in the world the children of Israel the flesh-and-blood children of Israel who celebrate the redemption from Egypt but it’s also celebrated by the people of Messiah known as again communion and the Lord’s Supper and with everything all these things that God did each element is gonna have a mystery to it Passover it exists in the realm of the flesh and

blood and of the Spirit of God and in Messiah it comes together it says Messiah Jesus Yeshua is our Passover lamb so Passover is a celebration of redemption and your Redemption maybe you never did it before but if you’re saved if you’re born again you have been born again by the Passover lamb the same way as the Jewish people their day their beginning day was Passover so with you and for those of you this is a celebration of your new birth and if you’re watching now and you’re not sure that you’re born again well I pray by

the end of it you will be so we’re gonna go back now to messiahs Passover the Last Supper forget everything else and imagine you are there with him on in the middle of the month of Nisan which it is right now it’s an upper room oil lit lamp all that happening and what asurs it in is is a sound of this which is the sound of the shofar the shofar is sounded from the temple to say the Passover is beginning and so this is the sound they would have heard that night [Music] and with that sound it announced it was

time for the Passover to begin so we say come to the Upper Room and so the blessing that was said on that day and we’re gonna say the actual blessings that were said in the time of Messiah that Messiah himself said himself so if you ever imagine what it would have sounded like to hear Messiah speak these this is the blessing he would have said he said I have earnestly desired to celebrate this Passover with you and he said this in Hebrew baruch ATA adonai eloheynu melech ha’olam saffiano Vecchia manu the Higgy on who las monjas am

blessed are You Lord God King of the universe who has preserved us alive sustained us and who has brought us to this day now the Passover there are four cups and if you have already hopefully you’re ready you’ve filled up your cups when we take part of it just just partake of one fourth of it take a sip and we’re gonna have four times during the Passover and so Pat the Passover begins with the first cup of the fruit of the vine and it’s called the cup of the sanctification and so it’s the cup

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